GB TWO DAILY UIVKl: CtH1tIr.ll MONDAY, nW'KMIIKU IT, lIT. DID II IIUUUl : ubltshed Dally Except Saturday 5. VOORH1ES, Pub. and Propr. . C, SHELDON. Editor ered at the Postofflc.GrantaPas. re., aa second elasa mail matter. .' ! ADVERTISING RATES play apace, per inch 15c , al or personal column, per line 10c iders, per lin 5c " ! DAILY COURIER (mall or carrier, per year... . 00 . : mall or carrier, per month.. .60 J WEEKLY COURIER ! j mall, per jrar... .. .11.50 MEMBER Stat Editorial Association I ; egon Dally Newspaper Pub. Assn. . Nortnwest ratnouc rress assu. IMBER OF ASSOCIATED PREfcS ' The Associated Preaa la exclusively : tilled to the use (or republication : all news dispatches credited to It -, not otherwise credited In thla V. . . . . . i w per ana aiso me local news pnu ; bed herein. All rt?hts nf renuhllratlon of sne- U dispatches herein are also ! served. fOXHAT, DECEMBER 17, t17. 4 ' ' OREGON WEATHER i 4 . Probably rain; moderate ! westerly winds. I I j; COUNTY AGENT'S NOTES J (tare of Farm Implements i : The cost ot all (arm Implements as Increased, on the average, 100 lit cent during the past two years, 1 ad no doubt. It will go higher, so behooves the farmer to take the iry best care of all of machinery. . la said that the loss from the ne- lect of machinery amounts to mil on of dollars annually in the ; nited States, and we regret to say ; iat some of our farmers are doing leir "bit" In thla direction. ' Every tool on the farm, from the arden rake to the threshing ma ' line should be thoroughly cleaned nd oiled and put under shelter and , nt up In such a way as to prevent ny warping or twisting from an 1 ndue strain. Then as winter comes j n every piece of machinery should j e overhauled and any needed re ' airs made so that it will be ready .' vt use when needed next spring and ' nmrner. It is, Indeed, an expen , hre waste of time to stop to make spalrs at the time when any lm : lement is to be used. Farmers' Week at O. A. C. i, "The world's need is for trained jen and women." ' Farmers week, from December 1 to January 5, offers to the far- ! ler and his wife an opportunity to tut themselves in a position to bet- bt serve their country, by offering ourses In all branches of agricnl ' ore and home economics. This is ,i real patriotic opportunity for very, one Interested In the conser vation and production of foods of all Inds. j The railroads give a fare of one nd one-third and board and lodging . an be had at the college at a very easonable price. Garden Peels This Is mighty good time to do one cleanup work about the gar en. There Is always more or less nbblsh left from last year's crop ' .nd this rubbish is an excellent place LESLIE SALT supplies "the tastiness mhtch. coaxes the host flavor out of our cooTdin Glace Cherries Pineapple Orange Crystalized and Preserved Ginger Port Limon Bananas KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY KIIWI Now HowJAbout Your Christmas Candy? We placed our order (or practically all our Christmas oantllr- Fancy boxes, chocolate and Uirfxtmas mix the sixteenth of but Auxu". Therefore our prices are "before the sugar short, aire" prtrea. All our raadiea have just arrived and are fresh we guarantee them. Christ mn boxes range from ten cent to four dollar. For the Smoker : Clears, cigarette and tobacco In Christmas Miek aires of all sUes and prices. Why Buy Walnut We ran supply and large pieces free. ROSE'S CONFECTIONERY Phone 104) for numerous garden pests, in some stage of the development, to find quarters for the winter. ' So in do ing this cleanup work now one re duces the possibility of trouble from this source next year. C. D. THOMPSON, County Agriculturist. Job work at tto Courier. or your bathroom Chases the chilli in a jiffy you bathe or shave in com fort. Portable. Fuel consumed only when heat is needed no waste. No smoke or odor. STANDARD OILi COMPANY ff with i ''vbwQMK 1 1 PERFECTION OIL HEATER FOR Cramer Bros. Grants Pass Hardware Co. Rogue River Hardware Co. Be a Red Cross Member BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, 85c VALLEY FLOUR, $2.60 per sack I . PARDEE Phone 281 Fruits Shells? yon with walnut menta nuke we will machine chov them REAL REASON FOR SAVING (Continued from page 1.) supply. The new home cards will call for an Individual allowance In the home of three pounds of sugar per month. "The four things we must save SALE BY principally are wheat, meats, f and mi num. To save meat e should tat more fish, Miltry and cheese. There la a surplus of cheee In Ore aim at ths prem time, and we should cant double the cheese thut we do. The consumer complains that the retail price of cheese Is to.) high and that he raniiol afford to eat It, The grocer explains this by saying that the people, do not eat enough cheee to enable him to sell It on h closer margin. He must buy In siiinll quantities, then cut a cheese and have It dry out on Ms mint I or before It la sold, the shrinkage eat ing up all his profits. Tha highest grade of cheec In Oregon can now lie purchased by the retnil grocer at 24 cents per pound. He should sell this at not to exceed 32 cents per pound, provided he ran sell It fast mi.uli to pievenl title from shrinkage. "This saving must be an Individ ual matter to each nnd every per son In the I'nlted States. Save two pomids of wheat flour per week, one ounce of meat per day, two ounces of sugar per day, and 4 ounce of fat per day and we cun supply our allies and properly feed our troops. In this way every person can do his bit to help win the war." FORCED 10 ASK INCREASED RATE To Our Friends and Patrons: The Oregon Gas A Klectrlc com pany has a very lurxe Investment in OreKon, which for the pant sven years has not earued one cent of In terest on the money Invested or even paid operating expenses. The pres ent hUh prices for supplies, labor and , material are following the In ability of the compuny to earn bond Interest. The company hus In the past ued every possible method toward effi ciency and economy and has always endeavored to render first class ser vice. Tnder the existing roudltlons It Ik absolutely necessary to ask the pub lic service commission for a small Increase In rates. The company will cheerfully give the commission or Individuals the facts, showing con cluslvely that higher rates are un avoidable, owing to circumstance over which they have no control. The Increase asked for Is 15c per thousand cubic feet, which we hope will. In a measure, offset the rapidly ever-Increasing expense of the com pany. You have probably noticed that gas companies all over the I'nlt ed States have asked for and been granted Increased rates months ano and most of them have been making an Incomparably better .showing than this company. It Is with sincere reeret we mak this announcement and hope our friends and customers will under stand that only the most critical conditions and circumstances beyond our control have forced us to this measure. OREGON OAS A ELECTRIC COMPANY. OF GRAIN NEXT YEAR O. A. C, Corvallls, Dec. 17. Are the northwest farmers going to dump their grain on the ground next year? They are, according to Prof. G. R. Hyslop of O. A. C, unless they pro vide bulk storage. Sack prices are shooting skyward, he says, and de livery at any price is dlirtrinctly un certain. If sacks are available at all It will be only at prohibitive prices. The only alternative to dumping the grain on the ground Is paying four time or more the value of sacks or providing for bulk stor age. Even If sacks were available and the prices were right, the additional cost and work of sack handling Is enough to Induce the thinking far mer to adopt the bulk plan. Resides this, the sacked grain will be ship ped from Interior points In the dirt, while bulk grain will , he cleaned brought to grade and shipped to the terminal)) at the least expense and with no dockage. Bulk handling means equipment for handling grain from the thresh ing machine to the farm storage bins. From these It may be loaded Into earn from the loading platform. Better still, elevators may be locat ed at the shipping point where the grain may be cleaned, graded nnd loaded under the most favorable con ditions possible. "If the wheat Is to be piled on the Classified Advertising Foil O. it l tilt ANT LAN US -lllue print' plats lu)lug lands In Josephluvj louuty, 1. Ml. Addrvs A. K. j Voorhles, liranls This. if r'OU 3ALK- Two horses. Uuu guid ing, fo&i one mui'o 110. Km'U In good condition and weigh alioiii 1175 lbs. A. N. I'arsons. UMf FOK 8AI.K Spltxenberg and No ton apples. Pries according toj quality. R. K. Ross, phone ti04- F-2. oral 1K VI.KI(S In horses, mules, cattle, wagons, hacks, bugiilos, harnes and saddles, We have a variety of all kinds at all times. If m have anything to sell or exchange, or If you want (o buy, come and see us. We will treat you right. All our livestock la put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Sale Stable, Corner Sixth and K streets. Tlmmons. Prop. Phone 6S3-J. lstf FOR .SAI.K Good modern home, close lu, north side. Inquire No. . 2333, care Courier. 2Stf FOR 8iAT.TS-Rtr Encyclopedia" HrF- tlcanla, sewing machine, tables, beds. Monarch rung, heater, cross cut saw, 12-h. p. upright steum engine and suwlni outfit. Apply 303 West O. 35 FOR SAI.K Two baby carrlnes and one sulkey. Cheap. Inquire 811 North Ninth street. 35 FOR SALE Range, couch, rocker, chairs, dresser, sewing marhlne, bed, springs, and mattress, breakfast table, ' kitchen table. J. A. Coding, 624 Rogue River Ave. 35 FOR MADE In Oregon .Ninas pres ents, lavender coat hangers and lavender sticks. Sec Mrs. M .F. Graham, 638 North Sixth St. 35 FOR SALE Fine young Mammoth Dronse turkey loins, nlso a few hen turkeys. Delivered Grants Pass, address Uox (90. 3B TO K.XCUANUK FOR EXCHANGE Forty acres near Corcoran, Kings county. Cat. Good land, all been cultivated, level. fenced, some Improvements. Want Grants Pass or vicinity not to ex reed value $4, Ann, with $1,(00 mortgage. Give full particulars In answering. W. C. Rice, 114 South Hockett, Porterrille, Cal. S8 TO RENT TRKMONT ROOMS Now under nianagraent of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at SSc and 50c; special rates by week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and ronvlently located. 411 C street. 86tf WAXTKT WANTED Man with wife to work on ranch, team and general farrii work. Elsmann ft Cornell, Rogue River, Ore. 35 STRAYED ESTRAY There came to my place, 725 West Bridge street, about December 10, one dark red Dur ham cow, about six years old, tin derblt on both ears, no brands. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. Wal ter Harmon, Grants Pans, Ore. 38 CALL FOR. BIDS Scaled proposals will be received by the board of directors of the Grants Pass Irrigation District at their office In the court house of Jo sephine county In Grants Pass, Ore gon, for the purchase of $16,000.00 par value of bonds of the district till 10 a. m December 24, 1917. For detailed Information regard ing this Issue, address, Clerk of Board, Grants Pass Irrigation Dis trict, Grants Paaa, Oregon. 13tf STUMEZE FOR CHRONIC STOMACH TROUBLE Not a mere aftor-dlnner tablet, but a roal stomach medicine, for mulated to bring Instant relief to severe cases of recent or Jong stand ing. Try It and be convinced. Sold and guaranteed by all druggists. Send to The Black Medicine Com pany, San Diego, California, for Free Book. ground and suffer from spoilage be neath and above," Professor Hyslop concluded, "this news story merits no attention. But If the crop Is to IMIVHICllNH L. O. C MOMENT, M. I). Practice limited to dlseasea of the ). ear, iiomi nnd throat. Glasses fitted. Otllee hours -12. 2-5, or on ap pointment. OHUe phone. (2; resi dence phone SS9-J. S l.i t'i:tl It I f .:!:. M l. Ptiytiriao nnd surgeon. City or rnuntry rail attended du or I l"M. Residence phone '(19; otflni phone 182. Sixth nnd II. Tuffs limMing. DR. El). HYWATER - Specialist on diseases of the eye, ear, pone auJ throat; glasses fitted. Office Hours 9 to 1 1 a. m,. 2 to 5 p. m. Phone ItcfMen. e I'll 0-1.; office :'(il-J; Masonic Temple, Grants Pass. Or. A. A. WITIIAM. M. 1).. Physician and surgeon. Office; Hall llldg.. corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice, 116; residence, 2S8-J. Hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. HR? J. (V NI IILEY- Physician "an surgeon. Luiidburg Building. Surgeon I'tnh-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Officer hours, to 12 a m, 1 to 3 p. m. Phone 31 0-J. " istr DENTISTS " E. C. MACY. D. M. D. First -cla dentlstry. 109V4 South SI it Ik street, Grants Pass, Oregon. attorneys" ' H. D. Norton, Attorney-kt-law. Practice In all Slate and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIG ft WILLIAMS Attorneys-at-Ijiw Grants Ranking Co. Bldg, Qranti Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all courts. First National Bank Building. DURHAM ft RICHARD, Attorneys-at-Law. Office Masonic Tempi. Grants Pass Oregon. W. T. MILLER. Attorney-at-Uv County attorney for Joscphlno County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. nLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Uw Golden Ilnlo Building. rhone 270. Grunts Pass. Oregon. IlLANCIIAltD ft BLANCH AKD. At totneys, Albert block. I'hoaa-23(-J. Practice In all courts; land board attorneys. VETERINARY HIRUEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office In Wlnelrout Implement Bldg. Phone 113-J. Resldeno Phone 805-R. DKAYAUK AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRAN8FER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly don. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. O. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clark and Holman, No. 60. Real dence phone 124-R. TUB WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 397-R. MI'SIOAl. INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of voice oulture and singing. Lcssona given at home of pupil It requested. Ad dress 716 Leo St.' 8511 TAXI SERVICE ARE YOU GOING or not going, that la the question. Call Jitney Luke at the Spa or phone 2(2-R. Always at your service for city or country calls. IQtf PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open daliylo a. m. to 6 p. m. For Sunday alt tins: call Mill 283-R or residence 140-J. 78U The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD EffectlveDecomher 1, 117. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 lv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p.m. Train 2 Iv. Waters Creek 3:00 p.m. All trains leave Grant Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For nil Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundhurg ImihHng, or phone. 181 for dame. be saved for oiirsolves and allies, provision must be made for bulking. The necessary equipment for the farm can soon ho provided, but con tracts for elevators at railway points must be lot early If they are to be In readiness for next season's crop,