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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1917)
PACK EIGHT DAILY KOGIK KlVfcU COl RIKK HI MV. MIVKMRKM IN, II7 Smart New Furnishings TIIK particular man never overlooks details, tion of your suit the effect enu easily lie eu No matter how careful you are in the solco tirelv spoiled by not giving careful attention to the details. .That's why you should select from the newly arrived r . v Ihts Siirts Ties Hore Gloves Etc. From our large and varieM assortments. Vcnder Clothes Store At the Churches Ik'ilianjr I'tvuhftwiiM Church Morning service at II a. m., ser tpon. "I There .Moral Psnlc Im pending?" Kvenlng service mi T:S p. m sermon, "The Young .Un s Young Wonuu Would Marry." Hirst of a series of Sunday evening aer muni lo vim nil people. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Christian tn deavor al A: 30 t. in, Mr. J. J Hanson will ulnii Ih niornlnn nolo and the rholr under the direction of Mr. Will Ireland will sing morning and evening. You will (Ind warm welcome In thru services. l Mron Rooter, minister. Recharging Overhauling IsMery Shop I'attery tested free of charge Rent Batteries for all makes of cars. C.A.LINCH 406 South Sixth Street IBENTHN IN CONVICT US! her husband Washington, Nov. of her loud protest, paid her fine. ' . "1 believe I am within my right refusing to pay my fine," mid rs. Kent, "and that do one snouia be permitted to pay It lor me." - i "Judge Mnllowney held to the con 17. Mra. Har-'trary and accepted the proffered vey Uawley, wife of the pure food j $25. Mm. Kent immediately gave advocate, will serve 15 dayt in Jail notice that she would file demand for "obstructing traffic" In picketing J for a new trial. the White House with suffrage ban-j Elizabeth McShame of Phlladel ners. phia. a third militant, was sentenc- Mr. Wiley was sentenced to 15. ed to 30 days In Jail, days when she refused to pay a line J Twenty-eight other women hunger of $25. Her attorneys gave notice striking at the Ocroquan workhouse of appeal, butt Mrs. Wiley refused j were to be brought to trial for Mon to give bond while the appeal is be-'day's picketing today, ing taken. I Mrs. William Kent, wife of Tariff. NVatly printed stationery at the Commissioner Kent, also was ; Courier office, brought to trial today for the same' . offense. She was found guilty and given a similar sentence. In spite' Job work at ttn Courier. Our Dutch'Bulbs Are Here SINGLE HYACINTHS - . -90c Doz. Pink, Blue and White TULIPS, Early and Late 40c Doz. NARCISSUS, Paper White 60c Doz. NARCISSUS, Golden Spur ...60c Doz.. NARCISSUS, Pheasant Eye 30c Doz. CHINA LILIES 15c 'teach CRAMER BROS. . Odd Fellows Block Flower Pots Fertilizer VunM, K. Church Morning preaching service at II a. m. Topic. "The Christ 1 the Pantheon or In the Heart?" The choir, under the direction of Mrs. fluy Knapp. will render an anthem. Solo by A. K. Cans entitled. "I Come to Thee.' by Roma. Evening ser vice at 7: SO. Topic. "Self Surren der and What It Involves." Solo, "My Task." by Mis Ultra Strong. Duet. "Jesus .over of My Soul." by Morrison, Mrs. Knapp and Mrs. In galls of Kugene. Sunday school at 10 a., m Sam K. Raker, superintendent. Intermediate and Kpworlh leagues al :J0 p. m. Special attention Is called to the Kpworlh Iaagu ser vice, which will be specially appro priate to "Wln-My-Chum" week. A cordial Invitation to them services. Melville T. Wire, pastor. , rUptbt Church Iter. Frederick AV. Carmen, of Med ford, will be the preacher for the day at the Baptist church. His sub jects, for morning. "Breaklngr Ihe Alabaster Box of Preclou Ointment, or the Importance of a Noble Deed." for evening. "Docs 'Religion Pay." Mr. Carstens Is a forclful speaker and Is worthy of a large audience. He has recently taken up the work of missionary of the Rogue River Baptist association. The Sunday school meets at 10 a. in., with Paul Klrker as superinten dent. R. V. P. V. at 6:30 p. m.. group No. 4. K. Jl. Christie, captain. In charge of the meeting. Preaching service at 1 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. St. Luke's Ctiurrh Sunday school this morning al 9:50 a.' m. An invitation Is emended to you. rlrst Church of ('Mm! Mrtcntlsl Christian Si lence services are held every 8undny. In the W. O. W. hall, at 1 1 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ings at o'clock. The subject for to day I "Mortal and . Immortals." The reading room Is open daily from 2 to 4 p. m. except Sundays and hull- days, The public Is cordially Invit ed to attend Ihe services and lo visit the reading room. ' FAN IS DEAD AT PARIS! Paris, Nov. 17. Rodin, I lis fa mous sculptor, died today. Augusts Rodin struggled Ml year skmIiisI poverty and abuse and ridi cule for his unconventional Ideas before he achieved undisputed celeb rity as oue of the most famous sculp tors uf the world. Continuing his work until past his siivciily-llfth jear, ho had, however, notwith standing those early handicaps, si III time to enrich the world with In numerable examples of his Impres sionistic, liiHplrutlonal works, which are prised both In Km ope and Am erica. Horn la Paris In 1840, of wretch edly poor parents, hs was first heard of In 1864. when after a abort time spent in studying under Marys, he sent hla mask "The Man With the Broken Nose" to the Salon. Al though this Interesting head con tained the germ of all that was great In hla liter work, It was re fused, and his poverty obliged him to spend the next sit years In Ihe drudgery of-an artist's assistant, do ing all the tedious, mechanical, pro fitless labor of an artisan. Uter he collaborated with a Belgian sculptor in earring figures for the Brussles Bourse, and then tried hla hand on potter's clay at Sevres factory. Hla second attempt to gain recog nition at the Parts Rulon was hu miliating. He submitted, In 1X77. "The Age of Bronte," only to have It rejected and to have hjmself ac cused or casting It from lire Instead of creating an original work. Too dismayed to recognise what was In reality an extraordinary testimony to hla powers, M. Rodin Indignantly protested, while the Parslan critic heaped further abuse upon him. It was not until 188. alter the exhibition of his St. John the Bap tist, that the tide began to turn tn his favor. - Struck with the genius displayed In this work, the sculptor Boucher commissioned M. Rodin to execute a group of children for htm. and. anxious lo find out how he ob talucd hla results, watched him at work. To his astonishment. Hod In composed Ihe group In a few hours, and as soon as It wss completed Boucher rushed off to spread the news among his friends, declaring that the man who could do what he hd seen Itodln do could certainly also have created The Age of Bronte." It was Rodin's vindica tion, and In recognition or It. Ihe work was purchased by the stste, and Is now in the museum of the Luxembourg. SHOES What Size ? How Much ? That is all we need to ask you thy size, and the priri vmi want to pay. We ran jrive yon any size. Yon can pay any kind of a price yon want to, and whatever the price you pav, it will 1 the U'st value for the money to le found anywhere in this sect ion. WALK OVER, FLORSHEIM, A. A. CUTTER BALL BAND RUBBER BOOTS f PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. dth Clothiers MERLIN D. W. Mitchell Is spending thf week In the Willamette valley. Miss Edllha Vincent has gone to "TIIK XKW IUTTI.K MY MS OK TIIK IlKI't" (Composed by II. K. Miller and sung by Mrs. Wllils at the Methodist Indies Aid, November II.) The I', a A. Is now at war to fight with all her might. To help the Allies as they strive lo win this wsr of right. Our boys have traveled o'er the seas lo help them In the right. While we Join Hoover's band, tilory, glory hsllelujah. glory glory hallelujah. C.lory, glory, hallelujnh, We'll all Join. Hoover's band. This Hoover man Is trying hard Ihe Nation's food to save. To feed the soldiers st the front and make them strong and brave, tnd ws should try to treat them well and send Ihem whst they .crave. By Joining Hoover's band. Chorus. With meatless, wheallesa, sweeties days we'll still have much lo eat, Kor graham, rye and corn bread all, are mighty hard lo heat. Baked flab and chicken stewed. I'm sure are alsays quite a Ireitt, So we'll Join Hoover's band. Chorus. We'll help the Red Cross. Y. M. C. A., and we'll buy a bnnd. To sld Ihe men who fight for us across Ihe great big pond. s While we who stay al homo conserve the food of which we're fond, By Joining Hoover's band. Chorus. ' '.. Portland, where she expect lo re main for some lime. James W. Carson has returned from Canada, where he spent sev eral weeks harvesting his w lien t crop. 1 . Miss Kulull llagar left Sunday evening for Kansas City, to be gone several month visiting relative. J. W. Brown, of Philomath, a for mer resident of Merlin, spent Tliursduv hire on business. P. K, Uussell returned to his homo here Sunday from Crane, where he hua been employed since early In the spring. Mr. William llsnner spent Fri day afternoon In drains Pass. Mrs. Nellie Hhelley, otie of the teachers In our school, spent Sun day In (Irani Pass with friends. ORITIARY Hasan M. Hall Susan 'Miller Hall, whose maiden names was Short, was born In llloomfleld, Ohio, October 14, 1 833. She resided there until the autumn of 1846, when she moved with her parents to Mechanlcsburg, 111. She was united In marriage to Oliver P. Hall January 24. 1 8f5. To this union were horn six children, lire of whom survive. They are: W. I Hall or Tacoma. Wash.; 1,. B. Hall of tirants Pass; J. I.. Hall of Spring field. 111.: Mrs. W. H. Pattillo of Grant Pas and O. B. Hall or Me chanlcsburg, HI. The husband of the deceased died 29 years ago. Since 'that time she has made her home with her daugh ter. Mrs. W. H. Pattillo. With her, she moveijto Grants Pass in 1905. The deceased lived to a great age, being 84 years, 1 month and 2 days old at the time of her death, which occurred November 16, 1917. She was converted when 14 years old and soon after Joined the Meth odist Episcopal chprch of Mechanlso burg, of which she was a member at the time of her death. Her membership-tn that church extended over a period of 70 years. Peter Cartwright, the noted pioneer preacher, was presiding elder or the district when she Joined the church. She has been a long time In frail health," but her death come sud Tlrlef funeral services were" ron-1 ducted at Ihe Pattillo residence, j 123 p street, at 3 p. m. Saturday,, November 17, by Rev. Melville T. ; Wire. The remains will be taken! to Mechanic sburg. 111., for intern-1 merit in the old burying ground of that place. BRING THEM TO US 10,000 TWRKEYS and all the CHICKENS, DUCKS and GEESE you have to sell Highest Cash Prices Paid We will take them any time, but bring them as soon as possible. CITY MARKET . Phone 52 403 G St.