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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1917)
TAG TWO milt moots nvn mini WKDNFMItAV, XOV. UM, IIH7 EW 'WOE RIVEFi COURIER Published Dally Eioept Saturday . . Pub. and Propr. A- K. VOORH1ES. BIN J. a SHELDON. Editor tared at th Poatofflc, Gruu PftM, Or., m second class tuall attr. ADVERTISING RATES tHaplay pe. per Inch lot l4al or personal column, per lint Mk dor. per lis. t DAILT COURIER , t mail or carrier, pr year.... 'II. 00 By mail or carrier, per month 10 . WEEKLY COURIER y Bkll, pr year $1.10 MEMBER But Editorial Association Of$tm Daily Nwppr Pub. Am.1 There Are Many Things for Which to Be Thankful THINK OF THKM AXIl M IKK IT A UKAI. THANKMilYIMi KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QIAUTY FIRST v STRONG PUY TELLS il WEDNESDAY. NOV. SM, 1011 j Oregon needs the completion of the I splendid work lr. Kerr hits Start ed. t e twiteta inn regcm ut v. a. C. should mk It very plain that Kansas dues not want his services any more than w do. ' OREUON WEATHER Probably rain, CHRISTMAS j Thanksgiving Is at hand and J Christmas will be with us almost be ;(ore we know It. Thoughtful (oiks ;are beginning to ask themselves 'whether the Christmas present bus- southerly ''ne' should not be "Hooverlied" to winds. i keep It within the spirit or the time, . j There I present-living that Is WALT'S ALL WROXQ highly commendable. There hss us- ' This column published near-!na11' mor or leM OVBr- poetic dissertation by Walt Mason a ' 'doing of It In the past.' Is not this lew day since, respecting th road Christmas, th Orst of America's par'- cftb. west. An Oregon verifier who , tWpallou.ta the great war. a 5md frequently makes the Grant. Pasa-jtilM ,0 tur over n'w l1 .Credent City trip, has replied to'the " whlch mM' of the I"0"1 Walt a lollow: . of the n,tlon'- ovr S0.000.000 In Walt Mason Is as wise a gink a;f,ct- bT ,ven to th oldler bo er nushed a nulll. Ha h. tnld i ', through Red Ctob and T. M. C. I any many things through hi poe- A' ItloM. take the place. In part. tie .kill. But when he tells us ofof ,n Indiscriminate giving. our road, in thU our Golden West, I Furthermore, with war time, and yon bet your llf he's on th blink. jth won of ordinary charitable tor Walt has only guessed. A sub-!effort t0 wr benefactions, there marine may he all right out on the!are ,eft m"nT PP'e c,0 our I vtrn plain; but a for Oregon's home who are really In need. From !r Mll and dells. hell hav .to guess tne olBce f charities throughout ;.' again. Her a fellow bowls along be country come reports that wln j at twenty miles per hour; heading ter WU 8P more destitution than not the wind or rain while on his before. While wage have heen country scour. First thing you j generally advanced, prices have know, you're in kersplush clear to been advanced still farther and many yonr Jitney top. Ton bounce right 'have been upset by the demands of out and land again upon a pile of,Wir making. .. rock. Yon strike a root and fly in There are more children in need i air and land beside the road and of shoes and good food thsn ever be i ' luck 1 surely playing fair If you fore. Some are near by. It Is go J I-... TV. ...... !. . ,,,. . , , ,k UULU JUUI UU. 1UCU VU JUU " w .nv M j ua ... . v .w. .., go till at a bend, you meet a truck more dependent people - to adjust of ore. You give the road; in ' themselves to these changing times, tte creek, and pull for the other. It is not charity that Is needed, but shore. Then on you go, first up i simple Justice. And justice demands then down until you've reached your-that instead of an injudicious giving goal) where 'you unload and limp1 of large numbers of presents every bout with terror In your soul. You community should see that no one take an oath right then and there, . therein suffers want, perchance again you'd roam; you'd! kiss your wife a fond good-bye and stay right snug at home. No, no, friend Walt you're In all wrong, though most your stuff Is sane; fori winter travel out In our state, we' need an aeroplane. LI S FIGHTING MEN PRESIDENT KERR The American Bible society has , started a movement, which has the . , ,, . isuppon of all protectant churches, riral college of KnE!for ra,8lng of fund lias invited Dr. W. J. Kerr," president !t0 supply each soldier and sailor in of Oregon' college, to accept the' the American forces with a khaki preeidenc of that institution. bound testament. The first week of Ordinarily such a change would De'Dece,nber wU1 be ,ven 0VOT 10 tW" , , campaign. Earle A. Rowell has a matter of passing interest, calling !charge of the work f()r Oregon wIt for the regents of our college rast- j headquarter in the Y. M. C. A. lug around for the best available building at Portland. man to fill his place. But under the j circumstances in which the agricul tural Interests of this state how find themselves, it might be a real ca lamity to lose Dr. Kerr. His work has initiated and bnllded into a healthy, growing actuality, the , movement among the farmers of this state for better lands, better crops,! better livestock, better methods, bet- ter returns. That work Is still un- der way. It has not progressed to the point where tne state may be said to be definitely committed to i Its continuance. . . What Dr. Kerr's loss would mean to the state would depend largely on who his successor might be; but , It Is safe to say that his chair would e hut Inadequately filled, at best. TI1AKKilVIMj lIT To .Provident' we offer Ihitnks That freedom Is our heritage. Which w ahull worthily maintain And in defense its foes rngitite. We Kive t hunks that we now thwart The tyrannous and Conceived in vaunt mind. To oer-ruI the realm of man Hubert Slier nun, the t'liicago thetrical producer, la turn luiging to the trout. When the present the trical season opened, he was one of thU few producer In the west ith the cou rune to launch more tti.ui one show. Mr. SIktiuhh produced seteial and III effort hut been crowned with success. Ills Intent production Is "The Girl Without a Chitnce," the ureal white slave plu which comes to I lie opera house for one night, Tuesdity, December ' 4. This play Is rrtitu the pen f tin un known author but Mr. Sheruisn hud read It. II saw the treat pleasing qualities of the Vory. II saw the wtinderlul moral lesson It can led. and with. I lie courage typical ti( the westerner, he launched It with a splendid scenic equipment, and it ha proven successful even beyond cau'hls most sanguine hopes. In every city tthere this play has been seen. tbe splendid We give thanks for strength Our country lends to her allien. Who have so staunchly held the gates Which bar the despot from his prlx. We give thanks for our harvests rich To share with Europe's starving throngs. Who suffer from wars awful pangs. Its desolation, waste and wrongs. We give thanks that we can assist In righting Injustice, and spread Throughout each land the welcome light Which liberty' bright ray shall shed. We thank kind Providence we live Beneath a flag which leads the van. Seeking no gain except to make A better world for iod and man. Jane Copley Strain, i deep-laid plan. tn ir,.M nM nthtiKlnMl In II fin Priwstlnn 1 . ! I. limit. vt ii i if Pin v u in n't throughout th lountry hv on (loTwri U nil today It In on of the tVw ronl niu'crcM- of thit yfur. 30 FOR BEEI1 QUARRY Salem. Ore., Nov. 28. At a meet ing of the state lime board, held at the office of Warden Murphy at the state penitentiary Moflday, arrange ments were made for moving . an aerial tramway from the Greenback mine to the Beeman llraerock quarry near Gold Hill, which the board has leased. Thf tramway is to be used in carrying th manufactured agri cultural lime from the quarry to the railroad, a distance of about 4,000 feet. Warden Murphy said that the board has placed an order for ma chinery for manufacturing the lime, but so far has been unable to get any definite statement from the ma chinery manufacturers to when the equipment will be delivered. For that nason, he said. It Is Im possible to tell when the board can begin the actual preparation of lime for agricultural use. The lease with Mr. Beeman for his quarry provides for paying htm a royalty of 8 cents a ton. OF 10 RAISE URGE San Kranclsco, Nov. 27.- - Itevel Colt Gridley's famous suck of flour which sold and resold hundreds of time during the civil war and there by earned $275,000 for a rehabili tation fund for union soldiers, has a counterpart in a slinllur suck which was first ruffled by the Shrln ers here and which Is now making a tour of the country. The sack Is due in Ixavenworth. Kus., todsy. On December 7 It Is to be sold In llutte, Montana, and on December 14 In Helena, Montana. The total receipts of the accumulated sales are to go to the Red Cross. The suck whs sturted on Hs way In this rlty on May 25 of this year and has been "on th go" ever since. It was taken to Honolulu mid sold there, for II.03C. It was also sold on the steamers which took It to and brought It pack from the Islands. Gridley's sa k, which wits first started from Austin. Nev., wore out dozen of ordinary flour sucks and three buckskin coverings before It reached the final purchaser. It has already been necesoury to place the Shrlners' sack In a lauhala or touch matlike covering. This covering was a gift of tbe Honolulu Shrlners. Gnsts Pass Azazd By Sziin Action Th quick action of pure Uivop tlk eye wash 1 startling. A school boy had eye strain so badly he could not read. A week' use of Lavoptik surprised hi teacher so much she used It for her old mother. ONE WASH showed benefit. A small bot- swan i . j . . ten million foot order among them CASH weak, strained or inflamed!.. eyes. The QUICK result Is astonish !np. Aluminum eye cup FREE. I National Drug Store. Dori cs!; for sag Little sister Is Just a pleased with Iter V FLAK KM a she looks. Children thrive on HNOW FLAK KM iNiauxt they are perfectly baked Intiii the U'st materials, hold In : si tea of I'aekage, and la balk PACIFIC IXIA8T HIHCIIT tV. Portland, Oregoa. WB SKIX 'KM P. A. Hchallhnrn. Kinney & Trunv White Hons Grocery. Grunts Push Roa tidal Co .loM'phine Grocery Co. Itiickel Cash Grocery. C. Schmidt J, Pardee. E l urnlehnl by W. K. Haataoa of Oraata Paae AheUwrt (a, off Tru. I No. Si'. Hogue ltier tr chiird Co.' Firm rtibdt., II. Ilnsineu Name Assumed by ItenJ. M. Collin and o. , Harvey, Collins Aulo Company. 117. Not eniHer Transient Not ember 1I7.! Lnuru Klliitbttli York, et i.I. to Transit r ' PcnJ. .4. Watts. W. ) SWW of t hus. S. Akera to O. C. !)lon. W'JnK1.. Se.'. 2-3H-5, l. D.. 84 of SWVi of SWV. See. 2S-' s.ii, J-k, 200. rTnli flied In Jnsllee court i.i.'alnst Wm. Irwin et ul to B. Olson. W. II. C. Hparlla of Williams by Itogu I)., tract No. 149 and K. W rods ' lilter Hurdware for $S. E FOR EASTERN YARDS Portland, Nov. 28.--Lumbermen operating Willamette valley mills bare received specifications for the ten million feet of fir lumber soon to be ordered by the -government for ship construction on the Atlantic coast. The government will secure forty million feet of this lumber In Oregon and Washington but ten mil lion has boen allotted to William ette valley mills. The price will average $3$ per thousand. Tbe lumber was to have been handled by mills In the southern part of the United States but they J were unable, to take care of ' the ; whole order. Twenty-two mill oper ators in the valley will apportion the Western Oregon Championship Gap Grants Pass High School v v.. Eugene High School Thursday, Nov. 29 High School Field Admission 50c SCORES OF THE SEASON: ' 7rollK.K 7 f.ANTH PANS iM MKDFORD 0 NOVKHBF.Il, I O OK A NTS PASS anMKIFOiU . VOVF.MHRII jo FXCFVr: HI OOHVALLI8 7 1ft OKA.VTS PASS 'ia ASHLAND 7 NOVEMBKH 3 Kl'GKXK 'M UM i.I , KOVtRFJTb 24 KIGKNH SO ALBANY O (iAMK STARTS AT it:HA selves. Books Books Odd lines and editions. All prices to close out, yortr choice for 25 cents. SEE OUR WINDOW Demaray's sire MASONIC TEMPLE, OKA NTS PASS FORQ ARE MORE STRINGENT ! J Washington, Nov. 28. JlcRiila- tlons to govern the transmission to or from the United States of commu-l nlciitlons not In the re gular course of mails will be Ixqiied within a few j days, under the trading with the enemy act. ; !3!11p. of lading s!:n:iur Iiiip- ness tlocnnicnfs ;irolial)ly will not lie forbidden when .dostlred to neutral countries, und cominentlnl travelers ati-J r jirnspnatlvei! of buslneKfi con cerns may carry In lun'-Jage lotters relating strictly to their business. Most other communications will be forced into mail channels to be subjected to censorship. OldsmoBile Light Six 40 RORSKPOW ER . WF.H3IIT ONLV 2,1100 UiH. PRICE 91,300 GRANTS PASH Ask for demonstration. Experience the east of rirllnr flawUi neM of motor, iwd freedoa fyass rlbratloa. J. H. Denison (ldsmobile and IKNlge Motor Car Skid Chains WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES C, L. HOBART CO.