PAGE iXHTB DAILY vMil K KIVKIt (MIUUL'll rltlHAV, HL KMIILII 7. IWIT Clothes for the Holidays knowing llml are fnultlewily ilrfKMNl will asM a grail tleitf l your den.Mire, mI clothes Rive, you confidence: )u onn iit them on ami for Klt HlHMII lllCIII lnsrallM jxmi know )u will hMtk M UK the HOVt Bl.tll any here you u. stop In mill rhmvs' a null ' Htiil overcoat friMii these nilllmr) ; double hreaM sl r hcltnl style; im' rt colors nnd pattens; and dnin, more ronsei utle ih (lil; a fin a n-'m nt of clothes you'll Ilk. . $15 $20 $25 Grants pAsc : PERSSNdL 55 L0O1L : K. 11. Wise, u( Holland. w a oil) visitor today. Crainary butler Sic, J. rde. Red Cium rummago sale- tomor row, corner Fifth and U. 27 Charlton I'erklns arrived thli morn in (imu San Franclnco un.l Mill nud several day with Ma pur eitt. Mr. ami Mr. II. C l'erklns. Red Cios nal.' tomor row, corner Fifth ami li. 2. Mm. J. O. I'urse ami little son r rlved thin morning from Chleo, Cal.. for a few days' Walt. Creamery butter s.'.r. Rochdale J. li. Hamilton, who has been hoia for some time purchasing Christmas tree for lh 1'alifornl.i trade, left today for l.o Angeles. Cieainery butter ". Schmidt'. Jim Uiiiii ha resigned hl posi tion a bookkeeper lu thi Josephine county bunk ami li'ft last night for Portia ml. when h expects to enlist In ome branch of the l S. service Koil Cross rummage sale tomor row, comer Firth ami U. i" U'M.T D. I'ulhoun, who has been visiting th his parent for the pawl two week, returned to Cortland thin morning to lake up his dalle with the Standard Oil Co. Cresnierv butter Schallhorn. Mr. and .Mrs. II HVrv-All," Formerly "Nr tonee" A beverage fur health, kohl hy all (nicer; 2t cant per pound. 27 Now Wear Autli C. U. flicker ami ti. l. Fife of T kllma. mid Stuntoit Howell and ('. A Windmill of thla city went to Meit ford last night to attend a meeting of the II. P. O. K. Mr. Kit and Mr. i Howell were fnitlated. IUi Wantvsl furrier hoy wanted for the t'ourler. Must huvn whael and tele phone Apply at once. :'! V. U. (', )livh Sutiinhiy lietieral Ismail VV. It. ('. will hold It re -in In r hciiiI inoiithly tneetlnii Sutimlav afternoon at 2 o'clock. Iltu lne.s, ntiiiuiil election of o Ulcers and the iler olToi'ltm fur the civil wr niirMCH fund lll ho the apeclul fen lure of the afternoon. KMry ineni her lit rordlnlly Invited to he present I'op ln fhat Will l'o. At llornliiK'a hhurk. ,V Olil Kentucky Well INivlwd Vn nppreclatlve nmtlence fllllni! the neatltiK rapacity of the oiern house welcomed the plav "In Old C. Walker ml Kentucky" laal nkht. fha Knvern- Jonathan Wulker of Uoemun. .Mon- ,et tBX ,,n, ,r (he rompany for last nlxht'a receipt umounted to P proKlinutely ISO. REPORT TELLS OF FIGHT iREYNOLDS TO LEAD (Cootlnad from pact 1 ) General Gregory say the department of Justice ha utilized it full enemy. Several of the great anti-trust ci.sen. previously lieKim. notahly the International Harvester and steel suits are still In the supreme court. The attorney general devote much of his reKrt to Informing congress of the steps he ha taken to carry out the nieaaures against enemy alien. They include co-o)eratioD of federal marshals and troops with local authorities, and xo into the legal procedure in great detail. I Spetding It Up. "What la the reason that Jones' trade bows sii'-h a remarkable sport the last mouth V "Why, you we, 4 ,ii"s stainllnu for the busiiie. t;;:t n..v.- v.ife's running I!aliit:n . ..i t -ri -hi. Cards at the Courier office. I. B. Heynolds was laat night in stalled as scoutmaster of the Grant Pa Troop No 1, Hoy Scouts of America, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of lletij. I'. Shel don who shortly leaves for the east. j The selection of Mr. Reynolds was . fortunate and the boys are to he con '. uralulated upon their good fortuue in securing his service. As much of the scout work has to do with camping, hiking, and general out-of-dor life, Mr. Reynolds Is particular ly well qualified to lead In this work. His association with th t'. S. for estry department has particularly fitted him for the work. tan, stopped over ill the city yes terday with friends while on their way to California to spend the wlu ter. l'hrltma catda. letter and fold ers at the Itexall store. 29 Georije II. Parker relumed Wed nesday night fr&m Atgouut, where he worked for the lumber compunr during the summer. Mr. Parker is suffering from a sprained wrist, re ceived when he slipped on frozen ground. Creatuerv huMer S"i . Josepltini Grocery Co. IMf Ik'teraw t'liungr Name "Near coffee," which has attained a considerable sale in southern Ore gon, has been renamed "Cere-All" by it manufacturer. J. Sehaumburg. Mr. llninlm to Kprx W. K. Rambo, who for years had charge of the boys' orphanage al le moe, India, will speak at the Chris tian church at both the morning and evening service next Sunday. E The illy council held lis regular semi-monthly meeling last night with all members vvept Councilman Knips present. The bill for the salaries mid reg ular monthly expense of tin' city were examined and allowed.. Arrangement were made for the purchase of a pump to he Installed on the present fire truck to give I greuter pressure when necessary, al so for the purchase of a Kord rhusls on which will be placed two chemi cal tanks, thus giving the city two fire trucks. Arrangement were al so made with the telephone com pany for the Installing of fire alarms to be pl.ned In the homes of the members of the fire department. The resignation of assistant fire man. Noble T. Rest, who leaves the department to enlist in hi country's Neatly printed stationery Courier office. Recruits Ut South About 100 recruits in the aviation corps from Washington nnd eastern Oreirnn nnseri through here todnv on i their wav to some point in Cnllfor- 'nla. While at the depot a number of at the them entertained the bystanders with excellent singing. Cards at the Courier office. ' A classified ad bring result. U STRIA V KMPKIum GRKATI.V DI.8IIIKH I'KACK INTOLERANCE $2,000,000 Spectacle. Large Orchestra. Love's Straggle Through 'the Ages ( J"' ': "'''"17 - ' ? ' lr v : y f BIJOU Theatre (tl-Hllts Putts' Itest mill Hufiwt I'liotoplay Hoiim Tonight and Saturday and Saturday Matinee Amsterdam. Dec 7. At the rerep tlon of the Austria delegutes. says a Vienna dispatch, the emperor re marked to the president of the par liaments: "It will be the finest day of my life when I can conclude peace." Admission if; Rcweved "." KcMTvcil settl on huJ ut Roses Introduction Ndd. Kor a lung' lime lawson lis Nm-ii tlilrstlv to Icll lllolikins thai he and George Washington lunl iiollilim In commoii. but bad never tumid mi op port unity. tine (In.', bin. ever. I hey met at the ii udeui.v nnd si I together gazing nt a lovely lillle si nine. Claw son turned to hi rnluloguc. "Ah." he said "1111 U Truth:"" Waving a band toward the stiiluc. he iiiit: "Triilli. iiIIom' me lo prcsenl my friend Mr. lllolikins. I fee) sure yoil two have lie er met befnrv.".omlou Answer. Choice Toggery 111 a : ii ni liiiint lilt M II til' oi II ill HMXt is ia;AH ixiu iiolinw ntii:. ARRIVALS IMII.V Of I'lIK HW MIIIII'S AMI Mil hV V. VII M M'. si'VI.Ls l II VIS. t.l.uVKS AMI IIOIM IU I UK Hrhl Tilt: IlKsi MILLS riKHtlt i:. I M) R KAU l MI LT I VLRV SCLCI VI. RI VI IRI MOT. LVLRVTMIMi TIIVT'S Xr'VV. t llOIt i: AMI MHUIMT IN T Mr- GLRV is MIMU N IH Iti; IIKVI'. vr itu PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. Cash Clothiers A MVN'H HTORK I1IR V MVN'S 4'IIKIHTMVS Ulht tmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Extra Special 170 Pounds per Bulk Coffee JljiU lb. Basket Grocery 417 G St. NKW TOIHT . . . j tCLASSlKIKD AI) RATKS. 25 ' words, two Issue. :Tc; six Issue. M)c; one month. I when puid in advance. When not paid In advance, ic per Hue per Issue.) i ITIILIC STKNOUKAl'IIKit -'-Mrs! It.! S. HiihIi. 10!) North Sixth, phone1 141-R. ' If lVil,Y Al'TO .except Sunday, from' I Grant I 'ass to Takllina. leaving Grant I'ass nt 2 o'clock p. in. from lloburt gaiage. Fare $.'.,n. John llreeding. .1 WIIJj KXCIIANGK light rubber tired buggy or fine Aneroid bar ometer for a good microscope or a small size, kodak or camera with aiiustlgmat lens. A. II. Gun nel!. 2S K()i 8AI.K Horse, hack and har ne, or will trade for cattle. Cull at 202 South l-irth street or photic 323-Y. 2S U7ST Muff, long black hair. Lost Friday afternoon near First Na tional hank. 2X Photo Calendars FOR litis JIST ARItlVLIl Wh will print a picture, from uny film you wish aitd mount it in any one of these pretty cal enders for only 1.1c to 1'Oc, c cording to size. Or we will furnish calendar complete with local scene at the same price. A picture of n member of the family or fuvorlle scene mounted this why makes a de sirable nnd Inexpensive glfl. Come early, while I lie sup ply Is large many were dis appointed last neason by delay ing too long. See our window display.' D. W. GRIFFITH The Music and Photo House Stuntim Itwell, I'rupr. JOY THEATER FltlHAY nn.l HAJIRHAV Hon i! I'MMlignl Son noil love ami riches Is kImiwii In "His Father's Son" A Mel Co Womlerpliiy of . .I'o liulnce, tnli'tli ami millions Willi Lionel Barrymore inn) ii;i,m; iiowklv SVITRDAV mid HI'MIAV ' li it Fi nny Woman AI.K'M IIOWKMi in "M I'TCNL'S X Al (ilirv DAltillTKIt" llc 20c .Vow Vork. Ih'C. 7. The force of the blow which the Tinted States I aide to strike ut Prussian u illiteracy will be meusiiriul by the amount of material which the nation' work shop i nil produce, declared Frank A. Vutiderllp, head of the govern ment war savings ramiuiign In an ad dress here today before the eleventh annual convention of the association or life Insurance presidents. COMI.VO KVRNT8 Dec S. Hiiturday- lied Cross rum moge sale. dec. s, Siitunlay -Children's hour at public library, Mrs. burn Robinson, storyteller. Tier. Ill-.lan. .". Farmers' and home, makers' week st (i. A. C. Culling cards af the dinner A "lasslfled ad will gin resiilti story Had- .ItsslJg Keeping Up the "Pep fa Your Storage Battery Muni the right kind of in peclion al rrgular interval by men who art ciperti. Bring your battery lo ui for tnting at leut once a month. Don't wail until troubles develop. It will cml you nothing to find out your bat tery ' condition and will lave you many a repair bill. Start the habit today. RATI' Lilt SIKH' ('. A. LV.NI II KKI s. Sixth St reel