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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1917)
WKDKKHDIY, NOV. UM, IttIT tiAILY HOGTC RJVEK COURIER PACK Our Guarantee- Your grocer -will refund the full price you paid for MdB Cfou if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can Most. , Economical Coffee You caivbuy V Ask your grocer Let Electricity Save You Labor and Money Uttiiiiiiiiitt CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY 108-J 623 G STREET. GRANTS PASS. OREGON Spot Cash J. PARDEE per Sack Free Delivery Phone 281 Through California MANY NURSES SENT TO BATTLE F TO THE EAST COSTS BUT LITTLE MORE You Have Choice of 4 Trains Daily Portland to San Francisco Superb Scenery of Siskiyou and Shasta mountains Visit to Dear old San Francisco , Jhoice of 3 Routes East V Through Ogden with Wonders. High Sierra Nevadas Through Southern California and Sunset Route Visit Los Angeles Tourist center of West Visit the Apa:he Trnil '. 't Let ns arrange your trip to the besf advantage.' Ask any Agent for full t ' parti i.-iiIbm or write ' John' M. Scott General PasnenKor 'Agent Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Lines Portland, Nov. 27. Klfifun tluiit .i ti l nume have sTeiifly been en rolled )v tlin American lied Crons, many of whom hare volunteered for war service, according to a atate merit yHlirriu)' by Amrdee Kmltli, iteneial niKiiniT of the Portland chapter. About 2,ono nuraca have a I rend)' been sent to Europe. It I enflmnt d, on the haul of the allies' re quirements, that thru 15,000 re K In tra n la will lie sufficient to rare for an army of 1,500,000. Amiroxl- mainly . 1,000 nurse are being added to the rolla monthly. Orenon la slrearfy lamely repre sented liy tin I'nivernltv of Orenon nana hospital tililt, which will be known an Unite Hospital No. 4t. Tlila unit coat AO,000, the funds for which were. rald by the Klkn, the norHea' equipment In addHlon coating 17.000, which "was under written hy the Portland chapter of the American Red Croaa. tl jNl) 13 Bubytuod. 7JItX fciTl W4 m-Zjr ''' mmli. 11 " 4ui.l tm llMhmn' Jfitt II I WJ.DEMA N.N ; S II goat"m7lk II AT LSADtNS iinmiiti Aw WIDEMAflri GOAT: MILK Ca IH AUSTRIA SOON Wanhlngton, Nov. 26. A declan tlon of war against Auatrla, Turkey and Bulgaria seein "exceeding advls- ahle to altuplrfy a altuatlnn now an omaloua" according to Chairman Stone of the senate, foreign relation com m It tee. "We are In fail now nt sr with Germany and her allien." he aald. THAT MORNING LAMENESS It you are lam every morning, and suffer bladder Ula, there moat be a oauee. Often it's weak kidneys. To strengthen the weakened kidneys snd are rt mors serious troubles, as Doan's Kidney Pills. Toa eaa rely on this Orsnts Paas woman's testt naoey. Mrs. Amelia Umpke, 402 F St., ('ranta Pikii. t: "1 ran not tell you how much. I Differed from rheumatic palna. There were times when I could hardly get around as I waa so atlff snd lame. , At night I laid awake for hour i on account of the pains, which went from one part of my body to another. I Rot up In the morning feeling ao atlff art lame that It was all I could do to keep tip. I tried many rheumatic, niedlclnea and alao llnlinenta, but without Retting the xllchteat relief. Doan's Kidney Pllla helped me from the start and almost before I knew It I was free from the trouble." A !ter Kutteninit On March 20, 11. Mrs. Lempks aald: 'What I have aald In my form er atatement retarding my experi ence with Doan'e Kidney Pllla Is a fact and I am glad to confirm It whenever anyone saka me." Price 0r, at all deaJers. Don't almply aak for a kidney reniedy-get Doan's Kidney Pllla the same that lira. !niike has twice publicly rec ommended. Foater-Mllbam Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. . Classified Advertising JXJIl H.UJS O. & C. CiHANT INU-t-Blue print plata showing landa la Jonephlne county, fl.iu. tAddreas A. E. Voorhlea, Grants Paas. tf FOR SALE All farm products sell at hlh prli-ea. Buy a farm and be an Independent producer. We have good propertiea at eaay terma. Beat-Fuller Realty Co. 20 SOU a(,B Two horaes.. One geld ing, 155; one mare 140. Each In good .condition snd weigh about 1175 ibt. A. N. Persona. 9tf SKKDH-Kecleaned aed wheat (Waahlngton Hybrid No. 143 and Marqula, $2.50 per buahel.) Oth er at-ed'gralna. Alfalfa, all clov ers and graiaa. "Hsrveat Time Tell the Sidry of Good Sada." Ralph Waldo Elden, Central Point, Oregon. 101 tf KOIt 8A l-B-8nitienberg 'and 'New ton apples. Price according to quality. R. K. Roaa, phone 604-K-2. 05tf PHYSICIANS O. CLEMENT. M, D. Practice limited to fflaeases of the eys, ear, nue snd throat. Olssses fitted. Office hours 1-12, 2-t, or on sp pointment. Office phone, 2; reel denes phone 159-J. S. I.OrtillRIDGE. M. D.. Physlelaa and surgeon. City or eountry calls attended day or eight Residence ' phone XC9; offle phone 182. Slith and H. Tuffs Building. DR. ED. BY WATER Speclallat oa , dlaeaaes of the eya, ear, boss and throat; glaaaes fitted. Office Hour t to 12 a. ni 2 to 5 p. m. Phoaee ' Realden'e 260-L; office 26A-J; afasonle Temple, Grants Paaa. Ore A. A. ITHAM, M. D., Phyalclas and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., comer. Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice, 116; residence, 2 8 8-J. Hours, I a. m. to 4 p. m. FOR SAKE Orptan. 815. 2201 care of Courier.' Addreaa 0tf The California and Oregoc Coast Railroad Company ran cabd. Effective June 1, 1117. Dally except Sunday. Aa They Once Wtr. "Mamma, illu !: y.vv w r h lio'p skirt?" SkUciW r"l. l' l"il t"''n reading aU tit lite I'lnl" aire Mrt f the days Ions ao. "No, tlcar. I never wore vug. Imt grandma did." "Clrantliua! Why. Iiow ull hlie ever put her aiie on the gmuudT asked BesMe.-St. I.ouia Jl.lie l M-ni" rat. . CHICHESTER S PILLS W . tllK IIHWOM MQVe. A mini f m9 V,MM 4 a sf Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 t. m. Train 2 lv. Waters Creak 8: 10 p. as. All trains leave Uranaa Paas from the corner of O snd Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service csll at tho office of the compnti), Puullc Service building, or pbnne 131 fori aame. x , tlM VTV TltKAsritKlt'H Vl AltTEKXV ItEPORT ' From , Jjily 1st', 1917, to October 1st, 1917 (fRNEUAIt Fl'NU Caah balance on hand July 1st, 1917 $ Received from taxea, penalty, etc Interest on bank dnpoelta K, L. Coburn, clerk's fees Received from mUcellaneona sources fliU IS 11,4 M1 t.aM BtellJ1 Tali k MWn. Kmw e t ' ;' A-k iim incK-Tva-s' muMmnw mm nip riLLa. Vr X J, SdDBYMlGOISTSOLmMal l FOR SALE 160 sere ranch, 14 miles south of Grants Psss on the Appleitate, 20 acges cleared with 300 rods of woven wire fence. Call Mrs. I. T. Desmond at Provolt. 21 BOX FACTORY CLOSED. 1 now 33U.9S .450.24 229.70 909.42 9.C0 txJ.VTRA Warrants canceled Interest on canceled warrants Transferred to current expense fund Transferred to court bouse fund Bslance on hand October 1st, 1917 O.U FI ND Cash balance on band July 1st, 1917 .... Received from taxes, penalty, etc .935.34 47.65 2.47 2,000.00 2.100.00 1.795.22 $ 5,935.34 I 8,646.97 570.19 I 9.417.16 tXJSTRA Warrants canceled . . i 1,221. 14 Interest on warrants canceled . . M.3S Balance on hand October 1st, 1917 .. S,lU.o4 v . 9.417.16 COITIT HOISK KCVH Cash balance oa band July 1st, 1917 3 12,526.35 Transferred from general fund 2,100.00 v , ' ' I 14.626.35 CONTR Warrants canceled .... ;.. 14,523,00 Interest on warrants canceled 5.00 Balance on hand October 1st, 1917 9S.S5 , . . . I 14.626.35 CX'RHKNT KXI'KNSB Fl'STD Cash balance on band July 1st, 1917 $ 10,336.27 Tranaferred from general fund 2.000.00 CONTRA Warrants canceled ...... : 1 Transferred to Institute fund Balance on hand October. 1st, 1917 I 12.336.27 $ 11.559. fl 50.00 ..... . 727.16 Special school funds County school fund High school fund'.... Library fund Institute fund .......... County fair fund .... Registration of title Estate Jund Forest patrol fund .. City of Grants Paas State school fund .. SCHOOL AND OTHER. FTXIW Balance Jul. 1 -17 Received Disbursed I 3,498.32 $ 7.077.58 3 2,208.22 14,411.22 5,389.62 220.20 .."..., 7.493.94 . , 293.15 207.00 61.74 , 515.64 187.61 106.73 , 108.89 1.243.20 5.429.34 326.822.50 313.811.86 8tate of Oregon ) County of Josephine) I, Geo. 8. Calhoun, County Treaatwer' of Josephine County, Oveeon. do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement f all amounts received during the three months ending Srpiember 80th, 1917, paid out, and still remaining In my hands on October 1st, 1917, as the aame appears on the records In my office, and In my official custody. Witness my hand this the 20th day of November, A. D. 1917. GEO. 8. CALHOUN. County Treasurer for Josephine County, Oregon. 3 12,336.27 Balance Oct. 1 '17 3 8,367.68 14.4U.22 2.104.32 293.15 48.54 515.64 187.61 106.73 10S.N9 1.243.20 5.429.34 7,818.04 332,816.32 have gobd winter wood. ' Send In your orders. ' Use heavy wood to aave your blocks. ' A. N. Psrsons. 22 FOR SALE Lease or' exchsnge. aeveral finely bred registered Jer sey bulls, can spare a few fe males. Foundation stock. R. D. Sanford, ' Helroanx St., Ashlsnd, Oregon. -II FOR SALE One ranch team. weight, 1,200 Iba. each, good con dltlon. See E. H. Richard. Ma unnip Temnl tintMIn? ' FOR SALE Fat ahoats at .Mcln tyre's ranch.. Phone 609-F-12. 19 TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS Now under masagment Of Mrs. U C. Arm strong; 38 clean rooms atv35c and 50c; specisl rates by .week or month; also light housekeep ing rocms. Would Ilka yonr pat ronage. . 40tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also barn to be nsed aa garage. , Mrs F. A. Coe, 804 Washington Blvd Phone 164-J. 6Stf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and conviently located 411 C street. 86tf FOR RENT The Alex Watts placer mine on William creek, or would consider taking In partner on same. For particulars address B S. Watts. Murphy, Ore. 2: DR. J. O. NI BLBY Physician and surgeon. Lundburg Buildlag. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health -Officer. Officer hours, t to 1! i. m. I to 5 p. m. Phone 310-J. . stf DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D M. D. Flret-eiaaa dentistry. lOttt 8oath Stxtb street. Grants Psss,' Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton. Attoraer-tt-law. Practice In all Stat and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. 1 COLVIG ft WILLI A3IS Attonsvs- at-Law Oranta Paaa Baakiac Co. Bldg. Grants Paaa, Oregoa. E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Prattle In all courts. First National Bank Building. DURHAM & RICHARD, Attorneys-at-Uw., Office Masonic Tesapto, Granu Pass Oregon. W. T. MILL42R, AUorneyt-Law County attorney for JoeaptUae Couay. Office: Schallhora Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD.Attorney-atrLaw Grants' Psaa Banking Co. Bldg.' Phone 270. Granu Pass, Oregoa V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-et-Lew Practice In state and federal courts. Rooms t. and I, over Golden Rule Store. BLANCHARD t BLANCHABD. At torneys, Albert block, phone 236-J Prsctlce in all courts; Isnd board attorneys. DEALERS 1p horses, moles, cattle, wsgons, hacks, buggies, ' harness and saddles. ' We have a variety of all kinds at all times. If you have anything to sell or exchsnge, or if you want to buy, come and see us. We will treat you right. All our livestock is put' out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Sale Stable, Corner Sixth and K streets. Timmons & Hlkglns, fro-iir. rhftt'" :.'33-J. ' IStf TO KX CHANGE WHAT HAVE YOU to trade for 32.500 equity in 369 acres, red soil land, about 100 acres cleared, gentle slope. Price-322.50 per sere, balance payments very easy, six per cent. A. N. Parsons. 22 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R.,J. BESTuLTveteriBarleB. Office In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 113. Resides ee Phone 305-R. DRYAGE AND TBANSPBR COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. AU kinds of drsyage and traaafer work carefully and promptly dooav Phone 18 1-J. tand at frelgkt depot A. finade. Prop. F. O. 1SHAJI. d raj age and traaafer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Pkoa CUrk and Holmaa,, No. 10. Best denca phono 124-R. TUB WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Pboae 397-R. . FOR EXCHANOE Urgex residence property close in or irrigated ranch. ' Address Courier No. ?27. ltf FOUND. FOUND A package of stockings at Oddfellows hall. ' Owner may have same by Identifying and pay ing for ad. Hall open Wednesday evening. 20 CJLUL FOR BI11S 1 I Sealed proposals will be received by the board of directors of the Grants Pass Irrigation District at their office In the court house pf Jo sephine county In Grants Pass, Ore gon, tor the purchase of 315,000.00 par value of bonds of the district till 10 a. m., December 24, 1317. For detailed information regard ing this Issue, address,-, Clerk of Board. Grants Pass Irrigation Dis trict. Grants Pass, Oregon. IStf MUSICAL instruction J. & afAOMURRAY, teacher of voles culture and ringing. Lessons given at borne of pupil if requested. Ad drees 713 Lee 8t 851U TAXI ftEKVICB AJIE.YOU GOING or not going, that Is the question. Call Jttaey Luke at the Spa or phone 262-R Always at your service for cRy or country calls. . sett PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to $ p m. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 283-R or residence 140-J. 78tf AH8AYER8 E. R. CROUCH Assayer. cbemist metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Hall Building, Grants Pass. 29 t . -"nAV'MBlXQ "t FOR EXPERT WORK In plumbing, heating, tin or sheet metal work, see W. R. Ramie, 512 H street. Phone 36. 27 Card Prtco Increase) On December 1 the price of en graved cards with plate will be in creased 26c per 100. Order now and save money. Courier office. 15 ABSTRACTS JOSEWINE COUNTY ABSTRACT company secured the contracts for making abstracts for the Williams creek, Josephine county and, Illi nois valley fedesal'farm loan 'as sociations. There was a reason. Let us make your' abstracts. 14