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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1917)
ftUNDAV, SOYKMHKIl IM, IUI7 U.UUf lUtfil'U lUVfcJl (JOIKIKH FACE TE3 HEX PRODUCTS WEEK EARLY E Before you build or remodel get this free book It will give you many ideas that will enable you to plan the best possible arrangement of your plumbing fixtures. The Book of Bathrooms' shows how by the care ful selection of plumbing fixtures, you can give your bathrooms a tone Doth artistic and refined It it a fifty-six pjue book illustrating- nioJcl Pacific Cuwt bath- rotjiiw. some ot the nut recent PACIFIC Plunihmu Fixture, anJ conuintng many new and Iirlplul ideal Tor the lwmw builJcr It u an invaluable book, yet it free on requct. PLUMSIHO nXTUSCS fr J mil n.mUn Hn Oftti Saa Krinrhco, Portland at lti AagrUi Ktehinoad Sea Ptlilo, California ali y f THE 0L0 STARCH DOES IT. Why Cellars Crack In Laundering ana Haw (a tave Thee. In laundering collar anil ahlna tbe Aral filing to Im done la Li net tha old tari'b out of Ihetd. No amount of waehlug in water, hot or raJd. will do' this, for water doc liot dissolve aiari'li. Cracked col la 1 are dua to tbe old alarcu bring left In tint fabric and new Mtarvh. W'lpg put mi top of It. ' I11 tin- words of rlulil Vnu Deiim-u In Ilia National lauiudry' Journal. "I In old atac h niiialiiliiK In tin good crys tallises iimlcr I ! bent and pressure of tbedrouln&- nuielilue ami puts I lit fllwr lu a Itrltt It l onilllloii; hcuca mIiNi Ihmii for pressing through the flnlhliiiiK ma- blue It cracks, irmoe t hi old stnr'li. and. wit li tin' uniform consistency of everything Hint In khhI In new starch, tint collar will W no Ulnlii that It ran behrnt between linger nitil lliuinl) with 1 1 ( danger of iliiiiuu'i'." Till' remedy In very iiiiI". It In tlmt used by III' ml nf tlir liiiisrst I'nllnr manufacturer -tin, dlssoivim; of the old atan b with a iM mult entnict rnllnl diastase. This tiling tlii Mutch Into augur and takes II out of t tin rub. rlc. One laundry In Tiny luniiiw-a '.T.", OOtt down collars 11 Wirk mid Inn no few broken ohns tlmt It Iin In aiastor a bonus of ; j rr-ms for each on fniliid. Making Qhraenat. Were t It nmtii;i la. Mil" n able to i'nt ihe NtHui'i'rliiu complexities of and mo IiniiI. nI deietl In. Vnltml In tin- making of a slirapiil aliell he noiiM be aitiMMsl l or In stance, I To liangi'i are rciiirrd to uian iii.nitiri 1 1 if i-omtiliiiitioii 1 tint and per rnxlnii fu.c for tliriT-iiinirli'r lin'b ttiniiiii'l. 'I'lic hiwiht uwl niiiot bart tln miri t ImrnliiK Unit or Ihi rxi'liv kIoii will ixi iir Iimi h 111 or lou lal. It In Inihwsllilo in olilnln two (Ntwdrra with tin aii mi Imrulnit Ilini; In-no tilt Iniriilng thin Iiiin In lt il.-tiTtiilin'd on rai'li lot of Niivil-r. Till" fnrincrly rt iiilriil oiii and oni'-half Inntra; now It taki llii inlncili-H, l.lkrulr tho Hun iijiiuin"l In 1 ) 1 1 1 1 u mi iIitn liaa Ixr .1 nttiiri'il from .ini-ii limiri to flftnii gilnulM. rotmlnr Si li-ncp .Montlilr. A claaalfW ad brlniti rranita. Osng af tha Srown Thrathar. Wfci'ii tin l.rtiwn tlirnxlh'r Ntarta to alng out tnluht Juki an wi'll ll-ti'ii, aa In Kill Ih hi'iinl. and ivir.r either bird uiljilit Jiiat un "ell ki'ip mill, tit until, lug vUf can Ik liiurd. Uc domliiati'U tht rntir vh Inlty. Hn la on tin ntaa In tin tnldilla of tli BHiillahl. Hl xrforinaiirf la (liauinllc It la oomlc opprii nt Ha lMt. Th brown thnmliiT la nion commonly known, irolmbly, aa the brown tlmmli or aoiiiitiiiiiN aa tlio rinnaiiioii tlirimh, hut im tin bird dora not belong to the thruh fuinllv h Nlmnld be lilvt'ii Ilia ii(iht nuiue. He In entwlii of tin i ltlhliil mill the nioek lni hlrd.-dliln Sine .loiirnal Let Electricity Save You L&bor and Money , : nilllilllllillilliillllilillUllllilllllJIIIIIIIi ; CHURNING WQ CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY I Oft-J ; 623 G STREET. GRANTS PASS, OREGON ' 'A tnova baa bean atartad to Intro du' Ori'gimlana to buy Oregon mads gooda for CbrUtmaa rent thia) year. Tba week of lhi'mbr 3 to I haa bean designated Home Pro ditota aeult by a proclamation of tinvarnor Wllhyrninlia. Mayor Haker of Portland haa fallen In Una with an aieal In help the move along. Aa lie aava: "No ainta can have a greater aaaet that a public fully auraka lo the advantage and need of patronlnlng tha prndueta made at home, flucb atate baa tba founda tion of great Industrial development It la t Impreaa nn tha public thla all-Important fart, that Horn Pro dneta week haa been Inaugurated. 'Tha people of Portland are urged to add to tha aplrlt and purpoaa of tha week by buying; Oregon made gooda for Ctirlatmaa preacnta. Ore gon mannfanturera with their growl ing fartorlea and Inereaalng payrolla. prod 11 re a vaat and diversified rol ler! Ion from wlilrh to make a rhotca. The quality and quantity will be of the beat. The benefit to tba atate will be Inestimable for It will be the launehlng nf a plan wbieb. ahuuld and will develop. It will lead to a Home Produeta year." RED CROSS CAM FOR BELGUUi WAIFS Urltlah lleadquartera In France, October 22 (Corraapondenca of the A hoc la ted Creaa) Several hundred llelaian children who are now living In the danger aoue close to the fight ing llnea In tha Immediate future will be eaiabllahed in aafe and com fortable quatare In rolony of their own. Thla la being prepared by the American Kd 'roa at certain plarea In free ndKluni. Hectlona for ten barrack were ablpped from Phi In yeaterda)'; and under the au pervlalon of Meaara. Blcknelt and Van Hchaick theae will be art up at once, and the little folk moved In. Here they will lie given romforta which they have not known olnce the Germane overran llelglum, and in addition will be placed under compe tent teachera, who will pick up the broken tbread'a of' their education ? thoiiMiud Itelgjan children al ready have been aent to home In variona purtfe of France, and there are many more who are being "hell ed, bombed and gaaaed almost every day, and ihould be taken away to nfer quarter. Fate et Cliff Uwellere. It aeeiiia that there ran be no doubt that the cliff tlwcllei'H were extermi nated by their more nhvuui and war like neighbor), the men Ix'lng killed and the Women adopted Into the trllx of .the coiniierorN, tboiiuh In wine capes nilumlloiiN iimv have Iimhiiic iiciir.v aa a renuU of dr'iu.'bt or irei.u re from oiiIhIiIi IriU'N.-Uxclinnije, ( - J rJA g ) r WW : p SCHOOL TOGS. Tba paat week baa beeu an erei tlonaily buay one In high' acbool af fair; tha Y. M. 0. A. war fund wa ruined and the atbletle aaaorlutlon changed lo a atudent body organization. According to the number of atn- denta enrolled In their achoola, tbr Medford, Aahland and Oranta Paaa high achoola wera aaalgned amount for tha T, M. C. A. drive. Orant Paaa high school waa apportioned 1140, In an aaaemhly on Monday, after Dr. WItham had told or the work qf tha T. M. C. A., Donald Kearna aa chairman of the commit tee In charge atated the amount needed. Within three minute, fftO of the amount waa pledged. On Wednesday the boya from the high school vlalled the Junior Ugh. where 17 waa contributed. The Fast school cave $11.14 and Riverside, fir). Tba amount riven by tha high school waa $173, making a total for all the achoola of ItOS.tO. On the 30th of thla month a gen eral meeting of tha T. M. C. A. la to be held In Fugene. Two' represen tatives are entitled to attend from thla achool, Maurice Wllklns and Donald Kearna were elected by bal lot on Friday afternoon. For the past two yeara the athletic association haa been a atronc organi sation In the achool. It haa now been changed Into a atudent bod aa- aoclatlon with the same officer aa before. The teachera have been given ap plea during the week. Mr. Canby presented a box of applea to the teachera In each of the achoola. ww irvwwwwwWafii ENGLISH BEAUTY IS BUSY AT WAR WORK PO a Mt J. IT - f V f t'ouiite of Cromer, tun' of the inoet v benutlful women in BnRlund's court circle, la llk ninny other promi nent nolilewouieii, euKHgid in actively aiding mniiy war cbnritlca nnd works. SPECULATIVE OIL FEVER. ' SEIZES DENVER PUBLIC ; ' Everyone, From the Office Boy to Most Substantial Citizen, , Is ."Oil Mad." . ' For cool when ulster mtiRt go to school In tbti vy swisitcr In a warm shade of rosu, the cnlhit'. licit anil front being Ntiin?il with .liiu. Novetty but tons 11 nil 11 rt'M' veloitrN lint muke suit able aiaanriH for tin ulrl not yet really fus,v idioiit bur vluthes. Fruit Growers and the New Banking Systea ' The Federal Reserve Banking System, established by the government, stands back of the orchards, and enables us to help our farmers get better yields, better prices and better all round results. The vast resources of this system assure us at all times of ample funds and currency for the legitimate needs of our fruit growers in . picking and marketing their crops. If you are not already one of our depositors come in and see if we can't help you. Tit fait Ed. el jmHlVMt asM Crcof a. ataaavaTp lobbies. In hotel corridors, at the neighborhood gathering of tha foft In all aectlooa of the orry. "oU" Ta tually I the subject to receive Boat consideration. , Ktaid and dignified clergymen seem to be aa keenly af fected by the oil erase aa the dapper man about town. "WANTED To eichangw city lota In desirable section, for stock In aotae oil company," la the tenor of many ads In local newapapera. . OU stocks that were kicking arowod (own a few weeks ago with no chance of sale at from two to ten cents a share are being bought up la large blocks at greatly advanced prtcee, and favorable report from the fields where the companies) have holding Indicate that many nf Denver specu lative salesladies and hnslnea (Ilia will be sporting Kolinsky furs this winter, while nuloniobile sales agen cies report' thut the nil sharka are glutting the market with orders for III were. The first crossing of the Andes asade by aeronaut was accomplished by two en from Argentina: Tbeir baJIooa started from Pa nil a go. Chile, and femr hoor later landed near M sodas. Ats gentlna. In Manrltlna tea la aaade froaa the leave of the orchid; in Pern It la ba fnaed from native holly; the Taanaa alana have many substitute. while the Tonklneae make It of wood, bark, leaves and berries. Jordan, the one river of the Holy Land,- baa a course of little more than SIX) mllea from the root a of Aatl Lebanon to the head of tbe Dead ana. Not a (Ingle city ever crowned the banks of tbla liver. The frontleta" or "phylacterlea" of the Hebrews were trl of parchment on which were written four pasaagea of Scrtpture (Kodiw sill. 2-tOj t IT: Deiiteronomr v. 4 f: xlli. In aa mk f prciiared r the pnrjHwe.- -A lasslfled ad will give roanR. A speculntlve moremeul of tremen dous proportion! In liolillni; Denver In I Its grip fiillovlu; the rlcb strike ot itiiiii! 011 111 me yonuni; ncHH. Denver broker! dcclure tlmt every one, from the iIoiiickiIc Nerviint to inthi'ly In-rxelf, 11 ml from tbe oillee hoy to the fnmtminity'N most niiIi- hi mi 1 In I I'ltUeii. In "oil mad," iiinl small ami large lire the sinus belli)' tnnib ilnlly llirounh tin ndriinc In prle Mini viilue of munoroiiN low priced oil stuck. Crowds Mock to tbe two nil ex cbuuKi's, recently established here, nml deullng In certltlcntcs that niiixo In snlo price from three rent a slmre to ten dollars 11 slum run into 10O,(Mi shnrcs dully. Anil mere mini by no menus bus 11 monopoly of the dully triinstictlons In then oil marts- Girls anil women, the businesslike ateitng rnpher and tbe fashionnbly nttlrcil mistress of a Capitol Hill boma. sit side by side in the linly's ileptirtment of tbe Alluiny cxcIiiiiikc. In Seven tivnlli street, pencil nml pud In bund, buying anil selllnu' .iltii'lng tin three (billy "culls" like experienced tlniin clefs. j , Ou the street cars, In tbe thenter A Faair Chance Every man owes himself a fair chance. He owes his business a fair chance. Because his business is the machinery through which he pays himself for his work. A fair chance means that he gives his business every known opportunity to flour ish. Business is like gardening. The gardener who picks out the. shady corners for his sun-loving . plants doesn't give -them a fair chance to turn into food and flowers. The business which keeps its offerings -in the dark doesn't give them a fair chance to turn into dollars. : The man who expects the public to come x him without telling it what to come to him for isn't doing himself justice. A fair chance means, among other things, turning on the sunlight, the sun light of publicity. . Rogue River Courier FOR INSTANCE PUBLICITY A PROVEN , ADVERTISING MEDIUM