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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1917)
DAILY EDITION . . vou viii., No. ni. Q HANTS PAW. JOHEPHI.tfB OOUJITY. ORKGOK. Tl'EHDAV, DM KMItKK IN, IVI7 WHOLE Nl'MllCH 82341. PROHIBITION SUBMITTED TO 1 SEVERAL STATES " Congress Gives States Seven Years to Ratify Amendment. When Two-Thirds Yote Favorably, Liquor Traffic in This Nation Will Be Ended Forever Washington, Her. IvTlio rontl t u I loit ul amendment (or ' national proMliitlon ha finally been Ntihmll led lo the states for ratification or rejn Hun within ven year. The senate completed congressional nc t Ion by accepting the lesolutlon whirl) the house had previously ts. il, without a roll rail. The vote stood 47 to 8. Wellington, Iee. IK, Nation, wide irolilliltlon won In I ho house yesterday aud only the nd Jiimi mnt of h slight dlfTeren In resolutions between the house ami senate now hUimIh In the wiiy of iilitnlttlng to Kill legislator nn amendment to thu f Jorul rmistlutlnii forbidding the manufacture, sale or Importa tion of Intoxicating liquor for bev erage purpose In lha i'nlled States or It territories. t The void In lha limine, token after a day of debate before crowded gal lorle. wo 212 to 12. with I lie par ti dividing almost evenly. The murgln for prohibition wai EARL GREY'S NEPHEW IS Anmterdum, lie. S. A dispatch from Kiel nyi Hint among the Ilrlt Ish prisoner tiikcti lii tlio rold by (ha German on tho rnuvoy In the North hp wore 10 wounded men, In cluding 1lniitnnnnt Grey, a nephew of Viscount Grey, former llrltlah for eign ecretary. Lieutenant drey wos nlinnrd the destroyer I'artrldgo and wn wounded hy a shell splinter. OVER THE HOLIDAYS Washington, Dec. IS. Congress adjourned thl afternoon for over the holiday, reconvening January 3. An unusual, perhaps unpruecdent cd record of accomplishments for the pre-Yulotldo period has hern mode by both houses, Including: Tho declaration of wor against Austria-Hungary. ' InaiiKurMtlon of sweeping I lives II Kntlon, without opposition, Into var ious phases of the administration's eondurt or tho war. Piimow of the Webb export bill, urged by the pretddont. 1 Adoption of tho senote of a reso liitlon suspending purl of tho nntl tniRt law for the benefit of tho rail road. ' Passage by the ennte of tlie, Shields general dnm hill, followed ; hy Immedlute consideration of the mineral land loaning bill, both Im portant measure toward carrying out the program of unlocking the 'nation's nnturul resource. TO KEEP AT i ' WoHhlngton, Dec. 18. Owing to ?ihe prospect of a continued and pos- nlhly accentuated coal famine, the iMol admlnlgtrotor ha requested the 'mine of the country to keep up their work during the holiday season except for Christmas day and New 'Year day. Heretofore It has been ithe custom to take three day off 'during each; of the two weeks. One day's Idleness In the mines cut the production about two million tons. J H Ht right vote more lliun the heirs nary two-thirds and the Membership of the house riiiuliiil fur adoption and 2 it mure than I .wi thirds of thiixe voting. Kveiy attempt to put nil amend incut In except 1 1 ic ti t wine and beer was beaten, mill III democratii Ntond aligned lth 137. republican sod four Independent to win the final victory for tho prohibition!! force. While the house wa debating, a resolution by Senator llrandeuee providing a general and new plan for submission of constitutional amendment wa favorably reported hy the senate Judiciary committee It provide that all amendments nhall be acted upon within eight tear after submission and, Instead of acting a at present by state leg Islattires, that amendment shall be submitted to vote of I he state elec tors. The prohibition amendment probably will be submitted before the HrundcKoo resolution pause and, therefore, will not he affected hy It. TRY TO DYNAMITE " GOVERNOR'S HOME Sucriiinento, Dec. IK. A powerful explosion lit midnight tore a laige hole In tho foundation of the execu tive mansion almost directly tinder where Governor and Mr. William l. Stephen were asleep, The police be lieve that five pounds or more of dynamite was thrown or placed nt the point. The watchman was In the basement. No one was hurt. 8o far there have been no arrests and the police admit that there are very few clues. Neighboring hon-es were somewhat damaged by the con cussion. The governor had Just returned from making patriotic speeches In southern California. XI nsK IS Atl'ITTKIi 1H Ml KllCK CASK Dedham, Ma., Doc' IS. Mis Harriet A. Varney, a nuro of Weal Upton, was found not guilty of the murder of Mr. Paulino Keyes, the ten-month' brldo of Ooo. H. Koyes a Itostnn real estate mun, by a Jury in tho Norfolk county suporlor court here early today. WITH DRAFT BLANKS I'oitland, Doc. 18. Word receiv ed hore from several soolluns of the stato Indicate that registrants 'are having consliloralile trouble in flll hlg out their questionnaires. They are earnestly advised to consult with members of the advisory boards be fore attempting to till In the blanks. , Assistant United Status Attorney Goldstein today again warned regls luintH ngulnst distorting any facts even to a slight extent In tnaklug out their question galre. "Rigid prosecution will bo made of anyone who has attempted to ob tain a deferred classification by an swers that may be bofuddllng to the local boards," suld Goldstein. Questionnaires were mailed .Tues day, Docember ISth to the following named registrants, o,rder numbers f0 to 88 both inclusive! . '' Rulphaol S. .loonnrd, Harry Orr. , Bnnia Robinson. Roy Frederick McFnrlln. , (Continued on l'uge 4) TEUTONS ARE IK FOR i PEACE ( TIMK IS lli:i(i UHT UVT 'llU HKAl, TltKATV AtJltK.i l ih)N' KEREHSKY AGAIN HEARD FROM r:-rr. inler Suld lo lie .Scaring I VI rogrnil nl I lend of Iah Troop. lUdMlievlkl I'Imii Allurli , Copenhagen, Pec. IX. In a report that Kerensky, suppoited by some thousands of troops, has appeared near Petrograd, I contained In a dispatch from Sweden. The Holshe vlkl are said lo have sent troops against him. London, Dec. 18. Germany and Austro-Htingary will apparently lose no time In bringing a so,.arate pesie with the linsslans. Dr. von Kiiehlmann, the German foteln sec retary, Count Cxnrnln, the Austrian foreign minister will arrive at It rest l.ltnvsk today to begin negotiations tor rfTe'-tlng a permanent peace treaty. Ilulgarla and Turkey have aim Joined the negotiation. I.eon Trotzky "has notified the al lied embasales, asking them to par ticipate or to state whether (hey want peace, An Informal conference of allied diplomat h:is resulted In no decision. I'nlrograd, Sunday, Dec. IB. The commlssnry of foreign affair ha notified the foreign embassies that they must vise the passport of Dol- shevlkl couriers or that similar cour tesy will be refusod them. The notification soy the govern ment considers the question of re cognition purely formal and thnt It does not core about It In the least. but that foreign government must realize thnt the Bolshevlkl consti tute the de facto government and must extend tho right for its couriers to travel abroad. Copenhagen, Dec. 17. In spite of reports of a new forthcoming pen c offer hy tho kaiser and the hopes of a separate peace with Russia held out by the German government, ad vices from German sources today were tinged with pessimism.' I'rince Max of Oadon was quoted as saying In an address that "the German sword can never win until assisted by a spiritual force." .The (Ionium nation was warned by the Daden statesman thnt it must change Its attitude, as to might unsupported by conscience. Another telegram qitotod the lo- kal Anzelger a saying that the war will continue Into IMS, but adding that the German people now desire conciliation. TWO MKXIC AXS CURAT (JAMXHVS ItV HriClDK Gallup, N. W Dec' 18. Maria Cuevus and Sllvarlo Sllva, sentenced to hang next Friday for murdor, committed suicide In the county jail here today by hanging themselves. E Washington, Dec. 18. Provost- Marshal General Crowder today Is sued to governors new rules under which men of draft age may Join tho colors at their own request. White men only will he accepted and tuny enlist only in .the Infantry, signal corps, medical corps and quarter master's department.- 8itpply condi tions are such, General Crowder said that no men can be accepted In the coast artillery, field artillery, cav alry or engineers corps. Fill; CANADA VOTES FOR BORDEN'S WAR PROGRAM 0HCItll'TIOXIST WIN lKC. KIVK VMTOIIV IX M.KITIOX V IUISH TIIK HOIiDKIt FRENCH STAND BEHIND LAURIER Itiil y.ny llrltlsli Hcrlio) of M:inlo l.n Voliit Almost Holldly for Coin iulN4iry Army Hrrvlrr Ottawa, Out., Dec. 18 The 'Colon government hn been returned and conscription confirmed by thu Can adlan domestic vote. The vote has been very heavy everywhere and the majorities arc ery large. The soldier vote, which a 111 not be ascertained for some days will increase the already heavy ma Jorltles of government member and will probably Increase the number of government supporters elected. Ottawa, Dec. 18. The Kngllsh speaking sections of Canada voted heavily In favor of conscription; the French and German speaking pnr tlons voted against. Sir Robert Dor- den will be re-elected beyond a doubt. Returns at 12: IS a. m. follows: I'nlon government, 133; opposl (Ion, 91; deferred, 4: Incomplete or not heard from, one in Ontario three In Hrltlsh Columbia and three In Alberta. Washington, Dec. 18. An Inves tigation by the senate's Interstate commerco committee of the recom mendations made, by the interstate commerce commission for solving the railroad transportation difficul ties, was ordered today by the sen ate on motion of Senator Cummins. The committee will hold Its meet ings during the holiday recess. VAST TRADE BALANCE FOR UNITED STATES Washington, Dec. 18. America's ascendancy to financial supremacy in. the world In the brief space of three years, gives every promise of continuing after peace conies, ac cording to the annual report of the bureau of foreign and domestic com merce. "it Is probable thai the demand by European countries," the report says, "especially Russia, France and Dolglum, for building material: ma chinery, railway equipment and oth er construction and reconstruction material will be larger than (Turing the war. Much of our new business in South and Central American, Aus tralia, and the Far East, as well as in Africa, is expected to be perma nent, especially in view of our in creased purchases of raw materials and foodstuffs from these countries." Since 1914 the flow of gold has been steadily toward the United States In payment for this country's goods, until one-third of the world's visible supply of gold Is held here. Net Imports of gold have amounted tit three years to $1,115,000,000 and in addition millions of dollars worth of American securities held abroad have been returned here In exchange for merchandise. Millions also have been invested in foreign securities and government loans and the Unit ed State has made lonns to the al lied governments amounting to"$2,- 250,000.000 to the close of the fis cal year 1917. "Three years ago the suggestion that the United States would soon (Continued on page 4.) ' DARING RAID BY ITALIANS INTO BAY OF TRIESTE TWO AI HTKIAX ' limXKMiri'S TOKI'KIMtKli III VALIANT LIT-Tl-K ITAIJAX KHSKI.S SURPRISE NIGHT ATTACK WINS ClilliiiK ('utiles, Dodging .Ml lien, I Una 'rat Into Very Voter of KoMlfll llarlxir llt-foro Firing Washington, Dec. 18. One of thr most daring und successful naval raid of the war waa successfully carried out Sunday night, Decem ber 9, and only today communicat ed to this country, in a dispatch re ceived by the Italian embassy here. Two Austrian battleships were pedoed and one was seen to sink. A division of torpedo bouts un der Captain rignattl assigned to the task and the capital selecttnl Lieutenant-Commander Rizzo with two boats to maRe the dash Into the har bor, while the remainder qf the di vision kept outside In support. Mine fields and other obstructions were located and two hours were spent cutting eight largo wire tables stretched across the passage. Other obstructions were weighted and and sunk sufficiently to permit the boats to pass over them. During ail this time Austrian out posts were very near and search lights were being played on the open but In spite of this the torpedo boats succeeded In entering the Inner port without being sighted. Two Austrian battleships were discovered at an chor at the further end of the har bor near Point Sabba. At 2:30 a. m., Monday, the two torpedo boats simultaneously fired four torpedoes aimed at the battle ships. All four torpedoes exploded. Rizzo reported that the battleship Wlen, nearest the attacking vessels, was observed to sink In five minutes, while the other warship certainly was struck, though, owing to the great distance, It was Impossible to discover the damage done. At the sound of the cxVosions, Austrian batteries opened fire and searchlights swept over the waters. Tho lights located the attacking ves sels and the Austrian guns were brought to bear on them and torrc doea fired, but the Italians escaned and returned to their base with their supporting squadron. Washington, Dec. IS. Chas. I'iex of Chicago has been uppointed gen eral manager of the emergency fleet corporation, succeeding Rear Ad miral Harris who resigned. Chair man Hurley disclosed the fact , that progress In shipbuilding has been more rapid than Is generally known. T TO Washington, Dec. 18. Food Ad ministrator Hoover personally ap peared' today at the sennte commit tee investigation of the sugar short age and asked to make a statement of his version of conditions. ' The committee, after considering the request in executive session, went on with tho questioning of President Sprec.kles of the Federal Sugar Refining company, one of the food administrator's chief critics, without announcing any decision on Mr. Hoover's request. .The food ad ministrator then left the committee room. WHOLE II Reports Coding Into Portland Headquarters Show Deter mined Efforts Thrcsghsst State zzi Natici Dr. , Foster Makes Eloqsezt Plea to Vast Ac&:ce Portland. Dec. 18. Total city of Portland, 4.371; total outside Port land,'o; Oregon total to date. 11.041. While telegrams from all over Oregon show that active progress has been made in the membership campaign of the American Red Cross, actual figures came in slow ly. Dut 13 of the 36 counties have made any report up to date. But three districts In Portland have made any report, yet In two pre cincts alone In Portland over 1,000 members are reported. It Is raining through the Willam ette valley and this make a start difficult. Stan field holds the state record with 140 members, total quota 200. Harney Is the banner county with 41 S members or 2( per cent of Its quota. Malheur being second with six hundred members. Union coun ty with 1.000 members is third In the percentage column, bnt beads the state outside Portland In actual number. Renton county with 700 member and 23 per cent heads the Willamette valley, both In numbers and a percentage basis. Portland, Dec. 18. "There are only three answers you . can '' give when asked to Join the Red Cross One is 'I am a pro-German,' another la 'I am destitute,' and the third Is 'Here's my dollar.' " In this em phatic manner Dr. William Trufant Foster captured the big auditorium meeting last night, which Inaugu rated the Christmas membership campaign of the American Red Cross. When Dr. Foster was ready to leare France, he went to General Pershing and said:. SHIP BUILDING DELAY TO BE INVESTIGATED Washington, Deo. 18. The senate has ordered a committee of Investi gation into the causes of the delay in the building of America's ,, mer chant marine by the shipping board and the emergency fleet corporation. The resolution of Senator Harding to the effect was rushed through to day. TEST VOTE PREDICTS Washington, Dec. 18. On a test vote thought to indicate the strength in the house of the proposed suff rage amendment to the federal con stitution, the suffragists polled seven more than the two thirds needed for adoption. The house 'will vot- on the question January 10. Washington, Dec. 18. Represen tative Jennnette Rankin today in troduced a resolution asking for an Investigation Into ' conditions at Camp Mills. NINETEEN ARE LOST J Washington, Dec. 18. Nineteen lives were lost when tho American submarine SI was rammed and. sunk by submarine &t in home, waters dining the fog Monday. The S3 was not damaged, and picked up Ave of tlte survivors of the sunken boat. STATE A-TILE RED GROSS WORK "How can the American Red Croaa be of the greatest help during its coming winter?" ' . j "By helping sustain the morale of . the French army," the gonarai un hesitatingly replied. This waa one of the Incidents graphically recounted by Dr. Foster to the immense crowd. Dr. Foster Is not only president of Reed col lege, Portland, but was Inspector for the , American Red Cross In Euro pean service. He told only of what he personally had seen and known,' and wherever possible he illuminated bis remark with lantern slides," sometimes so realistic that the au dience shuddered. He told of the necessity of "the' Red Cross Christmas membership campaign, which Is to add 1 5,000, 000 member to the American Red Cross, 240,000 In Oregon. The funds received In this campaign will mainly be expended In purchasing gauze to make bandages and in oth er needed relief work. Dr. Foster told how, under Major Grayson M-P. Murphy, tha Rod Cross was sustaining not only our own troops, but the French. He spoke of hospitals,' of canteen sta tions, of hostels for desolate child ren, at .village outside the f - -. - " - . - ' rtW7 bodied man remained. He mentioned a city of 15.000 neop where there was only one doctor, an old man, too old to practice tilsj profession. He was traveling rlth a French officer who said: "Tils la the vil lage of Tpres." , .., "Where?" asked tk Foster. "Right here," waa thu reply. A piece of cradle sod a piece of (Continued on Hige Four) HEDFORD ffl JAILED B ' Ellensburg, Wash, Dec. 18. H. E. Wilcox, a resides! of Medford. Ore., is In the coolly Jail, having pleaded guilty to hiving an Illegal quantity or whiskey In his posses sion, and he faces (targes of import ing whiskey In Illegal quantities Into the state, being a white alaver and a wife deserter. ' ' ' Nellie M. Bowmii, who gives her home as Gotd Hill Ore., is also" In Jail, having pleaded guilty to bring ing an illegal amount of whiskey in to the state. She slso faces several other i harses. ': The whiskey il responsible for the couple being csught. . A trunk containing nine quarts was found at the railroad station and when the couple came for It the officers trail ed them and then arrested them. A telegram to Medford brought a re ply that he had left his wife with $10 and that she bad to go to work to support herself. MEXICANS aiOPOIl ' ANAUIPAIIL El Paso, Tex., Dec. 18. Mexican federal soldiers fired on an 'Ameri can cavalry patrol which accidental ly crossed the border on the "Island", near Fabens. Tex., later yesterday, killing one cavalry horse and wound ing another. ' The American soldiers returned the fire and one Mexican soldier was 'seen to tall from his horse. No Americans were hit, Us Angeles, Cal Dec. 18. Wal ter McCredle, for several years man ager or the Portland' baseball team, has been signed si manager of the Sail Lake team In the coast league.