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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1917)
ag nro duuly noon nxvm ootsoui M IV, SOVKMIIKH IM, II7 (D)(0) (0) Womtted ! We will pay cash for turkeys and all kinds of poul try.; Bring all you have and we will pay you , , The Highest Prices for Them in Gash Come early arid see us before yon sell your poultry. . Thanksgiving Day is near.. Temple Market Phone 134. : i APPLE PIES ABROAD Uuklaml, Cal., Nov. 1 7. Oakland It raising an "apple pit" fund for j the mildlnis tit the front. A leader In lh movement declared at a re-! cut meeting In lb. tnlartat of th.j fund that General Pershing had slat-1 ed that apple plea In great number ; would be welcome. Those behind tha fund Mr going 'to strive to hsva the soldier sup- i piled not only with apple pies, but with many other dcllfucles that they were used to at home. Th qunrter- ' mauler's department of the army here stale, that Individual and the j Red Cross are sending many smh plea In response to General Per shing's request. I 10 You Are Losing Money every day you put off without an Overland automo bile. The Overland car is not built as a price killer for the reason it is impossible to build a classy car of the very best materials and sell it for a song, but in making the price we do not take your breath. Call and see us anytime in regard to the OVERLAND cars. FASHION GARAGE PLUCKY KORNILOFF. - Russia's G.n.ral Mad. Him If a Papular Har. General Komi led la considered' the pluckiest general lu (lie Ituviau army." The atory of hi career reaila like a fairy tale. Short of nature, with bristling mus tacbe, KorulloS. who la a general of the Slberlau coxvacka, drat bevam. known durlug the Ruiwlan retreat In the Carpathian lu Wl Agaiust dps rste odds he held out with bla divi sion till be himself wan taken prisoner by tb Teuton . for aeveral montha be waa Interned in Auatrla and bad a very bard time there. .'.'" In 181(1 be deckled to escai. IHa raised at a aaiit, risking bla Ufa ou many ocoaiiona. be walked hundred Of milea across the Carpathlana Into Roumaola. When be dually arrived In Bussla be waa greeted with uuboiiudeil Joy by the army. Ula feat also made him very popular wlib the entire na tion. Tbla made It poxslble for him to gain the great honor, Immediately after the revolution, of lielng the Hint coro mandant of the revolutionary army at I'etroKTad. In llils capacity he waa dispatched to Tsarskoe-Belo to arrest tlie czarina. The accue that followed bin arrival at the residence of Mcholaa Romanoff ou March 21 baa become historic. New Xork Timea. The New Electric Iron While hobby wofk downtown tonight 111 do a little pressing. IH hitdTthis cord into the lifcht7 But, heavens! how distressing! I need the lifcHt; I need the heat- Whatever shall I do? "lm yours for DatAl Duty( m. I BENJAMIN J 92 Screws into present socket No extra wiring required Provide Two Electric Connections Frotr. One Sachet Bush Electric Store 109 Nortli Sixth Street "Bay Electrical Good at the Electric Shop" ONE DOLLAR A MATTRESS ON A WARSHIP. It la Bath a Cemlsrtabl. Bad and a Fine Lif. Prm.rvw. It mnst afford conalderable console tloa to the navy recruit to realise that the mattreaa on which be sleepa ao comfortably at ntgbt will stand him In food atead In caa of an accident to the abtp. In fact, the very buoyancy which make It inch a comfortable bed la also the quality which make It possible, for It to be converted at moment's no tice Into a life preaerver, says tbe l'op nlar Science Monthly. The mattreases are atnffed with ka pok, a lighter than cork material which la Imported from the Weat Indies In bales similar to bales of cotton. It Is made from tbe seeds and silk of a tree not unlike the cotton wood tree, but In stead of being: In puffy balls tbe kapok Is In slender threads, wbich when com pressed make a mans that Is six time more buoyant limn cork. r Thin layers of tbe kaxk are Inclosed Gi strong ticking for tbe mattresses. Each mattress Is provided with tapes long enough to tie around tbe body and over tbe shoulders. It require only a minute to adjust tbem. Queer Trous.r. Interextiiig are the trousers nr tlulilx of the poorest eliisa fif giiurlios, who live In s very primitive state In the Hontlicrn Argentine piimcas. When tliey need a pair of hints tliey kill sn old mare and strip off tlie hide of the foro legs as one would drmv elf a glove. These are drawn, soft mid pliiiMo. liHiiy side in. over feet and legs up to the hips, where tliey mljust tlieniNclvcs like tllil. They ure thus worn con tinuously, diiy and night, for weeks, until the owner feels the necessity of a new pair of pants. Tliey are then cut louse., ii nut her old more Is killed, snd tbe operiUiuu Is repeated. Iami An geles Times. Ran DIno, Cal Nov. 17. Thirty thousand members uf the new na tional army wlft swing pant four governors of western states, the ac credited representatives of great wi lled nations, a,nd delegates attending the league of the aouthwest. In ses sion here, when (ieneral Canieron, commandant of Camp Kearney, leads hla men through a great re view here early tomorrow. The review will ba given In honor of the Rrst aeitslon of the league of the southwest which haa been meet ing here to complete organisation. Governor Stephens of California, Governor llatnoergar of I'tab, Gov ernor Campbell of Arliona and Gov ernor Outer of Colorado, all of whom appeared before the league, are to be In tbe reviewing stand. Chevalier Mardottl, of Italy, Urljo Oyama. of Japan, C. White Mortimer, repre senting the British government, and taany "other foreign representatives are also honor guests. The program will conclude to- niorron night with a great "Pageant of Freedom" at the San Diego sta dium. Those In charge announced 10.000 persons would participate. The pageant will conclude a four day eeaalon of the league of the southwest, which haa organized for the hormonlous advancement of the commercial, civic, and social Inter ests of southwestern states and communities. I ERECT STATUE TOM. GOMEZ Havana, Nov. 17. Sculptors throughout tbe world arc preparing to submit designs for the bronze equestrian statue to be built here in memory of ,MaJor General .VI sal me Corner "the Cuban liberator," Re quests for particulars of the compe tition, which carries with It prizes totaling $17,000, have been received from the foremost artists . of the United States and Europe. The de sign will cost In tbe neighborhood of $200,000. DR. WILLIAM f . DURANO k Dr. William F. Durand, noted me chanical engineer, is chairman of the national advlaory committee for aero nautics. For several yeara he has been prefessor of mechanical engineering at Lelsnd Stanford university in Califor nia and before that time waa a mem ber of other university faculties. He Is a specialist in marina engineering, and haa written a number of bocks on the subject. PAGE THEATER MEDFORD, Ore. MUTUKlOi lUUXiOVW MtKm.-KT I'Mt'K OK MVXYMV.SX Tuesday, Nov. 20 v "Watch Your Step" The rmt Httlix-mloiia Murl ttrKaiilMlliiil Ever in Tbla HtHllnu - D I VIXti HKIUJM'M . 75 reople NVMir.vrKn opecial NnVKNH 40 Girls Mr4 Jr7wn' Orchestra i , 1 . . IX W N(iKl.K rAIEJIH H ll: "One of tlie bel ever britiiKlil ti the it," K'mleT "A itniy of girls, giiHns, I'uniiily," HullHJn, MM A(il.IK 1'APEJtH SAID: "A aniMtltinai aun'Hwv" Kxsmlaer. . "The loellit (Uncrrs xrrn liev," Meisld. I'lUCEH Atlr, 7.V, l, I..V, 2. Mill. OltUEIW XOW AUCTION! Friday, November 23 . At the Gilkey Ranch Selma, Oregon Half mile from I'tMt tHtttf All the pvaisMl pntfHiy tm the plm will lm sold. Including satlk conn, mJvr, mnuv rn, horc, turkey, ihlckrn. grwla bay, fHi-iii Implrnii-nls and muny auwll HrtUIr. E. R. ROBERTA HKLMA. (Itt'XK) LIEUT. COL FITZHUGH LEE t' n'lio ii. .ii i n nihil Hith gun- (i,n,.r in,. u;i ,, n..e Ini-ii Invilil- I i,i hi," . iti 1 1 i mill n-nl l.jr ii.v VuritM m the tlei.1 . ' ,, xm'.r In Ttie.v cume Into uc ,. , , ,:w,- j tuc yr n:.. The lirowii rst. errtiueoiiily called the Norway rat, a nrlclnally a na tive of India and I'rraia. It entered 1'iiropo Ihmugli Itusulu aUmt l"-7 aud was brought to Aineriia aliuul the year 177ft. i Lieut. Cel.- Fitihugh Lee of a family of eminent warriors, who is now at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Vs., is the son of Osn. Fitihugh Lee, the dashing beau sabreur of ths Cenfedsracy and Is grand-nephew of the Illustrious Rob ert Edward Lee, in wtiese honor ths camp is ' named. Ha la also great grandson of Light Horse Harry Lee, one of the most famous aoldlsra ef the Revolution WHEN YOC THINK iW PUbg or Heating lie sarn and ttt Tetfceiow Sheet Metal Works That Spe.Ua Economy Service Quality Books Books Odd lines mid tulitions. All jirk-ns to close out, your choice for 25 cents. SEE OUR WINDOW Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store MASONIC TKMI'LE, OKA NTS PASS