. wife -'...' DAILY EDITION OKA NTS FAM, JOMcriUJIK CVCMTT, ORKUOX. Hi'SUAY, )M:MIIKK 8, I9IT. whom; homkr tut "VOL, VIII., Vh. .IT. 1 ALL PARTIES UNIT AGAINST PEACE LETTER MAKOl IH III1 l.iNHDOWNKH PICO IMHAI, MKKTH lit HUH WW. Ol-' I'lUrTrKT l KNGLAND 10ME CONSULTED OH. LETTER Lrllng llitilk Men In Itrlmln rlx Keea llrgrrt Thi Much ln- pnwtl Mhoulil IWi PnblUlied tandon. Dee. I. -The letter of the Marquis o( Unsdowua, asking tn nllle lo declare anew their war sini. and tutoring mi attempt urn..pear bfur."tha war leads tn the ruin uf the worlda civilisa tion." la lh eubject of much bitter discussion tn Kudu ml. !.nrd Robert Cecil and Andrew Bou.r U have mndu It plain that! 1j,Bdowiie' vbwa are not thoe of anr nemh.r.or the cMn t. At a meeting of labor tinlnnl.i t which over f.Ano dolegate wer In attendance, re.olutlon wwn adopt ed deploring the letter. J. titln, Chamberlain alale. thia he and hl.j aaorlate viewed tb letter with n-j -felgn"d regrrt. , . ' I on Jon. Iteo. I. The 1nrqila of l4litdnwne wa. Interviewed b lb Dally INrr ronrernlQU hi lujlcr and aaJd: ! idioiild like It known positively IbkU the W-lter waa enllrvly mr own. X eualuU'lMJtt)0ll;-,o,,1 An almiinl liln h. been eprend that tha Iden w. miUKe.ted by other pT eon, t wl.h to deny tliMl." IiiTERESTlNG TALK Tbe OismWr of Conniwree l-irtrl-j. eon ilonJ.iy no.in will ! Wi tn n:i Hit uf u .'"l to Dr. KohmV ck okIImiiI talk Krlilny mm. Tin gpeukor of li Uny will lt ll-ju. Por ter J. Nt'ff. of Mcd'or.l. .no the leading ntloriu.ys or aou thorn Dre gon', a man who ba tmvel)d 'In (Ifr many ns well other section, of Kuroiie und lias famlll tri'cil hlm elf, by flrht ItBud InveatlKatiuna, or the true tleruiiin conception of tlicli philiMopby tor-"reunion,'"' a Mr. .Nnff call ID of kullur. Acceptances for others luncheons .In the near future Ijave been recelv ed from (lovernor Wlthycombe. Sjietiher Stanfleld, Pres. Campbell of the state university, W. K. Newell. asDlstant food administrator of Ore .Con. State Superintendent. Churchill M4 Prealdent Kerr of O. A. C. WlliiOX WANTS (VNURKNfl , TO PAHH WAR MKAHCRKH Washington, Deo. 1. - President Wilson Is known to have expressed tbe opinion that congress should confine Itself plmoitt entirely to loR (lslatlon for the vigorous prosecution rof the war, at the coming ne.slon. i Hwttlle. Dec. I. The Itnllun nr- rented, In Milwaukee. chni'Ked v with oUntliiK a. bomb at the, police stu tion Saturduy nlghtu helon to the Clreulo iftudl Honlull, It wits uti nonnced here today. . - FRENCH DEFEAT TWO : POWERFUL ATTACKS ; Paris, IKhc 1. The Hermans vio lently attacked 'In the Verdun sector '' making two iKiwnrful efforts. They f-were dvfeuicd by Hip French' who IteM the lines ntuct nfler -mn .MeMt:i '.vhlc'i wei'. ertror l-p.-v, i SEATTLE PEOPLE VOULO OUST GILL Mnm Mrrllng DerMMiiiK iMurtou Mayor's IUmtl. hiirrlfl Hlrt Inilriwiiitevt Clean l't Seattle, Dec. I. Mayor Gill to il y refused la comment upbn the lirtloo of III mtu meeting held hit re last night. ' Sheriff Stringer lie. announced (but til office ha Independently started a "clean up." Twenty depu tlea ere gathering evidence upon which to taka action. Tbe ataorlff baa a.hed General Iron, at Camp lwl lor 20 military police to help oust tha trie but tb general de- clsred Hut auch actlou would be Inconsistent with tha army' pollry. Seattle, ee. I. -More than 8.000 person, assembled In masn meeting IttHt night and denounced Mayor Olll f" of ne"-- for hi laxity In law enforcement The enemy easiialtle were exceed and failure tn comply with the de-jlngly large. The British probnMy mend of - Major-tleneral H. A.-o"t con.lderable number of men Greene that 8eattle.be made iife;aUo. . for .oldlri. to rl.lt. i The Brltl.h do not attempt to con- Rlnrlna resolution, fnvorlna m- pea hnient by the council werellhem an ei.eedlngty uncomfortable adopted without a dlmienUng rote.ihour or two but tne aituatinn toaay and the machinery waa Immediately et In motion tn bring tha action 0f the meeting Mo tbe attention ot thai legl.latlve body. FOOTBALL VICTIMS FB'.TR THAII USUAL i Chltagu. Dec, I. Football cl lin ed 1 vtctlnm thl. aea.on, U le. than In lain: and four lei than In 11MJ. . The dofendem of tha gn'm point out that not a fatality or even serious Injury occurred In college or unlver.lly game, where tha -training I develoiM'd umler the direction of expert phy.lcal iulturlnU. Most of the acclileutH have been In hliih .chool. I'lTTMIiriUl WOMK Tt MS HTItr'.KT I'AltM Hltlxlmrg, IH'C. l.The Pittsburg IUI1 way Company today advertised In the afternoon papers for women conductor to operate "trippers" and "trailers." the extra cars used during the rush morning and even ing hour. Women dn.lrlng employ ment were Invited to. make applica tion hy letter. About 200. It wa said, wonld.be needed. E llullnn 'Headquarters In IUly, Thur.ilay, Nov. 29. Tim !enlim of the Intensity of the enemy'' at tacks at pluces . nloug the northern front Is reiarded a forecasting th moving of activity to .othnr points. elhi'. fur msHued attacks or In !Tar:ittoi of rlfi.i).le poltliins cupable of meeting the .Italians, ic Inmrced by the. British and French. In :i concerted advance. ' . Avliilors report that the enemy Is feverishly active along the Taglla-I mento river, where he la compelling! tlic clvlllnn population to assist In the conHlrut'tlon of linns of defen sive trenches and work, on the eust ern hank of the river' to which he probably would fall back in case of a reverse alons; the Wave. CAXNOX H.W.H lROIIT WAR AtTlOX CKRTAIM Wiishlngton, Dec. I. .Prompt and nilequate npproprintlon by congress for further prosecution of the war Mere predicted today hy ex-8peeker Cnnnnn upon his return for lb n n , session. . ' Mlneoln, N. Y., Dec 1. The ense rt'lllarfca HeSuiille , will probably (in to the Jury tonight.' She Is clmreil with the murder or her husband the former famoiia Yale football player. GERMANS DRIVE BACK mm new lines la a Powerfd S:rprb AtUck, Testes Fcrce Bjx Reli:q:isi Two Cb f Recently Wca Gmd. bster-Atbdts Step Gercza Prepress 'British llaudqiurter In r"rn. Dec. I. In tba operstlon of tbe Oormana yesterday fl tha Cam bra I radon, tha enemy undertook a tnrn Ini iuovamint but tba Biitlah wart able to pull back and prevent their bring caught. Tha Brltl.h blew up number of cunt to prevent their falling Into tba band of' the enemy. ,So far a ran he learned, no guns l the fcl that the Oermn gave la Dot one to le particular unea.l- ne. Koine acattered Hrtti.n in tne front line were captured hut niot of the troop were aafely withdrawn Some ground wa lo.t but unle tin foraeen event arlae the German ptun have been fruntrated with the Inrurlng of evere lo.te. upon them elve. VWiO 0ESO5PT10; OF BRITISH ARTILLERY i Umili.n. Inc. l. A German dn crlpllon or a British bontbnrdmeut. .moke screen, attacks with gat fluine-throwers and lauka followed by a chsrge o,' Canadian and Srolr published by the Berlin 'rust Is eu lltled "In the Klanders Hell." ' "For weeks, day and nlht." the writer, "the British kept our po sitions under Hi. Kver rinrcer burned the glowing streams that poured crackling down upon us. Bvery day this lire gtew bolter. Our artillery replied powerfully. The army communique spoke of a con centration of enemy artillery fire on Individual sectors. Even we cannot describe what that mean. The his tory of the world hns never seen anything more awful. All calibres were brought Into action, and a cra ter of unprecedented extent opened beside the other, waa - excavated afresh, swallowed up the old ones, spread out beyond the lime trees and threw up hinterland. Nothing remained intact of all that ntght of hard labor under the enemy fire hud created. "The destroying fire did IU work with depressing thoroughness, aeetn Ing to extinguish all life, and now came the turn of the amoke shell. Thick smoke lay before our- eye. o that we could aee nothing, and yet ever further forward must we push our death-defying post. A real fog, A TOLERANT POLI Washington, ' Dec. 1. Adminis tration officials have sounded a note of warning against a hasty condem nation of the Bolshevlkl regime In Russia. The fear Is expressed thut such a course might prove to have n reacting Influence upon the Russian people and lend, them the more read ily Into the hands of German schemes. Buck of what Is described ni a "tolerant policy" In dealing with Russln, apparently not only Is a pur pose to demonstrate faith In the ulti mnte stnhlltr.iitloiv of the democracy., but a fl nt hope Unit the extremist faction which is for the moment In control, will refrain from violating Russia's Unity pledges' to t!e en The fighting la continuing today with tbe Urltlnh counter-attacking. Berlin. Dee. I The Oermana yea- terday aaptured 4.000 Brltdh and several butterle In ;he Csnibral r- floa. Brltl.h Army Headquarter ,1a France. Dec. t. The Ciermana de livered a pretention aoaault In force ve.terday morning on the Brltl.h po nltlont Jtween Bourlon wood and Moenvre toward the wet. Tnder power of a tremendona artillery fire directed on the Brltl.h line. ' (he (lerman in their 6rt m.h pa.hed over the treat of the ridge wert of the wood and down to the vicinity of the Bapaume-Cambral road, Juat north of Ornincoort. . ' ' The Brltl.h, after the flrat hock. oreanlted a counter-attack and flung them.Hvea agalnat the ad vanrlng Germana. late ye.terday It a a. reported the Brltl.h had tuc- reded In pu.hlng back the enemy, although the Intter waa retiming! fiercely. . i : r "Wv. - U run iiguih 7Jrk couiiard with this artificial fog fthfeh the British send out 'ln W'ler to veil their dla- poauitin. yl i, "Who' tills apeai'ed Inadequate the enemy employed gas. and the evil mlsla came rolling toward, our lines and puswul over theiu; only our gas musks preventea every living thing from being destroyed. The ks has a singular effect on our weapons; all Iron wutt covered with thick rust. "The Kniiltsh now judeml thnl they hud done enough prepurat'ory work, for suddenly drumfire started with tbe most . terrifying effect. Shells of the heaviest calibre thun dered across, with mines, machine gun volleys, and hand grenudea all uniting In a blood cTtrdling. . hellish pandemonium auch aa even a Dante would never be able to describe. "And then the enemy was on us. Tank after tank loomed forward. These monster appeared Invincible, and If one of them waa hit by a heavy shell the guns and machine guns inside were -kept going unre mittingly, nnttl finally their Iron hall reached our lines. And behind the tanks cani Scot and Canadians. We see nothing but endless rows of enemies. "At ' last . our"; reserves' deliver a counter-attack.' Murder ', breaks out' fresh. The field of dead become once more a battle ground. " tente allies and make a' separate peace. There , are -intimations that sug gestions hare reached Washington from the French capital . that it would be well to avoid adverse crit icism here of the Russian tangle, leaving the commissions gathering In Paris to deal with It. nt this stage at least. , No surprise Is felt in diplomatic circles here at the speedy acceptance by Germany and Austria of the Rus sian proposals.. It had been assumed that with no Intention whatever of accepting any substantial demands ot the Bolshevlkl, that the German and Austrian chancelleries .would not miss this great opportunity to eliminate Russln as an offensive mil itary force. Washington, Dec. 1. The presi dent has approved nn order Increas ing the .price of anthraolte roal nt the mines throuho't the country. to cover the Increase In wages. IB BY ALL ALLIES Mulatto, l-'raare and Italy Are Fee ing Hrrtuua 8boHao of rMrl lor War Making latdaitfriea Home, Dec. 1. IUly aeeda 100, 00 ton ol coal to run Ita railroad, munition factorlea and war Indua ttiea. Virtually no coal la required for domeatle purpoaea, alnee heat ing ha been auppresaed except tn ubllc building. . . Indon, Dec. 1. Coal for domea tle purpoaea here haa been rationed and price have been Used. The price, range from 41 hillings and pence for the best grade down to tS ihllllng for poorer grade. Part. Dee. 1 .-"-Strict economy In the ne of coal In France la neces sary this winter to avoid abortage Tbla I being accomplished by tbe iMiianee of coal card y which an amount la allotted to each family. with a limit of 2(4 pound month for famllle up to four peraona. WllitOX PIJCIKHCH BlTPOItT TO ROCMAHTUfl KISG " Washington. . Dee. 1 . Prealdent Wilson baa' aent a meaeag to ' the king of Ronmanla. pledging ' Am erica' help In an effort to maintain Roumanian Integiity. . ' WT AHiSTi rates o:i iu::ei W..hlntoifJ!W. I. -The depart- mem of agriculture Ol protested to the Interstate commerce coiUkUfsAlo" against the proposed ' Increase' in freight rates on lumber from the Willamette valley point. The de partment alleges that the rate are In effect a discrimination against the Willamette valley mill and as aerta that the higher rate would pre vent the production needed for war purposes. This protest backs up the action of the Willamette Valley lumbermen's association In Its action before the Interstate commerce commission. THREE B AGE Oil HAL PiW,1 A . Christiana, Dec. 1. The kings of Norway. Denmark and ( Sweden, at their conference here, agreed: First, to maintain , cordial ' ; rela tions with all nations no matter what course the war takes. ' 8econd, to observe, to the utmost the rules of neutrality. " Third, to aid one another with merchandise during" difficulties and to appoint special representatives at once who shall meet and arrange for facilitating the exchange of mer chandise. HAY HAS LOST III Christiana, Norway, Nov. 20. Correspondence of the Associated Press.) The Storthing recently passed a bill instructing a ."White Book" with reports of Norwegian ships lost through German warfare and quoting the testimony given be fore naval courts. The book has Just appeared In two volumes and gives Information up to July 1.. '1917, recording that : total of 588. vessels of SSS,S7 tons, together with fiJS sailors have been lost. Fort OKlethorpe, Ga., Dec. 1. Two hundred and forty cases of mumps and HO cases of measles pre vail among the 30,000 soldiers at this post, but there have been few deaths and the situation Is not alarming.-..- .. .,....,....... .J , 01 EDED wposiii RUSS CD KXTHKMItm AMOXU Rl'NHIAM IlKACn WOKK1XO AGKKDtKXT X)R GOVKK.VM EJIT SIBERIA TALKS SECESSIQR AfltftUc RaaaU About 'to IkecUre It IrMiepradrsce. AmhtMaadur to fVaam. U IXaaat ed London, Dec. t. A dispatch from Patrograd to the Dally Mall say , that Siberia la about to declare Its Independence. Minister, already have been appointed and are holding session In the goveraor'a palace at Omsk. Considerable aeatlaxent ! displayed for the movement an4 a flag la flying la many place. The dispatch says that aa a resutt of tbe election to the coaitttueat asaemblr Ik Petrograd, the brnlaltea' won itz Mat, the constitutional democrat four, the extremist two aad the) other paatlea were not represented, owing to the imallaea of their polla. ' ""-. , Petrograd. Dee. l.-Loon Trotsky, Bolshevik! foreign minister, haa dis missed Mv Maklakoff. Russian am bassador to Franc beeaaM be par ticipated In the Inter-allied confer ence, , '. fetrograd. Thdrsday, Nov. Tb MMlllllUtotot- wltB tne revolutionaires, of the Left and the) Minimalist Internationalists, have arrived at aa agreement concerning the organisation of the governing powers of Russia, A people's coun cil la being formed consisting of 100 representatives of the central' execu tive committee of the workmen's and soldiers' delegates, 100 representa tives, of the peasants' deputies, " 11 representatives of the .army and navy,- 55 representatives of . the trades unions and 15 representative of the railway unions. ... '' -' i ''-- " ' .-; SIMPSON WILL N'OT ' 1 : RIX f)B tWGRKSS North Bend, Ore.. Dec. 1. L. J. Simpson of Shore Acres tonight an nounced that he would not be a can didate for congress in the primaries next spring.. This refute the re ports given considerable prominence in this section that he would op pose Congressman Hawley. iim'irvinrTir .LliUnJ IIU..I...1JI ASKVAGEIhEIM . i Cleveland,'., 'Dec. , 1. -Practically every railroad tn the United States 1-from the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and order of railway con Trainmen and rder t railway con ductors for an increase in wages ap proximating 40 per cent. DOUCTGS m TBS us Tacoma. Dec. 1. Woman conduc tors on Tacoma atreetcara is not at all Improbable If the war continues to decrease the supply of men. While the Tacoma Railway ft Power com pany has not yet taken the matter under serious consideration, it has given the question of ' employing women some thought, according to George W. Rounds, superintendent of transportation., ! The Tacoma Railway ' & , Power company Is experiencing a shortage of men, Mr. Round Bald. Aran