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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1917)
PAGE FOCR DAILT BOGlTt RIVER COIRIF.R MOlV. OIX'KMIIKIt IT, 101T BUNKS ARE MAILED ncrares rictores Tomorrow is Picture Day at j Hall's Art Store Come and see the bargains you can get in this splendid line. You will also find great bar gains in Chinaware, Pottery, Dinner and Bak ing Ware, Leather Goods and Basketry. L B. Hall's Art Store 213 South Sixth St. : PER52NAL 25 LOCdL : Miss OUie Moore spent Sunday with her parents at Gold Hill. H. L. Wilson or Glendale spent Sunday here with his family. Furniture for Christmas gifts. A fine line of Heywood rockers, at Helmer's. 36 Mrs. Garfield Lewis sod 'baby of Rogue R'ver are attending tnt day In the city. Furniture for Christmas gifts; n exceptionally fine line of chil dren's rockers at Helmer's. 36 Souvenir day, Saturday, Decem ber 22. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 39; Miss Alice Wood arrived herej this morning from Portland and will go to Harbor, Ore. . Make this a furniture Christmas and yon will find some very good bargains In dining room and bed! room furniture at Helmer's. 36 Mrs. R. W. Melsner left this morn ing for Roseburg to join her hus band, who Is an employe of the Southern Pacific company. Go to Homing's Shack before Hoo ver does, and get your Christmas candy. 37 Wm. Colvig, of Portland, Is In Ihe city for a few days on business, and 1s also visiting his brother, George Colvig. Furniture for children; some fine Juvenile tables, chairs and desks at Helmer's. ft 6 Mts. H. L. DeArmond returned to Medford this afternoon, after vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tetherow. Every lady visiting the store on Saturday, December 22, will receive a souvenir. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 39! Mrs. W. E. McBrlde and two sons.! Steve and Marvin, ' returned last night from San Francisco to spend the holidays at home. The two lioys are attending the Southern Pacific agents school. John Ackert left today for Dixon. Nebraska, where he will spend the winter. Mrs. H. K. Preston and two chil dren arrived last night from Weed to siwnd the holidays with Mrs. Preston's mother, Mrs. Wm. Fallin. Mrs. P. B. Whitney who has been visiting here for a short time return ed today to her home In Ashland. She was accompanied by her father, Donald Sutherlln. Wallace ('out nut Knllsto Ben Wallace Coutant of this city who has been a member of the high way surveying crew In eastern Ore gon during the summer, has enlist ed In the 23d Engineers and is now at Vancouver, Wash. Kd Parker KnlixtN Ed. Parker of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Parker, who spent several months at Bend, has enlisted In the 20th Engineers and Is now at Vancouver barracks. Authorised to Issue ,Iviim" -J. E. Ilodgdon, Route I, Kerb)- has been authorized by the bureau of mines, to Issue explosive licenses, (toml Sale for INxil Eight Ford cars were sold In three days last week by the C. Holiart company. fixture lleaullfy Your Home The entire family will enjoy our Christmas fixtures, priced S4.2r and up. No extra charge for hanging. Bush Electric Store. 32 Three lloys Return Noble Best and Earl Browne of this city, and Pat McFadden of Murphy, who enlisted lust week have returned home, having failed to pass the physical examination. Will ( over Illinois Valley Frank South went this morning to the Illinois valley to work on the Red Cross Christmas drive, and will visit Kerby, Waldo, Althouse, Ta kllma and Holland. Netv Deputy Appointed F. L. Coon has been appointed deputy clerk of the court to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of lister Coburn who enlisted In the medical corps a few days ago. Ir. Strieker Promoted First lieutenant Frederick D. Strieker of Grants Pass has recently been commissioned a captain. Cap tain Strieker is serving with the 43rd Infantry regulars at Fort Pike. Mttle Rock, Ark. Hold Itooe to Indians Otto Crestener, charged with sell ing liquor to an Indian was brought to the city Saturday rroiu Crescent City by a United States marshal and lodged In jail over night. He was taken to Portland yesterday. He will later be taken to San Francisco for trial. l:-;m I (iiandpu . T. Y. Dean looks man years younger this morning and says he feels younger too. He -Just receiv ed word that he Is a grandpa, a son having been born to Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Dean of San Francisco. Hon Preley to Train- Bert fresley or Orants Pass, a jo;ihotnore at the O. A. C. has been appointed a member of the third of fwers training camp, which will be held at Camp Lewis, beginning early In January. This appointment Is an honor to Mr. Presley, and speaks well of his ability, as ordinarily only men having at least two years military training are permitted to attend a training camp. Hiver Ranks Creamery Owned and operated by Leonard Estate company, Is paying S3 cents for butter fat. Payments are made promptly on the 5th and 20th of each month, and all weights and tests absolutely guaranteed.. 29tf Christ man for the P In keeping with the custom of former years the Salvation Army Is making arrangements to give a bas ket dinner to the deserving poor or this city. The baskets will be de livered on Monday, December 24th. They will also have a Christmas tree for the poor children. Any contrl butlon of food, money, shoes or clothing will be gladly received. The solicitors will be around to cafl upon you In a few days. BORV WOLLERMAN In this cRy, Sun day, December 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wollerman, on East A street, a daughter. . m ami Some Coffee is too much one way Some too much the Other Golden West Coffee is "Just RUM" DIED JOHNSON-At the family home, 324 F street, at 10:45 Sunday night, Mrs. Mary M. Johnson, aged 75 years, death resulting from heniorrage of the brain. The deceased has been a resident of Grants Pass for 31 years. She is survived by one son. Colonel John son, a cripple, who for a number of years held the office of city treasur er. The funeral Bervlce will be held at Hall's undertaking parlors Tues day at 10 a. m., the Salvation Army having charge. . COMIXO EVENTS Dec. IS, Wednesday 7:30 p. m., Honor Guard meeting at Chamber of Commerce. New members In vited. 35 Dec. 26, Wednesday Box social at WKdorvIHe church. 10 Questionnaires have been mailed by the local board, beginning with Order No. I, and ending with Or. dor No. SS. to the following named persons: KMlunlay, iMvetuhrr IS Emll F. Vahrenwsld. Charles Vernor Cuniplicll. I.uclua Itoblnson. Earl Kugone Jackson. Lewis 8. Fall Koy Ruby Heed. William Herbert Ellis. Maple Carman I'uge. Burl Burnett Green. Charles Herman (iiese. Clifford 'Johnston. William Arthur Clark. Cecil Franklin Bacus. Percy 8t. Clair Williams. James Donald Woodbury. Chnrles Bane Cross. Jacob Frank Wlsecarver. John Henry Sanders. Paul Emir Blanrhnrd. David Washington Konfro. Harry Eugene Mitchell. Arthur Joachim lloiick, Ira Reuel Dlsbrow. Itobert Elmer Breeding. Boy Alfred Kenyon. Rolit. Herbert llouck. John Raymond Closton. George l.onle Jsntier. Perrle Eron Gunning. Merle George Klrkpatrlck. Momlity, tierrmher 17 Hiram D. Woodford. James Ister Coburn. Clement Nultlrett Culy. William Roy Harper. Frank Karg. Robert MfPhee Allen. Kenneth R. Williams. Ollle Kellar Alnsworth. William Vnnlson Holland. Turner Aldln Hettinger. Koy E.'Dlttus. Henry Stewart Dlsbrow. Albert Henry Schmidt. Victor Evert Vlnyard. Robert Melvln Ollllam. Theodore Putman Cramer, Jr. Virgil Cleveland McKlnney. Elmer Edward Cooper. Lloyd W. Fall. Gall Armour Hamilton. William Gordon Phillips. John Edward Malonoy. Archie James Powers. William Frederick McCabe. James Lee Browne. j Martin James Barker. Chester Floyd Stone. 1 liuryl A. Ruttenrutter. Harold Paul Johnson. Frank Hubert Cahlll. j Earh day's list will be announced In the Courier. SIKMrTIXG MATCH Grants Pass rifle range, December 23. There will be $.10 In nrlres. It Is the duty of every American citi zen to know bow to shoot, a rifle and shoot to hit. Come and try your skill. . 36 NKW TOD4T (CLASSIFIED An RATF.S 2ft words, two Issues. Z5c: ilx Issues. 50c; one month, 11.50, when paid In aavance. wnen not raid in advance, ac per line per Issue.) PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mrs. R S. Hush, 109 No'th Sixth, phone 141-R. ' tf FOR RENT Small house on River side uvenne, between 7th and Nth Iniiulro "60 North Fifth. Phone 208-1.. 40 APPLES 25c box. Bring some thing to put them In. Phone 2S2-R. X94 North Tenth street. 35 FOR SALE Mistletoe with berries. Oregon grape, laurel berries and Mr wreaths. See or phone Dick Cramer. 364-Y. 36 HOME COMFORT wrought Iron range as good as new, cost $83, sell for $50; library table, $4.50; kitchen cabinet, $3.50; desk, suit able for gentleman's Christmas gift, $2; buttresses, $5. Phone 285-R or call this week at 109 West D street. 36 Joy Theatre Tonight Alice Brady MATERNITY 10c and 20c 0 OTj IP TT17 mm WOKHVINU AINU T Ills t 111(11'. MAS AS ISC' A I.? HUNT Do T. Come Here for Relief WE'VE 41ST TUN SORT ir' THINOs HE WOl,l AI'I'HEt I UK M ST. THE SORT Or THIMiS II K Wot Lit IU Y KOU HIMSELF. THE SORT OF THINGS HE Wol l.l I.IKK Ttl HAVE Ol tilVK HIM. JIST UMK AMI SEE. GRANTS PAS5. OkKGON EXTRA ATTRACTION At ' JOY THEATRE TONIGHT '-MMK) foot of films portraying the interestiiiL' rou tines ot the recent national convention of the ' KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Tin; Leading lieiiefieinry Society SRE THE CONVENTION HALL VUEj THE GREAT STREET PARADE The i competitive prize drill ,v the host decree, staffs m the I nitojl States, and manv other attractive fea tures, y Ail nicniliers of the order requested to attend. This will be an added attraction in connection with the regular show. The Music and Photo House $8 Cash, $2 Week, takes this Victrola X Outfit at $90.75 Another Vlctrnlit lutrit, ullli mtt IIHenr ii i-orils to Mm t wild, Unit ran In- ihiiyIiiimmI on Ion terms or credit. It's no no too early to buy Hie Christ- mas ..Vli troh, Why ..not ..seine! r yours now'.'.. We ulU ly It Hlile for liiler delivery lr you desire... This "ittflt coiimIhIn of Vlcti-ola .X, Sl Ten-Inch HouNc-Kiieed Records, Rword Allium, Needle mill Record Cleaner. For Christmas MARK UK NO STYI.K CMKHRIKH, 2.V HlK . ih MARK HKXO 8TVLK CIIKURI, to HMK .. . . iWc M ARK HK.VO STVLK CIIKHRIKN, HfW, SIZK ! ...!....... VKW CROP .VKI, OHAXOKS WlUi UK HKRK Basket Grocery 417 G St. '