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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1917)
tutLX mmm mteb cockix. Hi XIAY. I". IIT A LARGE APPLE CROP r Aom MX - - : . o 25 CENTS 11 111 ecanomxw v o INTHE-nVE-POUNDSZE the mo? 6. TVCtU rixrc, BACKED BYA-GUAPANTEE THAT-ttEANS -SOMETHING Teugh Levt TnL tbe peraplrnlloii fivui her face with "How aha II I know whether or mot I the corner of her apron. If you feel lore a girl enough l marry herr that .oo would sllll rare l kla ber. -Well mr bur. Imagine her on a hot. ; toat 'd tlll " P1 " X"0 ti.-Wy 1ar. bending over a waeutub. i " "r I. fi:. ko right erubhlng' Jour nnderrlnthee at jour ahead and marry her. She ' the girt" a4brr nsed la do. I'lctnre her. ai you I Petrolt Free Frca. eater, etopplug her work aud wlplug ' r4,j X. SSI GoEasfl Union Pacific System 3 Through Trains East v. Every Day CHICAGO i KANSAS CITY t SALTLAKK la.m. llpjn. boa Portland Uaioa Station, throuf h U IN IT MMHIIIUWtiOtll i..f.M I i i i i n ''If y jiWhy shouldn't the Stand ard Oil Company make the : best oil-with over 40 years experience in refining with un vequalled plant equipment? And 'iZerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude ' asphalt-base. Prominent authori ties have recently declared that an oil correctly refined from asphalt base crude can be made not only equal but superior to paraffine base oils. Next time you empty thecrank-caserefillwithZerolene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil . Company. ZEROLENE , if" ri If- y- ! Tw-I THE VERY LATEST. Drr-Miv fur afternmin U Ililt i1elm-ta ble milt m Ian nleplihi eiit wllU uiall tilile I'lall "in! nilormil with met a I eniluvUlery. I'iraw ii"ie what a mart elTift Hh belied Jmket i hlee and Ilia airaw trliimt. jf: . -. 1 V';V''- fvL A- v i i k. w a 9 V I ran ! HER NEGLIGEE. Kasblouod of any IxmoiuIuk color, tbln Mlip on of atlli W ao eanlly mali Ibat. any rlever woman may copy It. The whole effect lie In it pulr of rut fled iNH'kelK and I lie rnrlie mill tlrhu of trblte net, prevalent In any kih Ijp SPRING SIGNS. WalKottvllla, Cal , Nov. IT. A-ple-dryliiii In this iiihII ilUtrlrt, hloh nhlp more of the trult than munv Htaiea, probubly will run un til Keliruury of nM yar. bican of the tilx nop and hli'h prlt-ea. Local riryliiK pliinln have met 'the nhortuue of oil by puttlnii In woml burneia. The dried fruit I aelllaa at alMuit III rent a pound attaint)! seven or alffbt tenia a year ami. The trundllna la montly by marhlnary and the prodnet la Inaperted by Mala old-rlala. SMALL PAPER BILLS Toklo. Nov. IT.-; Japan aeina to be enterliiK a aliln plaaler era. Her (took of amall rolna la Inadeqimt to keep para with tha advance In the price of rommoilltleii and an Inaue of SO, ;n a tul 10-aen hllla la under ronalderatlnn and muy he Inatied to ward the end of the year. The prea ent high print of allver haa tempted Nome to melt the rolna and ao trana form them Into tha more valuable form of bullion. Thlf, in forbidden by law; but a Hood example, If any ero needed, wna Kiven by tha Yok ohama Kpecle bank which, upon the declaration of the gold ban by the failed Statrn. threw all ll American Kold dollar Into the nieltlnit pot to alloy the nervoua feara of the Jap anese dentlata and Jaaelera. I OF SEAL AS flun Kruiuisco, Xo. 17. Witnl whale meat olready un article, of diet In thla country, and shark meat! Iielnu eutcn abroad, the meat of the aeal la now In line for general con-; iiumptlon na a food conservation ! measure, according to local officials' of the I'nlti'il States buivau of fish-' erlea. Son I meat Is said to be one or thri food staples of the natives of various! South 1'ii'iric Islands. The. meat Is' also served regularly to Koverniuunt employevn on the Hi. I'uul andtSt. OeorKe Islands or Alaska. I Tha fisheries bureau will establish an experimental station on one of the Pacific Isliiuils. where seal IH be canned, smoked und salted. I Sashes are lo be an liuporlaiit factor In tbe t'OinposHlnii of the spring frock. Kspeclally is tbi? true of the costume which slum tin- iliuiir.HniHii 'Influence, aa well as of the lyi' wlilch sre mure directly oriental In llielr elmrucier. In some instanci.t tbe front of the snsb will show a frlmniinR niollf. while again novel .ibiiped iiiuamciilMliou will be iluceil In the snsli enda. Tassels will vie with si pumle moliN In per foriuiuit the last mcuiloned aervice ike Standard Oil for Hotor Cars Caught Both Waye. ' "I'm in hard luck." i Vbyr i told Belle she was the first girl I ' ever loved, anil she said hJjc couldn't ; WiiHte lier time trHlnltig amateurs, Then I told Nancy I hud ininle love In :!:r irlrK 'mt tluil slic win my real passion, mill slu nskcit tne If sln wu a clllliirctl taste Willi me or a forlorn bope.''-l!uHluniie Ainerlcuu, Not Hn Stla. I.lttle s1-vciir-ilil A tin 11 . acliiil of Ixsiklsb family. Inil luastcreil rmnllns so eflli'lemk. that Ills Hi st Itllmpai-a of slur.v liui'l were irrnn iuu hnr.y In Ills memory. t)ne afternoon he cotiniliil to his unit her: ,, "Mllilred was show inu me her new rwHik tisliiv. und It's tlm iiiicerest ttilim you ever saw. Why, It Jul says;' "Is It a cat? 'It Is a cat. ( an Hie cat run and a lot of simT like thai. Course I was too pi'llte to say so. but It didn't seem to me l he vl a I'll lulcy." Harper s. "I Shculd Vcrry lion About Corns!" Thej Peel Off With "QeU-It" Two eorna are no worae thnn one, and one la nothing at all when you use "Ueta-It," tha one real corn ahrtnker, corn loosener, corn-remover. .. That's, be- i - DM Cora Plae Oeaw Kejaala um rof, vera e ree. cauae two dropa of "Oeta-It" easna your corn-pnlna at' once, and you 1 know that that old torn has been "nipped In the bud." "rieta-II." make cutting and digging at corn and fussing with bandage, salves or anything elae entirely un necessary. Remember "deta-lt" I aafe. Tou'll not have to lake off your shoe or duiiidi under the table at the cafe to eaae your aqulrralng; Umm U-1 ...... H1.-.I, " Iion't be insulted by Imitations. 35o Is nil you need pay at any drug (tore fer aeta-It," or It will be apnt dlpucrtiia B. Lawrence ft Co., Sold in Grants Pats and recom mended at tbe world't beat corn rem edy by George C. Ssbln and C. H. Oeiuaray. Dorft i cslcfor sag How be lovee 'em! .tail they're good hkr blw. Ui bot-aaae I hey re noule of the uroat ' and bent of healthful nialerials In our Military, daylight factory. Miilil In II sluea of I'at kagee), ami In bulk. PACIKIC tltAHT IMMt'l ir 1'orUaad, Oragon. WIC BRLIj 'KM Market t'ash firorery. i Hchmldt. J. I'ardrc. I'. A. Schallhnrn. Kinney True. White House Grocery, flranl I'aaa Itoachdale Co. Josephine Grocery Co. t.ow wivsn Tiiir kauto to uam 'immhth hhgw. tT. Costs but Little More to Go East via Qalitornia on will rajoy the dlrrlty of HWK-r Uay chjyigea of dimate OpMiHiiBily to llt K r'ragrl-tro-e. Um An-le K.l I'm- Hnl , AuliHilo Xrw rl-a r Kali lkr, lN-ner, He. fhob-e of lloutr and Trains , ' 4 Trains a Day Portland to Sao Francisco l,rt u nuike up nil Itinerary ami aimnm your trli Ak any luteut for Mirilcul ur write John M. Scott, (icncinl rasariiger Ageut roHliiiul, Oii'gon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Comply with the law and use printed Butter Wrappers According to Uie ruling of Hie Oregon Hairy and r ood ( otnmUwdcHi all dairy butter told or excised rr sale In tbia state must be wrapped in butter ap.r upon which la printed the worda "Oregon lalry llutler, 10 (or 32) ' ounce full weight," with the name and adlre of the maker. To enable pal roat of the Courier to easily comply with the ruling thla office will aupply atandard air anil weight butler paper printed with aperlal waterproof Ink, and delivered by Hrrel post, at the IMIowIng price : . 1(M Hlieeta, 10 or 3U ounces $.tN 200 Sheets, Ifl or" !W ounce MOO Mkeeta, 16 or !M oames 1.70 ; 50O Hheeta, 10 or H'J ounces .4 Kitra charge for apeclal designs. Send ordera by mall accompanied by the price as above and paper will be promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We nse the best butter paper obtainable. aa our work, man ship la of the heat. t Rogue River Courier (irniila I'ass, Oregon Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier