8l'X'lAY, . HWKMHKH IT. FAGB TWO DAILY ROGUE RIVER COCRIHR GEM m IS Amsterdam, Dec. IS. German victory In th war would mean that the Germane "aa the dominant raw, would have to keep la eubjectlon by forcs of arnia the ernahed and dle poaaed peoplee," asserts Qothaln, a leading liberal member of the Ger man relchstag In an editorial article la the official organ of the Influen tial German asaoclatton tor commer cial treaties. "Should wt actually aucceed In gaining a decisive Tlctory, which only a few persona believe possible," ha wrltee, "we ahonld have o hear a weight of armamenta for that pur poM which would make It Impoe alble for our national atrength. to terribly weakened la any case by bloody loaaea, again to regain Ita eco nomic power. And yet without thla permanent political atrength la Im possible. One day the world would rise against the German eway. would burst Ita fetters, would destroy eur power which would be larking In economic support. For If we 'have been able to hold out this time, we hare abore all to thank our eco nomic efficiency. "There remains only one solu tion, pear by understanding. A panes which Is permanent muet re store from the world the rivalry of - "An economic war after the war would be unbearable for Germany." sank Kxrrrnro keeducs TOED Cf CTVTIi WAR Great rails. Mont. Dee. IS With the earns knitting needles with which she knit 40 pairs of socks for sol diers of the clrll -war. SS years ago, Sirs. R. If. Craven of Belt. Mont., has Just completed two pairs of socks for American soldiers In the present war, and sent them to the local Red Cross chapter. Neatly printed stationery Courier office. at the OIIJKEFIS STILL UNDER FIRE Washington, Dec, IS. General Croaler, continuing hie testimony before the aenate Investigating com mittee today, stated that he thought the classification system being ar ranged for the forthcoming draft would be finished within 60 daya. He predicted the complete suceeae of the plan. General Crosier was on the atand for four hours anawerlng queetlona. which It waa deemed Inadvisable to discuss publicly and gars much de tailed Information supplementing testimony yesterday aa to shortages In rrfiea. machine guns and light ar tillery. He vigorously reiterated hta assertion that existing conditions will not Interfere with America's fighting capacity abroad or training at home. The maehlne gun queetlon waa given much attention In today's ses sion. It was brought out that only a few hundreds of machine guns have been furnished the training cam pa and that for many weeks after the national army got Into training some of the untta were Instructed with eharta Instead of weapons. In the national army cantonments about half the men hare not yet re ceived rifles. As a general policy of equipping the American forces. General Croaler Informed the committee that the de partment's efforts were being con centrated on European operations. While training camps are being eared for, he said, the department's prime effort la to Insure an adequate supply of all equipment for the Am erican overseas forces. Celd Reality. 'While there's life there's hope." "Tee," replied Mr. Sawyer Wood, "but utiles you put auuie solid work Into this life li"i Is ub .ut all you are going to gi t out of lt."Yaxlilinton Star. Cards at the Courier office. Now How About Your Christmas Candy?! We alaaed our order for practically all oar Cfcrtstawae eandles Fancy boxes, chocolates aad Christmas mix the sixteenth of last Angus. Therefore onr prices are "before the sugar short age" prices. All oar candies hare Just arrived and are fresh we guarantee them. Clu-istaaaa boxes range from tea cents to foar dollars. For the Smoker: Clears, cigarettes and tobnsee la Cfcrtefcaae peek. ages of all else aad price. Why Buy Walnut Shells? We can supply row with walnnt meats halves and large pieces we will machine rhon them free. " ROSE'S CONFECTIONERY intone 100 ENGRAVED and FANCY CHRISTMAS CARDS AHD LETTERS The best lines ws ever have had Get roars while the assortment la eossplete Demaray's sta&'sL : , , - MASOXIO TEMPLE, OKA NTS PAflg ; lacme Tires 5000 Miles Guarantee C. L. HOBART CO. GERMAN BIRTH RATE LOWER THAN Ixindon, IVc. 15. "Crudely stat ed the war haa resulted In 200,000 people In the United KluKilom being married between August, 1914. and June 1117. who in the ordinary course would not have married," says Sir Bernard Mallet, prealdent of the Statistical society. The loss of potential Uvea to the belligerent oountrlea by the decrease In number of children born waa per hapa the moat Important efte-t upon vital statlstlca produced by the war, he aald. In births the United King dom had suffered far leaa than Ger many and Hungary, the United King dom having lost 10.000 per each mil lion of the population, Germany 40. 000 and Hungary 70,000 per mil lion. The Infant mortality In the sum mer of 1917 appeared to have been very high In sevral German cities, and the German rate all through re mained at aome 50 per cent higher than In England. An alteration In the aex ratio of birth appeared to be established by the flgnres of the United Kingdom, the proportion of males having no ticeably' Increased. Join the. Red Cross Now . All you need A heart and a dollar V t V ' CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 liethany ITobjrterlaa Church Morning service at 11 a. m., "Bethany'a Thirtieth Anniversary." Evening service at 7:30 p. m., aer mon, "The Message of the War to Labor." Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Music for the anniversary service will be given by a group of singers who have served the church for long In the choir. Old residents will find much or Interest In thla significant aervlce. A sincere welcome to all atten dants. L. Myron Boozer, minister. Ball's Sale Continues Until the entire stock of goods is sold. A splendid assortment of Chinaware, Pottery, Dinner and Baking Ware, Pictures and Picture Frames, Leather Goods and Basketry to choose from. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I You cannot afford (o miss this opportunity. Remember, it is only 9 days until Christmas. We appreciate your patronage. I. B. Hall's Art Store 213 South Sixth St. J Nevrmaa M. E. Church There will be services at 11 a. m. and 7: SO p. m., preaching by the castor at both services; morning subject. "Luther and His Wort,"i evening aubJeet, "Th Christian and. Hta Bible." In the morning there will be a solo by" Mrs. J. O. Imel, and In the evening Mrs. H. K. Miller will be the soloist. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Epworth and Interme diate League at 6:30 p. m. A cor dial welcome to all. Melville T. Wire, pastor. Fishing Village That Floats. In the shadow of the huge Manhat tan bridge which connects New York proper with Brooklyn nestles a veri table fishing village consisting of Bine two-story houseboats moored side by aide so as to form a solid row and sheltering the fishermen and their fam ilies, on whom New York city la de pendent for a good part of Its Rah sup ply. But unless you are fumlllur with the vaga.Mes of Bun and the localities In which they school In certain sea sons yon need not go In search of this vllluge. Often It dlauppears from locality overnight, without nny fare wells, reappearing na quietly s few montha later. Popular Science Mon'Jly. El.pk.tnte Can't Jump. "Then U one tiling no oue lias ever seen mi i lci'liiint dm cither In a clrcui or out of It. wml that la to Jump." snid a keeper lu Ibe son, "The fact Is an elephant cannot Jump. Because of his great weight he cannot take all four feet off the ground at once. Us ran make a 100 yard dash at the rate of twenty miles an bonr, which Is going some, but If be wss pursuing aa enemy and came to a deep ditch eight feet across he would have te stop short, becsnse It la too wide for him to step It, and be Is unable to Jump. An elephant Is a great coward. He will have a fit If a rabbit runs lie tween his feet. He has tremendoiia atreiiKth, but he doesn't know It." WAK HAH A HOIIKIUMJ EKKMT ON KMH.AND London, Dee. IS. England haa become more sober and sane during the war according lo official returns. Ths convictions for drunkenneaa laat year were the lowest recorded for nearly &0 yeara at 14,111 against 135.828 in 1916. Ths number of Insane persona un der rare In January. In England and Wales ware 134.011 a decrease of 3.159. These figures are also tha lowest for 50 years. , i H A elaaalfted ad brings resalU. Baptist Church Rev. W. O. Black, of Redlands, Cal., will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist church both morning and evening. Subjects, Morning, "A Bet ter Country," evening, "Christ, the Only King." Rev. Black was the first pastor of thla church, leaving here about 25 yeara ago. Sunday school meets at 10 a. m.. and B. T. J?. U. at 6:30 p. m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. M. Luke's Church Sundsy school this morning at 1:50 a.m. An Invitation is extended to yon. First Church of Christ Scientist Christian Science services are held every Sunday In the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ings at 8 o'clock. The subject for today is, "God the Preserver of Man." The reading room la open dally from 2 to 4 p. m. except Sundays-and holidays. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the ser vices and to visit the reading room. Akra, N. O., Dec. 16. The pa triotic spirit of women of Pembina county was evidenced here recently when the local 'Red Cross chapter exhausted their yarn for knitting. "Sheer a sheep for the Red Cross," was the word which was sent out over the country side, and each far mer sheared a sheep and the wool waa brought Into Akra, where It was carded and spun. Now 'Akra has plenty of yarn at Red Cross head quarters for the winter's knitting. , Leva's Blindness. Miss Louise says If yon want to know Just how blind love Is all you ! need to Co Is wntch an engaged girl I trying to find n ri'icp murk on the box j In which tier fiancee Kent licr n birth i'iiy ila. u.i "V'i';;riilli. ;,; 4 j . ' :. . . : il U. S. Marine Repelling Aeroplane Attecrt"; 1 i YOU CAN STILL JOIN THE MARINES If your seri.il number does not make you subject to the next call. For full information write to the Pub licity Officer, U. S. N., 373 Market Street, San Fran cisco, California. . California-Oregon Power Company