Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 16, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    HCNUAi. lK(!HMHKIt 10, I l 7.
'11- B
! ft-Fl " 111 1 1 I I ?OjPjbS'b
When buildinj
remember that you will
probably occupy your home for a good
many years, and surely you do not wish to
install plumbing fixtures again in a few years.
It doe not coat any more for labor to install good plumbing
fixture than, cheap one and the difference in the first coat
between the two is amalL
Memo Plumbing Future are the higheat quality lavatories,
bath tub, closet and link made.
Their graceful design, massive appearance and aimple pattern
make them the vogue.
Although MCtFtO Plumbing Fixture are of auperior quality,
they coat no more than any other reputable brand, and are
guaranteed forever against any defects in workmanship or
Your architect will be glad to specify RAMPM Plumbing Fir
tures, and your plumber will be glad to install them, for they
know ACltC Plumbing Fixture will give 'year of satiarac
tory Krvice.
Before you build or remodel, write for a copy of The Book of
Bathrooms'. It i a 6 page book brim full of idea. Free 0O
request of
For Salt by all Plumbers .
Mam Office, 67 New Montgomery St., San Francisco
Foctoruj, Richmond ami San Pablo, California
Ths Courier will be glad to pub
lish letter from Josephine county
soldier which contain Items of lo
ts! est to the general public. The
following letter from Krall Oebers,
who enlisted last week, was receiv
ed yesterday by bis sister:
"We bar been all through the
exam and passed O. K bad a abut
In the arm (or amall pox and am
ready for a trip to Virginia, but
don't know just what time that will
be. Harry Harper and I are to
gether and will probably atay to
gether. From what they tell us
here we will be apt to stay In Vir
ginia during the war.
"Soldier life I not a bad a m
kid seem to think. This noon we
bad spuds, meat, bean, pudding,
bread and eoffee, and all on could
eat. 80 long aa they feed u like
that I guess I might get fat. It Is
Just plain, rough grub, but It Is the
kind that slicks to your ribs. A to
on getting lonesome, on hardly
notice the time: there are always
so many fellow around and always
something to do.
"The T. M. C. A. I 0. K., believe
me. They hare motion pictures In
the evening and various aorta of
game during the day, beside Vll
the music you care for and lot of
reading, and writing material."
Vancouver, Barrack.
Christmas Gifts
That Are
Sure to Please
ACUHI8T.MA8 gift that ran't be
used and enjoyed Is a disappoint
1 uii-iit. The nversKe man or wo
man would 1 it 1 her 111 five a xstcard
, wl;n a cheerful "Merrle Chrlstmae" on
It tliau a gift Hint Is Just rfunrtory.
I Tie war has made us all slort till
year for the cheer and welfare of out'
Btniol to the Rescu.
RtrN'ritiietita recently conducted hy ,
n lurie nil rnmpnny. notes n writer In
Power, proved tlint "not only Is ben-
sol mure valuable tluin gasoline a a1
motor fuel when used strnlght, hut Its'
vffi'iMlve vnltie Is Inrrensed by being !
inlxiil with KiiMiillih'. Tl'e expert-1
minus iiiiiiciiie 1 nn 1 a mixture ni equni
purls nf giiHollne mill liensol gives n
vnlue over Id per tvut grenter thun
(lint of Html I'll I RHSnllue, vlilch shows
'212 M-r rent Im-reHsed value for the
bi'iixol tmlf. In ninny iiiiirtir nlrii
bol Is looked upon tin the iiltlinnte fuel,
'tint It mmiot lie I'liiplnycil i-Mvpt with
Brent lllllli'iiltles, ov.lii i Its hljrh liy.
ilroiieii ihiii ten I."
Spider Rid en Flits.
There Is nil HMiect of Nplilcr ulul My
relntlons which fnhullNiM and natural
im alike have overlooked. A enrre
apomleiit who hus brought the micro
ni'iiic to lienr on iiiiiny hoiiKelllcs, IIiiiIn
Hint the pnriislte iimui Hint Imti'dil In
Ki el U often ail Immature spliler, siiys
Hie l.oliiloll (.'linnilrlf. Too uruk yol
to Dpln It weh. It iniikcH the fly Ita
wlnctil palfrey, anil cnurxt' from plnce
to plnce at the will of Its cnptlve; ei
ther until Pegnsua perlxhe nuttirally,
or, preKUiniihly, until the rliler Is utile
to mnkp a nienl of his rhurger. This,
If confirmed, aeema to carry us a step
further In the study of pHrtisltlsu) 11 nil
WUvn jilt iliuy n Ford car 'y'-1" buy"
an 1 KtalillNlircl quiintlt)', a '..proven
quality h motor rr Hint In rIvIuk
HHilHfactMin In practically every form
of wnlee under ..every ..condition
where mi i'tltotm t mo bo wtctf.
.t car Hint ni'iy to Ttvtilo:! on l;
very Irt uniMancc... X one will dis
pute IIiIm facl... Then why not place
your order fur Kurd t once? Itun ,
ubout, :tl,1; Tonrlu'i nr,". .. :(;
NiiiMlft, .10.i Town Cur, f5,tj He
.il.nn., -I5i One-Ton Truck ( IihuIm,
0f Tlio .c cm f. Ii. Detroit.
Your Older will linvp prompt atfen-
C. L. Hobart Company
boy on the tea and in the army.
So why not knit the young patrlota
gray Wool sweaters and those excellent
long wrlnted mittens, wltb finger tips
missing not to Impede their work at the
HgKluus and behind the guns? I'ncle
8am dnp not furnish the boya with
these two winter luxuries. .
Illustrated la a desk sot for father,
hubby or sweetheart. If yon are clever
you run saw It out or thin pine unil
piiiiiiicI It lieuutirully, lining It with
good :iiH'r, peiw mul Klmiir. Or. yon
cull 111:1 kc l!ii fr;n:n' of i.tliV caiir.n ivii
mul cover It wlt'i ii'i.v rtti'ii'tive tupe;
t'lat ina'ili"' ' iVn i r.'u iry,.
. i.ti.i.liiui.e mi,.i.e i: i, I. vii js 1pm
Eureka, Cal., Dec. 13. A. Hick
man, aa aged gardener of this city,
baa succeeded In crossing tb fa
miliar Irish potato with the dahlia,
the combination producing a apeeies
of potato which la believed to be far
auperior to that found ordinarily oa
Hi market. With the new potato
one may have flowers for the deco
ration of bla home and when the
plant have reached maturity, pota
toes for hi dinner.
The main value of Hickman' potato-dahlia
cornea from the fact that
the plant follow closely the dahlia
type and hence ahoutd be Immune
from the blight, the great potato
arourage of the northwest. The
new potato la said to have flavor
far auperior to that of the ordinary
potato. It bear heavily.
Leglsal Conclusion.
There Is one big difference between
pie and words."
"What Is Hint r
"When you tiilm-w your words you
don't liave In cat Hutu." 8sn Fran
clmM ( lirnnli W.
of affc Hon. uial.e sutler an under
vest made of rree de chine. One ytrd
and a ipiartrr of a good quality of
' & '
- 't.l 'V ?' V
YA'.;.-; l' ,
iWrli Mif f:'
craiw. Hie name uiiautlty of beading
end a little more narrow ribbon are re
quired. Cut the rest straight, bem on
the bottom, put Hie hemline aerona Hie
top and run (lie ribbon through It
Six sacheta filled with the favorite
acent of Hie recipient and mode. any. In
heart sluiv eibeil nllli dnrrow lace
would be attractive, and tlier are al
ways u'fui Little lavender silk bam
filled wltb drlctl litvpnilpr tlnwerit
vniilil Ue ni'precliitpil l.y any one vrltb
a linen 1 lim-t
C&rn Pain
Stopped Quick
Com Uft Sight cafWitii-o-it
Bliaia relief from com patna Ii
tmpl M A B C with "Oota-It."
wbon you've been limping around
for days trying to got awy from
heart-drtrrlng corn or bumpy est
mm, Ad everything you'vk tried ba
enly made It worse, and then you
put some "Gels-It" on and the pain
euea rlirht away, and tha corn peels
rlaht off llko a banana akin.
"sln't It a grand and heavenly feel
'Gett-It" baa revolutionised ths
corn history of ths world. Millions
use It and It never falls. Indies
wear smaller shoes and have patn-
. Cree feet. We old fellows and
young fellows forget our toss and
reel frisky as colts. Everybody
' with a corn or callus needs ''Gets
It" We will all walk about and
enjoy ourselves as wo did without
corns. Get a bottle today from your
druggist, or sent on receipt of price .
by E. Lawrence Co., Chicago, III,
ISo Is ll you need to pay.
Bold In Grants Pass and recom
mended aa the world' best corn rem
edy by George C. Sab In and C. H.
The Federal Reserve
System Helps You
It waa created primarily
To help the business men and farmers;
To provide plenty of currency at all times;
To effect a steadier supply of credit.
The system merits the support of all good
citizens; it must have yours in order to
reach its full development.
You can secure the benefits of this great
system and at the same time assist directly
in developing it by depositing your money
with us.
Grants Pass
Dawson, T. T., Dec. IS. Pour
Canadian Royal Northwest Mounted
Pollre and several Indian guide will
leave' here about January lat to
travel through the Beely Pass of
the Rocky Mountain to Fort Mc
Pherson on the Aretle ocean.
The Dawson expedition will carry
mall for the ArcUe patrol. . They
will return In March, It Is hoped,
with new of Vtlhjalnur Stefansson,
the.onlx explorer now In the Arctic.
Petrograd Dee. IS.- The letter to
Oie former Emperor Nleholaa of
Russia, whleh led to the exiling of
General Gurko, formerly commander
of the . Russia southwestern front,
haa juat been published here. Its
chief offense lay In the fact that Gen
eral Qnrko express the belief that
Ruaala, after a trial of the evil of
democracy, will "once more turn to
ward It lawful monarch and God'
Touring Gar
: - .
A Christmas present thai will
bring joy to your whoe family
J. F. Burke
- 1 . . - 1 . ; . - , t .. - 1, - .... . ( n :
Go East t
Union Pacific
3 Trtroufctri Trains East
Every Day .
10 a.m. ;15p.m. llpjn.
Iron Portland Union Station, throoch
the roajwtic CoiumbuRiverGotg
Vn. Mc)wTa7, a. t Ah Nrittal
So- 1' 'J
i .in ii'iiosPACiric
TP-iJNS nMrPurtl.Til