AGK no ItUI.V IUM.IK KIVKIl IXMIUKH M'MMV.' XtVKMUKII I. IIMT. DER GEYSER ("OLD FAITHFUL") ! I I ..-a 3? fe . - - ; 1 i r Pep' Initial. Alexander r a vlitiiu of his Initial. After tlie puloi'ail"ii of t tt Ironclad one of I lie poet- enemies, I had suffered a severe trouncing bi the satire, declared that If you tisik the Initial letter of Pope's uauie iiinl add ed tlie tilial letter of bin surname yon bad biti character. Tbe ."Jest" caugtil uii. mid In ITJA appeared a pauiphllt cm hied "l'npo Alexander's Supremacy infallibil ity Examined.' Tin- iVortlispivce to this now fnr.'utteu pasquinade repre wntcd Torn in the foia of un ujx-. Willi Ills bi nd testing i"i liix bald and bi cllw placed iiu a pile f bis own work. Body to B Htalthy Mutt B Worktd. ola-slty conies from lixcllnif the stomach and underworking tin Usly. Nature Mild. "You must curu .mur liv by the sweat of your brow. and if .vim earn llmt living in some oilier way you must get the sweat nr he will make von my. If you take more food tlinii tin- di gestion can biuiillr you not only lire the stomach, but the whole s;. Mem. Xiue-lelitLs of "the blecs'' lonie fri-m a Imd llv-ruiid bi' k of oiititnor mit clw. l'.ill. iln-p brfutliiii;. lii inlcli..' .li nty of wut-r Mild kri'ldiiK thi lbi mliJe 'ill k'p uioxt 'o; lo out of tbr iN"' ttr" bunds. Manual of tin- Senior Service t'ori't A Broken Harness WILL OKTKX CAI SK A HOIUK TO IMHT. AM THK nRST.BOLTIXVAlUULY CALL FOR AX)THEIl, AXI oTin:ns, .xn on-miKs seiuocs ixirity. HAVE YOI K H.UINKSH AXI BHIDLKS KEPAIKKI) IX TLME XOW AM) PREVENT THE IHI,T. EAEX A XEW ft.ltXKSS IS IltHTEH THAX A HIWIK EX XtXTt. Jewell Hardware Co. . Recharging Overhauling Battery Shop Battery tested free of charge . , Rent Batteries for all makes of rars. C. A. LINCH 406 Smith Sixth Street Skid Chains WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES C L. HOBART CO. STATE FIRE MARSHAL REVEALS . GRANTS PASS FIRE CONDITIONS The lire niarliul department of wnond pump lut-aUd at tlie l)aa ol Oregon ha forwarded to the IViirler tlie Hint pump and dratln water thi report of the ftre urvey eondtirt- from th wall Imuiod on a lower ed in till elty r-nlly by Meaara. level of it) feet. The neioml pump Allen and I'omarojr. deputy (Ira mar-! leeda tlte flntl pump, lb tlrat pump hal. Thla report, which contain It typewritten pane, will he pub lished In full, a portion only of the feed the reservoir, which ar to taled 9,4 1 1 (eel lioithweat of wulnr work on hill at an elevution of report being published today, other l twt, above lb city, nertlona will follow. The conditional Tlia iMrotra coull of two con revealed and the reeomntendnllon jcrele tanka, holdtug reieitvily made roma from a noiirce which Ul.'.OOO and tT 2,000 maltona of . unqueatloned and mmtt romuiaml the;ter. Tlia renervolr ara aupplied by attention of tho elty authorlttea and I 11-lnrh main. Tb city water all thoe Interested In the welfnra oflnialiia oonHlat of IS, 10, 8, i, 4-lmh the city. I main, the majority of which are t j A portion of tba report follow a; (lurh a U ahown IhiIow by th nttm-liilrmliicloM-y bcr of 4-lnrh nut tn fnedlnK fire hy-1 Uranta 1'ima i th county neat otjdranta. 1 Jonephlne county with a hipulullon 34 hydrwiitit attt fed by t-lnch j of 4.D0I) Inhabitant. It I located 'nialna. on the tine of the Southern I'aclfle fire hydrant are fed by s-lnch t rail rulil about i mlle aouth nfimaJn. Portland, and lt prlnrlpnl renourceMj 4 fire hydrant are fed bv tl Inch are derived from mining, lutnbrr and.tniilna. fruit orchard, toneiher with manu factui'tiiK plant located in and around the elty. The city U lo- 2 fire hydrant are fed hy 10-inch main. 2 fire hydrant are fed hy 13-Inch rated on level around. Sixty foot ; main. street with ulleyw prevail, with the Making a total of 4S hydrant ron eveptlon of Sixth mreet. which U.alstlnK of even different rnnke. J the main tre.H, having a w idth of 'of which have two outlet, und 14 SO feet. . ' ,havlnif ono outlet. The atatlc pre- KvlslliniC CoiiilllloiK mi re nt fire plim on the Kouth Me Flrxt. The Southern Parlfle rnll-; "f town will average .'.1 tuli pie road paiwen throntth the renter of"iire. but on tlie north aide of he the town and the clty'a entire flreiflly trie prewtnre wa taken with the apparatus I homed on the aouth follow inn raanlta:, 7th and School nt reels. 44 pound. Sth and private atreot. 40 pound, t'lth and I) atreetn, HO pound, tilll and Evelyn at reel. 45 pound. Niwnrldtte A-e. nnd VnnPyk j pluee, 27 pound1. Second and A atreet. fill pound, llvilratit tit Cenirnl School. f. 2 aide of truck. In cnae of accident i to train aervire over the Mreet ; cronslnir. the entire north ble of! city would he cut off from fire pro- j tectlon. The ordinance prohibiting the railroad from Working street crolnw for a loneer period than fire minute is xometime abused. Second. Ordinance No. 30 Mate . pound, that whenever a fire alarm I given! T"'r' ni atreeta, that the rltlr.en who are uprlnkllnn! their luwn or using water for lrri- (ration purpose he required to Im mediately ceae their sprinkling. We find that very little attention I paid to thi ordinance. Third. W find that the reason M'" '" hydrants and uttnch two for irrass fire I that any one may ' "W of hose conslHtlng of 300 feet at anv time burn rubbish or traah"-h and we doubt If they would be in the rear of their hulldlnea or va-!'l develop enough prendre to cant lot. This I a erlou condl-'' h'enk window In a two story hoiine, tlon in regard to being a fire men- j ' I'n'vea that Grant Pass la at ar and In carefully examining thejh mercy of the fire fiend, city ordinance we find no one ha! We tritut that the city council and the power to prevent the burning of ,he citizen who are Interested In rubbish or trash In the rear of build- .protecting their property from the in ?s or on vacant lots. ; destruction of fire, will Investigate Fourth, fn the northwestern parti""' present condition. If nn lnve- of the cltv the water pressure Is so Htntlon la made we are sure thnt low that we consider that the mnJor-i!"W "I" ninke some arrangement ltv of the dwelling are praitleally whereby additional mean will be ob- without water protection In case of l1 "'" doqunte Pressure uH pound. Third und K streets, fi8 pounds. Illph school hydrants, " 7 pounds. Sixth and F street, K0 pounds. Sixth nnd O street, pound. The lust two hydrant are In tTie 'buslneH district. Take nny one of There seems to be no regula-, " t" contingency. This we consider serious and should be given Immediate attention. fire, tlon as to the distribution of fire. hydrants and this no doubt Is the cause of so many section being In some degree unprotected. Fifth. The tuildlng lawg are very lax which no doubt Is the cause of some hnlldlnir being poorly con structed. Sixth. We find there is no regu lation for the Inspection of electrical wiring where said wiring consists of repair or old work. Seventh. The careless manner in which gasoline la bandied we con sider an additional fire hazard and the same should be regulated. Eighth. We believe those who keep dynamite for sale or on stor age, do not realize the danger to the lives of firemen and others fight ing fire and their attention shu.i'd i he brought to thla serious hazard and that they discontinue keeping same in their stores. . Ninth. We find that the city has no . system of removing, rubbish' or trash except that some' 6f the' mer chants burn same In the reaB of their buildings, which; In our opinion. Is" -flr hazardy ' ' n: Water HyNtem tu)(J Source of Supply The water sunply'Is' obtained 'from M. , the Rocue river one-half mile east! V of town and enters the sunken- well at the water, works by gra'vity.",The water works are Ifca'tAd about a mile east of center of town and' con sists 'of a one story corrugated iron a building with, frame studding and concrete floor. , " ' ' The above building houses two Dyt'on Jackson two stage centrifugal ' pumps operated by electric motor wlt.h a rapacity of 120,000 gallons per hour. In case of at cldcnt to elno i trie current, they are supplied with steam boilers held In reserve. Tho I boilers were full of water &!!! feel jail set ready to fire when Inspect ed. The above building Is equipped with extinguishers and stamlpfpcK. with hose connected. The pumps are located In concrete wall. The first pump at. a depth of 20 feet, the Taming an Eltpbant. In Ceylon the unlives capture wild elephants by lassoing them and lying their hind b't-'s tn In cs. Tims tied, thev are left to struggle for four or five days. If the ropes be well secured and knotted the aiiluiiilx htruggle in vain, for they are tillable to evert their full strength toward getting free. When fuey Imve grown tired of the frnltles tight they are tied liy tlie nock lictween two tame elephants mid marched oft to the tea plantations or the rnilrond. here they are put to work. I'nder the tuition nf tame elephants tliey learn rapidly to perform the labor llmt I re quired of I Item and soon are able tn lay railroad lie mvttralcly. Calling cards at the Courier. 5r or Heating, We Do It fc .V' CAI;LV . ,1 ''.'v T U!' ! Tetherow Sheet Metal and Plumbing Works 1914 Ford, overhauled, new top . . . 1915 Ford, without body; make bug; new th es . Ford Delivery Car . Ford 1-ton Truck, new engine new attachment Little Giant Truck, one and one-half ton 165 150 1914 Chalmers, slarter ard lights G. L. Hobart Go. WARTIME SIGNALS. A C!vr Civic Thai Wa Usod by tb Anoitnl !Umni. Ill View of Die wiricd i.nil ten 1 1 tic si it ii t iniMliisIs Used in iii'sliiu war fate a ilesi'i Iplloii of tlie all' lent my llllltllg llll'tll'Hls foillill III : ni'lllllg uf I'oI.vI'Iiim will I'lnvc of Ink ret. 'I lil wilier bud onvi'U'tl i he .cra tlolis of the ItiNiiuti L.i i-iul- Is (ntc Hie full of I 'art bin: c in I lii II. ('. niel says I bey piovldeil Ibeii sluiia! stnlloiis wall eartbeimure ussits. exactly i'iuiU iu all respei ts Hud-Dititl uilii ehl,s whii b allowed lie ivater in escape at the same rate. They ere ciiirfully test eil to make sure of I lie last lei pi lie nieut. foils of smaller ilinneur thi.n the ve.sel Here il'nilei', In tbelli. ittr Itlg risb;. iipnti wliii b Were tl Hiked lit a dlstniiee of ibiee l,,.,is npitrt the slinpli si iiml uiosl uipeiil luiliiiiry uies miges. Tbi'jr were n et! us follows: The solid Inn station raised a torib The recelvlnr. stnllc.i. seeing it. did likewise. Tbl wa u sU-nnl for l'tb sla I Ions to open the cork of their tv;i ler Jarn. Wlleti the red at the sending station hud sunk so timt Hie desired message appeared at the edge of the jar another torch was raised, and the receiving atatlon shut off it cork and read the message on the rod. Identically with thai at the sending station.- Detroit Krec I'res. thillleolnl difTelrines In'IWi i u loan ami the ares, difference which defy any theory of evolution to explain Among thee illfTeiruee an those In the form of i In skull, the hiiie of the most an ient skulls thnt have Imcii found hell's mibsiiiui tally the same a tbe sha,e of the skulls of ohiy. I'n.ressor Curtis plead that sound leiii" and soimil ciliii'iiilnii lie haed upon si tiiul fact and sin h theories an grow mit of I bem rallier than upim piere spei'iilations MAN AMD THE APES. And lb Anatomical Flaw In th Theory of Evolution. Dr. Mattnon M. Curtis, professor of philosophy in Western Itesorve univer sity, protests In a idler to Science against tlie assertion, still common in current solenlltlc literature, that inun is a descendant of 'be anthropoid ape. He quote Professor Duckworth, tW lending authority In Ibis Held, who wroie iu hi ''Morphology and Anthro pology'; t , . i" i , "We must eoniitiile that the exist ing anthropoid ape, constituted as they now are. did not figure in tlte ancestral history of man." And lie points out some of tbe fun- Cut th Ship In Two. "I was a passenger on one of the old fashioned sailing steamer going from Uindou to Australia In 1HXH," said a traveler. "In the lied sea w run plump Into a vessel, mid our boat cut it entirely in pm, neatly that It might almost hnc liccu done with a huge knife. We went clean through her. and the men on the vessel struck stepped from the two halve of that ship on o our deck. The Injured Te sel went down within a few minute after It hm been struck. The thing whs so sirnnge thnt when the captain of the vessel we had slruek went hack to London au Investigation wa held, and It wa substantially proved that the officer, had with design got In the Iniinw'late track of our vessel In rtrilei to bring about n collision in the hone that they could eolUs t Insurance mon ey. The captain and some of the olli cer were punished by Imprisonment." Th Correct Word. "Old Hromn won't live lung, lie baa ore foot In the guile already." 'yon mean one foot In Hie grave.'' "No: he' goUig to be cremated." Itofttnn Transcript. Quit Lively, City Iti.y-ltnt Is It not a lilt lonesome In-re? Country Hoy t b. jiot at all. Why, only eestcriliiv wits ntiiiost run over by an automobile wllh all people in It!- Life. man who il('s you a w rot if baa mtsi of pity Nearly All Items in Drugs and Stationery Have Advanced in Price . We- have been trying to give our ctistoinera ndvnntjige of formor piirett iin fn sr mshm1IIis . ' ! . ' Von can help u nuilntilin clieaNr prices by paying up old in count and by paying new account promptly. ; "'.'' " VOI'IIH. Vtl HKKVICK Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store MASONIO TKMP1(E, OH A NTS PASS