Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, November 15, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Till I wit u. m:mhkii IV IUIT.
Fuel rnfuumed only . tO-TV' ' '
V i whftihr.iiinc.d.d no ' -..-.'it. J ' 1 Injf7t l
I TT-l w..le.hnh..ble-k-.r.. CtiJ t,-..
truniriiM. Nt f W! 3"
" 5 Kl'li' STANDARD OIL ff MEAT 'iPLrfllIP' L . v
J 1 , . I PEARL J i
. !
A.:tutilu, .Mont., No-.. Ifi. Moun
tains ni point of will not savV kals
erliwi II, butler and oils are larking.
The xrcHtciti corn imp In the world
would do the German no good" If
t )iey have no milk and meat.
TIii'ho At.itciientit were made In a
reem: Ictitre here ly lr. W. .0.
Hulfiinn, UHMlHtunt professor of
ih)!iil')4li' chemistry m tbi t'nl
viMKlly of Montana. .
"Kind foods lire absolutely es
ffitlul to the humiin system." Dr.
IJale.'nan declartd. "Thiwe foods' are
protein, fat and rarbo-hydntle,
MiM'h an march and sugar. Fats, in
rliidlriit vein-table atl, are'-getting
extremely mrce In Germany." ,V
Classified Advertising
Cramer Bros.
Grants Pass Hardware Co.
Rogue River Hardware Co.
Making S'rup and Fed In Old Oif we
Tin I'ivb I'lilt I'rotliii'in rnl. i. m
la nutkl'u,' irii iiti'l tM'k fi-il (I' m
Wt-niicl'.ll, ll til nM -Mol'llr (At.
brewery. 'I In- iihii. my plim Ihj' I.
h i it 1 1 it 1 1 t nit of tiini liincry for nu
Ini vinegar.
Pall Spraying rf Fruit.
Kail prnlinf ulli'i- I In' leaves of
frtiH ini'H hmr ilrn'p'',l niiiy lie milt
mllijlnl for tin- ioiihI ilm -'11,1111 iry.
In. Mini nr IhiiiIMi will tliu overcome
the dim. iillli' In liMhiMlia' ' r.-'ulit and
iililHlnlittf lulxirlii tin' ii iii4 Him .1
at-Hlf null" i'Xli'i''i,-l. l ull miii hi' qi.
trolltil 'rii''H' nl'.' if 'll full "l" r
alioiiK n liy ili'li'i'rhii.' l'ii' oik till
nirlnK. iif'or'lliiu t" I'litiini, loui of
llii- nl'lo nixli'iiltiT'l I'ltxTlinoiii ta
tloti. tli'.ixy H'lii. t:'i,l.' lire iii.kIi
tnori1 iiiII liitiitt'il iivi'i linn L'rti'iiiil
In llii' full limit miT "I'll vroiinil In y) I
atrlnii M)'ii iiml li-itnw mi' in tr iiMill
Hlll IOC (l)lltlU tll, lli In full tlltllt
tttlii lilt' l lill of ; Ij u nnrll it on
(Conllnutd from 1.)
una- No Illiterates Will Go to the Front
in Army Training in
' r ! Ill 'jlllll
I I Hl'll'" ' Ivlili-ll
Basttl On
Cost Per
Tal .let
It Saves VzC'
No 1Mirt In plr f thU K gw
olrf rmrly IV Ut 24 Ublrtf-HMB.
" t"ld labkt IX.W JOr (ni 41 UbWt
Ftftirvd on prnpnrttoniilfl mat ptt
tablet, nu aav sc whra you buy '
Hill a -Cutca CM
In 94 hmira op
In 1 dayt - Mmwy
bark if II falls.
14 In. 11a. I
At anf Drug Star.
Aintinlam. Nov, II. Th
alan - li'Kntlon at The Miiuue an-,
nonnctta lhal It refui" to rc. okiiIi (
th. ' VBlmallt tovt rnmnnl In I'fi-,
luasratl. ; ll,r,, . i
I T"'bii win it tin- oi
l'oM'0hiiKi,n, Nov. J 5. Cenoml I v III irry llif LM'."! u.t ii in In- inilm-tl
Kornlloffn' trooim have taken tn rr;ir Kiiiti!(l;y- nii'lri.Hiil ovit Ilm
Kremlin, tbn fiinioiiK fortre at Moa- t u to r ii int .
.ow, after a .evero fUht. say. the to of tlm "tltr.f IN' -miillir hii.I
llrrilninke Tldnnde-. l'etrorU tor I rl""'-tt '- iatnli to . very llllier.
. . I ale In niu.i'. Ilm onlrr Itii" khiu- out
'TnU. . . . ill.:.! I,., im'I. .vl.,' .......... r.,.l u...
- , . i wrllf Cnu'll'-h ' I!" "over :l.o ...."
Stockholm. Nov.. IS. An iindat- ,.rtir n i-Ilt,p. m ,i,
od dlmmlrh from Haitaranda to th ,,lin., llt ,. .,, ,,r ,lr , .iniiiil..!,; I
Dimena Nhetnr ya thw "rominander ,, ,,11, ,,, ,, i;. .:,iii.. lie l ;
of tho V0'"'10"4' lef,,ne In I'elro tfimlziiii! riii-n. wltii li lll l.e liiu.'iii
Krnil lnKtied a proclamation denying I by "t ! v.r,i by !i::eili!'tii i nlNi t:
.that tho I'ftro'riid Uoopa hud Joined I nu n. I'iii;i ilt.- lv . .Im iitloinil tllrr.-
the Kerenhky force and dfolnrlif '" V. M. f. A. n;i.t. I.rni.t Ii.
'that tho defender, of the -apltul 'J'.- 7 '" '';";
. . , , , ill ft by tbe hcii 'rnk.v I'll'ti-ji'-y cmii
were .Iron onouKh to renl.t H,- Mll1. , , , ,.,. M.
London, Nov. 15. The opening
thin week of a In rue near aerodrome
i.t Il.inworih I'ark, near Uiooon
nmrka lite itiiniileiloii of an eij,'l
peering work whbh Involved the oe-
flection undetKroiind for a distance
of nearly a mile, of the V'oley
river. The stream Internet-ted the
field teleeted for tho main landing
Kroiind nl the aerodrome and lm-
peded the lundlni( of aircraft there
To remove thl defect, the engineer
conatructed a condull, capable of
carrying :7,ft0,0n callona of '
ter daily, Into which the stream haa
low been diverted, and IU bed lev
elled to give an unbroken flat aur
face for the aerodrome. The alr.e
of the conilnlt was auch that before
the river tti diverted SO soldier
marched upright through the under
ground way.
jiKAl-RIM In horttea, mulea, citl.
' WBKon, backs, buggiei, barnea
and saddles. We have a variety
at all kinds at all times. If you
have anything to sell or e hang,
or If you want to buy, come and
sea 11. We will treat you right.
, All our Ilveatock Is put out under
; guarantee. Red front reed and
Sale Stable. Corner Sixth and K
atreets. Tlmmons ft lllggins,
Propri. IK
Th. Othar On..
- "The only mn lbin are dealb
and Iiixit."
"Yc'i'vei'M-: louketl HnuM'tbliiK. haven't
'. Vt'lint 11:11 '.''.'r i.:u''r"
"Tirt !. .'f.'- l.- ; ii,i. '
. . Job work at tt: Courier.
rUat MAX.
I, C. GRANT LANDS Blue print
. plats showing lands In Jotapblae
county, 11.56. Address A. B.
Voorbles, Gran '.a Pass If
KOH HAI.K - Bargain If sold at
,oHce. No. 800 Weal C street, one
' good T-room house, one and one
balf lots, close In, worth tl.3'0,
for $00. Terms Is desired. Ad
dress K. 0. Bu.II, Dlllard, Ore. 1!
KOIt SAJB All farm products sell
at high prices. Buy a farm and
be an Independent producer. We
have good properties at ey
terms. Bent-Fuller Realty Co. 20
DRY MIL!. WOOD $3 par tier.
Harrr Smith. Phone S12-J. . 12
KOK 9ALK Two horses. One geld
ing. $."i; one mare $40. Each In
'good condition and weigh about
1175 lbs.. A. N. Parsons. 99tf
SEUOK Rm-leaned seed wheat
I Washington Hybrid No.' 14 and
Marquis, 12.50 per bushel.) Oth
er seed grln. Alfalfa, alt clov
ers and "Harvest Time
Tel he Story of Cood Seeds."
Hal oh Waldo Blden, Centyal
Point. Oregon. . lOltf
U O. CUSMtNT, f. D. trmUce
IImlte4 to dlsaasea of the eya, ma.
nosa and threat. niaaet ntt.a.
Of flea koors 1-12, 1-1, or en ap
pointment. Office pbone, 12; resi
dence phone S5I-J.
8. UN'UHRIIXiK. M. D. Pbysfclaa
and surgeon. City er country call
attended day er night Reeld.aer
phona ;; offbe phone lit.
Sixth and II. Toffs Building.
DR. ED. BY WATER Specialist on
dlsaasea of the aye, ear, aoe aad
tbrnat-.glaases fitted. Office Hours
$ to 12 a. m.. 2 to 5 p. m. Phone.
Residence 20-I-; office 210-J;
Masonic Temple, C rants Pass, Ore.
A. A. WITHAM, M. D.. Physician and
surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner
Sixth and I streets. Pbonee: Of-'
flee. 111; residence, 2II-J. Hoora,
t a. ea. to 4 p. m.
DR. J. O. NIBLEY Pbyalclaa aad
surgeon. ' Lundburg Biildlag.
Surgeon t'tab-Idaho Sugar Oo.
Health Officer. Officer hours. I to
12 a. in. I to 5 p. m. Phone
810-J. I5U
E. C. MACY. D. U. D. Klrwt-claae
dentistry. . lOIVa South Slitn
street,' Grants Pass, Oregon.
H. . O. Norton, Attorney-at-law.
Practice In all Stat aad Federal
i Courts. First National Bank Bldg.'
COL V 10 k WILUAMS Attoroeys-at-Law
Grants Pcaa Banking Co.
Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon.
KOR SAI.K or trade Bull calf nine
days old. W. O. Hough, 521 W;el
Rogue River Ave.. 109
E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice
In all courts. First National Bank
Building. ........
Women, Prepare!
double those, of Korensky
llllt ttoAH WAKKANTH
All Josephine county 1 pink J road
warrants Issued prior tq October 1st,
1917. and protested prior to that
date; arejierehy called In, and are
payable at the county treasurer's
office, on nr. after,,. tlie 15th day of
November, 1917, on which dato in
terest will cease.
; :. Ciiuniy treajturer.
. , " ' : 603 G Htrect.
Let Electricity Save You
Labor and Money
MA 75Wf
W'XwiiL '
CJ 1 IUI "l fnri TV m I.VM. I.
ill.ri c iini- fivn t!,'- bllN i'.' Ki'iittii'l;.
bin :; mi itv iiii'i'lmmrt fi.un lu
ilb'.liti 1 ml nil .' -"I :.Im..-. cr.liiiiit nic:.k
mi. lilc Ijic.'I.. ,
Mn 1 iy vrultliy i.i,i . 1 1 : ! 1 1 irs-x t tutu
serving us illvnl i.t ill;fnr'l bl'inv
are atiitlyltiL' Kr"!ic!i. Tin t o nn w
iifiirly HI 1.1 M t t in. 11 !n i-i.iul". mid tlm
number will b tlmil'l.-d l.ffnre ci i
vtt'iilbi r sel In. f
H-i"H' -H K H- v I K -
Thoosands of women near the coast
have overcome their sufferings, and
have been cured of woman's ills by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, This
temperance medicine, though started
nearly half a century ago, sells most
widely to-day. It can now be had in
tablet form as well as liquid, at any
drag store, and every woman who suf
fers from backache, headache, nervous
ness, should take this "Prescription
of Dr. Pierre's. It is prepared from
nature's roote and herbs and does not
contain a particle of alcohol or any
narcotic. It's not a secret prescription
for its ingredients are printed on wrap
per. ' Send 10c. for trial package to
Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
FARM KOR RENT Fine Irrigated
farm for rent. Three to Ave year
lease, cheap rent. About 60 acres
In cultivation, abundance of water
to cover It all year round! fine
clover, grain, corn and hog ranch:
fine outside range for cattle and
hogs etc. About 100 acres fine
grenn pasture, fenced and cross
fenced; family orchard, lots of
berries; good house and fine big
barn and outbuildings, stock
crops and Implements for sale.
Good heavy team, wagon, harness,
hack-buggy: two fine cow; two
calves: some bogs; eight tons bay;
three tons fine fodder; 100 bu
shels corn; plows; cultivator; har-
rowu new mowing machine; good
second hand 5-passenger automo
bile; some household goods, etc.
etc.. Invoices about $1,000 to
1,200, more or less. Allow noth
tng. Must be cash. 30 miles
from Grants Pass. 15 miles from
railroad, near Kerby, Oregon. Pos
session given at once. Be spry if
v'ou want a big bargain. Ranch
will nay for all and more first
year. Box 95, Kerby, Oregon.
KOR SALE Spltzenberg and New
ton apples. Price ac:ording to
quality. R. K." Ross, phone 604
F-2. 05tf
1 08-J 623 G STREET,
crAnts pass, orecon
a -
Iff -(.-'
4 j INT -Ti - v
n.- .'
l i
. r
. 'b'K
MKt.Poni). OtiKcon "Knr throe or four
j days at a time 1 would sutW untold
nuniiv. It was this
wavioryear. I tba-
A tiintl all tbe tlni lint
A never am anv help
Til i:nt
DURHAM ft RICHARD, Attomwyt-
at-Law. Office Masonic Temple,
Grants Pasa Oregon. -
W. T. MILLER,- Attoruey-at-Law.
County attorney for Joeephlae
County. Office: ScbaUborsr Bldg.
O. S. BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Lsrw
Grants Pasa Banking Co. Bldg.
Pbone 270. Granta Pass, Oregon
V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law
Practice In state and federal
courts. Rooms 2, and 1, over
Golden Rnle Store.
torney!, Albert block, pbone 214-J
Practice in all courts; land board
DR. R. J. BESTIX. Veterinarlan.
Offire In Wlnetrout Implement
Bldg. . Phone 113 .1. Residence
Pbone 305-R. 1
kinds of drayage and transfer
work carefully and promptly dona.
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot. A. Shade, Prop.
A trii'iiu tout ma
Bluiiit Dr Pierce's t"n
vorite l'rescrl.tlon. I
tHik thnt' iK.ltlett mid
never bail any mmo.
tronbli'. Al number (
time 1 bail terrible j
dlv.y sielli anil a!
cntiirrbal contlitlnit 1
also; had that 'all-; ROOM
Ciim tlriwt !
was nervottn : and after each meal would t
I1I1 ill r loMU'llllitV terrlliiv. Il ml Hui.ue-
tuanagment of Mrs. L. C. Arm
. strong; 28 clean rooms at 35c
and 50c; special rates by week
or month; also light housekeep
ing rocms. Would like your pat
ronage. 4ntf
FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also
barn to be i-.sed as gRrage. Mrs.
F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and furniture moved
packed. Bhipped and stored. Phone
Clark and Holman, No. 50. Resi
dence phone 1S4-R.
tioii wi that I itmlil hnrdly eat anything
F. a. Coc, S04 'Washington B!vd.
Phone 164-J. ' tf
for rei.t, ground floor, hot
itnd cold water, outside entran.e.
Mrs. R. H. Lee. 211 West A. tf
THE WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone ,
J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of voice
culture' and singing. Lessons given
at home of pupil If requested. Ad-
dress 7 1 1 Lee St. 851tf
, 4r ? a-.-j.j
ami tny heiirtwiis alTefted. 1 mriini took Kl'HNlSHl.D ROOMS Uirpe
tbe ' Kavtirit" Prescription' and it cured ;
me. It Im 11 k-rand ineilii-ine ami I am glad I
fortnhle and
4tl C street.
AUK YOU GOING or not going, that
! ti:e question. Call Jitney
I.uke at tbe S;f. or phone 262-R.
' Always at your service "for city or
country calls. . v 90tf
to tell oilier bow ir belid me. ." I
"Tim ' l'e:i-;!;-r I'.,.'; cured me of!' 1 t ;
throiiieeonfb..iti-m.' i. t-nL.ted my h.wcls FOR RENT Five-room bungalow
ho Unit 1 imv-r b:i-! yny inure tronble.'.f -'gc? Norta' Sixth. Or will sell
Mnt, .. 11. i.t 1 11. t.iverstuu, ava
3. Berrie. . ' :
15c a trip.
Ithe California and Oregon
n..-a T-:i.nj nw.A.. ,
' Small ' payment down, balance In '
monthly payments. Mrs. J. E. JTHE PICTURE MILL open daily 10
Hair. SI 2 Washington, Boule- j a. m. to 5. p. m. For Sunday Bit
vard. , , 109 tings call Mill1 2S3-R or residence
Fninee nwds mure vvur dogs,
numerous breeding societies,.
pouiids, nnd other sources tire almost
exhausted of their supply, and still the
detnnnd remains unsupplled. The dog
In the picture lost one eye lb a trench
raid, nnd Is shown at the dog hos
pital for Injured wnr dogs in Pari.
Never Satisfied. . , f
Fliitbiisli-Tlutt dog vf yottre bit a
pu'eo right out of my leg. Reiisnnlnirnt
Well, joii'iv inner siitlslli'd. You
W4i-e oMy telliliu me. tbe oilier day that
jtni wl.vlicil ,1011 ctnilil lose sntue flesh."
, VnuLeiM ! luli'Miuili.
FOR RENT One suite of furnished
s house-keeping rooms,' also single
room, close in, price reasonaote
Effective June 1, 1917.
Dally except Sunday.
Train 1 . Grants Pass.. 1:00
Train 2 Iv, Waters Creek 3:00
Mrs. T. K. Howard.-621 D street! . "' OROL'CH Assayer, chemist-
iueiaiiurgtsi. Kooms ivi-tvt ami
Bnildlng. Grants Pass. 29
AH trains leava Grants Paas from
the corner of Q and Eighth streets,
opposite tbe Southern Pacific depot
.', For . all information regarding
freight and passenger service call at
the otllce of the company, Public
Service bnildlng. or phone 131 for
same. .
JUNK WANTED Anything you
have, in junk; bides a specialty.
Phone 21, Union Junk Co. 110
FALSE TEETH-We pay as high as
$17.50 per set for old false te -th,
no. matter if broken, niso gold
crowns, IirldgeworU. Mall - to
Lerner's False Teeth Specla'ty. 22
Third street, Troy, N. Y and re
ceive oafdi by return mall. 112
WANTED Mangels, carrots, tur
; nips, kale or other green feeds.
in-A-Hec, phone 323-U 10
FOR EXPERT WORK In plumbing,
heating, tin or sheet metal work,
see W. R. Rannie, 512 H street.
Phone 36. , 27
company secured the contracts for
making abstracts for the Williams
creek, Josephine county and Illi
nois . valley federal farm loan as
sociations. " There was a - reason.
Let us make your abstracts. 24