SUNDAY, DU'KMHKH 16, 1917. DAILY nOGIB BJVKlt COtKIKH PAGE SEVEN w 4 i?m lit- Ordinary Common Sense Sensible Thrift and Maxwell Motor Cars Common tense says to you, "Buy a Maxwell Car and use it" The American people are going forward not backward. That U the purpose of the great war in which we are now engaged. The succett of the Nation depends on healthy business activity over the country and sensible thrift. Healthy business depends on the utiliza tion of every possible labor-saving, time-aav ing, money-saving device known. The light-weight, economical Maxwell In passenger service taking you where you have to go on business, helping you relieve delivery congestion is one of the greatest known labor-saving, time-saving, money saving devices. Tuhi CrS74Si JUaJiur $74St Cu $1095 Brt $109 5 i bitn $1095. F.O.B. Iktnit COLLINS AUTO CO. IHHTKIUITOB R ..... . I t ILLINOIS VALLEY William llaselrlgg recently suf fered the dislocation of a knee Joint while coming from bl work at the Queen of Bronte and li at preaent unable lo walk. Tba new achool bouM at Takllroa waa (Indicated on Saturday nltfit, an entertainment being given, which waa a pronounced success by all wbo attended. Mra. -Mitchell, of . Takllma, l CHICHESTER S PILLS aUUL Puis la U.4 m4 ti.u mm3j I I - kr m ..i i i bm rm . (ciiV lAa-tewy an rauk a AtlH NO MRANa FILL, ft WHY PRISTS EVEJmttH tuendlni a few dayi In Medford with her litter, Mrs. Boyd. Wallace Kohler wai a bualneaa visitor In Granta Pass thla week. Mr. Babcock baa been running bli grist mill this week. Tbla Ii a con venience to the community, aa con siderable corn waa raised In the val ley and we can have our own torn meal and graham flour. ' ' ' The trucks are still houllng ore, the roads being unusually good for thla time of the year. The land appraiser from Spokane waa In the valley last week looking over the land on which loans are asked. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mouck visit J at the home of Mr. and M-s. Reyn olds near Waldo Sunday. Mr. George delivered some fine fat bogs at Takllma thla week. .. . Scenery Wonderful Commodious Train Service Are the conspicuous fea tures of the OGDEN ROUTE through California to the Kast. Of course you pass Mt. Shasta and can visit 8an Francisco. Let ua plan your trip and suggest aa ltenary JOHN M. SOOTT I-' General Passenger Agent ' . , ; i ' ' Portland, Oregon '--' Southern Pacific-Union Pacific TAKILHA Mr. Doyle was (low a thla week and reports every thing, In Brut class shape at the Chicago camp. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wlaecarver were Takllma visitors this wank. Mrs. Oeo. rife was a Orants Pass Visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ilsnnum are spending a few days In Orants Pass. Wm. Ilatellng met with an acci dent while coming home from work Wednesday evening, by falling and spraining his knee, Mrs. Anna Rills and children, of Colorado, are here vlllln friends and relatives. Dr. O. C. Dixon wss a caller In our city thla week: Orsndma Mrflrlety, who has been suffering for some time Is report ed some what better. Mrs.. Clsy Ramsey Is spending a few days In Orants Pass. Mrs. J. T. Breeding wss a (Jrsnts Psss visitor Wednesday. School opened In Takllma Decem ber eth, with 41 schoolers, with Miss Daisy Crocker and Lewis Bur UnsMiue for teachers. Miss Daisy llervey wss a Orants Psss visitor thla week. Mr. and Mra. Chas. White are spending a few days In Oranta Paaa. There Is a brother Moose here this week getting new members for the Moose lodge, and from all reports he has got quite a few. Mr. and Mrs. Chss. Johnson were Oranls Pssa visitors this week. The Ideal Fancy Work club meet at the home of Mrs. L. D. Corllctt Thursday afternoon and was well at tended by the members of the club. The time waa moat plessantly spent In visiting and fancy work and knit ting for our soldier boys. A short reading was given by Mra. Ed Hen num after which refreshments were served to the following: Mesdames R. C. Crowell, J. T. Breeding, C. D. Cameron. Ed Strong1, J. E. Smith. M. McClay, Harry Messenger. Ed Hannum, Master - Leonard Smith, Richard Messenger and Tbelma throng and hostess Mrs. L. D. Cor bet). MiTOPHY Pat and Herman McFaddeu were among the boya to leave for camp Wednesday evening. Mesdames R. K. Woodson, Elmer Ollmore and W. 0. White attended the Red Cross dinner and meeting In Orants Pass Wednesday. Dan Osborn has been sent from Ft. McDowell. Cal.. to San Antonio, Tex. Harve 8parlln was In Murphy on business Thursday. Louis Roat has been 111 for some time and has finally been taken to the hospital In Oranta Pass with a very bad case of Inflamatory rheu matlsm. The Red Cross ladles will again change their place of meeting as they have outgrown their present quarters and will hereafter meet at the home of Mra. Osborn, who has kindly offered a large, well heated room (or their use. Mrs. George Harriot, of Apple- gate, visited at the Darnellle home. Several of the ladlea belonging to the Red Croaa society of . Murphy have started knitting. Dr. Sweeney and Miss Edith came over from Medford Thursday and spent a short ttma calling on friends. The doctor reports every body well and happy and that Mrs. Anna Day will come down from Portland, bringing the little grandson with her for the holidays. Save gHc. By Buying y Ever Reliable f u CASCARApUININE W. . Is sftossw M a aid nmif-Itc fa M taMrta-ioaa) mM iiMi mom M fa il ubWu Puuna aa srnpnrlluMH eaal pmt taUH, van Mv tit wmmm ftm to? HiS Cans CoM M hmrnt trip hi I da alMHV Sack If it f si to ts Tablets Im Ma. ASaafDrtajStase STUMEZE FOR CHRONIC STOMACH TROUBLE Not a mere aftes-dlnncr tablet. but a teal stomach medicine, for miilaird'lo bring Instant relief to severe rases of recent or long stsnd Ing. Try it and be convinced. Sold and guaranteed by all druggists. Send to The Black Medicine Com pany, Ssn Diego, California, for Free Book. married to Miss Lula Rogers, Ij liv ing on the Rogers homestead. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. White, of Mnrphy passed through Fmltdale Thursday, en route for the city. Charlie Augustine, of the Ellerslee ranch, Intends leaving for Ohio next Sundsy to spend the winter. Mr. Slattery spent Sunday In town with Dr. and Mra. Elliott.. NEW HOPE J Mr. McCain Is hauling beet pulp from the sugar factory. Fred Wetherbee haa returned from Dorrla, where be worked dur ing the past summer. Mr. and Mra. D. Langwortby were shopping at Orants Pass Tues day. Nellie Pappel! haa gone to Cres cent City to work during the winter. Oliver Olds baa returned from Cal ifornia, where he spent the euroiner. Mrs. Cheater Tork and aons are at Granta Pass visiting Mra. Tork'a brother, Clarence Wynant Mrs. Sarah Stringer la visiting with her son, Wesley, and family. Where Cyclones Originate. The most violent cyclones orlglnat In tropical latitudes. In the Atlantic ocean to the north nnd east of Weal Indian Islands, and In the Pacific la the China sea and In the neighborhood of the Philippine Islands. The reason they are so destructive Is because they nre carried wuch great dlstnnces by Mtmnenn Influences, The West Indlun cyclone nre attracted towurd the Gulf stronm by the great volume of henttil nlr which always hangs over It and followa tta course; so the cyclones of the Pacific follow the course of Kuro Slwo, "the great oceanic current which paawa aronnd the East Indian archipelago, the shores of China and the Japanese Manda. Cyclones may be anywhere from 00 to BOO miles In diumeter and may travel over a pntb ft.000 miles In ex tent TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS Classified Advertising KOK SALE O. A C. GRANT LANDS Blue print Plata showing lands la Josephine county, f 1.(0. (Address A. E. Voorbles, GrsnU Paaa. tf FOR SALhJ Two horses. One geld ing, $51; one mare $40. Each in good condition and weigh about 1175 lbs. A. N. Parsons. ' tf FOR 8 ALE Spitxenberg' and' New ton apples. Price according to quality. R. K. Ross, phone (04-F-X. 05tf DEALERS In horses, mules, cattle, wagons, hacks, buggiea, harness sad saddles. We have a variety of all kinds at all times. If you have anything to sell or exchange, or if. you want to buy, come and see ns. We will treat you right All our livestock is put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Sale Stable, Corner Sixth and K streets. Tlmmons, Prop. Phone 61S-J. FPUITDALE a 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alonio Jones and daughter, Leona, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roper on Sunday. On Tuesday Robert Harris Joined rhe clerical force of the Grants Pass Banking and Trust company..- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wise of the Il linois valley, visited at the Alonso Jones home Wednesday of last week. Mrs. J. L. Stanbrotigh visited Mrs. E. C. Underwood In the city on Monday. , Through the kindness of the Rev. L. Myron Boozer, services were held at the grange hall Sunday afternoon. He talked on the very appropriate subject of faith that would not be discouraged. J. H. Harris attended the county advisory council In town on Mon day, also the dedication of the new court house In the afternoon. . Mr. Redding, of the Three Oaks ranch, has purchased a team of horses. Mr. and Mrs. Chaplain, of Grants Pass, visited Mr. and Mr. Peterson on Sunday. Chas. Mayhan, who waa recently Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Josephine county, Oregon, will hold- the regu lar examination of applicants for state certificates at Granta Pass, as follows: Commencing, Wednesday, Decem ber 19, 1917, at 9:00 o'clock a. m and continuing until Saturday De cember 12, 1917. at 4:90 o'clock p. m. . ' Wednesday Forenoon , U. 8. History,. Writing (penman ship), Musis, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon Physiology, -Reading, Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods In Arithmetic. , . . ( . , , Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, History or Education, Psychology, Methods in Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestle Art. Thnrmlay Afternoon Grammar, Geography, Stenog raphy, American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, English Llteratnre, Chemistry, Phy steal Cultnre. . Friday Afternoon Sohool Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government, Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. . Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. FOR SALE Good modern bouse, close In, north side. Inquire No. 2133, care Courier. 28tf FOR SALE Set EncyclopedlT'BrP ticanla, sewing machine, tables, beds, Monarch range, heater, cross cut saw, 12-h. p. upright steam engine and aawlnj outfit. Apply SOS West G. 35 FOR SALE Two baby carriages and one sulkey. Cheap. Inquire (11 North Ninth street. 15 FOR SALE Range, couch, rocker, chairs, dresser, sewing machine, bed, springs, and mattress, breakfast table, kitchen table. J. A. Coding, 124 Rogue River Ave. 15 FOR MADE in Oregon Xmaa pres ents, lavender coat hangers and lavender sticks. See Mrs. M .P. Oranam. IK North Sixth St. 15 FOR SALE Dried fruits, applies. peaches snd prunes. Phone 40-J. --. . ' 14 FOR SALE Blickensderfer type writer; good condition; cheap. Address Horace Petton, Gold Hill. 14 TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Forty acres near Corcoran, Klngh county, Cal. Good land, all been cultivated, level, fenced, some Improvements. Want Grants Pass or vicinity not to ex reed value 14.500, with 1,(00 mortgage. Give full particulars In answering. W. C. Rice, 114 South Hockett, PortervlUe, Cal.. 18 raYRCIAM U O. CUBMUNT, M. D. Practice limited to diseaaes of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Olaasea fitted. Office hours 9-11, 1-6, or oa ap pointment Office phone, (2; rank dence phone 159-J. 8. LOUGHRIDGE. M. D.. Physlclaa and surgeon. City or country calla attended day or tight Residence phone (9; office phone 112. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. DR. ED. BTWATER Specialist oa diseases of tbo eye, ear, aose and throat; glasses fitted. Office Hour 9 to 12 a. m 2 to 5 p. m. Phone Residence 2(0-L; office 2(0-J; Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Or A. A. WITH AM, M. D., Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of flco, IIS; residence, 18 1-J. Hoara 1 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIB LET Physician isi surgeon. Landburg Buildings Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Oa. Health Officer. Officer hours, 9 to ll a. m. 1 to ( p. m. Phono 11 a-J. 96tf DENTISTS E. C. MACT, D. M. D. Flrst-dasa dentistry. 109 H Booth Sixth street, Granta Paaa, Oregon. ATTOiurmrs H. D. Norton. Attoraey-at-law. Practice In all State and Federal OonrU. First National Bank Bldg. COLTIO A WILLIAMS Attorneys. at-Law Grants Peas Banking Oe. Bldg. Granta Paaa, Oregon.. . B. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prattles la all courts. First National Bank Building. DURHAM A RICHARD, Attorney. . at-Lw. . Office Masonic Temple. Granta Paaa Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-t-Uv County attorney for Joaapkla ' County. Office: Schallhora Bldg. i TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS Now under managnent of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at 15c ' and 50c; apodal rates by week . or month; also light housekeep ing rooma. Would Ilka your pat- : ronago. 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and conviently located. 411 C street. 8(tt WANTED WANTED Man with wife to work on ranch, team, and general farm work. Eismann A Cornell, Rogue ..River, Ore. .-. ........ 35 STRAYED ESTRAY There came to my place, 725 West Bridge street about December 10, one dark red .Dur ham cow, about six years old, nn derbit on both ears, no brands. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. Wal ter Harmon, Granta Pass, Ore. 38 O. 6. BLANCH AAD.Attorney-at-Lnw Golden Rale Building. Phono 270. Granta Pass, Oregon. BLANCH ARD A BLANCHARD. At-. torneys, Albert block. Phono 23 (-J. Practice in all courts; land board attorneys. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian. Office la Wlnetrout Implement Bldg.- Phone 11S-J. Residence " Phone 105-R. ' DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CQ. AU kinds of drayago and transfer work carefully and promptly don. .Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F. G. I6HAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clark and Holmaa, No. 59. Real, dence phono 1I4-R. ; THE) WORLD MOVES; ao do wo. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phono 197-R. i CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by the board Of . directors of the Granta Pass Irrigation District at their office In the eoart house of Jo sephine eounty in Granta Pass, Ore gon, for the purchase of $18,000.00 par value of bonds of the district till 10 a. m., December 24, 1917. For detailed Information regard ing this issue, address,; Clerk of Board, Grants Pass Irrigation Dis trict, Oranta Paaa, Oregon. , . IStf THE PICTURE MILL open dally II a. m. to 5 p. m. ' For Sunday sit tings call Mill 281-R or residence 140-J. '!?,-'...: 8tf The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD ElfectlveDecember 1, 1917. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p.m. Train 8 Iv. Waters Creek 1:00 p. m. All trains leave Orants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of tbo company, Landbnrg building, or phone 131 far same, MUSICAL, INSTRUCTION J. 8. MAOMURRAY, ttachor of voice ' culture and singing. Lessons given at homo of pupil if requested. Ad dress 718 Loo St 861tf TAXI BERVICR ARE YOU GOING or not going, that . ia the question. Call Jitney Luke at the Spa or phone 212-R. . Always at your service for city or country calla. . 0tf PHOTO STUDIO :". More Fame for Stuttgart. Rtnttmirt which French aviator bombed recently, la the original home- of the aircraft engine, it was in biuu gart that Palmier evolved the inter nal combustion engine which a French- .... A. -..Ill ... m.lrtblW man, vmn an ejo w uiimj, yu.- turned to account In the first practical motor car, snys the Chrlstlau Science Monitor. Here. too. Count Zeppelin evolved Ills monster iiirslii. miiKinc unit of the knowledge WHICH man nua experiments in the big Dnlmler works had nerved to bring to liuiit. facts such aa these seem more pertinent at these times than the other reusona for Stuttgart's fame. She has, ns every-, Ann kiuin a f nimnm mimic academy. and her reputation for music ia cer (hut which ghe IMiII i J nsaa v " ------ has acquired by her machinery ; al"0. It is unspoiled by anything of the nn hire which 1ms mode the very word n a t illltfnjt faftllffc. trim ,r Cards at the Courier offlc.