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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1917)
Nt MV. NOVKMIIKIl t. 1017 II.UI.Y IUM.1K ftlVHl HK KIKIt r acs nn F LOUK HEED OF KNITTING1 MEDFORD AT FOOTBALL $2.50 $2.70 $2.85 , -Why pay more? The Basket Grocery. 417 0 STREET . PERSONAL iEB LOCAL : Ia Kuiersun of West Pork, wan Id thn city Krldsy. J. K. Manuel iind Harold Hyde motored tu Medford yesterday. Holluud liullia have arrived. Phone your orders to Cruuiur Oros. 0. U. DnvldMin, of Uold Hill, mailt buslauss trip to the city yrsterdsy. Im KHakcr, of 8irwkar. Ur., iwnt Halurday la the; illy on mat ters of buslm-aa. Attorney Klmar K. Hcrshey, ot Missoula, Mout., wai a Crania Pass visitor on Krlduy. Hyacinths In their "colors at Cramer Hroe, , II 8. A. Jon, of Portland, simut s faw ilaya here and well! to Medford Saturday. J. M. Welch, of eaatern Oregon, who spent several ttaya In tha city. Ml for Portland yesterday. Mrs. Jeannle rtalton left yesterday for Itauo, Nav., where aha will re main during Ilia winter. Tulips for early and 1st bloom ing at Crsiuer ltros. II Mr. and Mra. J. D. Kry left last nlclit for Kan IMno. where they t III nand ftltaa winter. 1 Pred Hnrman Wi Isst Friday night for llosehunr, where he la tin ployed by the 8.' P. company. , Duffodllln nt Cramer II rot. 11 K P. Wllcoi, horticulturist at the Klvarbnnka farm, want to Rugene Friday nUht for a abort at a. ' J. D. Drake hat for; rant, four room hoiije. $'; modern bungalow. 110. ('Iota In. Call ill D Rt. 'll Mra. I ItrlgKS. .who visited her slater. Mra. Prod Knight, for a faw daya, returned yeaterday to her home at CnttaKe Grove. . Nunlwvi paper while, phuusiint eye. hIiikIo nnd double yellow at Crnmer llros. 11 Mr. "and Mra. C.eorue Colvlg lft Saturday morning for Han Kraucla-I eo to aitend several wecka wli'i their daughter. Mrs. Stone. N W. I,. Hall, brother of U M. Hall and Mra.' W. II. Pattillo, waa her yeaterday from Olg Harbor, Wash., to attend tha funeral of his mother. Christmas flowers ' from China lilies. Urge bulbs 13c' each at Cra mer Uroa. 11 R. H. Chapman and wife arrived Saturday morning froni Uttle Rock. Ark., to he with her son, B. Chap man, who arrived here soma weeks ago. ( This may 1e our duly bulb ship ment on account of scarcity. Phone your orders to Cramer Bros. 11 Portland. Nov, 11. Clone on the heels of Ilia slittrmciil by Kerrulary Imnltils that llio sweslers knitted by tha American women dlil the men In military service about a modi good as an extra dreiu does a school jclrl. lamo lb following telegram from Ilia licudiiu.trs of (hit American Ud dims In Wssliington: "We ari. unulile tu meet all of the demands made, upon us by lha oftl Cora and nin at rami's and canton-' meats for sweaters and oilier knlt- ted goods. We are wirltu tonight all our division officer urging them to Increase the production of llmee sweaters to mart Ibis necessity. We have purchased 500,000 aweaiers In the 0M-n market In addition to those being made by isVmbers of our chap ters. Our French rotnmlaslon Is railing for 1,000,000 sweaters, but we are unable to supply them on ac count of the needs of our boys at Miss Clsyre Johnson arrived Krl day nlsht from HrooklnKs, where home. she worked In the office of the O. ft "H. D. CI 1180 C. dumber company, and went to her "tjeneral Manager American homo In Ashland. Hed Cross." Clyde' K. Mies, superintendent of A !a)ptoh from the authorities the Uonsrd Kstalea farma. went to," ,0 Atlantic port with the Oreaon troops waa also received asking for aa many helmeta and wristlets as could be aent them. Portland, Priday. nlht to attend the Paiiriclnternatlonal live slock show, Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Cornell, Mrs. ftiblij and dauKhter, Marlon,, Misses Parker and Cook, motored to Mrd ford Raturday to see the Grants Pass-Med ford football Kama. Ilulba should be planted now. Send your orders to Cramer Uroa. 11 Mrs. (I. T. Howell left Haturday morning to Join her husband, who left some time ago. She, was accom panied by her mother-In law. Mra. M. B. Howell, who will visit them for time. tirnaHt P. Wlr, a rattle dealer of Aeattle, Wash., and a former resi dent of Del 4N'orte county,' Cal., ar rived In this city last Thursday by auto from Portland, Ore. Mr. Wlor la enroute to Creerent City to spend short vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mra. 11. Wler. Corporal Itoscoe E. Riley, who en listed with thn engineer romosnv m.ll.tarf fr,.l,i lha vnnll nt lalkiih.ina . " A;N r-u A oMiratora and linemen, with Mrs. Hlley. were north lion ml paHMengers Priday night. Mr. Riley Is on a 14 Granla Pass moved one peg neater to the font hull rhsDiplonshlp of all Oregon by defeittlug Med ford yseterday In a rather one-sided game. Hcore, Crsnls I'aiis 1; Medfnrd 0. Luring the Dial hulf both t-sins iln ;.! ilccii)dly ragged ball. The local boyi made two toilchdowna and M I'd ford failed to score. This statement means that Medford was a little worxa than tinints Pans. In the aecond half, the Grants Vm team pulled themselves, to- getiier Romewhat and rau up 23 point a. Coa h lllancbard expressed hlnineir, after the game, as not at all u tin fled with the showing made, attributing the. fa that his boys fell sure they hsd an essy victory nd did not exert themselves. The team played about evenly, with lit tle to distinguish one player above hia team-mates. Probably the moat effective work was done by Capt. Win. Ilearsa, Hherman Smith, Ceo. Hooth and lee Wilson. The boys gathered at "Rose's" for the usual celebration and postmor tems, at which their botteas had the usual greeting, "What will It be boyi." One IjM'h ly-f A Pord car each day for the past week la the record of aalue made by the C. U Hubert Co. Joha W. llalrd Jr., being the latest pun-haser having acquired a new touring c yesterday.' IMMtN 1iHXK- At Granta Pass. Batur day, November, 17. to Mr. and ' Mrs. rtort names, a dhughter. VKW TOD4T (CLASSIFIED AO RAXES. 15 worda, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, JOc; one month,, when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, tic pe,r line per Ueue.) WINTBK TCRMPSI by the sack for ssle. Phone 16S-U II few more riistumert for milk from registered Jeraeya. Phone Jll-Y. 12 daya furlough and will visit at Kit gene. Flower pota at Cramer Uroa. 11 FOR 8AI.B Airedale pups, males. 0U1FR0;,1" CALUilA ELEVEIJ Portland, Nov. 17. The I'nlvo stty of Oregon upset calculations by defeating the California football team at llerkeley by a score ot it to 0. Oregon Agricultural ' CulluKO and Washington played to a 0-0 tie score. Other results were: Minnesota 33; Chicago 0. Navy X0; Villa Nova 3. Yale Informal 7; Trinity 0. Williams 20; Amherst 0. Kordham 57; Cornell . Army 60; lehonon Valley 0. Northwestern 2.1; Iowa 14. CHILMtKVH IMItTV . A party will be given for children between the aces of 3 and 10 at the Methodist church Friday, November .Joy Theatre M'XD.tV find MONIKtY World I'lctuir presents (JAIL K.INB ' and . t Altl.VI.K ItMt'KWKIX "On Daagercas CrcBadw TI KHIAV ami WKI)MCNIV .1 ee K Iikky Prewnta WHISK HVVY and JACK I'lCKMllm ta . "KHWKi.KH" s. Tlll'IISHAV' OXLV KplMiilo o. I "Purple .Miiiik" , "K.( IXCJ lK;ITHn 'lit'Koii Iniliisti-ial News Xo. (I "XK Wll.l) NKJMT"' COMKI1V ' "KINtJ KIVAIaS" '1.T ill CknIi or inco:lcs PltKK FRIDAY nod HATl'IIDAY Willliuil Ko I'lVWIItN "TWO MTTI.K IMPS" . . 1th! nnd 2c Many He Com Slum . In spite of the . fart that fewer fanners than usual were In the city yesterday, owing to the rush of work In the putting In of fall crops, there was good attendance at the corn show held at Wlnet rout's Implement house. . IS. females. 13. lies! . .general ! tXv from 4 ,0 & oVock. Refresh- rarm uog in existence. Alice I.iu kn. K. F. O. No. 2. 16 11 A IK ; A I N 8AI.K FinelTuTeoiiie Yoa Knew That , Murphy's annual Thanksgiving ball on Thursday night, the 29th. Tickets, 2. Satisfaction guaran teed. IS t place on Rast M street Tw i acres best river bottom loam soil, every foot In hlb state :if- cultivation. Fruit, berrle and truck garden. Good house and brick store room, barn, pumping plant and all ne-j ' cesMlary out bnlldlnga. Will offer I this place at this time for one- half the amount, It formally aold for. Price $2,250. Terms If de sired. A. U Edgerton, owner. 11 meats, games, stories and music. Mothers holding tl'-kete may accom pany children. Admission 10 cents. - 11 Wlna Tennis Hoaore Mlsa Lavelle Rooter, student In Whitman college, Walla Walla, Wash., won third championship In the tennis tournament closing last week. Miss Rooter It a' member of the sophomere class. RnllicklBK Itotakaiis Running rampant, plan spectacu lar pageant at I. O. O. F. hall on Friday evening November 23. Watch the papers. 11 On Tour of Inspection Mra. 'Alice Mallory went to Ash land Saturday to pay an official visit of inspection to the W. R. C. of that place. Mrs. Mallory will visit the Medford corps on Wednesday and the Central Point corps on Thurs Card Price Increase On December 1 the price of en graved cards with plate will be In creased 25c per 100. Order now fcnd save money. Courier office. 15 Community Ring The Parent-Teacher association Is arranging a community Ring for the citizens of Grants Pass to take place Tuesday night, November 27. It la hoped that a thousand voices at loiiRt will join In the singing of old and familiar songs. A list of . the songs will he published later, menn j time got (it your old music nnd fn- nlllnrlze yourselves With tho -Knod , old songs you used to sing.' Thanksgiving Kro Dunce I The Girls' Honor Guard expect to see you at their dunce. Don't dlv ' appoint them. . 11 JOS. MOSS AGBNCT Fire Insur ance, plate glass liability Insur ance. 204 Vi SliUt street. tf INSURANCE Any kind. companies. U A. Lauaar, Ntttl. of ml U T Fiirnleheil by M'. K. Haswon or Grunts Pass Abatrsct Ce. FORD WANTED Must be bargain, will pay spot cash. .Mall details to Oliver Meeker, Talent, Ore. 117 FOR RENT Light housekeeping .rooms, modern with garage. 656 North 8lrth. Phone 218-R, 1 1 tf WANT&DSeveral dotenWhlte liegborn pullets or young hens, j Address Bertha E. Jensen, Mur-: phy. Ore., Route 1, or phone i 153-L. 11 ; November 14, 117 Transfers' , Madrona Ijind Co., to Peter G. Urentxen, W. D., NW4 of NW or 8R4, Sec. 24-37-6, 12.600. . U j. Jewell to 'A. C. Hough, Q. CI. D., one-sixth interest In Moun tain I Jon. Mountain Lion Extension, Hidden Treasure and "8. W. H." mining claims, $10. For the Scliigr Bay Ad Atistic Vest Pccket Kcdik la a, Belt Carrying Case An Ideal gift that run be worn on the firing line, producing picture Unit will be invtilunlile In future years. Your photo In our .of our Leather Pocket Photo Cases to direr hhii up through long dreary (Ihj-s. l''our Mtyleic nt l.l!, encli. Coim1 In iuid see them Music & Photo House KTAXTOX ItDWKI.I.. Prop. BIJOU Week' Program Bt'NDAV f lUANUI.K "TltyreOJ"- KnlA flennlM PATHE NEWS MO.MAV Kwuimiay lU'BMirV . liurtVj, "SKIXXER'S llryant Wash- TCF.SIAV hihI WKIXKSI.1V All-Slur Kenture "THE CXWRITTEX LAW," Bea trice Mlilicleiia. TlllltSIMV ' 1 Triangle All-Star Feature t ill DAY ami SATl'RUAY "THE WHIP," the world's greatest iiu'IimIiiuiui. Sierlul nuinlc. 0 The popularity of knitted outing garments has de veloped with the great outdoors habit, which de mands clever apparel as a matter of style and pro tection. In Bradley's you find graceful lines, fineness of material, and perfection of finish, distinctively ' knitted into each garment. ' ' " The two best sweater values you will see for a long time are selling here at $3.95 and $3.85. Don't fail to see the two numbers. Others from 75c up. , The Golden Rule HovV Do Vou Mate Your Money? If you saw wood for a living, why not come and see how you can make 10 times as much money with ' one of my drag saw outfits and pay for it as you saw. C. A. VINETROUT The Implement Man Largest Implement House in Southern Oregon .THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Kord U an honewt car in the fullest sense of the term built on an bonest design with honen ma terials. Mold at an honest price with the MHNurance of hooct performance Jim! an equally honest; efficient af-KT-service. BejJilc, it ha bo- rroved brjond question hat Ute Pord U jnosf economical, both to operate and maintain. It is one of the utilities of dally life. vOUP or der solicited. Kftlclent aftcrervi. Is .behind every rrd cur. Runabout, WW; Touring Or, $:10; CoujW, 3l.i; Town Car, 951)5; Rediui, 45; tme-Ton Truck Chnls. floo. All f' o. h. Itetroit. C. L. Hobart Company