iuilv i;K.iK itiw:i; rouiiKK PAGE THKaUl 'PAS! WEEK IN OREGON Classified Ad veri&i ns TI UKII.W. KOVKMHKH UO, IUI7 Is the perfect oil for deep frying, sautcing, shortening, salad dressings and the economical one. 1 1 ni nui u m i L T TJRESSKD from tlie heart if nhicn American Corn, Mazola luppliei the need Ur a vtgttailt oil which it purt anj v holt torn t. '. y ' , Fry any food in Maaola and )ou will find it retains more of the natural flavor. ' (" Use Mazola over and over aci'n- it docs not transmit taste or odor from one food to another the great factor in eronomy. Maola quickly crisps the surface and thus nukes fried foods more digestible Irce Ironi greasiness or soggincss. And since Maola is vegetable oil it is an important, factor in Mr. Hoover's campaign to save butter, lard and suet. Imported oill arc so scarce and hich priced now-a-davs that you will do well to use Mazola when you want a really delicious salad dressing. You can ett Mazola from your procer in pint, quart. half-gallon, and gallon tins. The large sizes are most economical. Also ask your grocer for the free Mazola Book of Recipes, or write us direct. Your money rcfund s ct' M"0"1 docs not E've ent're satisfaction. corn pKonrrrs kenning company 17 Balttry place. New York Albany W'nik start on five-mile exiciiMon of Alhunv-lX'lrolt liramh ijird from Detroit to facilitate omn( operations of Hammond l.timlxr company at Mill City. HprinKfli'lfl -8. I. company a propria! tSK.ODO to roiilac V pound rail on 19 mile of nmlu line belwven J.inrllon City and (Ion lien with DO iionnil rail.' Tim heavier ritllit am already laid be! ween Junc tion fUty and Portland and iiniijjr I going ahead with Improvements aa ranlitlv I men and rutiilltlnni will permit. , tfllverton has Installed 1 07 new elect rle street light. Motillnr la In have a now State hank. Btaymn ha granted a franrhlse for new railroad through town. Ilandon-Tbe 11 mile county highway south of her to I) gravel led from Flores creek. Scotlsburg $20,000 to be ex pended on now highway between jlxon lake and the lui"iua river. Iait the famous 'fall To 11 Hi IIU. phyuciaxi 0. A C. GRANT LANDS Blue print ' puts showing lands la JoMpbio ; county, 11.50. Address A. E. , Voorbies, Granti Pass tf DEALERS In horses, mules,' rattle, wagons, backs, buggies, haineae nd saddles; We .have a variety of all klnda at all times. If you bave anything to sell or exchange, or If you want to buy, come and see us. We will treat on right. All our livestock Is put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Bale Stable, Corner Sixth and K streets. Tim moss at Hlgglna. Proprs. 11 FOR8ALK AH farm "products sII ' at high prices. Buy a farm and be an Independent producer. ' We . have good properties at easy terms.' Beat-Fuller Realty Co. 20 JlatM,LMber. Cesssaav FtrlUaJ, OrttM , miles. ' ' Cortland budget has been reduced !lll,30, but salary Increases big. ' New hlnhway from 8t. Helena tof Pittsburg tp lie constructed. I Harrlsburg After ten years of agitation old ferry here may give ! place to bridge jirross the Willam ette rJext year. i Astoria Cranberry 'crop market ed from here now reached 5,000 1 barrels. I Nyssa Apple crop sold for cash ; at good price tbla year. Nyssa grow- FOR stALK Two horses. . One geld - fag, $50; one mare $40. Each In good coiidltlou and weigh 'about 1175 lbs. A. .V. Parsons.. 9tf SKKM - RmTeaned " seed"- wheat (Washington Hybrid No, H3 and ' MarquU, $2.50 per bushel.) Oth er seed grains. Alfalfa, all elov era and grasses. "Harvest .Time Tell the Story of Good Sweds Ralph Waldo Klden, Central Point. Oreaon. lOItf KOit' RAl.K8pltiien berg" and""Ne"w ton applea. Price according to .quality. U. K. Ross, phone 804 F-2. ' 05if Books Books Odd linen and (Hiitiont. Aii prices to flosti your choifp for 115 t't-nts. SEE OUR WINDOW out, Demaray's. s,&aie MAMIMC TKMPLK, O HANTS P.M ARMY NEEDS MORE 'ers pleased with aeaaon'a crop 300 an acre from old orchards, j Portland Government officials r ' ranalng for speeding up spruce tlm jher manufacture for airplanes In iOreuon and, Washlnaton. i North Bend to get a bis plant to i manufacture wooden box cars. Xlarshfleld assured of construc tion of an armory at early date. J Columbia Engineering works gets : new contracts for wooden ships. I Bend Tralnloads of sheep arw Feed Is TOR SALE Organ. $15. 2201 care of Courier. . , Addreaa Stf FOR SALE Airedale pups, male ' h, females, $3 Best general farm dog In exlstense. Alice . Lurke, R. F. D. No. 2. 16 U O. CIKMEKT, if. D.fracUe limited to diseases of the eye, ar ana and tfcrcat. nisaes nttea. Office boors S-13, 1-4, or on ap pointment. Offlre phone. (2; real denre phone 35S-J. IX)l'lIIRII'UE.. M. D.. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. RealSener phone ; offVe phone 111. Sixth and II. Tuffs Building. DR. ED. BY WATER Specialist OS diseases of the ays, ear, aoee aa& throat; glasses fitted. Of rice Houra- to 12 a. m,. 2 to 4 p. as. Photos Residents 2C0-I.; office 2S9-J; MmooIc Temple, Onnts Pass, Ore. A. A. WITHAM, M. P.. Pbyslelsa ad surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice, lit; residence, 281-J. Hoars,' t a. m. to 4 p. as. DR. J. O. MBLET PhystdsB aaaV surgeon. Lundburg BuiMlsaT.. Burgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Oo. Health Oncer. Officer hours. to 12 a. m. J to 5 p. m. Phes 3 1 0-J. IStf DENTISTfl B. C. MACT. D. M. D. Flnt-claas) dentistry. 10IH Soath Blstfe street. Grants Pssj, Orsgoa. ATTOBNETS TO RKNT Th. ..Mrtermaster corns bf the ' going to eastern markets. short and saiea are oemg maar KTRKMONT ROOMS .Now under aianagnsot of Mrs. U C. Ana strong; 2$ clean rooms at 31c and 50c; special rates hy week or month; also light bousekasp- WoaU like your pat- tOtf H. D. Norton. Attoraey-at-lsw. Practice in all Stats and radsrns Courts. First National Bank BldaV'. COL.VIG aV WILUAMS Attoimaav at-Law Grants Peas Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DTKE. Attorney. Practise) In sll courts. First National Building. 1 nrniy needs as many skilled technical i workers In the mechanical trades unri Industries as It Is lwnslble to prevent losses by starvation. Marsh field C. A. Smith mills pnt IfocharirjiiK Overhauling I s a - .SW.-A' VavbhiKsii J obtain by voluntary eOlUtnient, ! ; nipe-nour oy .u. cording to Instructions received by j - I Postmaster Qulnlan of this city. 1 "! Rlr i'r tory com- I Practl.ally all the-trades are ei,. andcerea on govemmem ' lime rated In the circular received by : "r lh t 30 days him which also states that an c-. cepted applicants are to be enllsert d 'rom Gardiner. - as privates, but there is n ex.llen! Ro.eburg-Orneale library plan on ic-tiiDlly for thofc having s.wtnl j nnre-. . ability and training to advance ' to I Portland-An army aviation camp corporal, or rK-nts. ; "l training corps Is to be establish- After the me.a have been accepted il barrark. at V ancouv-as ,k ..i. ., , ,h- nn.rt re- Portland Plans for operation of cruitlng depot for enlistment, after j Southern Pacific train, over the Sis- whi. h thof will aa to the nuarter-. v 011 rFl'RNISHBD ROOMS-Lnrge, com fortable and roovlently . located 411 C street. , 86tf FIVE-ROOM furnished house for rent. Rent cheap. Phone 208L, noons. 11 Battery Shop Hattrry tosttKl free of charge .v J ihVnt liattcrie8 for all makes of cars.- G. A. LINCH . ' 4a6 8outh Sixth Street - Let Electricity Save You Labor and Money niiiiiiiiiiiiRiiiii . CALIFOlA-toN POWER COMPANY , 108-J - 623 G STREET, , GRANTS PASS. OREGON master mobilization and training cstnp at Camp Joseph b. Johnson. Jacksonville. Fla., for training and formation Into units for field ser vice. Men within the . draft, ages, who have been called by a local ex amining board for physical examina tion, are not eligible. TO UmITED states Amsterdam.sNov. 20. (A German oaper. the Berlin Nachrlchten, re cently commented upon the occupa tion of ttie Atores by the Vnlted States, ss follows: . "The United States has estebllsh- ed herself on the Azores and con structed fortifications at Punta del Gda. The Asores are situated about two-thirds of the way between America and western Europe and their occupation Is Important In con nection with the transportation of the American army to Europe. "By the possession of the Azores tho United States will be able to threaten the most Important German shipping routes and Interfere with connections with. Germany's colonial possessions." mountains bf electricity are aKuin forming, according to an an nouncement In New York (financial bulletins. Coqullle working for 130,000 bridge over Coqullle river. Paris. Nov. 20. The Germans this morning penetrated the advance French position north of Caurleres Wood but subsequently were expel led. ' - - CAM, FOR III8 Sealed proposals will be received bv the board At directors of the Grants Pass Irrlnntlon DlHtrlct nt their office In the, court house of Jo sephine county In Grants Pass, Ore gon, for the purchase of $15,000,00 par" value of bnnria'ot the district till 10 a. m Dncember 24, 1917. For detnllnd Information ro.niml Mntf thlB Iskuo, address., Clerk of I Honrd, Grants Pass Irrigation Dis trict. Grants Pass, Oregon. 13tf Letterheads that will please you, at the Courier. tng rooms, roaaga. I FOR RJ2NT Furaiansa rooms Also barn to be used aa garage. Mrs F. A. Cos, 104 Wisfclagtaa BKd Phone K4-J." ' '. 68tt WANTED FALSE TEETH We pay as high as $17.30 per set for old false tejth, no matter If broken, a ;ci g"ld crowns, bridgework. Mnil to .. Berner'g False Teeth Bpecia'ty, '11 Third street, Troy. N. Y.. and re ceive castk by return mai. 112 WANTED Orders for Turkeys de livered dressed, or live. Phone 140-R, or call 1301 East A. 'Mrs. ileier. 13 The California aad Oregon Coast Bailroad Company Our Boys in France and Home Protection The men on the firing line represent the pick of our American youth. One in four of oor boys' at home was sick, rejected bcnae of physical. deficiency. Many timet (he kidneys were to blame. If. we wish to prevent old age coming on"W soon, or if we want to increase our chances for a long life, Dr. PierM if the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, t'ays that yon should drink plenty it water daily between meals. Then pro cure, at your nearest drug store, Aniiric (double strength). This "An-u-ric" drives the uric acid out and cures back ache and rheumatism. If we wish to keep our kidneys In the best condition a diet of milk and vege tables, with onlv little meat, once a day. is the most suitable. Drink plenty of Sure water, take Annric three times a av for a month. Send Dr. Pierce ten cents for trial pnekape. "Amine many times more potent tlmn lithis, eliminates uric acid ns hot wiiter melts sugar. A short trial will convince you. M n.RRKCK Jonkx snyH-"4stafewllnP8 In regard u Dr. Pierce's Anurlc Tablet wiucn i whik ir kidney trouble, am glad to r -crime nd thorn - . evervlHidy. 11-iuav v that they are itood iy.tR or i w o u iu ih ( liiiiS After taking a l.nv . bottles I saw twit il the hwelllnir was (ronlinueil tlieirusio. 1 have unit, taking them now and (tin '.iired Retting along line and dandy. One ola lndy. tili years old. to whom I nave recoinnmid'il Anurlc says that It did her good, took the swelling out of her foot" TIMS CAKO Effective Jnns 1, 1917. Dally sxcspt Sunday. DURHAM RICHARD, AttpmsTB- st-Law. Otfrs Masonic Tsanplav' Grants Pass Orsgoa. W. T. MILLER. Attoraey-at-Lsw County attorney for JosspkiM County. Office: SchaUhors BMg. O. S. BLANCHARD.Attomey-at-Larsr Granta Pses Banking Cs. BMs. Phone 370. Granta Pass, OrsflMk V. A. CLEMENTS Attomsy-st-lsiW Practice In' stats and courts. Rooms and I. Golden Rule Store. ' " - BLANCHARD A BLANCHARD. At torneys, Albert block, phone llaW Practice In all courts; land attorneys. VETERINARY 8CRGBON . . DR. R. J. BE8TUL. TeterhuuiaJS. Office in "Wlnetrout Implessssit Bldg. Phone 113-J. RssMasse ' ' Phone 30S-R. - DRAYAGE AND TRAN8FBR COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Alt kinds or drayage and trasurfsr . : work carefully and promptly sons. Phone 18 Stand at tisrifftt depot. A. fiTrade, Prop. F. G. ISHAM. drayage and trnaurfer. Safes, pianos and furniture aaosesT . packed, shipped and stored. Phons ; Clark and Holman. No. 51. ResnV . ' denes phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES: so do WS. Bunch Bros. .Transfer Cs. Pbsa Train 1 Iv. GranU Pass. 1:01 p. Train 3 rr. patera Creek 3:00 p. MtSICAi. INSTRVCrriON All trains leave GranU Pass from the corner ot G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Service building, or phone 131 for same. . S. MAOMURiRAY, teaeher of vole culture and singing. Lessons grrea . at homo ot pupil If requested. Ad dress 71 Lee St. ' I51U TAXI SERVICE FEDERAL MEXICO TO MARCH AGAINST VILLA tRE YOU GOING or not going, test Is the question. ' Call Jitney Luke at the Spa or phone 2C2-R. Always at your service for city er country calls. " V Ittf - - PHOTO 8TVIHO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday ait- i J tings call Mill 283-R or residence 140-JJ ;- . 78tf i ASSAYERS Presidio, Tex., Nov. 20. General Kduard Hernandez, commander of the federal Mexican troops In the northwestern military sone Is ex pected to march against' the Villa forces in ' the Ojinnga section at once with a column of cavalry frt,m the Mexican Death Head brigade, which even the Villa officers In Oi':n- ann today admitted were Kood flgTit-j ers. For military reasons, the , movements of General HernandeiijOSEHINE are .not being revealed,' but it be came known that the federal col umn, composed of nil branches of the service, had left Chihuahua City. E. R. CROUCH Assayer, chemist metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Halt .Building. Grants Pass. 29 FOR EXPERT WORK in plumbing, heating, tin or sheet metal work, see W. R. Rarmie, 512 H streeL Phone 36. 27 ABSTRACTS A classified ad will give results. COUNTY ABSTRACT .company secured the contracts for making abstracts for the Williams .creek, Josephine county and Illi nois valley federal farm loan as sociations. . There was a reason. -Let us make your abstracts. 24