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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1917)
nam rocm l Atl.V 4 jtiTK ItlVKIl UKIUKH WrUMCSDAV, MV. Wt, 117 i PER52NdL 25 LOCAL TEUK'S no one In this whole fine community who hm niorr to Im thankful for Mian f IhU TrutnksKtvlog Time Mid we ok II nil to jiu, our rrieauK who have so splendidly ' supported our rffotiM to kHc tirant l a flrt rlau clothing store. Your kern np pirvUtioa ( our rffortn to ninkr thin a pfoaimiit, profitable da, to trade ha been very ftubntanl tally I, w fwwl In a hm gratifying hul bcm liwtrai. closed TONOMOW We thank y ou lor our propTttj, and Uh jih tht Asms! Thanksgiving yon hittc eery known. J. Swartz Proprietor of t -w m m m m m m .-bbw Grants pAsc Fred Collin made a bualutsa trip to lilendule today. Creamery liuilvr Jc, Schmidt'. Mth. K. K. laiwiiian wont la Ah lnd today for a brief visit. .Mr. A. II. rutrrhllij we(K (o Med toid, where she will spend Thank giving with rrlintta. Creamery buttar S.c. . Vaidc. Mrs. Alberta Umola U epeudlug Thanksgiving with her niece. Alia. Harry Oi r, at Kerby. Mis Knlh dleslcr lirt today for Kugene, where she will visit with Mis IHira Blnhard. ' Honor Ouard dance, Novetnhif JSth. 75 cent gent. SS cents la- die. 10 win spectator. , 2d ills Kmnia Armstrong, of Med ford. In vUil lux over Thanksiiivlu with Mr. W. 0. Ouleaby of till rtly. Crraniery butter S"c. Iturlfdale 8. X. William, of Drewscy, Ore., toperi over In the city yesterday with friend while on hi way to California. Mr. and Mi. C. N. Oilman lift today for Medford w'here the re main over Thanksgiving, with rela tive In that city. Creamery butter ie. Josephine Grocery Co. Is' o Courk-r ToniorroH Tomorrow, Thanksgiving dy. no Dully Coulter will be lud. jMoie Slitughl Among the turke) at Murphy for that auiiual dance Tbanksgivlug night. You belter go. 'twill lie loii mum it home. 30 School for rUilUletl Mi-u All eutlsied men In the count ar tillery cnrp will have an opportun Ity to apily for permission to attend enlisted specialist schools, and men who b hud limning a draftNiiirn eiiKlneer. rudlo operator, elerlrl clan and tenoiiraib(r will have n oiiloitunlty of lie tut detailed to the xi'IhIIi.. ki IiooI. Walrr-I'umf Vour NIkm ' Uet a SJ-cent ran of Url-r'iHit from the KoKiie lltver Hardware and It will waterproof yuur Iiih all win ter If iroerly applied. II Si-lit In t omiiI) Hume The brurlni In the iuku of John K. Kelt of Wolf Creek i burned with inaklnit threat bkmIiihI the life of Mr. and Mr. O. I. Harrey left J person at Ihut pluoe. w held thl BODY FUil-FEST A moHt enthusiastic banc, net was ,glwn Monday nlKht at the Jtaepblne hotel by member of the Knight of Pythias residing In (Irants l'as. or 8lei'ia ' Deputy Grand Chanrellor Harry C. Hunter of Portland. Cover were laid for 22, and a six course, dinner vat served. Mr. Hunter, a toastmaster. kept the fun running hUh and the enthusiasm grew a each' speaker added hie portion. Four member from Medford. headed by District deputy Ben Trowbridge. In cluding OHn Arnsplger. C. W. Har rison and Pr. C. E. Saunders, brought fraternal greeting from Talisman lodee of that city. Members from thl city present were A. C. Holcomb, Tester Coburn, Stanton Rowell. F. E. Wood, B. S. Dedrlek. Geo. C. Sahin. C. H. Wood ward, N. G. Clark, J. D. Stlnebaush, Geo. Calhoun, Dr. Flanagan, J. C. ,. William. John Hummel, L. W. Car- ,son. C. A. Wlnetront. E. E. Blanch lard. W. T. Miller. j The Knlfbta of Pythias have al ready raised over $500,000 of a mil lion dollar fund, to be used In war I relief for members of the order who are taking an active part In the na tional ronnict: This fund Is also available for use by the Red Cross or T. M. C. A. If needed. FOSTER LI i j The interest In Ked Cross work ihas been strikingly evidenced by the demand for the tickets to the luncheon Friday noon for Dr. Fos ter of Reed College. The extreme rapai'ity of the Chamber of Com merce rooms was sold before 10 o'clock this morning. yesterday for Glendale to spend Thankslvln with their on. Idoyd. and family. ( C. II. nu.'lt and wire or Fairfield. Ida., former resident of Pullman. Wash., are In the i lty. They are en route to Sacramento on a pleasure trip. Jo. V. Dorr, trai t distributor, of Seattle, spent several day In the city. Mr. Dorr was for many year an editor, and was publisher nt the Dlulne (Wusb.l Journal. Creamery butter Sic, Schallhorn.' A. C. Hoofer, of the Preston Peak district, stopped over it the city on his wsy to Medford today. He re ports considerable mining ni-llrtty In hi settion and that a force of men are at work on the road from Waldo to Chicago camp. , Initiation IVrw Itwlurenl II. H. Hower. representing the Moose lodge, la In the city for a few days, with headquarters at the Ox ford. ltoer say that the char ter fee will be reduced to $." until December 20, when the 113 rate will prevail. On December IS a Inrge class will be initiated and that even morning before Judge C. 0. Gillette who sent ftlm to the county home, where he will recede tieutment for bl mental condition. Auto Turn Turtle- What in I u lit have iieen a scrtous net Idenl occurred this morulng when an automobile belonging to a Cen tral Point taxi company containing the driver and four passenger left the road! went over a four foot em bankment and turned turtle pinnlug Ibe occupant lii'iiratli It. The nccl dent happened about midway be tween Rogue Itlver and thl , city. The remarkable feutiire I I hat no one whs hurt or bruised In any way. After being res md f ry in tbe'r peri lous pewit inn lliey were brought to thl city In another machine. The passenger were Mr. and Mrs. John Hreuner and son, 'Donald, of Cen tral Polut. and Mr. Ilvnner's sister, Mrs. W. F. Allen, of Oakland. Cat. NKW TODAY I CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 word, two . Issues, 2 .'.; sit Issues, SOc: one month, $ 1.59, when paid In Ing there will lie, refreshments and advance. Wheo Dot paid In advance. 8 Pr line per Issue.) - dancing: i W. T. I'. Meeting The W. C. T. V. will hold their regular business meeting on Frlduy afternoon at 2:30 nt the home or Mrs. Graham on North Sixth street. Ill-lag Your Knitting ladles 'are invited to bring their Red Cross knitting to the 'Thanks giving service tomorrow night. No "pig knitting." I The Only and Original "Garden oi Allah" In 12 Parts Grants Pass Best and Safest Photoplay House MATINEE-Thanksgiving Special The annual Thanksgiving servlrjs will he held at Hethany Presbyterian church Thursday evening at 7:30. Rev. Melville T. Wire will preside, the Presbyterian minister will de liver the sermon, imd representa tives of all the city churches will participate. The music - will be given by the combined choirs of the city under the direction of Mrs. W. U Ireland. Special feuttirei or the program will add Interest to the oc casion. .' It la earnestly hoped that the peo ple of Grants Pass will heed the president's proclamation In this critical and promising moment of our national life. FOR SALE Klertrlo washing ma i bine, elei'trlc Iron, two book cases,' library table with hamiuc! table top, two couches, rocking chairs, set chairs, desk, typewriter desk, llbrnry table, two small tables, and other things too num erous to mention. Dr. Kd Ky water. 21 (111 YE SHOOTMttf Win your Thanksgiving turkey at the Shoot ing Gallery, tlJ'j G street, near Rochdale store. Turkey, geese, ducks and other prize-, given for good score. 20 WANTED A two or three stamp mill, six or eight hundred pound stumps. Must be cheap. Stale particular. Address No. 22H4 care of Courier. 21 WANTED IS men for quarry work. Also need a few .men for contract work. Beaver Portland Cement Co.. Oold Hill. Ore. 25 FORSAJ.E -Household furniture. Including stand-table, hook ciim, two rockers, side hoard, cbnlrs. r heater, range, tables, cupboard, bicycle and other things too nu merous to mention. Call at 109 West D street. . . 21 ' . I aLla t : ' 1 '-5 . f a aih'IjTm a.v chimiii: 10c SI'M iai. MISIC AlK'liTH 2.V (1III,IM!KV lllc JOY JESSE L USKYeMi FannieWard "TT irv ,t Unconquered Tonight Jesse l Ijisky nrrOHnt Fannie Ward In A thrilling ili'itniii of mo dern stir My life "Dncocquered" lly Ileal rice lf Mllle and .... U'lghton Ohiiiiiii IU1H4MIK (Inttj) AltP.lCKI.I', in "ItOKill ihuhi:" ,1'h 0 big shows ill tnti with no ml mice in price. The second show nil) not ilxigln till U o'llock, which Hill enable every one lo iilteml flic community slug and yet ee FATTY Altlll'CKI.K, (ioixl show, good music, and M good time for nil. - . So tulvuiice In. prli-e HW ami Ultc Thanksgiving WK art' tuiiT i no iv ciilltil HiKiii ly our I'rpsitlt'iit tt olwt'i'Vf ur HTHit iialiniial Imliilav. .inl nil III' IIH should llt't'd lllis MllllllH'IIH. Tlii vpar, in irtii'tilar, it is tur tltity t n invcialt1 tin1 iiiaiiv llt's.HiuM lit-Mowi'it iiin us ami tn k'wv thanks fur tlifin. It may sfi-ui tliat ii the midst f Hii" Kivat war that our raiisfS'lor tlumWs friviiiK art- IV w. Hut think r the iva soil's you havt' for uiviny thaiik--nii"l think of our tvusons as it nation. Our IVi'salt'iit's rtM'laniation t lciirly shows that, own in tht'si tryiiijr tinu-K, wt havp a jjivat many things to jiivf thanks for. WV should alif ns o! st'ivt' this day and ct'lohrato it in n' t trdaiuv with tinw? IhhuhviI rustoni. This stoiv will In rinsed all day on ThiuiksjjiYiiiir. Wt- an t nil v thankful ami intfiid to oliscrvc flu- tlay. IMiiim nt'tTjit our siiift'i't wishes for a happy ThanksjjivinK Uay. Peerless Clothing Go "Style Headquarters" Coming to the OPERA HOUS E Thurs., Dec. 6 M-'K the s)tlrltet mikI exciting linite turi'. NMK. the fiiiiiniis Kentucky tliormiglibml yim-n Itews. Sl;i: tlie rollJcMng fun of the iiilinltiible ili k'liiliuiltK. SYY, the slmiigrst ami largest in! I be piny lui ever lunl. i As l-'irsli, im llilnbl, ami as Neiv us on the Day of It I II lib llig Kunny Niocl Parade Dally Prices ."IM , 7.V anil $1 S.-iils at Morning' I OMI'ANV PVS (iO :u. MKT TAX Pltl'.MIDKT WOHKIM1 ON ,MFJ4MAiK TO Ct'.MJIIKSM i Washington, Nov, 28. President Wilson is at work on his message to the opening of congress which. will be delivered In person as usual,' next Tuesday. Ovsr the Tstousis. "I'd kick about Dili ecg ,lf you weren't o pieily,'' ssid (lie guest. "I think you ii rnflier fresh," said the wall res. "Mu.vl'e so, but tin' egg- Isn't.''-'h. adelpbiu Itiillcllti. . ; IUlt PITTtMK At Orauta Pass, Tues day, November 27, to Mr. und Mrs. Ralph rittoek, a Son. fXIMIN'O EVKVTt Nov. 2S. Wednesdiiy Honor Gusrd dame at Waldorf hull. ' !: U Sit jrduys- Ued Cross and Y, M. ('. A. day at Udles Auilllary maul In J ii'TLiiin. ' Neatly printed atatlonery Courier office. at the Victrolas and Records IV.. VI.. VIII . IX.. X.. $ '2.0 .$ .lO IHI . 1.100 .$ 57.50 .$ M5.(H arrtw ' - -' ess .XI... $110.00 A XIV. Io.i.ih XVI... "21 5.00 j XVII....'-,l5.00i Kitsy puymmitR'nre Hrrangeil to suit the Individual.! Cull and let ns toll: you how to own a Vict ruin. The Music & Photo House lluuei Maynnrd I'luuos I KcntngUwtM'PpMh Your Storap Battery Meaai the right kind of in , ipeclion . at regular inleivilt by mm who are expert. Bring your bllrry to w for ' letting at Irut one a mmlh. Doa't wail until trouble, develop. It will coat you ' Aothing lo find out your bl lery't condition and will v you atany a repair bill. Start the habit today. HATTHItY SHOP O. A. IjVXI II OKI S. Sixth Street .