M MAV. o KMHKIt ft, IIMT itMi.v 1:01.11: l;t :; an i:n;n PAGE fcEVK Skid Chains WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES C L. HOBART CO. NOTICE Mat Inn been called friMM too oltjr on bualiwo for. lhre weeks nil l-iwm wUhlag infurmalloa or scrvlc on Regal, Dodge or Oldsmobile ill l-coiiralctl to ere I'. I Hobart Hi ilia Kurd (Jarair. J. H. Denison FREDERIC C. WALCOTT Frederic C. Walcott, Ntw York banker who hemt It In Inglewood, N. J, U nt of tht big business men win U devoting hie timt and energy to assist th feed adminlstrstlon. Had Road the Signs. "Now, i lilliltvii." all a wlioollearn r, "ti ll mr what mineral art found In I he I'nlled Htitli-K.' "Coal anil Inul and water." k auiNll girl. "Not water. lrnr." aaltl Hip ti-ai her. " liat make ,uii think mil "Well, till the Mdni k uiIiiithI tcr fur sale." ti-vllfil the iMTvant young holy.-1 lev i liiinl l.tnilcr. CHICHESTER S PILLS r w tn t aom m Mn). H.ft.1. Alnn kilulai SOt 0 BY DRl'GGtSIS EVERYWHEKS 1111 la U.t IliM -tuuSSl aaa aa ata. imi a. HIS NUMBER. : fey rVAfJT ai ' . eeearabia. Th nrli'lnnl 1 u ha 11( n n r x of t'.eanai. bin are hellcrcd i have Ihin flimm. rlain. after hIi.mii . uiiik I lie rVyllilan. Ilncaiiae It Ha I In- key to one of the sppniMi'he luwaid tin- empire of It vviinl liiut I ho pnnliuc ( handed by many aiirivit r i' during the early cciitiirle iif I lie rirlllnti era. Trajult liii urMraitl It with th prov linf of liaotii, ami In f h next century I ho Goth ixtim-xl lulu It. t.i follow, ed In turn by Hie Itiiua, Ihr A lira and I ha lluljmrUna. lu the seventh w lury a Thinclnn frM. known a Ihr aclllcd thcie and gav to the laud lla I) a ina. . Universal and Eternal. "w. Ufa la nulTerkiil ami rirrnal. for lima la unr of lla fif tura -yealrr ilijr lh moon, lialny Ihr nirlh. tomor row J uplift. In Binr tlioii arc rra dlca ami IohiIm. The n-il i nrlMiii air will aoon txi ilrail; tin- tiyilrovi-u aim, Ilka Venn rimI HlrliiH. ari- the xtuia of thn fuliire: Trucyon, "aiiclla nd Art turtm are tin' mar of tin- in-rneni. A I. doliRran arenm lo Iw nlrrmly an an tnoin fruit." So uM FtaininaiiMi. HUNT BUHIED CITY Ethnnteplat Ooini Cxlormg Work In Soi.thweitern Ce'errda. In acurt-l. of it luirli-)! .!!) on the f)uli'r" rlvi-r In oirtlnM'icrn Polo rrilii. tir. WnlST rt'lif. iioii'd piIiiioIukIni or Itio SiiiIMi'oiiIhii Inxtl' Hillim. U'livlilni'liiii ti'ft liirniiKo, Ci.hi.. for tli- "lliii IIoikI" illxlilcl and plrna to --I'l'ii'l ulaiirt l" inntitha In III- ,'lTivrti to niH'iii'ili the rutlilo ruin". Kroiii fovi'fnnii'iit i;rrtilv In Witnh hiirloii oi-or Vi,ii l'r t(il tlmt tun SimiiKh 'i!orr who iiikwmI tliliinull artiillnvvoliM'll rolorndi ovi-r itHI ycum nKo told of -otiinuiniil houM-a IihiiIkI it If hi ti (In.1 loltro. and in llii're la no trut' of tlnnti dwelling mw, II U lo'llovi-U they liuv Hn rof rnxj by annd drift. The arcliiMiloglcal queat mar mult In the finding of a prehistoric rtty, Itottor Kewkca be AurthlDg to rwll? Try a elaMlfled. ritxpatriok in 8t uoun Peat-Ditpatoh. COST OF MAKING SOLDIER VARIES More Expensive In Some Campi Than in Others. RUNS FROM $142 TO $182 Camp Cuttir and Oavtni Art Tltd at High Mark, Whllt Lowttt Flgura It Rtachtd at Came Ltwit (at ta a" Art Identical, but Othtrt Dlf. far Wldtly. It iMikla more In nmke aoliller in aume urla of the l ulled Hlalei than It dwa In olhiTB. TIiIn nitiy hoiiihI iinir to Hie lav man, who think that hciiin-t I'm l Hum Imya tiipll at uniform (irlroa for all mrta of (he roiiniry. mul mi Hie aiiiiir aaliirlea rvi'f) wlivre, aoliiiorM houlil rout no more in uno n irlnu than lu aiiulhrr. Tin' huh ( pr mtilla foal lu turn ItiK mil Milillrm la tltC You'd never (tieaa whirr thin price oblalliM. Ne, York, your i hokeT (iueaa aijiilil. Mli li lynn mid Miiaaiirhuavlta, wllh Vfiina Cuaier und iH-vrua ri'Mtlvely In the Nallnnnl nriny, art) tied at (be blub umrk', It la :lii'hM t lit Amerlcnn lake, Wah.. Mhere L'nrle MHin'a Holdlert roal him only f 14'.' eni h. How th Campt Rank. Here la the ay the Id eantnnmenta rank in mt ihiIiu nt for aoldlera, from loweat nwt to liliitunl : t'nii l.ewla, Aim rlmii Ijike, Waal., M2. I'anii I , IV li r-liiirc Va., $14fl. Camp (Kirilnti. Atlanta, da., II4H. ' l'niiii Tiiy lor, Lotilatllle, Ky., fill). I 'amp I'lke. J.ltilr lt.M-k. Ark., l'.l. Cnniit Kauatnn. Kurt Itlley, Kuii. C'Hnii Tnivla. Kurt Ho m lloiiatnii, Tex.. II.VL "nni Jui'kaon. Odiimbla. K. C 117. Catnii laalfcV. Doa ilolnea. la.. HH. ('limp Meade. A ttim )mIIh Juinlloii. Md.. IN. t'uillll Slierilllill. t'hlllleollie. !.. UV4. Cnnin I'l'lnn. Yiilniiik. I-onr IkIiui'i, $lk "nnii IU. WrlKliiafown. X. .1.. 17. ramp Unmt, Itia krord. III.. $170. Camp nevon. Ayen, Mh.. lfC Camp Cuater. Haiti Creek. Mlih, ISi Thrw flirurea lire part of a bulet auhtnllted by (he war depurtinent tn the fommlttee on approprlatlnna of the houae of repreaentntlvefi, In aak ln( for money to outfit ami train the National army. No vpt'ltlr effort waa mnde to n plain the illffereuoe in the ier raplla coat of the new aolilivra, but other tlifiirea Mthtnltted rlinr Ibu myntery. Many of the art rxpeuava are ideotl ral the country over, but othera vary widely. - i No great OlfTereiM la awn In regii. Inr auppllea, barrack and quartern, ahoollng rungea and clothing. Hut In urh I tenia at water and aewera, wherein he topography of the country about the cantonment la an lniKrtant factor, there It wide variance. Again, In the caae of roada. vvharvea. walk and drainage, there la a big range. In the caae of boapltala to be con ttrocted or repaired, there In great dl Teralty. Camp Konaton, at Kort Riley, found hoapltala In good nndltlon and required very aniall expenditure, comparatively. The name waa true of Camp Gordon, at Atlanta.. GIRLS IN MEN'S CLOTHES aitttrt Roach the End of Thtlr "Ro mance Trail." - The Ltewellen alatern, Alexandria and Gloria, who arrived In Kan Pedro, Cal., dreaaed In men'i clothet and on their way to "somewhere," adventure bound, have reached the end of their "romance trail." Alexandria, ' who Is the youngest, was shipped .back to Stockton to face parental Ire, while her sister, un fortunate In being over age, waa trans ferred to the city Jull. The girl lpft Stockton via the hobo route several weeks ago and sought the thrills of travel astride old tank cafe and Inside empty box cars. When arrested they gave the names of Ross.' ' ' .The girls' father wired transporta tion for Alexandria. GIRL STOPS AUTO Man 8eli Two Flags and Then Kisses the French One. A man's love for his native flag was exemplified when a stranger ordered MIk Blanche Krueger, a popular young woman at Kcmbillvlllo, Md to stop her uutomoblle. Although some what 'surprised, she obeyed the com mnnd. and the stronger grabbed two beautiful llrltlsh and French flag which Miss Krueger carried on her nu tomoblle. He admired the Brltlnh ling a nil kissed the French colors, and Iben snhl: "I love those colors, for they represent my native country." Then, with bowed head, he walked iiwny In Rllence. NVstJy vrlnfcd stationery at m Coutler otl'ou. FERRYDALE Mr. and .Mr. Jo rrKuin are moving to Grants fats, where they eiperl lo make their bom. We are very aoriy to loelr. and Mrs. Ker iiiaon and hop thny may toon find It convenient to return to our valley. .Mr. and Mrs. 011 n and two daugh ter, of riravel Ford, have rented th lilac being tarated by Mr, Feriii "n and expect to move In as soon I ioalhle. We adenine them to o'ir community. Ml Queen Every returned Mon duy from a vlalt with friend In Ktr by. t;eor;ie W. gwlnney, wh i for ev ersl year has bean our mall car rier hue decided to try something elw for a lime. W. W. Iiwton Is filling the flare iptll an examina tion ran be held to find some one to fill th vacancy. THIS BUTTERFLY. Kxq Wife In It .simplicity la thla eveulnu of Mrtck velvet drael with a UlU to't. "'allot ia nei ur li e bulternie to Ikt Iro-k a ber hall mark, ao thl gown bus a rhlnetrtou butterfly on the inrxsge. The nnburt of rhlnetit)es grse the train. .1 ' ? y J v..:: i' ' J;, H m ,mi r ADORABLE MIDDY. This onc-ptoce cut ou uikldy lines is of pink cbnuihrny beautifully smocked acixiss the yoke nml jwkets. Cross stitching aud atiincklnc are to be used more than ever to adorn cblldlsli gowns. ' WILL POVCR. Tenacity of will, or willfulness, lies ni th root of all courage, but courage can rice into true mjnli- nett only when t!o will is iur-' rendererl, and the more absolute th enrrender of the will the . I mora perfect will be the temper of our courage n"d the strength of our manlincKi. I ! J vJ,-v'iv'V m I trft -..hi wi Classified fXJat BAiaV, . 0. a C. GRANT LANlJtJ Blu print plala showing land la JoMpbln county, II. Addea A. E. Voorhles, Craata Pas tf KOK8ALK- Bargain If told at once. No. 300 West C street, one good 7-room bout, on and on balf lota, do In, worth $1,200. 'for fkOO. Terms la dealred. Ad dress P. 0. Duell, Dlllard, Or.' 12 DEAIIU In borses, mules, cattle, wagons, backs, buggies, barn and saddle. W bav a varloty of all klnda at all times. If you have anything to Mil or s.'bang, or If you want to buy, come and us. W will treat you right.' All our livestock I put out under guarante. Red Front Feed and Sal Stabl, Corner Sixth and K streets. Tlmmons ft Hlgglua, ' Propra. Ill FOR 8ALK Ali fsrm products sell at high prices. . Buy a farm and be an Independent producer. We hsv good . properties at caay terms. Best-Fuller Realty Co. 20 DRY MILL WOOD 12 par tier. Harry 8mltb. Phone 1 1 2-J. 12 FOR 9ALB Two horses. One geJd Ing, f jS; one mar $40. Eah in - good condition and weigh about 1175 lbs. A. N. Parson. 9tf SKKUS Ret leaned seed wheat , (Washington Hybrid No. 14J and Marqult, $2.50 per bushel.') OOt- "cr seed grains. Alfalfa, all clov ers and grasses. : "Harvest Time . Tell the Story of Oood Seeds." Rslph Waldo Elden, Centra) Point. Oregon. 1 01 tf ITORSAXrftptMno ton apples Price according to quality. R. K. Ross, phone 604- ' F-2. 05tf FOR ftALE OrKsn, $15. Address 2201 care of Courier. - 0if FOR DRY SLAB wood call Carson Fowler Lumber - Co. Phone 173-J. ' 11 FOR SALE CHEAP Ford side cur tains, new, P. Oottacbalk Garage. 211 North Sixth street. 11 TO BJE.VT . TREMONT ROOMS Now uadter managmeni of Mr. U C Ita troag; 2S-eleai room-at I be aad 50c; special rates by wek or month; alad light housekeep ing rooms. Would Ilka-your pat ron ags. 40tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also ' barn to be Used a' garage. Mr. F A. Coe, S04 Washlagtoa Blvd. Phone 164-J. . - ' 68U ROOM for reiit, ground floor, hot and cold water, outside entrance. Mrs. R. H. Lee. 211 West A. tf Ft'RNlSHED ROOMS Large, i-ora- fortable and conv4ently located. 411 C street. 86tf FOR RENT One suite of furnished house-keeping room, also single room, doee in, price reasonable. Mrs. T. E. Howard, 621 D street. 12 FIVE-ROOM furnished house for rent. Rent cheap. Phone 20S-l. noons. 11 WANTED FALSE TEETH We pay aa high aa $17.50 per set for old false tejtb, no matter if broken, also sold crowns, bridgework. Mall to Boner's Falsa Teeth Specialty. 22 Third street. Troy, N. T and re ceive casta toy return mall. iu WANTED 200 or S00 pounds , of Sood medium sized Burbank pota toes. Phone 137-J. 09 MISCELLANEOUS BATTERY PETRV1CE STATION" Phone 19. Batteries repaired, sold and recharged. Old batteries cred ited on new ones. Oentner and Col lins.' 12 The California and Oregon uoast Kaiiroad company TTMK CARD Effective June 1, 1117. ' Daily except Sunday. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. m. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p. m. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner oft Q and Eighth streeta. opposite the Southern Pacific depot. Vnr all Infn.m.lln. aw. . . IUIVIUI.UVU IVB-OHUB freight and passenger service call at the office of the comuanv. Public Service building, or phone 131 for sam. AtSvertis:3.f? PHYSICIANS L. O. CTJC1IENT. at. D. fracU) Ilmltad to disease of th ;, ear, no and throat. Olaas flttad. Of flea boar 1-12, t-l, or on ap pointment. Offlc pbon. 12; resi dent pbon 35-J. 8. LOIMIHKUXJK, M. U.. Pbysleias and surgeon. City or country call attended day or night RoaldMor pbon .161; ofrV' pbon III. Sixth aad H. Tuffs Building. DR. ED. BYWATER Specialist oa diseases of th , ear, ao aad throat; glaaaea fitted. Offlc Hours I to 12 a. nv I to i p. sa. P bo sea Residency 20-1.; offlc) 2II-J; Mason la Tempi, Grants Pas. Or. A. A. WITH AM, M. D., Pbysldsa and surgaoa. Of fir: Hall Bldg., eoraar Sixth and I atraeu. Pbon: Of flc, 111; ridenoe, 2 1 1-J. Hoar, I a. n. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIBLET Phyaknaa aad surgeon. Lundburg Building. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Officer hours, I to 12 a. m. l to i p. m. Phoa 110-J. fttf DENTUm E. C. HACT. D. If. D. flrst-daa dentistry. lit) SoaU StxU street. Grants Pass, Orgoa. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton, Attorney-at-law. Practice la all But aad rdral Court. First NaUoaal Baak Bids. COLVIO Y WILLIAMS Attoraya- at-Law Oranta Pua Baaklag Co. Bldg. GraaU Paas, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DTKE. Attoraey. Practlo in all court. Drat NaUoaal Back Building. f DURHAM RICHARD, Attoraajym-at-Law. Oflic Masonic Tasipl. Granta Paas Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attoraey-at-tv County attorney for Joaapoia County; Office: Scbailhora Bldg. O. 8. BLAN'CHARD.Attomay-at-Law OranU Paaa Banking Co.. BlcVg. Phono 270. Oranu Paaa, Oragra V. A. CLEMENTS Attorny-t-Law Practice In state aad fwdanl. court. Room 2, aad I, ovr Goldea Rule Stora. mT" , BIANTHARn a ni iuiiuian a. torneys, Albert block, phono 31 W Practice In all courU; land aoard attorneys. VETERINARY 8UROKON DR. R. J. BEBTUL, Yeterlaartaa. Offlc In ; Wlnetrout Impleasaat Bldg. Phone 113-J. ReeJdeavoe Phone 305-R, PRAYAOE AND TRAN8KKR COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Ali kinds of drayage and traaafer work carefully and promptly doa. Phone 181-J. Stand at frwlght depot. A. Shade, Prop. , P. G. ISHAM, drayage aad Uaaafor. Safe, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phoa Clark and Holman, No. St. dene phone 1I4-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do wa. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Panne 397-ft. MI SICAx. INBTRVOTION J. S. MACaiURRAT, teacher of Toko cultnr and singing. Lessons given at home of pupil If requested. Ad dress 711 Leo St. 851U TAXI SERVICE ARE YOU GOING or not going, that c is the question. Call . Jitaey Luke at the Spa or phoa 2II-R. Always at your service for city or country calls. 9tf TAXI SERVICE 160, 15c a trip. A. S. Berrle. r ' -12 PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 19 a. tn. to 5 p. m. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 283-R or residence-140-J. , . , 78tf ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH Assayer. chemist metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Hall Building. Grants Pass. .. , 29 PLUMBING FOR EXPERT WORK In plumbiag, heating, tin or sheet metal work, fee W. R. Raimie, 512 H street. Phone 8fi. 27 ABSTRACTS JOSBHINE COUNTY ABSTRACT Company secured the contracts for, making abstracts for th Williams creek, Josephine county and Illi nois valley federal farm loan as sociations. There was a rtawon. Let us make your, abstracts. 14