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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1917)
WMINKMHAY, I iHC. III. IUIT IMM,V IKKil'K I'.IVKII (YHIUKn PACE THRU NOTICK OF HAl.K IN TIIK IHHTHICT CDI UT OK TJIK ' I'MTKK HTATKtt roll TIIK DI8TUKT OK OUKOO.M K, M. K.U'V it K, I'lulnilfM TUN Uuilt 1-: 1M 111 -10 HKHVICK (Oil POIIATION'. IMendaiit I'mler ami by virtue of in order of mm In entered by thn liuirhl Court of the lulled HialM for the District of Oicgoii on Ilia timi day of No vember, IKI7, In the above n 11 1 It Iftt ratine, I lie undersigned, a Master In Chancery In mill for km Id rourt, will offer for uln and sell at public aue tloii. to the highest bidder (or raah, at the liour of II o'clock i. in. on the 4th tiny of January. It IX. at the inuln entrance of the Court llouae In Josephine County, Htula of Oregon, In tba city .of (Irani I', Josephine Coiiiily. dttta of Oregnn,,.all of lha following tlnncrllird ( property, lo Bulbar with ll appurtenance thorn it n l o attached M it belonging, tuwll: All those lot, piece or parcels of land situated In lha County of Joaa phlne nml Hiutn of Oregon ami ilea ci Iliad a followa, to 11: Ther Northwest nuailcr (N'WUI in cii'iiiiiii roiirii'in ill kIiIii Thirly-slg 3 Hi ,Klve Ji) West, of Wills fllllll. of Hiwilnn Fourteen (HI In Town Mouth. Itunxa lamella Marl Tha Houthweat qtnirlar IHW) of taction Fourteen (HI In Township Thlrlv-alx 3i)l Houlh. ItaiiKn Klva (SI Wnt, or Willamette Meridian. 'Mineral Uit numbered Three (SI. KiKht INI, Tan IIUI. Kourtaan (HI and HUteen lldl; baliiK tha Kaat Hair IK'SI of tha Northeast quarter I K 4 ) and tha North Half (NH) of tha Noithcast quartar (NK4) of lha Northeaat quartar (NKUI of Ha tlim Kourtaan I HI, Townahlti Thirty-nix (S) Houth. Hanxa Klva 5 Waal, of tha Wil lamette Marldlan. Mineral lot numbered fllx (), being tha West Half IWHI of tha North i'il quurtar (N'W'4) of the Koutheasl quarter 8K) In Section Kourtaan (HI. Township Thirty alx (3l South. Itanga Klva- (5 Want, of tha Willamette Marldlan. Tha Norlheait quarter (NKV4 ) of flection Fifteen (li), III Township Thlrtv-alx (3(1) South, Kings Klva (M Weat, of tha Wllamette Marl dlan. . ' Tha Bouth Half (S'-i) or the flou'i"al quurtar (HKVi), and the 8ouW Mil If of thn South ant quarter (SW4 of Paction Flftran (li). In Town. hip Thirty-six 13) fwmth. Itange Klva (S) Want, of tha Willamette Marldlan. . Ill 1 . - I ....... I PnlM. .Nllirini lvin i, ill iit-i i-ii " ' hi eight! 1M. Thirty-two S2). Thlrty thraa (331 nnrt Thlrty-flve (351, be tng tha North Half IN) of tha Southeast quarter fSK.i of' Sec tlon Ktftaan (15). Township Thirty, alx (3(1) Smth. Ring Klva (51 Want, or thn Willamette Merldhn. !ot Klva (SI In Section Twenty- three (231 Township Tblrty-aU (36) South. Itnnva Klva l&l Went, or the Wllanii'tta Meridian. ,, , ... That part or l-ot Six (HI ilonatlbed a a tract or land on tba South Side or Hnvun River (laacrlbed an followa Hednnlng One (1) mil Knat of the Nortbwaat corner of l.ot Fix ll In Section Twenty. three (23), Tnwn alilp Thlrty.ix (3rt Bunt h. Unttxe Klva (.i I Waat, in Jonep:nne ounty. OreKon. at a point at the thread or center line or the Homie Hlver ntream: belnx counted at low water mark and running from thanra South Fifteen (l.'il rnda, and from thence Kaat Saventy-nlne (79) roda. and from thence North to thn thread ; Mid II u a River atream, a dls tVfcice of about Fifteen (15) roda. und from thence Went Blong the thread of aald atream a dlatnnce or about Seventy-nine (79) roda to the place or bekinnlim; AIho, hexlnnlnx at tha Sotitheaat corner or the above dnwrlbrd nnd boiiuded lund and runnlnx from thence South to the Country Roud a dlatance of about Hlxhty (80) or Ninety 90) roda, running from thence on aald Coun try Road Went One (t) rod- run nlnx thence North Elxhty (80) or Ninety (90) roda or , thereahouta thence Eaat One ( 1 ) rod to place of beginning. Said above deacrlbed trarta of Und contain fClxht and Six tentha (S.6) acrea. more or leaa, all or which lie In Joaephlne County. State or Orexon. Ixita numbered One (1) and Two (2) and Three (31, In Section Twenty-two (22), In Townahlp Thlrty-alx (36) South, Range Five r (5) Weat, or the Wlllametto Men ' illnn. The Northeast qunrtir (NE14) or tlife gmitheHHt quarter (SKU) ot Section Fourteen (14), Townahlu Thlrtv-alx (3(1) South. Runxe Five .4(5) Woat, or the Willamette Merl dlan. The Southeast quarter P12'4 or the North went quarter (NW4) of the Boiithcant nnarter (SK) i Section Fourteen (14), TowiiHhlp Thlrty-alx. (30) South, Rniixo Five (5) Went, of the wiiiwuvt9 Men dlan. All thoae Iota, pieces m pim-ele of land altuated In thn Wtnty it Jncx aon nnd State or Oro.qoi! and do crlbfld aa rollowa. tow: Lot numbered On d' r Section i Seventeen (17), In Tjw.whlu Thirty ' alx (36) South "f Ui un Tureo t" West. In the Dlntrkt it l.tmls anb- Jort to Bnlea at ROHeburx. Orexon, and containing Seventeen and cony Ave Hundredtha (17.45) acrea, and All or Lota numbered Six (6) and Riant (S) rn Se!tlon Fifteen (15), Townahlu Thlrty-nlx (36) Sotithj of Rnnge Three (3) Weat. of the Wil lamette Meridian. Also all or lxt numbered Seven (7) In Bald Sec tion, Townahlp and Rnne, except about Two (2) acrea, deacrlbed aa followa: neglnnlnx at a point where thn South line of anld Iot Seven (7) Internets the weat lino or the , Rogue River Mllla Ditch and run nlnn thence West about One Hun dred and Sixty (100) reet to the East boundary or the County Road thence Northward along laid Rond .Thlrty-rjve (35) roda, thence Eaat about One llundrad and Hlxty 11601 feet to the weat line of aald nltrn. thence along the line of aald ditch in the place of ruliinlus. A Inn tifgliiiilnx at the point where the North line of lha Houiliweat; quarter or tha Hunt quurlur ot; aald Haclloll Klftnn 115) liilcrctn low water Una on lha Weal aide oft Rogue Ither, iheuce Went Tan IIUI halna to tba County Hoad, theme Mouth Twenty (20) ileref,. Kant Twenty (20) rhalna and Five (il link lo a point on tha Houth Una of lha aald Had Ion Forty-one 1411 rhalna Kaat of Ita Huuthweal corner. thence Houth Hevanleen 117) de arer a, Weat One and Forty-One One Hundredtha (1.411 rhuliia lo tune, ihnre Houth Kifty-two and Three Kourtha 5J) dnitreea, Kaat One and Ninety One Hundredth 11.90) chain to Rogue River, thence along tha watnr'a rdgn up at ream to thn place of beginning, containing Onn llunured and Forty 1140) acrea, Klghly-eUht One Hun dredtha 1.88) acrea of aald lut dea crlbed tract beginning In Section Twenty-two (231, Townahlp and Ranaa aforenalil. All thoae lota, placea or parcela of land altualnit In tha County itt Jo- aaphltin and Hlaln or Oiexon and daacrlbad aa followi, ti-wlt: Houth Hair (H'-i) or tha North- anal Quarter INK1,), and Northeaat Quarter ( NK V ) or tha Northeaat Quarter (NK1), Section Twenty alx (36) In Townahlp Thlrty-alx (86) Koiith, Range Six (6) Want, of the Willamette Meridian. All Iota and fraction or lot In Work Thirty-one 131), Thirty-four 134). Thirty-five (35). and Thlrty- alx (36), South of Pacific Highway. South (Irani I'aaa To nulla, Joe- phlne County, Oregon. Hontheaat Quartar (SKI or Northeaat Quarter NK4 and lot Fight (8) and Nine (9) In Hectlon Twenty-one (21). Townahlp Thlrty alx (36) South. Range Six (6) Went, lea Five and fifty-hundredth (5.50) acrea conveyed to H. M. Stringer by deed recorded In Rook 22, page 557, Deed Record of Joae phlne County: also lot Two (2) and the Bouth Hair (RW) or the Nor th reat Quarter (NWI4) or Section Twenty-two (12), Townahlp Thirty- alx (36) South, Range (fix (6) Weat. containing One llundrad Ninety and Klevan Hundredth (190.111 acre, more or lea. And the tra-t or land deacrlbed a Resinning Thlrty-rnur hundredth (.14) chalna North or the Southwest corner or Section Sixteen (161, Townahlp Thlrty-alx (36) South, Range Five (5) Weat or Willamette Meridian: running thence Twenty one and Kortv-one hundredtha (21.41) chain North: thence Raat Twenty-eight (28) chalna; thence South Twenty-one and Seventy-live hundredtha' (21.75) chain, thence weat Twenty-aeven and Fifteen hun dredtha (27.15) chain: thence Northwesterly to place of beginning, containing Sixty-one (61) acrea; al so atrip running from said tract up to "It" Street and dedicated at "IV Street with tho Tokay llelghta tracta, deacrlbed aa followa: Com mencing at a point Twenty-one and Seventy-five hundredtha' (21.75) rhalna North or tha Bouthweat cor ner or Se-tlnn Sixteen (16); thence North Seventeen and five hundredths (17.05) chalna: thence Fast Twenty five hundredtha (.25) chnlna; thence S'liith Seventeen and five hundredtha (17.05) chains; thence West Twenty-five hundredtha (.25) chnlna to place of beginning, for purunaea or road. And the tract or land deacrlbed a: Southwest Quarter (SWVi) r Se'tlon Twenty-two (22). Township Thlrty-alx (36) South. Range Six () Weat or Willamette Meridian, containing One Hundred and Sixty (ISO) acrea. North Half (Nfc) or the North west Quarter (NWVi) and -the Northwest Quarter ,(NWV) or the Northeaat Quarter (SEM , Section Twnnty-alx (28). Townahlp Thlrty alx (36) South, Range Six (6) Weat or Willamette Meridian, containing One Hundred and Twenty (120) acre. ,...:!' . All that part or Townslte or South Grant Pass located In Section Twenty (20), Township Thlrty-alx (36) South, Range Five (5) West, a some la platted and or record Id the office of the County Clerk or Jo sephine County, lying East or Eighth Street, and all that part' South of Fifth Avtnue and Terrance Avenue East and West or Eighth Street and also that part lying Weat and North or the right of way of the California and Oregon Coast Railroad Com pany, subject to the lease heretofore executed to Schell A 8che.ll, recorded In the office of the County Clerk or Josephine County, In Volume 37 of the Deed Record at page 694 and 595, containing approximately One Hundred (100) acrea, more or less, or approximately Five Hundred and Fifty (550) lot.. The Southwest Quarter (8W) or the Northeast Quarter (NEH). and the North Hair (NV&i or the Southeast Quarter (SI.U) or Sec tion Twenty-two (22), Townahlp Thirty-six (36) South, Range Six (6) West, containing One Hundred and Twenty (120) acres, more or less. Lota Three (3) and Four (4) In Section Twenty-one (21), Township Thirty-six (36)' South, Range Five (5) West. Willamette Meridian, con talnlng Firty-one and Firteen hun dredths (51.15) acres, more or less; also two (2) rrnctlonnl lota or par cels of land, the one ndjolnlnff on the West, and the other on the North, or the old "Woirolk" brick yard, also adjoining the O. & C. R. R. right or way, said tracta contain ing Seven and Seventy-five hun dredth (7.75) acres, more o- lesn. t ot One (1) In Section Twentv (20), . Townahlti Thlrtv-alx (3(1.) South. Range Five (5) West, of the Willamette Merld.'nn. . contain'"? Flftv ftid Twentv-'five hundredth? fr.n.aR) "crer; n'o thnt n--t'"-nf r.rt Two (2)' In rn!d Po-"-Tven,..yt20). Town-hl'i Tr'r,,-t!x 116) Houth, Rang Five (J) WettJ of Ilia Willamette Marldlan, lying, Kaat or a line drawn from a point, on the North line of aald lot, Two Hundred and Klfty-alx (256) feet Waal of the Northwest corner of aald Lot One (I), and Ten lliin- U ed Nlnly-two and Heven-tutha (1091.7) feet -ant of the North west corner of aald J.ot Two il), thunre Houth to Rogue Kivnr, ron-j lulnlng Hlx and Flfty-bundredtha (6.5U) acre, more or In. iAII that uart of Lot Four (4) ol Hectlon Twenty-two (li). Township Thlrty-alx 1161 Bouth, Range Kite lul Went, nf Ihe Wlllnmnttn Meri dian, deacrlbed aa followa: Hegln nlng at the Northeast (NK) corner or aald J.ol Four 141, t hence Weal Two and Nine-tenth 12.9) chain; thnm-e South to the Rogue Hlver;. thence Easterly along aald river to; the Hoiithaaat corner nf aald lot; thanra North to Ihe place of begin ning; las Two and Klgbt-tenib I2.H) acre heretofore conveyed for, railroad right of way. , ! (iolden Drift Dam, which I a con-; rrete and wood dam arroaa Rogue, River, with gales, waste gutea, rof ferdnni and equipment, the abut ments or auld dinn being on property or lha Company described a l-ots' Five (5) and Hlx 16), Hectlon Twenty-three 1231, TownahlpThlrty- six (36) Houth. Range Five (51 West of Ilia Willamette Meridian ' Josephine County, Oregon. Also concrete wing dam on North side of Rogue River Kaat or Oold Hill, Oregon, with, concrete head gatea, waste galea and canal three- eight ot mile In length lending from the dam to power house, aald dam abutting on property of the. Company dearrlbed aa txit Eight ' (8). Sertlon Klfteen (15). Township Thlrty-alx 136) South, Range Three (1) West or Willamette Meridian Jackson County, Oregon. Also power house and equipment with pole line about one-half milt In length leading from power bouse to city limits of (iolil Hill and coir nectlng with a distributing system.; consisting or poles, wires, rross arm, bracket and under ground conduits In and about the City of Gold Hill. Oregon. Also a Warehouse situated on railroad ground in the Town of (old Hill, Oregon. All the building, structures. erect Ion and constructions now on any of the above described or referred to real estate, or In or on any part thereof, with their fixtures and ap purtenance or every kind and des cription whatsoever. All Irrigation rami and systems and all main and subsidiary canals and lateral of such Irrigation sys tem or systems of the Rogue River Public Service Corporation already constructed, and all extensions, en largements. Improvements and bet terment, to such Irrigation canals and Irrigation systems, together with all right of way and easement, and reservation used tor or In connect ion with the Irrigation systems and Irrigation canal ot aald Rogue River Public Service Corporation; all waters, water rights, water tilings, water permit and appropriations of water; and all dams, reservoirs, canals, ditches, laterals, headgate. Intakes, spill ways, bridges, lock and flume belonging or appertain ing to the irrigation systems and canals and flitches now owned by said Rogue River Public Service Cor poration, and whnreaoever eltuited all rights, privileges and power ac quired by construction and opera tion, under any and all rater rights and appropriation of ,i?i'r from thn Hog in River nnrt iU tributaries, and all rlghta, rrlvllcioi i.i:c ptwir acquired In tm wll'l r fri'tiM to the taking or furili,) if ner for or to aii.v r,t tli-i lam's he Rogue River Public Service Corpora tion however or whenever acquired or with reference to the taking and furnishing of water to any other landa whatsoever. All the dam, dam-sites, welra, canal, racea, gate, pipes, conduits, sluices, embankments, controlling device, spill ways, watera, water power, water riling, water rights, dam right, riowage rights, hydrau lic machinery, wheel and pen stock, and pumps, pumping station house and privileges, pipe line, power llnea, transmission lines and alao al steam plants, engines, boil er, dynamo, generator, switch board, wire, cable, towers, poles, transformers, power stations, meters, shafting, belting, ropes, pulleys, con veyors, service connections, and all other equipment, appliances and ap purtenances for the generation ,nd distribution of electrical current for all purposes, belonging . to Rogue River Public Service Corporation. Also all easements, rights, powers, privilege, franchises, licenses, rights of way, permits, Immunities and conresalons of the aald Rogue River Public Service Corporation, whether granted by virtue of Its charter or by legislative act, or by virtue of the acta, resolutions, con cessions, ordinances, contracts or grants of . any municipality, county, parish or other political subdivision, or of any private person or body corporate, or otherwise, howsoever conferred, now owned by said Rogue River Publlq Service Corporation, and all the rights and equities ac crued or to accrue thereunder; also all the rights, privileges, Immuni ties nnd licenses of said Rogue River Public Service Corporation, over, In, upon, along, under, through or across the ronds, streets, alleys, bridges, streams or waters and pub lic places of the State of Oregon, or other state of the I'nlted States of America, and or any political sub division In which the property or the Company, or any part thereon may be altuated or In which tho Company may be entitled to operate. AH enrjlnes, pumps, , machinery, anpllances, tools, equipment, sup pl'ns, horses, mules, wagon, com missary stores, engineering records, constructing machinery, office rurnl ture, and fixtures, and all other per sonal property of whatsoever natu'e or description now owned by laid Rogue Hlver Public Service Corpora tion, mad or to be used by It In tha operation of any Irrigation system or hydro-elurtrlcal lyitem now own ed by aald Company. Nine Hundred and Ninety-live 1995) shares, of the par value of One llundrad (f 100.00) Dollar a each, or Ihe capital stock of The Rogue Hlver land and Investment Company, a corporation organized under aud by virtue of the lawi of the Htate of Oregon, and being all ot the capital slock or aald Company, except the Five 111 shares tneieof constituting tba qualifying ahares of the Itlrmtors of said Company. All contrails (or water to be de livered from tha Company's water supply to specific tracta of lund and the anciir..le for Ihe purrhaite price of inch water; all the Income, reve nue, contributions, receipts, rent, returns, contracts, leases, claims, ac count, deiiiunda, choses In action, book of account and contract rights of till and every kind or kind be longing to the Company and all oth er property or every kind and. des cription, real, personal and mixed, or the Company, wheresoever the same may be situate and not here inbefore spe-lfled or referred to, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing, or In any wise appertaining, and thn reversion and reversions, re mainder and remainders, rents, Is sue and profile thereof. Said sale will be at public auction and for cash. No bid will be recei ved or accepted by aald Master In Chancery for a sum less than 120, 000 for all of the corporate prop erty and assets of aald corporation. I The Court reserve full, power, au thority and discretion to reject any bid which In the Judgement of the Court Is aubject to jul obJe:tlon. Any party to the above entitled cause, or any bolder or any or the claim against said corporations, or either or them, or any agent rep resenting them or either or them, may be and become a purchaser at said sale, and (he above described property may be inspected by Intend ing bidders, subject to such reason able regulation a the Receiver herein may prescribe. The purcha ser shall, a part ol the consider ation for said sale and In addition to the price bid, assume and perform all contract made by the Receiver In tbi cause which shall be in force at the time of this sale and whIMi, by the order of the District Court or the t'nlted States for the Dist rict of Oregon heretofore entered, shall hive been made binding upon any purchaser ot the aforesaid prop erly; and by nuking bis bid and the subsequent confirmation thereof by the said Court, the purchaser shall be deemed to have assumed to carry out the provision of said contract. The (foresaid property will be old aubject to the lien created by that certain trust deed and mort gage made, executed and delivered by the Golden Drift Mining Company on or about the nt day of Septem ber, 1905, to the State Hank of Chicago, given to secure bond of said Golden Drift Mining Company aggregating approximately $ 165.000 and those certain Receivers' certifi cate aggregating approximately $41,767.07. heretofore Issued out of that certain cause pending in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Josephine, where in William Zimmerman and others were plaintiffs, and the Golden Drift Mining Company and others were defendants, one order dated the 30th of November, 19J0, authorizing the Issuance or $40,000 or said certifi cates, and another order dated the 25th day or March. 1911. author izing the Issuance or $1767.07 or aald Receivers' certificates: and also subject to the lien ot that certain deed of trust and mortgage made. executed and delivered on or about the 11th day of March. 1914, by the Rogue River Public Service Corpora tion to the Fort Dearborn Trust and Savings Bank or Chicago, Illinois. given to secure a bond issue of said Rogue River Public Service Corpora tlon aggregating $380,450; but said property so sold . shall be rree from all other liens held by any claim ants against said properties or any of the assets hereinbefore described, save and except tax liens in favor of the State of Oregon. I'pon the confirmation of the sale and the payment In full ot the pur chase price, and upon compliance with all the terma of the sale, the Master In Chancery will make, exe cute and deliver to the purchaser, his successor or assigns, In forms to be approved by the above entitled Court or a Judge thereof, the proper Instrument or Instruments of con veyance, assignment and transfer of the property so sold, and upon the delivery of said Instrument or In struments the grantee therein, his successors or assigns, will be let into the possession of the property o sold and conveyed. Including all not income, bills and accounts receiv able, and all other property acquired between the date of the sale and the date of the execution and delivery or the deeds or Instmments or con veyance; and the Receivers In said cause and any party to said cause who may be in possession or any or said property so sold, or any part thereor, shall deliver up possession or the same to said purchaser, and ir said possession Is refused writ o assistance will , issue out of thin Court In aid of said possession, and upon the delivery of said Instrument or Instruments of conveyance tbe Rogue River Public Service Corpor ation and the Rogue River T.and and Investment Company, and their Re ceivers In the above entitled cance. aa further assurance to the uurch asrr will mnlte, execute and deliver to the purchaser, his successor rr assigns, In form to be approved b'--the Court or a Judge thereof, nroj'cr Instrument or Instruments of con veyance, assignment and transfer of the property so sold, and all such other Instruments a the Court may deem proper tor a further assurance or to establish or perfect the title of the purchaser to the property o told. For further particulara with re ference to tha property to be sold and with reference to tha term and conditions of sale, reference Is made to ald order, a copy of which may be found on inqnlry at the office of the clerk of the I'nlted State Dis trict Court for the DUtrlct of Ore gon, or on application to tha under signed Maater la Chancery. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 3rd day of Dei-ember, 1917. ROI1EHT F. MAOriHE. Master In Chancery. Title and Trust Building. Portland, Oregon. HOW TO USE COAL PROPERLY Hauae Should Not Br AUowtd to Be come So Warm That Door and Windows Art Opened. If yon want to save coal never al low the house to get so hot that you have to throw om-h the windows and door. Thermostats are cheap theae daya. They automatically alow down the fire when the temperature la fin ing to the uncinifoitiible point. To get the most out of the heat In Coal, tbe house air should lie changed once an hour. Arrangement tor such a change abonld have been mndn when the house was built. Rut If that was overlooked when the house was built yon can get the change of air In sev eral waya, aaya a writer In the Ameri can Magazine. I do not believe In get ting thl result by having loose win dow, as we used to do on the furtn. I prefer tight windows, carefully weather-stripped. If thnt hna not tx-eu arranged for, or If the cost Is ton great, I find that st'nrui windows nr. reiutlvely rheiip. Then, nlr slot which let In ulr when you wnnt It are bimmI. CHICHESTER S PILLS V TIIK UIAMO'D HBUNK. I ABU f mmr wrmmmttt Urn a PlIU la IU4 M4 Umk4 MtuuAV Kiiis. tolfel ia hla U,unm,f T M kr. Br tTmr V (noH WW iim io.Trr -ijiawi- n k 1 1 1, riLlAMII ytm hum M bnt. htlex. Alay ItflM SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE -Our Guarantec- Your grocer will refund ihe full price you paid for MJB if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of ihe can Children Play Outdoors All Winter in Sunny Southern California Take the family down there and let them enjoy the delightful, health giving climate. All of Southern California is a win ter resort. There are many, many places to go. Six months' round-trip tickets with stopover privileges will enable you to visit all of these resorts. ': 4 THA1XS A HAY FROM IDKTliANI) For sleeping car reservations, tickets and information inquire at any S. P. agency or : John M. Scott , General Passenger 'Agent Portland, Oregon - Southern Pain Here to I message to luricrin women, from Mrs. Kiithrvn lid ward. ofK.F. D.4. Washineloi ro Court House. Ohio. "1 am flad lo UU, and have told manv women, what 1 suffered belore I knew of Cardui and the great o benefit to be derived from this remedy. A lew o vcaiiai'oi I became tically helpless . . . TAKE i Tits Woman's Tcr.!c "I was very weak Mrs. Cowards eoes on to say, "and could not stooo without mrfering great pain . . . Nothing seeined to help me until I beard of Cardui and be gan the use of it ... I gradually gained my strength . . . 1 am now able io do all my work." If you need a tonic take Cardui. It Is for women. It acts gently and reliably and will probably help juu aa u ncipca wis iaay. Drag-gists The Janitors Won't Kick. "I am iifrald of thl daylight sav ing plan." "Wbyr i'.ocunse they won't stop" with set ting the clocks ahead; they will be monkeying with tbe thermometer next. Wbul will we do If tbey put 70 degrees down to 00 degrees in the inter timer The Luiiib. Y 1 AO Druggists I J Coffee Youcanbuy Ash your grocer Pacific Lines