Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, November 15, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    TIUIIHDaV. M)Vr':.MIIKH 15. HIT.
the pure oil from Corn for
1 .11 k:
FrtlUh4 Dally Kcept Batsrday
A. S. TOORH1ES. Pub. aid Propr.
xttered at th Poatofflc. Oruu Pa,
Ore, m mco4 claaa mall matter.
Display space, per ltd) 1
Local orpersiaalcoluin, per line 1
ImImi per Ilia
By Mall or carrier, par 7aar.ft.OO
fy mall or carrier, pr month 10
ty mtM, par year . ll.M
State Editorial AaaodaUoa.
Orafoa Dally New.paper Pub. Aaam,
Aadtt Baraaa of ClreelaUoi.
Probably fair; gentle winds
4 from aoutb.
Josep nine county, In common with
most of the countiea of all tba dates
of tba union, li Just finishing the
raisin of Ita quota ot tba T. M. C.
A. war fund. Like other patriotic
' communities, the task was entered
Into with siK'h Tiui and determina
tion that the allotment was over
subscribed. ,
. This fact, together with a realiia
' Hon that other such calls are to
coma with Increasing frequency and
In all probability. Increasing In aiie.
which will continue until the end of
tba war at least. Is leading1 many
level headed men to consider wheth
er a definite policy should not be es
tablished respecting them. As these
matter are now handled, the more
patriotic communities contribute
more than their relative shares, and
tba more patriotic Individuals In
each section, give that section's
quota, while many give nothing.
State Senator Qarjand of Linn
county comes out with a suggestion
that the governor call a special ses
sion of the legislature for the en
actment of a "law" whereby the
state would Impose a tax for the col
lection of all Its war subscriptions.
Liberty loans are of course except-
. ed as they are In the nature of In-
' dividual Investments.
Senator Garland's plan is based on
the fact that under the present vol
unteer method, a few good citizens
av all the bills. Moreover, the
frequent campaigns demoralize or
dinary business to a considerable
extent. About 50 men spent fully
half their time for a couple of days
raising this county's Y. M. C. A.
fund. Also, there is a limit to every
man's' ability to give and the more
generous soon begin to feci the
I'tnch of frequent donations.
But the trouble with the senator's
plan is that it flies In the face of
the state .constitution. Tt would
keep the learned gentleman, trood
lawyer though he Is. hunting pretty
sharply to find In the state consti
tution any authority for the levying
of a tax upon property In this state,
by enactment of the state leglsla
1 tnre, for 'use in , a purely national
' activity. . 1 : , ... -
However, the suggestion indicates
how man men are thinking. Another
plan which has been suggested and,
we understand, will be put Into ef
fect by several commnntles. Is that
of raising as large an amount as can
tie., then remitting only the fair al
lotment to that county, holding the
balance until the next drive for the
same purpose.
The policy to be pursued should
be based clearly upon two princi
ples: Each community should be
treated fairly and be called upon
only for Its fair proportion of the
total funds raised; and, nothing
ehould be done that will discourage
Direct from Denver
Pimento and Green Chili Cheese
Individuals In the donation of the
Urgent amounts th'r means will
fairly warrant or that will throw
the slightest discredit upon the most
laudable and needy efforts for which
these sums are raised. A policy In
keeping with these principles can
be worked out and adhered to, and
should be generally adopted.
V kmtf mJu. '1 '
Igoat milk
v liumi Daubers
Tokio, Xov. 15. Profits derived.
by Japan from her trade since the.
beginning of the war amount to
1,500,000,000 yen. The premier.
Count Terauchl, at a dinner which
he gave In honor of the special fi
nance commission to the I'nlted
States recently stated that of this
amount, the nation had expended
one billion In co-operating with
the allies.
On the same day the Japan asso
ciation in aid of the sick and wound
ed In allied countries announced as
the total sum collected. 2.002.9S3
yen, ot which lOO.oOO yen was given
by the emperor and empress. Of
this fund, France, Italy, Russia and
Belgium will each receive 363.000
yen; England. 368,000 yen and Ser
bia and Roumanla each 60,000 yen.
Furnished by W. E. Hansoa of
Grunts Paa Abstract Co,
November 13, 1917
J. C. Nell et al.. to Cbas. V. Cllnc.
Q. CI. I)., mining claim adjoining
Oversight mining claim. $ 2 r 0 .
' .Mining Locations
S. II. Wilkinson and Fred Smith
on Vulcan lode near head of Onion
l.ivlnasUin, .Mont.. Nov. 15. De
claring that when tbe farmers can't
hire men to dig potatoes and dozens
of able-bodied "loafers" sit and play
cards all day. It Is time some action
was taken, Sheriff A. S. Robertson
has ordered nil card tables removed
from saloons, clubs and pool halls
in his county. He said he did it as
a "war measure."
A number of the young folks at
tended the dance at Murphy and re
port a splendid time.
Mrs. Warren McCormlck and chil
dren spent Saturday at Inland, re
turning Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Cahlll Is planning a trip to
Richmond. Cat.. In a few days.
nienn McKy, came down from the
Swastika mine to spend Sunday with
his parents.
The young folks are planning on
a great big time and a great big
crowd November 19 at the big mas
querade dance. Music by Ine Wil
liams Reeves and Lre Enyart. sup
per hv th ladles of the Red Cross.
' A good many of the people are
suffering from bad colds.
Korltta. Albania, Oct. 13. (Stall
Correspondence of the Associated'
Press)- A naval battle between
French and (lerman warships Is Im
minent, which hn It occurs, will
not b lecorded In any otllal com
munique, though tt will be In a way,
one of the most unique naval en
gagement of the war.
take OrhrltU Is a la rue body of
fresh water lying a few mile north
of here, at the point where Albania,
Serbia and Macedonia touch. It Is
40 tulles long and 30 miles across,
with towering mountains tunning
around It. The north end of the luke
la held by the Germans, and the
south end by the entente allies. I
It has been the scene of the latest j
hard fighting, when the entente,
troops made a forward drive of SO I
tulles from Pagrodak. at (he south!
end, to I'adahoja fur up toward the,
north end. I
With the Hermans holding the
north end of the lake, they did not
confine their operations to the land.
A miniature flotilla soon made Its
appearance with nll-bnrnlng motor
boats about t5 feet long, esrh
mounting one gun forward. This
mosquito fleet soon became a real
menace, for It darted to the south
end of the lake at night and bombed
the small villages along the south
shore, held by the French. Russians
and Serbs. 'The headquarters of
General Tarnnhoff, of the Russian
division operating with General Sar
rall. was In one of these villages.
The French soon took steps to
counteract this menace. A small
steel craft, thirty feet long, was
brought Vjverland from the French
fleet at Salnnlkl. This mounted two
guns, one forward and one aft. With
It came a commander and a crew of
French sailors. This was soon fol- j
lowed by a second 30-foot boat 1
mounting two gnns. with Its equip
ment of officers and crew. j
Tien operations will begin Is not j
certain, but plans are so far ad-!
vanced that a fight Is looked for al-;
most any time now. With such mos-
qulto craft It might be considered j
a toy battle If It were not for the
reality of the warfare, with real j
naval bonis manned by real sailors:
of the French and German navies, j
fighting with as much determina
tion as on the deck of a 20,nnn-ton
Dcuer cooKing
enables the housewife to save butter,
lard, suet, in accordance with the plans of
Food Administrator Hoover.
' Get a can of Mazola from your growr
and try it for deep frying, suuteing, short
ening or salad dressings.
Then you will understand why thoufiiiuU
of American housewives have discarded
their former cooking mediums. .
Your ntonry refunded" if Mazola
docs not give entire Mtitfsction.
Corn Products Refining Company '
17 Battery Dace
Johnson, Litter
ftrtl.., OytM
New York
Washington. Nov. 1&. The com
mittee on public Information today
made the following annoiinronii'iit :
Kngllxh military officers who are
expert In the offensUe and defen
sive use of gas and flame method
of warfnre, originally Introduced by
the enemy and now offcctlvoly em
ployed by the allies, are Instructing
the officers and men of the 30th Rn
glneers, gas and flame, nt Camp Am
erican I'nlverslty and Important sec
ret tests are being made In practice
work there.
American soldiers, lurxely recruit
ed from the ranks 'of such chll pro
fessions and trades as chemical nnd
mechanical engineering, explosive
and gas manufacture, plumbing, and
carpentry, are being trained to meet
enemy fire and fumes with flame
and deadly gas.
1 Pari, Oct. 13. (Correspondence
of the NhiiiIiiIimI Press)- 4'ollege
men serving with, the Atncrli-an
army In Fran: or with the Ameri
can navy In waters off the French
'ensst'a well ns those engaged with
the lied Cross, army Young Men's
' Chrl'tlnn association and In war
I work of other kinds will find nt trac
tive quarters placed at their disposal
, In the hotel nnd club house Just
'opened by the American I'nlverslty
' Cnlun In Europe, The union has ob
' talnetl exclusive. orcuMiticy of the
j llnynt Palace hotel, which Is oen
(rally located at Hue ile Hlckelleu
land Palai du Theatre Francals.
A classified ad brines results.
Soapstone is u malice rock so rich
In talc as to have a m.-i;iv feel. It i
more extermrr.'y iti::n inl anil iimjJ in
ttie f'ulted Stair tlui'i in ii'iy oilier I
country. It i:mi. i ini: !:;:!! applica
tion. iie:. -: i!ir ot: ii n-c-!;i:ice to i
' acids anil Hi'ci't i'-. ! in the
ii:iiiiuf;ii.tinc l;.i::sh-.v lip.s. laboiii- j
dry tnile loi.s. 'l; I.!, i. : Us. fmn"1
'..tii'. a:ivl . v.;t Vo;.i ! Mi'l in icieral i
iiisMl;!t:.-:i. U ;. i.'-'t -'Mailer : j at ,
1 .... (....( ii,. .. .., mil ,,f !. 1 t-vvry urop
l-eH'-rliex.'! that 'll ; l'-iise you, a
h Courier.
San Francisco, Nov. 11, "The
1 docs of war" meaning the trained
Hanlnes that go out after a battle
' and locate ihe wounded in order
What they may be given succor are to
I be remembered by animal lovers of
I San Francisco. It Is proposed to
San Francisco, Nov. 15. City em
ployees who have gone or will go to
the various mllltnry camps are being
' Ct a can today from
your hardware or gro
' cory dodler.
Having been rolleO from the city on Iiiismicks for three week, nil
IK'iwons wlsliing information or service on
Regal, Dodge or Oldsmobile
nro reiu.tcl to iw r, h. Ilobnrt at the Ford finrnge.
J. He Denison
! raise a fund ror sucn oops as honored In a signal manner by the
jbe ortie nialned In the yerformame j rmlnCImty. A -th a
lof this duty of mercy. Klar for 0HCl, lnlin j tiif. hvrlce. U
The Pnrlfic fat club has planned , ,,n hn), , , r()ln,i,, f r.
la cat exhlhlt December s and fnrj,ai, jt estimated that over a
j the benefit of this fund, and other j hunrtr(.(1 n(ive ,,irpady g.,no, n when
affairs nie being planned. The Mndsjthp f,flIf n ,)n(f j( w) ,, ,,,.,.,.,.
I will be t;.rned over to the animal re-, )y (,pr,nk!r,, wllt) htarg.
,!i.-r snclety that are maklni: a spe-; ' Thf, f)n(? ,,,n)f ,,,,, niIoi. thp
'cial'.ty of cnrlnsr for Rd Cross doss, i .,.,, of ,Maynr Ul)n, .r.
' tnr.MPTs auk .maih: ro j
Itl ItN 4 I.KVKli.M STOItKf
Cleveland. Nov. l.V Several at
tempt )in be.-n luade wt'hln he
! mist week. It iiC anie known to-
; . ul;.'ht, to dostroy lac'e Cleveliind
1 Toklo,. Nov. 1 UoHtonant Con- concerns which mirdfa vv r u.ri
. ral Ochlina, the Japanese minister i clothing and foodsfiiffs
'of war, ii fovtiif .!atano.K new -spapor-nien
that the dispatch of troops to
' Kuvope Is an absolute Impossibility
iowin.' to the tremendous cost and
;the. lark of tonnage.. Huron Taka
i baahl. former minister of finance,
and one of the. leaders of the Sely
ugal party. In . a lengthy article In
the newspapers, de-lares the Jap
anese army Is deficient In ordnance
and airplane equipment.
Battery Shop
Battery, tested free of charge
It?nt Batteries for all makes of ears,
406 South Sixth Street
Washington, Nov. 15. Despite
the chaos In HiishIu the I'nlted
States government Tuesday showed
its faith In that nation by announc
ing awards for 2,000,000 pnlrs of
shoes for the Russian army. The
money, about S6.000.000, lll come
from American government loans.
Knvnlopes at the Courier.
A classified ad bring results
Home, Xov. K-- lly order ot Pope
llinedii t the wjr iood UcKut sys
tem has been applied to the HOD per
sons inhabiting the Vatlcun palace,
this number including certain car
dinals, priests, the .ttwlss Guard,
doorkeepers, caretakers, nnd ser
vants. Although the Vatican domain
enjoys ex-territorlnl rights and Is
not subject to Italian laws, the Pope
Issued this order previous to Its ap
plication within the kingdom nf
Italy. Ills order applies not only to
bread but tu sugai. and other funds.
Results Will . '
Startle Grants Pass
People report iiilc!( result from
pure junptik eye wish. A girl with
v a!; ''raimtil eyes was helped by
ONK application. Her mother could
lint sew ,or rend Im cu im' of eve pains,
Itl one wi'ilt lier J 1 on'de was cone. A
small bottle nf l.avopllk Is pi.iran
teed to help KVKKY ('ASli nuk,
Ktrained or In Clamed eyes. ONE
WASH la riles, w I'll Its qui k re
sults. .. Aluminum eye cup FltKE.
National Urtig Slur.,
j. . "J
Nearly All Items in Drugs and Stationery
.': Have Advanced in Price
We linvo been trying. to give our customers advantage, of former
prices 11 h fns ' ioslble.
Yon ran help us' maintain cheaper prices by paying up old so
counts nnd by paying new accounts promptly.
Drug and
Stationery Store