UtDNrHDAY, hWK.MIlMl ft, IHIT PACK TWO utiiY hogik nivtu codam a I I V I; li : ! . fa i 3" DM ROGUE RIVER COURIER Published Dally Except Saturday A. E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr, BKNJ. C. SHELDON. Editor Entered at the Piwlofflce, Grants" Pass. Ore., aa aecond elaaa wall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per Inch 15c local or personal column, per line 10i Reader. per lin.... Sc DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year .. $.O0 By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year -$1.50 MEMBER State Editorial Association Oregon Daily Newspaper Tub. Aasn. Northwest Patriotic Presa Assn. MEMRER OK ASSOCIATED PRK6& The Associated Presa Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. VKPXKSDAY, UHCKMBKR 5, 11T OKKGON WEATHEU . .Rain Thursday, moderate f aouthweaterly winds, Increaa- 4 Int. THE MESSAGE On first reading, the president's message to congress brings out two point with startling clearness: There I to be no thought of peace until an absolute victory Is won; and the burden of the task is to rest on the shoulder of the United State. This declaration will have the . hearty support of the people of the country, Irrespective of political party. The president's ringing dec larations are genuine American and not partisan. There can be no two opinions of that question. But this brings one face to face with the probable fact that the war la far from an end. It indicates years more of awful struggle. The fact that it Is a struggle between freedom and slavery only emphasizes the fact that it Is a fight to the death. The concensus of well-informed opinion is that Germany must be beaten into submission be fore a world peace is possible, and i that Is a consumation not yet in sight, though its final arrival Is ab solutely certain. The president makes it plain that the country should devote itself sole ly and unreservedly to the business of making war. He Is right. Any action, any proposed policy, that can In any way lessen the progress of America' war preparations and war prosecution, .should he shoved to one side without hesitation. War is the business of the hour, a statement that is true of the Individual Ameri can as much as it is of the country as a whole. PUMPS ARE NEEDED IN WRECKED FRANCE Washington, Dec. 4. The follow ing cablegram has just beenrecelved from the Paris headquarters of the American Red Cross: " 'Send us pumps,' la an appeal today from a Red Cross delegate In the devastated area. The retreating Germans left little untouched there last spring. Spokea were cut from wheels of farm carts, orchards were felled, farmhouses wrecked. In many case's pumps were destroyed, wells filled with rubbish and pollut ed. ' "Of the few men and women who have managed to filter back to live In the one good corner of their wrecked buildings to clear the fields of barbed wire and try to till them, BORDEN'S MALTED MILK ltKtU l.AK UM.ILAU THE HK8T COrKKK, M JIIIKII IM KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY MUST none dare drink from the old wells which they had depended ou all their live unless they hear sign reading Good water,' to show that they have been purified. To these safe wells people tome from far and near with their Jugs and palls. To make their already difficult life a little easier und to make It poulble for more of them to come back to their devastated fields. all they have, as soon as pumps can be bought, ten will be sent to fill the need for them in this district. It la a real, though slUht, contribution to the giant task of re construction." GOOD LAND CLEANERS Goats Quite Efficient in Clearing Up Brush Patch. Many Farms Have Spots Where Ani mal Could B Accommodated and Provo Money-Matting Proposition to Owner. , "A herd f (rout will do more good la clearing- up a brush patch than half dozen able-bodied men," remarked livestock feeder recently when at a market In quest of a lond of goat to iblp to hi farm. At his farm In Wisconsin, a few year ago there were large patche of weeds and other foreign growth that be had tried In vain to clear. Muny days of hard work were spent with out success. Finally he conceived the Idea that a flock of goats could do the work and do It better thun human hands and at the same time consume what they cleared and return a profit to the owner. This Is an example that could be practiced more generally. Many farm have brush patches that could accom modate a flock of goAta and prove a money-making proposition to the own er. The goat Is an unlmal that can thrive on feeds that other animals could not. It hHS been remarked that goats could live on tin cans, but some of the brash that they consume and turn Into profit Is ntxiut as had. Burn ing the brush Is a dead lots to the farm owner, but when he turns a flock Into that patch it doe not take long to cut down the weed and Instead of being a loaa It s a profit to the owner. Here If a system practiced on many farms a side line that farmers say I the cheapest labor on the farm. In stead of being an expense it I an Investment, as the animals can be taken from the patch and, without any additional feed, shipped to market and Mold at a profit. The murket for goats habeen such llmt they nearly always are worth what they cost In the start and the milled weight is what iimkrx the money. Int-nd of paying for Sanitary Plumbing Deficient plumbing is never sanitary, and is dear at any prife. Your health or cc.n your life may dept-i'd on the rare given to tin-, laying of a drain pint. GUARD YOUR HEALTH We guarantee ,'rrv piet-e of pluujbing we In to be perfect before we firtt the job. Play safe let us do your plumbing right. Tetherow Sheet Metal Works Phone 308-J S - V Hl.K I.V JMK- KI.K U.V farm hands t rid ymr fiiriu of weed Hud fond an growth, iim- ii tliM-k of w.imIW uml us, tin tni'ii In omc otln-r j line wherv they cull il limri- kimmI. toMINQ EVENTS Dei S, Saturday-- Ufd Cross rum mage sale. Pec. Jl-Jun. V Farmers' and home maker' week at O. A. C. Tompl of Diana. The famous temple of Diana was built at Kphenw In .YV.' It. I'. Iiy the coiiiiumi fiiml of ;i'll llif Greek Mate ; of Asia. Pliny says that '."J" year were sH'iit In ere ting it. It was iel on lire lu X It. C. and iiysln rebuilt mid was Anally destroyed by the Goths alxil 2.'ii A. 1. The rulus of the famous i temple, after nerving n a quarry for the surrouudliig rculoii for a Ion- time, were finally dlwoverrd" li.v Mr. Wood In INill. The temple of Mima was -til feel lung. 2"- feet wide and was sili ported by 1:17 columns elxlj feel high, emli weighing ir.it ton. The marble of the column" wf tl'e pure Parian variety. Racine Tires 5000 Miles Guarantee C. L. HOBART CO. ENGRAVED and FANCY CHRISTMAS CUDS AND LETTERS The Imit. lines sr ever hae had Get youri while the aMortinent Is complete nAmoov'c Drag and MASONIC TEMPLE, GKAXTS PASS Comply with the law and use printed Butter Wrappers According to the ruling of the Oregon Hairy and Food t'ODimJasloo all dairy butter sold or evposed for sale In thil state moat be wrapped In butter pir upon which I printed the words "Oregon Hairy Hutter, Id (or 82) ounces fall weight," with tti name and address of the maker. To enable patron of the Courier to eally comply with the ruling this office will supply standard niza and weight butter paper printed with special waterproof Ink, and delivered by parcels post, at the following prices: 10A Sheets, 10 or 92 ounce $1.00 200 Sheets, 18 or 33 ounces 1..13 800 Sheets, 18 or 82 ounces 1.70 600 Sheets, 10 or 82 ounces 2.40 Extra charge for special designs. s Kend orders by mall accompanied by the prl e as above and paper will be promptly forwarded to you by reel poet, prepaid. We use the best hutter Vper obtainable, aa'l our work manship I of the newt. Rogue River Courier firnnts Pass, Oregon TWO ROADS- EvsrV tvil and stsiul habit w pstsikt in flrawt upon eur strength and rtieurtss without any prpr return, and evtry uch habit tnt eur power for goad. On th othor hind, ov try task that is faithfully dsns, vty rospontibility manfully born in the path of duty, stood iot us like H fctiott ballast. DEEDS, NOT WORDS Grant I'aaa People Have AheolaU 11-001 of ixkf at Hum It's not words but deed that pro true merit. The deed of Doan'a Kidney Pill, For Grant Pass kidney suffer re. Have made their local reputation. Proof lie la the testimony of Grant Pass people. Mrs. A. M. Evensen, s:5 S. Fourth St., Grants Pass, say: "I waa nearly laid up with adatic rheumatism In my hlti and dnfrn through on of my limb. At times the pain waa almost unbearable. Often the muscle and cords lu my llmba seemed to con-tr-t. causing Intense pain. During this trouble my kidneys were more or less affected, which prompted me to lake Doan'a Kidney Pllla. The flrst lxx regulated the action of my kidneys and I took about three boxes In all when the rheumatic pain In. my hips and limbs left me entirely." Price 0c, at all dealer. Don't Imply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Kvensen had. Koster-Mllburn Co., Prop,, Buffalo, N. Y. CALL POIl HII S-uleil proposals will be re eUed by the board of directors of the Grants l'as Irritation District at their office In the court hnue of Jo sephine county In Grants Tass, Ore gon, for the purchase of $15,000.00 par value of bond of the district till 10 a. m.. December 21. 1117. For detailed Information regard Ing thl Issue, address. Clerk of Board. Grant Pass Irrigation Dis trict. Grant Pas, Oregon. IStf Statiosery Store Classified Advertising Mill fcU.K tl. ii C. Git ANT LANDS -blue irliit plats allowing liiiuls lu Josephine I'ouuty. II .'0. i.dilrr A. I'.. V ooi hies, Grants I'iim. i' ..... KOIt SVI K To lmr. One weld- (UK. t4; one mm MO, Ksrh lu Hood condition and iuh aout 1175 lb. A. N. Pamoiu. !':nf FOK SUI.K- - SpitnenHerst and Slew tun apples. Price according to quality. It. K. rtosn, phon titH-K-2. 0''tf I K A I. Kits In liorni's, mules, entile. WNHous, hacks, titliiKlea, barne1! and saddles. We hat u vniluiy of all kind at ull limes. If you have anything to sell or exchange, or If you want to buy, come and see us. V will treat you ilulit All our llteslmk la put out under KUiiruniee. Ited Front Feed and 8le Me, Corner HUtli and K streets. Tlinniiina & lllmtlns. Proms. Phone 3 it .J . isif KOIl SW.K llorc, liarnna Mini waRon. all In iiood chupe. Call at 711 J street. 17 Foil SAl.K - burned lime and hulid Iiik lirl'k. I'tah-lilaho rtmtiii Co :n Foil tlAI.K- tne Jersey cow tihlnn milk, six yeats old, iiIho 3 Inch ,11(1111, nooil as tin. Price rcim onalile. V. M. Williams, sum VI street. Grants Pass. -f TO HKMT TKKMONT BOOMS --Now under managment of Mrs. 1. C. Arm strong; 2S clean room at 35c and &0c; special rate by week or month: slso light housekeep ing rocms. Would Ilk your pat ronage. 4 Ot f KI KMSIIKH ROOMS Urge, om fortaWe sad ronvlently located. IMC street. Sitlf TO KXCHAMGK rHl KXOII ANtiK Urite residence properly close In for Irrluated ranch. AddresH Courier N'o. 2377. 19tf WAVTKIi--IS men for iuurry work Also need a few men for contiai-t work, leaver Portland Cemniit Co., Cold Hill. Ore. WANTKI) A snuill furnished house. S-e II. n. Montgomery, rare of I'tah-ldaho 8unar Co. 2S TKACIIKIW K.XAMIWTIONH ' Nufl'-e Is hereby given that the county superintendent of Josephine county, Orenon, will hold the regu lar examination of applicants for state rertlfirntes tit (irants Pans, us follows: Coininenclnu Wednesday, Decem ber 19. 1917, at 9:0l o'clock u. m and continuing until Saturday De cember 22, 1917. nt 4:00 o'clock p m. Wnluemlay l-Vin-niHin V. 8. History, Writing tpenmun' ship), Music, Ora'winK. 'eliieIay AfterncMin Physlolosy, ReadlnK, Mauual TralnlnK, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods In Keadinir. Course of Study for Drawing. Methods In Arithmetic. Thiinulay KotenMin Arithmetic, History of Kducallon, PsycholoR.v, Methods In (ieoKrniliy, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon Grammar. (ieography, StenoK raphy, American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods In language, Thesis" for Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling). Physical Oeography. English literature, Chemistry, Phy sical Culture, Friday Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Hatnrday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon' ' General History, Bookkeeping. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD EffeitlveDecemlier 1, 1917. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 lv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. in. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p.m. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of 0 nnd Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot- For all Information regarding ! frolKbt and iinxseimer service call at ! the olllen of the coiiipuny, Lufidliurg building, or phone 131 for same. PIIVHICIAXN I,, tl, t l.KMKNT. M. i Practice llliillrd to dlseuses of ti e f), ear, none and throat, tllwaaes filled, oak hours (-12, 2-5, or on p- iiilnliieiit. Olil.o phono, ); real ileure ptione J59-J. 4 MM t.lllilDtiK. M 0 PtnsliMa und suntenii. CI t v nr i'.'itttrv rail atlaiiiled da or I Llit. Urslilsner plume 'il!t; iiffli'ii hone I si, Xlxih snd II Tuffs liulMnuv Hit. Kl). IIYWATKH Speelullst discuses of lh eye, ear, bos and tlimal: gtsssi's fitted office llnur t to 12 a. in,. 3 to Ii p. in. Phone Ur.nii'ixe .'fiu-i,; unuj :&; Masoule Tempi, tlraiiil tirs. A. A. WITIUM. M. D.. Physician and auritenn. Office- Hall Hid . corner Sixth and I straits. Phones: Of fice, I Irt; residence, 3 S 8-1 Hour. 9 a. m, to i p. m. IUJ. o. Nllll.KY-i'hjilotaD and nui'iteon. I.tincllmru lliilldlni. Surneon I'tah-ldaho Sugar Co. Ileiillh Odlcer. Olfloer hours, to ll a in. I to & p, m. I'hon 31 o-J. Hit DKNTIHTH K. C. MACY. D. M. D First claae dentistry. IUH South Sllth streni. Grants Psss, Oregon. ArnniMcv II. . D. Norton, Attorny at-law. Practice In all Slat and Federal Courts. First National (lank flldf. COl.VKI A WILLIAMS Attoro- at l.aw Oranta 1'r.ss Uanktng Co. II Id . Grant Pass, Oregon. K. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practice In ill rotirts. First National Haok Building. Dl'RHA.M A KICHAIID. Attnraey t I.sw. Oftlre Masonic Tempi. Crams Pas Oregon. V. T. MILLF.K. Altorney-it-Uw-County attorney for Josephine County. Office: 9. hallhorn, Uldg. O. S. IHNCIlARD.Attorney st-Uw Crauts Puss Hanklnu Co. Uldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon ULA.NCHAIID ft BLANCH A III). At Golden Hule Building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. 7 "VKTKUI VKV hi'lUJI-jtiV I DR. R. j. "BKSTri..Vetrlaarran. Offha In Wltietrout Implement Bldg. Phone 1 1 2.1. Kesldenee Phone J0.VR. IHUYAGK AND TKANKKKIi COMMERCIAL TRANSFEn" CO." All kind of drayage and trauafcr work csrefully and promptly done. Phmie 181 -J. Stand at freight depot. A. tihade, Prop. F. O. 1S1IAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, planoa and furniture moved packed, shipped and atorsd. Phone Hark and llolman, No. 50. Heal-' dence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Bro. Transfer Co. Pbon J97-R. MtHICAt. IKSTKUCTIO.N J. S. MACMURRAYi tecberof vole culture and ainglng. I.esuom given at home of pupil If retiueited. Ad dresa 716 Lee St. 851tf " TAJU gKRVlOB" """ A RE YOi; GOING or not going." that Is the question. Call Jitney Luke at the Spa or phone !!(2K. Always at your service ftrr city or country calls. 90tf MOCHA TAXI servlie. Phone call 10c by day as usual. Save the nlrkles for the Red Croa. Country calls attended to. Office phon 1 Rl-R. Resldeme, 149-Y. Otto J. Knlps. as PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. For Sunday Kil lings call Mill 28.1-It or residence 140-J. 78tf AIIHTKACT8 i JOSEH INK "COUNTY ABimiACT company secured the contracts fer making abstracts for the William creek, Josephine county and Illi nois volley federal farm loan as sociations. There was a reason, Let us make your abstracts. 24 PLUMBING FOR EXPERT WORK In plumbing, heutjng, tin or sheet metal work, see W. R. Rarmle, 512 H street. Phone 36. 27 r Cards nl tho Courier office. Letterheads Unit will pleuse you, at the Courier. r - rr Jit .