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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1917)
TAG fOCB U.ULV RO( IE R1VBH OOlRHtB HUUtY, MKMIIKH li. IIT. t cretin rA II- ; tv.'jl WhatcAbout Ybar Overcoat That's a question every man will have to answer before many days. It is a question we can help you with. We are prepared with Overcoats that give you the best style of the season. They are made from high quality, long wearing, all wool fabrics. Overcoat val ues that cannot be surpassed anywhere. Wonder Overcoats are made belted style loosely, draped models, any style you want, and a fit for every man. Trices 5 and $20 ' . Grants pA; IUy Smuta Tomorrow . There will be special limiting of t lie .Hoy tinmta Huturduy evening at 7:30 for the purpose of electing a nTKriuil ami corporal. All mem bers (if the orgailtlHtlOll r leqtiest- (o he piesent. ( lik Weil l'lj Supwr . H ur to buy your tickets Sat urday for the chicken pi dinner Nl the Methodist church Fifilay.- No vember 9, from 11:30 lo 7; 30 t. m.. 3T lent. Menu Chicken mash ed potatoes, squash, cabbage salad, hot rolls, butler. Jelly, apple fie, coffee. M Soldier Tomorrow A tralnlcmd of soldier boya from California, enrout In American Ijike, will arrive here Hi 7 o'clock tomorrow morning: and will lie given breakfast by tbe lauie of the lied Cross. The Methodist and Baptist churches, the Eastern Star ball and the Chamber of Commerce room will be imed for feeding the 3IS men. This will be something of an tinder taking, because- of tbe short notice, but the Red Cross ladlea ft re equal to It. Another train load of the jboya will pas through here Tnes-!dar. a T i l - ti - i Tobacm Goes Vp For nearly a month' the tobacco using public of Grants Pass hare been netting tbe benefit of the old price on the weed, while many of the other town anil cities Increased the cost three week ago. Tbe to bacco dealer were requested to make Inventory on October tth of their good and bold It until they received the form from tbe govern ment, but they will be obllsed to pay the war lax according to their In ventory token on that date althouvh they did not rulxe their price until now. II . 1 li III IN! V I 1 You9 11 Be Enthusiastic About These Clothes FOR many years the men and young men of America have been buying; Collegian Suits and Overcoats, There can be just one reason for this they have learned that ADLER Collegian Clothes give them that good nor vice and aatisfuctlon which they demand. The new Collegian Suits and Overcoats . which wo are now showing are unequalled in style, in fit, in materials and workman ship, by any other clothes of equal price. You have the Adlcr name and reputation of fifty years an your assurance of good value. In addition, you have the knowledge, ex- perience and judjnent of this tore the house of dependable merchandise. Peerless Clothing' Co. 1k I J"!'1'',' i'I Hltlii'lli jiiii. 1 i i If I id i .ft V it- Mil COMIVd EVKVTfl Nov. 3. Suiurday I'blldron's Htorv hour at public li;rar ul !U:3D a. in.. Mrs. V. K. (ilixcKncr, ntory teller. IVc. 1. Saturday - - Unwinr und cooked food sale by tin1 l.ntlieriin Ludlett Aid. ' IIIKTHS i II AO AN- To Mr. nnd Mr. Zonle Ha ' tun. Saturday. October 27th. a il.ui.rhu r. FER52Nr1L 25. LOCfIL KJRPH , .Mrs. C. C. Hammersley,' of Wil derville, was in the city today. James Wright, of Frultdale, made a business trip to the city today. .Mrs. E. P. Hughes left yesterday for .Montague, where she will vlHlt ."-friends. Rent batteries for all make of cars at the Battery Shop. 98 H. h. Gilkey and son, Winifred, of Dorr!, Cal., are spending a few days In the city with friends. Rev. D. D. Dode and C. E. Ola- zier. of Medford, are In tbe city for over Sunday. Your battery tested free of charge at the Battery Shop. 98 Cold Weather ' calls for Good Meat Yhir pocketbook calls for economy in price. This is the place for both. CITY MARKET l'limie 52 for Quick Delivery ' Mitm K. Incomes, who is nursing at KoKiie River, spent yesterday at her home in this city. Mr; and Mrs. Roy McFarlanrt left yesterday; for Redding, where they will visit friends. John Robertson, of (ialice, waft In the city today attending to bus iness matters. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tucker, of Ta kilnia, are In the city stopping at the Oxford. , Mrs. J. A. Hawkins, of Oallce. and Miss Noam I Clifford, of Ashland, have gone to Keswick, where they will spend tbe winter. If your battery Is out of order net one of ours. Battery Shop 9R Mlas Wave Cleaney, who hag been visiting friends In this dty for the past few days returned to ber home at Myrtle Creek today. Mrs. Clarence Burke leaves today for Ttosebur. where she will Join her husband, who Is working with tbe Southern Pacific In that city. James MoFadden, of Murphy, who has been working for the govern ment for tbe past few months la in tbe city attending to matters of bust need. I'ourter In Iiitfe ' The power being turned off on ac count of tbe fire today, the Courier will be late In getting out this Issue. 1'iMtplc Market Moth The Peoples meat market Is mov ing to Brookings, where It will be located in the future. Inmate. Ieclured Insane Marcus Hart well, an inmate of the county home has been pronounced Insane, 'and will be taken to the asy lum tomorrow, 1 Notice On or about the first of the month the Sugar Bowl will move to the rooms recently occupied by the Panama restaurant, 111 Sixth St. Aft A claistfled ad wilt give reiuK. .Miss Josephine Unburn und Ru dolph Tlicise cre married at the home of the bride's parents Wednes day afternoon. T. K. (lilinurr. has added a new line to his business and Is now buy ing chickens. Trucks and teams nre busy haul- liiK beets and a uod ruin to settle lite dust would 'be appreciated by every one. W. G. White, who came out second best In a runaway, hus-reenvered and thinks the Ford the safest In nettlnK over the road. A big danfn and good music for Saturday nlfcht at the granue hall. I.ouls Roat 1h driving a new Ford car. A. H. Curson Is harvesting a fine crop of grapes at Kedland. PASSES TAX BUDGET FOR YEAR At tbe rexular monthly meeting hold last nluht the new. budget of the city's Utiitlnii was passed upon. This year the rutn of taxation Is, greater than that of last but the. valuation of the city property was( de-reused, making little difference In I the amount paid by the property1 owners. Ijtst year Mm valuation of city j property was $2, 434. 643, this year, il was cut to tl. 40 1. 900. being over J .'i3.000 less than before. On the the other hand the rate last year was HI mills and this yenr It Is mills. The levy Is as follows: tlenoral tax levy. II9.SS7.7.1. Special tax levy, $ I MM. fir,. Sinking fund, fl.- KIlT.I'iO. I ne sinking runu or lour iiiiiir which was passed last night la fori Golden Syrup In Bulk 5 lbs. . . 45c 10 lbs. . . 90c 0 ' Bring your i pail The BasKet Grocery 417 0 STREET Letterheads that will please you, at the Courier. MEW TOIMY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 26 worda, two Issues, 25c; lis Issues, 60c; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, Sc ner line per Issue. I'l'BLIC STKNOORAPHK'R 'Mm. R. S. Bush, 109 North Sixth, phone 141-R. tf ELECTRIC VACUUM GLEANER for rent, 60c for a naif day. Buab Electric (tore. tf FOR SALE One beating stove, pipe and zinc. Phone Saturday or Sunday. 196-V. $9 lxsf Between Riddle and"Cranti Pass, 37-G Goodyear Cord tire, slightly worn, mounted. I'leaae notify Fashion Oarage,. Grant ' Pass. ' 103 FOUND Parasol left at Bush elec tric store. Phone 141-R, 98 A BARGAIN' In a Harford bicycle with brake and mud guards, all In good repair. I'rice $7.50. In quire at Cramer Bros, 99 WANTED 12 or Ifi Rhode Islnnd Red or I'lymoth Rock hens, W. II. U'onnrd, ltd. No, 2, Box 1 1 A. 9 CALL ISl-R Mocha Taxi, clfy and country. Meet all trains, prompt service. Otto J. Knlps. Residence phone 149-Y. 99 Clarified Gasoline MK.WS CLEANER GARMENTS On June t, I "17, we Installed a gasoline rlariflrr; this ma chine travels 'JO.OOO revolu tion per minute, rt tremen dous speed rleanwe and purl fit tbe gasoline an It pa through. la four aad one half . months we have taken 07 pounds of dirt from the garment we have cleaned. He It on dis play In our window. We have five or nU hundred clothes hangers at different places In the city. We will pay five cents each for them. It Wardrobe Cleaners ill Hlvth St. Phone 147 the payment of outstandliiK ilcbls, i nnd much needed, although It ' bus never been dono before. t Hills were allowed fr sulurlc! and other city expense for the in on tli amounting to $ 1 ,2";i.7.V Slme October I, $ I !,). 4.3 llli outstanding' warrants have been paldj and called In for payment, leaving j only $n,!m.s.' lo be paid. This Is; exported tobo met before the first . of the year. On account of many complaints j from ritl.ens In the vicinity the old wood yard building between II and( 1 streets, west of Gilbert creek was! condemned and will be torn down. All members of the council werel present lit the meeting, except Coun cilman O. ,T. Knlps. Mmpli),, Vmcinlier KM An all night dance with' llelnlei or hcMra and midnight Inn li at the regular fee. 99 (jfoamiutnttyictuni. Q COURT HOUSE NEWS Fumlehed by W. K. lUason of tiraata Pas .ibatraet C. October, 30, 1917. ' Tranrfeiw William Bishop, et al to A. C. WerU, et al., deed, tbe Carrie R, The niiav Th ntv Ball and The Brown uear quarts nuniog ciaimn iu iinuom Mining District, $1. October 31, 1917. Mary Cardoza to W. H. Condlt, W. D NBH, of SW' and IfflJH of XWV4 of 'flee. 19-36-G, H.OCO. Joy Theatre UtIKW mid H ATI IU. V leM l lttk)' I 'resent s MAK .Ml ItltAV In "The Primrose Ring" Kiftm Stor- by llulh Kawer "The Purple Mask" KoliMMle No, , I'ruluring Grace Cusard aid Francis Ford IS Week OOMKDY HXHH A0 1Ur "Df Jl IjOOKOIT' Klgbt IteH rrotrram loo Wo Ve Will Receive one Carload (ten) Fords Each Month From this lime, providing we have signed oiilei-n for them. If you mint it l ord, drop In so that we rnn provide quirk delivery. C. L. HGBART CO.