mm DAILY EDITION Mtl., VIII.. ..'. 4 it. OKA NTH f AIM, JOMKI'HINE tl'NTr, OKMiOX, Ml XIMV, lW KMHKH , IOIT. WIIOI.K XIMHKfl 832. BRAZIL PAPER RUSHED TO ITALIANS GIVE is t!D SLOWLY s SIXTY LOST TrrineiidiHia I'rtwiure of AuMric tiKriiinint Drive iN-fiMiili'ra llmk Afxinl Three Mlka Coiiiuiiia In South Amrlc Making KirrnoiHj KITona to Turn I'opn Imfl AgMllirt t idled HUtee HOUSTON SAYS FARMERS HAVE MET FULL DUTY I mm BOLSHEVIK) IN CONTROL ' VLADIVOSTOK AHED STOi BOUND CITY OF RUINS in lll.lVMIMt KNOW HTUIOI AIHW TO IIAMt'AX MOIIIIOIC II A I lit 111 MUM I K IIKAII FQU THOUSAND CQFF1HS ASKEO WHb Atlilwl IMiUK Coming Ovr Wilts Hill t'.tlml of Dlxwter ne. Norm IMnya Aid lUJlfm. Ihv. M Tlic M uIimmHU mllrf Iruln hi arrived. A Minding "mirlh iimirjf" m.M'.l.iini la raging ami aa ft Oivtf i no r. llmnlo Ihnl U nNtr wcliinle of the auauW of iIsmI. Amherst, Nova Scotia. , Dec s, Ths mllmnt of l.nm dead In I In Halifax disaster U contained In a privnte telegram rrrelved liy an un dertaking fit in here. Tit mesge ak thiil 4. Mil) coffins be sent Imme dlntely Halifax. N 8.. Dec. s. - S rl ken Halifax win pt tonight by n rag ing hllnxunl. Ho fierce wan Hip altirm thai rescue workers ere forced l suspend their operations In the dv astatfd section. It l he. lleved certain that all the Injured hurled under the ruin of shnitercd building have pcrlsbed f cold and htingtr. The sufferings of those who escap ed Injury have been Increased by the fait that every available blanket, qnlll and comforter has huen re qulstloned for the hundred of injur nt In, the temporary hupllai. A single tlegrnph 'lre. ln-iullim dangerously In the alarm, offered Halifax only a precious means of communication with the outsltiM world, mid It nil f i ! momentac Jly that this line woltld snap. No concerted effort bus limn mane n yet to compile a lift of the Ui'iid ii'i everv I'ffitrl la being mad" to Iden tify those who perished. The eon dltlon of ninny of the bodies makes thin exceedingly difficult and a large proportion of thow who lout their lire will he hurled a "nameless dead." There lit no reiinon. however, to (Cvntluued on pax 8.) JUST TRIBUTE PAID . TO FIGHTERS-OF-AIR London, line. tt.-"Thc I'hlvalry i( the Army" tin the title bent owed upon tlu Mrlllnh air force by l'it iiiier Moyd Cleoriiii In li tribute be paid to them in a' recent apeech In the house of cominonn. TUe piemUT wuh inovlnu a vole of llinlll; to l' c Urltbdi iirinlen mid nuvv. (ir I Ac 4tvlallon aervlcn ho huIiI: 'The heavens are their battlerinldH. they are the cavalry of the clouds. High above the aquulor and tlio mud, hq bluh In the firmament that tlio. are not vIhIIiIo from eurtli, they TlKht nut the eternal Ikhiicm of rlnht nd wi-ontf. Their HtriiKKluii there iy dny and tilithl are like a Mlltonic wtonfllt't between the winded bouts ol llixht and diirknemi.. ' INFERNAL MACHINE: Knrtfn, N. I)., Her. N.Tho ex plosion of nn infernal ntiichlne In the 4xress car of train No. 7 on the Northern 1'ur.lfh caused the dost ruc tion or the car near Windsor, N. 1).. Wednesday, according to Informa tion obtained by officials Invesllgiit ln:? tho nffulr, It was announced here liinlsht. WhhIiIiikIoii. Ilep. . -Ailhtro-liei-man luvuilein In Italy iiiiffered uor iiiimih luaitna In todiiy' drlvo, accord in K to ijftlclul ItoniM dlapati-haa. In one Imlanra aoveral leKlnmutK! were dcelinitti'il hy Hiclr own artil lery. . i KIiik Victor Kiiumtiel tixlay con ferred the military troaa on (lull rlelle II. Annuulo, poet aviator. Amurliat Uerlitrallou or war taulunt AuKlrla will prohalily be of ureal help to I ho liallun tioopa and paopl. I'urlnK the pant four Uuya I h In vadura huu pimlmd the ltalUim buck au averax of thrua in lie on a ttn mile rriilil. hut the defendlux lino remain unbroken. Th M.Krlorlty in numlM... wift ' .... ,1 U.I .1.1. .HI.UI.I j uiutci IhU caimed llir retreat Iiullaii lleadiuurler In Northern l.leutenHi.1 Anclllot-I Italy. Iter. 8 in or the Itullan aviation corim him ... n.. f lh. -I.....I .l.rlnu ! ..I..l.d .f lkU l.(I..W...IIlllll. nn Aiiatrla ball.Hin which wh obaerv- ln Venire. pa.lnK thro.,h the b. whh piirt, of the env about hU propeller, and wlnnlnn .1 Kovernmniii bonua of d.noii lire for hia eiploll. I'oitlund, Dec. M.--Tlie Oienon 'iule Sunday HcUnel Hanocutlou haa ulreudy ruined about IT'iO for the American lllble aoclety "llllilea for Soldlern" fund on the Hiernello m It in 1 1 or Mic. Datiiienbuuer and Mr, Itildd. The demand ha Himv Krnan many-fold, Juki iih the Y. M. ('. A. work Iiiin expanded $10,000 Ih.iIih iuola for I'ortlund and .'i,(Min for the htiile. 1'renldent W'llnon, Governor Wlthycoinbe and the atate council of defenxe hava authnrUed thla drive. The teHtainenta 'to be used are In dia paper, hound In heavy khaki cloth and coat 2Kc each In million Iota: they are dlxtrlhnted by the Y. M. C. A. and rhapllna on the apot without duplication. HKVtHlTKi'S llltK.tKS tUT IN I.ISHON IS ItKIMIKT Madrid, liec. K. A rovolution !ia broken out 111 l.lnhon the capital of I'ot'tiiKal, nccordlng to n dispute)! re ceived here today. It uIhii declai'eB thut nil outbreak litis occurred nt Oporto. L AT At the Chamber of Commerce luncheon next Monday, there will be no out-of-town apeakrr hut the feature of thn luncheon will be 'a geni'tal (IIhciishIoii by luemiiers on the work of tho club. Thla discus sion should develop ' many helpful suggestions. ' Thn aerrctiiry received a wire from It. (1. Miller, who had been in vited to speak at the 'Monday lunch eon, to the effect that he would have an Important conference with the Twohys dnrlnn the week and could not emtio to (Irnnta I'hxk until nfter that time. KI'.MOK ItKI'tlltTI'.ll THAT KX-rzAU has i:hc.I'i:h WashlnKtoit, Dec. s. The Amer ican consul nt Tlflls reports a ru mor that the former czar of HuhsIii has escaped. There has boon no confirmation. AMDKM AV llTIHlVi:it r' Till HIWT t I. Art VHTMI TKI -TOV IHl Kit TIU'KKIIW Itnilber of Mra JnMtpliua llxolvlh a In t i.inionnd of lll-fuil Vea wl W hi'n It Hunk Waahlnntott. I)ic. 1. An Amer ican detro)er. the Jaeoli Jon. ai loriwdoed and aunk In the war lone Thumday with the loaa of a larxit part of the crew. Thirty aeven aurvlvora were taken ff n m fM rfl ,, th nam, 0ff . . ten of them huva been received ! here. The offlcera reported aaved are: Lieutenant John K. Klchard, A.,lt- ant Huriteon i u Aaamaiewn aim Kntilun NelKOO (llltea. The alnklnit occurred at o'clock " "'" ''r " commanded by Lieutenant 'om,...nder Hav.,1 1 Worth n.Rley . brother of Mm. Jol-hua imnleU. 'Wile Ol llie riirmij ui Coniuiander ttanley'a brother j wan the first American ohVer to loee M "life In the 8panlnh American war. The Jacob June waa the defray er which aaved 30.1 jieraona from the Hlnklna; Orama, torpedoed Octolier 19, It wn one of the uewi-n and lnreHt of the American deal rover, completed laxt year. Her ieace time complement wan 97 men but there were probably more on board f,,r at 1U tiipe she went do-yv Hmmenlso not .menu la believed that about 60 were lost., them to faTl Into hands that might Including Commander Bagley. prove hostile. ' LAME PLEADS FOR UNITED PEOPLE TO HAKE AMERICA L Washington, Dec. 8. In his au nual report published today, Secre tary lne. In characteristically strik ing phases, imrtruys the transition of a peaceful democracy Into a nation organized Tor war. Possession of re sources alone he warns the country does not win war and recounting the enormous progress made on every hand declares the physical stores of the I'lilted States are almost com pletely at command of Ihe world's needs. " 'What can you do to serve lite?' " quotes the secretary. "To that ques tion each Individual and each depart ment of the government must give answer. The answer of this depart ment la that It has put every agency and activity which it has at the ser vice of those departments more di rectly concerned with war making. Our men of scientific knowledge nietalurglsts, chemists, . engineers, topographers have found new work nt their hands. The homesteaders und the miners on the public lands have been released from thoir obli gations If they go into the army or show themselves to be of greater ser vice off their lands than on them. The reclamation Rervlce on a million and a quarter acres of Irrigated lands and the Indians on nyhundred reservations Joined In the campaign for more meat and more wheat. The patent office haa been reached for new devices that could be b'rought Into use to kill the submarine or limit Its destructlveness. for the pinna of heretofore unused lethal weapons, and for the formulae of Improved or unknown sources ol power, liefore war actually came this department had compiled the data which showed the power of the nation In mineral and chemical re sources, our possible needs and how they could be met at home or where abroad. Prepared liRts of those men who had special knowledge or were Jtil( AM MAV SK(t liK I'lMKH HIOV GIIKAT HTOIIKHOl KM OK MII.ITAIIV HU'IM.IKH ID 1-WiiMY I'remU r la Hnld to lie I'ronr Inrnt in N'rw Udi'iienoVot i"erii. mnil In Altic ItuanU : Wanhlngton. Dec. I. It la r IHirted that l.r.UO liolabevlkl troop hava arrived at Vladlvontok wber a larn "tore of military aupplle have been accumulated, moat of which have bn ahlpped from the - - - I I'nited Statea and Japan. - The temporary Independent (tov rnment In Siberia haa choaen Ker as mlnlater of Justice. It It rei-vrten nere mat Hiner.. r, naa joiiya uenerni miouiuv, ... Conaark leader. Vl'auhliwtiin Iwv k If IIoIkIic-' ...w. mmi,.. imo Vladlvo-ilr .ink ihe fnited States and the en- tente allies may be forced at any.n " i'. time to adopt a definite policy to-. ward the radical government of Uu-,IIBIABIIIIft imrinTlin la. Great quantities of munitions, UWfl IIP f.'LAU LK and supplies ahlppc( the I nlted HlUllllMU UllLMlAI 110 States and Japan before the over-u throw of the Kerensky government are stored nt the l'aclflc port await ing shipment over the rongested trans-Siberian railroad, and It I well understood that the allied gov- or skill along the lines of our own activities enabled us to expand as the call was made. "War forces a nation to an In tensive study of what It can do. Thought and work these are the answers to the problems of material insufficiency. We of America have had no little to boast of through the quick century of our march ncros the; continent. And without doubt our anility to stand alone, oepeuains; A .... ,..1 tt thn thim.u ftint. , , . , . , make a modern industrial nation. Is . , , . . . someth hi of which we may be proud not so much because we have this' land as because we have found out. its worth and made It ours by put-1 ting U to use. But we soon reallxe! when thrown into such a struggle! ns this) war how far removed fronij entire Independence we are. ! "Men are already thinking of the. LAD NATION greater America that they believe tof , be coming when the' war la done.! We are In this war aa the trustees, Dec. S.-Otto Julius of social and political Ideals. mpHt j ;Iarkt1- a O-rman writer and lectur of them unformed, even embryonic! V nd Hna Stnl. "list and and these we hope to realise through the strength of the nation. Our na tionalism, lutense, virile, and of the UglltlRg Kina. IS B pari ui me hi- cMnery. through which we are work ing to make all men our debtors. Our national purpose Is to transmute days of dreary work Into happier lives for ourselves first and for all others In their time. This Is .the! large vlow. the idealistic view. If you pletiso, of America's mission. Itj In the subconscious philosophy of all; our history our wars, our public school system, our conservation schemes, our enterprise. ! "This new Amerlra, as the , old. will contribute to the world raw products with most generous hand. But the ultimate resources of the natlon Is not that which lies within 1 1 . J lt. . 1. I l ..! I. .. 4 I (Continued on page 4.1 Itlo de Janeiro. Iwc. . A newa- paiier, publlahed In I'ort uguene cnll- fi the Correlo de ilnrlln. hat begun Votiernmo propaganda, opening Ita campaign wltb analbemaa upon the I'nltfid Rtatea, which it declare bat coerced the lAtln republic to break relations with Germany. Dmperate attempts are being made here to undermine American solidarity but they are not making much Impression on the Brailllan people. PRISONERS FAIL TO MAKE GET-AWAY Saleiu, Dec. After waiting ser eral days for an nttnmpt to eacaie from the penitentiary at Salem by prisoners who had sawed through wf o( WQltctltlarr bulld urphy tQ(Uj. the roof repaired. The prlaonera had made a lio-foot rope from strips "of blanket and had also several dag- gera. liiiarua naa oeen poaieu nigni- Wit the conrlcts. evidently knew ' the dlncovery and failed to make CATTLE KILLING PLOT That a Grey-bull, Wyo., Dec s. systematic plot to destroy cattle and t'nrevlsed estimates contained In th other live stock in the Grey boll , report are as follows: 3,1)1.000, nelghborhood Ih the belief or officers j'nQO bushels ofj corn.59,7l7.e00 of who have Investigated several re-)wheat, l,R80,Oi0.00 0f oats, 201, cent killings. In each case . por-j 6R(t,noo of barley, 5,000.ft00 of rye. tion of the tongue if the animal hasj 16,813.000 of buckwheat,' 33,254,000 been cut off. and officers believe 0f rice. 73.380,000 of kafir, 439.- iinia is aon so mat me perpeira - ors may obtatn s reward to killing the cattle. rtVVITZKHia.Ml INCKEASKS . HKlt RTK.f OS FORT AUK: Berne, liec. Switzerland has once again follower! Germany's lead In arranging for an Increased Income by raising postal rates materially. New stamps of 2H and " cen-j times will be issued shortly. It Is un-j derstood. and the possibility Is dis-; cussed of a new coinage of these de-i nominations, j - Guayaquil. Dec 8. Kquador has severed diplomatic relations with Gerstauy, It was today officially an- ; nounced. ITER AND ARTIST AS cartoonist, were internet! as ti an ser ous enemy aliens on Ellis Island yes terday on the orders of John C. Knox 1 assistant I'nited States District At torney. Stengel was connected with the German publication, the Zeppelin the name of which was changed to Kulen Spiegel when, the United Statea entered the war. AltCHJIIHHOI XII' KriKI.MH ttOXOKKI) HY liKGIMKXT , Paris. November 25. (Correspon dence) The 132nd line regiment,' itself the first to receive the "four- ragerc" both In the colors of the war cross and the military medal, has Just conferred a nllltary medal "fourragcre" upon Cardinal Lucon. Archblsho;) of (thelitis, in re-ognl- jtlon of his bravery In never quitting ' hU post In his much bombed city.' HM HKTARV OK Atiltlt l LTIK I'ltAIHKH WtlKK OK KAKMKIW AM) AHK8 MOKK WAR NEEDS ARE fMUPlO larreMt. taf Blllbm KuahHa of Urala ImxmI fiurter WTvkh Country Hhonlrf Mora Than ItaplloU Waahlngton, De. . With record cropa grown thla year the nation's farm and livestock production must be stimulated to a still higher effi ciency during the coming 12 months If domestic demands and the needa ot the allies are to be adequately met. Secretary Houston says In his annual report to congress today. "That the farmers of the nation ; have generously responded to the ap- peala for Increased production, and that much has already been done to Insare a large supply of foods and feedatuffe," says the report,. Justi fies no let-down In their activities or In thotte of all agricultural sgen- cles. On the contrary, even greater efforts most be put forth Jn the com ing months." While the precise figures for meat. DOiiltrv. dairy products and j vegetable oils are not yet available. the secretary estimates that the Quantity of these commodities is greater than for 1915 and 114. An increase of a billion bushels jover the Ave pre-war average was ;effected in this year's crop of stsplss. j 686.000 of Irish potatoes, 84,727.- j000 of sweet potatoes. 18.967.000 of commercial beans, 42,606.000 of peaches, 11.419.000 of pears. 177.- J 733.000 of spples. and 7.421,000 of sugar beets, , The report outlines In detail the varied actlrltles snd lines of effort of the department during the year, particularly the tremendous expan sion effected at the outset of the war. SAN FRANCISCO BAY Washington, Dec. 8. Alameda was recommended as .the site for the additional navy yard on San Fran cisco bay, in a report to congress by the special board headed by Rear Admiral Helm. The approximate cost of the plant was fixed at 136.- 1307,000. nltlTIKH DRAWING 1,1 NK8 XKAR TO JERl'SALKM Ixindon, Dec. 8. The British have captured Hebron, southwest, of" Jerusalem. ' , CAPTURE A HP Laredo, Texas, Dec. 8. Fourteen federal soldiers were killed yester day when 300 alleged followers of Felix Diaz attacked and captured Guerrero, a small Mexican ga-'tson town opposite Zapata, Tex. The Diar. commander is said to be Gen eral Almaitan. His casualties, if any, are unknown. . American troops nve guarding the river crossings in the Zapata vicinity.