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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1917)
MUIMV, iKMIU:it Ill I T. DAILY MO I B fcJTBH page true 7) I'D take up smoking cigars if I could find any brand I was sure of," said the pipe-smoker. "Say, did you ever try the OWL? Well, I've been smok ing it for years, and the way they maintain their even flavor in every box is remarkable." "Good enough I Guess I'll try the OWL." Thaf's all we ask. Try it yourself I THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGAR 'v M. A. CUNST BRANCH "VERBOTEN, ALWAYS VERdOTNI" Comply with i the law and use printed Butter Wrappers According to the ruling of the Oregon Dnlrjr and Food Commission all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale In thin stnf niDHt lie wrapped In batter paper npon which la printed the words "Oregon Dairy Butter, 10 (or 82) ounce fall weight," with the name and addreaa of the . maker. ' - To enable pntrons of Uie Courier to easily comply with the ruling thin office will supoly standard alt and weight butter paper printed 'with special- waterproof Ink, and Delivered by parcels post, at the following prieeai . it t ' t ' '. , Jtlw Sheets, 10 or 82 ounce f M 200 Sheets, 10 or 83 ounces 1.113 "" 300 Sheet, 10 or 82 ounce 1.70 , .too Hheeta, 10 or 82 ounces 3-40 . . ' K.xtra charge fr special design. Hend orders by mull accompanied by the price as above and paper will be promptly forwanled to you by parcel poHt, prcuilil. We use the ImI butter paper obtHlnsble, ami our work, tiinnslilp Is of the best. . ' Rogue River Courier (imnts Pass, Oregon STRENUOUS COUNTING, j. WHILE AT WAIT A Cate ef Fight er Marry That Had a Happy Inding. William Kcnrl'V a Berkshire gen lli'innu of 1"' year ami, left bis prop rrt), which Ms i im.lilcialle, to an only ilsnvlilcr. This young Uily had a iiilnil of her own ami. Hinting mine of her snlliira lo her liking, simply deter mined to Hit nnlll Hie rlt'lll gentle- I limn should i iiiiih along. j ft so liiiiH-ni'd tliHl one iln she nt- i a wedding si Heading, where I Hill. llll.l .'..III.U l..,,ltf llH.lkll HcnJ.iiiilii! Iillil lie ass a pour at Ionic), Willi this lisiiilMinie young inn ii I he young Isily fell violently In dive, lint sllll sin. was i-iiiii lulu. Hlii1 resumed a lib herself fur oeienil days, trying lit shake herself fn-e of Hie slid lll'll pulsion, bill all In sin. Then, feeling Hist MmivlliliiniUKt lie iliine, (ml unable from confusion of mind to ili t In a r"wr course, she took llie otraorillnur)' step of sending tlic fining man a Idler dcmaiidliig sl brsi iiiin for alli'iiiil liijnrlcs Hln s ptiliilml a lime and ilm e for Ihr hnstlle mwilinr. Mr. I 'hlld w ss nun u surrlel sinl qulle si a b In iHirclvi alio llll clisltiiiuer ronld In). y the sdvli t of a frli'iid he dc ldisl to ut to the duel Inii plnce. Here lie wss niyl by I In- iiiiiih wuiiinu. wliii. tiim b to his sur prise, lolil him he wunld isve In flithl her nr mnrry her. lie nsturslly rhe the hitler, and, ss Hie saying gnea, the; lived hsiily ever sfierwsnl. WHEN MEN GROW OLD. One lur Sign Is Said an In-, treating Waistline. When duet a uinm n t old? What ara thr sIkiih? Home will say liistsntly (rsy hair, (Mildness. slllT knees, short ness of brestli, and wt ou. An eastern iiilhnrllT rriei ts all of lhee as prtMifs of see and rite ilm-tnr lo prnre thai tlii-m are Iwo liiisriulle sik'ns-an In i reasing wiilnl line and a dei-reane of physical sKilliy. 'Iln se linll ti lions uia.i mil show llieinmOnH nnlll a msu Is fnrty, or Hfiy. bin they may manifest tlieuiM-lve al lwenty-He. Whatever the lime, tin- mini Ii old. This I rather au arbitrary rnliim. bin It baa a sane basis mi dnilbt. There are ninny men, of -mire. w ho by fori of lis Mi it milier t bit ii sny can- of their own, retain a siisrenens of fle'ire until they are fur ahum In life, and usually Willi tills Khmiien In in tHR.v of move ment lint the s cis ue mini tint en In mi Ihr physli-al Utlstr thut keeps sliiH-rl'ilnii ttesll iliiwii Is ex tremely likely to develop Ini-reai'cil xli'lli In eouiiiurutlvely early jeiirs. ami ahellier or not It clar lilni aiiionu t In' old or even rlilcrly. It dors tnkr blin out of tin1 reiilm of yonlll. However youthful a mini limy feel, no one Iniiuer tnisti. L. s Ii I rit for ii hoy wlirn that l-ltr n ii l-s line onies.-liiiliiiiinHils star WOMEN KUrFCn AT NOMC ' t F.r:KK, Otiluino.-'! nruliily owi a gmat osl to Or, I'leriVt lleniniies; llirm illllerenl Uiiii-4 they av savnj my llln. 1 1 in a I Ii d lt X """la with sir 1 J Vf hiiiirssiHl Ihs dnrUir ZJ , ssla thai I coiild not VT I"t wall. took I lir. I'lerr tJolilen Mwllrsl lllsrnvery Slid It rnrMl on. Ilurlnc anotlirr III nmM the dorior said lhif was no chance W. for my rMierT. I SSr bmlr lrn Igilllf nt t H I IT I'lMrpjk'M b,BW..rllM PrewrlpUon and got well. A gain dis-tor said Hist tlm only thing ti save my llln wss sn ills-ration, sod al on.-, t.i. I again look ih ' r svorlie I'rew-rinUoii ' and Ihn 'tiolib-n Mnli-ul IHovi-rr,' sikI Hies lruiiKlii mn throiiali )ul But well, s nd without sn operation, - I cannot ssak list lilKlitjr of tlieaii woislerlul remn-dii-s.-Mtis. ,t.HA J.vnvis, U W. 3d Ht, K'Msni uii, (iKKnoy. During rxuvv-aiH-jr 1 was so poorly 1 could not kuep a ll i n I o 11 III J stomach nn my head and hark ai'hi-d terribly all the time ami I was so nervous. A friend told ma alKHlt lr. Pierre's Kavoriln I'ri-srrlp-tlon. I look ibree buttles and never bad any trouble afterward. The tlrst dusn helpnd me. My baby was a airs, hes Ith child. I think tha ' Pr.wcrlitiofl' I simply great. in recommend it," mks. c. I am (ltd A. fairs n. tnt .tiustior Htreet. "Favorite rresrrlplloo and "Golden Mciliral Discovery" are both put op in liquid and tablets. If not obtainable at alert, semi III cents lo Doctor Pierce, Invalid' Moid, llnfliil.1, N, Y and he will mail Iriiil mc kage of either tablrtl Ml tiggttt Fsilur. Jobs Jacob A si or was aked out day what waa tha largest uwoout of money be bad ever made lu one Irsioactloii. This be declined In answer, but sakl that be Would tell the larvesl sum that be failed to inukc. Willi He Witt t'lln ton and Oouverneiir .Morris, he said, he hiul planned lo buy , Louisiana from Krsice and to sell It to the fulled Plate government, n-lainliig the pub-lb- itnuiiiln uml ehuriiiug '."a ht cent rouimisslnn. They cliunged their uibids. and Mr. Aslnr said Hull lost (.'lU.tiOO. utsi by falling to fit Into the dvaL NtiTlt H TOrOTli ( TOHS Sealed proi'0Hl wrtl be received by the Ht;ite Highway i-ommisslon of the state of Oregon, 1 3" I Venn butlditm', Cortland. imt:i 1 1 : it. m. November fl. 1917. Kriullni: that section of the Pacific highway In JoFc:ihlre county, known as !he Wolt CnrJ-tiMve (reek rc-jtioti, n distance of 1.9 miles. There is m iiroxlinately 7.1. OO'i cubic yard of excavHttnn involved. No tilds will be considered unless uc omputiied by cash, bidder's bond nr certified check for an urn (Hint It was dnrl.ic (lie. Hmr wur. when i . . , ,... flv r Fam and Ehynttt. In his IxHik. "A Soiilier Memories.' Sir licorge Viiiiiiuliusluind tells a typi cal siory of llndyard Kipling and Cecil KIiikIcs. they came to cuiiip and Introduced themxelve uiiioiivt-iiiioiially. As tlicy sere leaving the soldlcvs gulhereil lo sii- ami cheer them. Hiild I'ih II KIkkIch lin-llly. "Take off your eap: they tire cheer lug you." Hiild liiidyard Kipling: "No, they 'ire not. They are t-heerlim you. Take off your cap." Then sonic one at their vllnivv sue gested: "1 think they are clicerinn you both." Wheretipon Itoth. clinging 1ose to eetlicr tor support, shyly took off their cais. Tha Handy Man. The "Jack of all truiles," known Ta tnllliirly as the lintidy inuu. is a scr! ous iliswhnek to the IniliistrU-s of t. Tlillcd HlMtes. beeailie his kimwleduc and trnlnlng are not bused on the funilii uienhil rules of any craft Kueh tucii are the banc of any Industry, und luoie esiHS'tiilly of high griulc ninehihe sbois, for their work ciinnot be lolled Umiii. mmhtMs It Is u gissl thing to know some! limit about everything, but tin perfect nieehiiiilc and IiIkIi grade foie diiiii Is the tiiun who knows everythii..' about something. George V. Howie ii Industrial Managemotit. - A Good Trick. Dashsway You siiy your sister will be dnwu In a minute, Willie. That's good news. I thought she inlt'ht refui-e lo see na, as she did the other day. Willie .Not this time. I mil mud ill ber and I played a trick on her. Dash' away-What did yon do? .Willie (til uiiiplmnlly) I sold you .were anothei fellow? I'earson'n Weekly. ' , .' An Undiseovtrtd Bttt. "Are yon getting well paid for your orkt" of the total amount of the bid. A corporate surety bond will be required for the faithful perform ance of the contract In a sum equal to one-half the totul amount of the bid. Proposal blanks and. full Informa tion for bidders may be obtained at the office of the State Highway com mission and the State Highway en gineer In the state house, nt Salem, Oregon. Plans and specifications and forms of contract may be seen at the same place or may be obtained u;on the deposit of 5.00. The right Is reserved to reject any or oil proposals or to accept the pro posal deemed best for the stSfe of Oregon. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, S. BENSON, Chairman. W. U THOMPSON, Commissioner. E. J. ADAMS, Commissioner. AtteBt: HERB BUT NUNN. State Highway Engineer. . Salem Oregon, October 18. 1917. 98 The California and ..Oregon Coast Railroad Company . Train Train TOO CARD - Effective June l, 1917. ' Dally except 8tinday. . v 1:00 S:00 : i 1 It. Oranta Pass.. 2 It. Waters Creek All trains leave Grants Pass from ' "No. Hint's wliv I'm not dolnir lttv lient work.- Seems' to me nobodv ever 1 the corner of Q and Eighth streets. Is willing to pity enough to lind mil Just opposite the Southern Pacific depot, how good I ran he." Detroit Free j pr(,SH, ' For all Information regarding .-r-. ; freight and passenger service call at i the olllre of the company. Public Service building, or phone 131 for same. ... i i mispiacva. - t lie At the chili n motion wits nnulj to buy h hiiiidsoiuc velvet Nirpet. lint . It wits In 111 mi the tnhlc j Hlie-W'linl ii ipieer plitce to put it ! velvet i inpet !- Iliilllmmv Amerlciin. ' Small Waitt. "The Idea Is for every housewife to nmke t In waste us in pu-isllil?.'" "Well. I'lev n'"'l bent my wife fos:' tlvrht hieing." K..iis'ii t;ity .loin-nsl. , I .MlSt'KI.I.ANKOrS Classified Advertising Ost tAXi. O. A C. GRANT LANU& Blue print plate sbuwlng lands la Josephine county, 11.10. Address A.. E. Voorklei, Orss.s Pass tf CLOTHES REPAIRED ' Mpndlne nnd dnrnliiK ncntlv done nt " f Rt. 36tf rK HAI.K- One-horse, panel-top delivery wagon. Call al Ward robe cleaners, 315 North Hlitb street, or phone 147. K:'tf Foil nALK- llargaln If soFii at once. No. SOU West C street, one good 7-rixiiu hoiisa. one and one half lots, close lo, worth $l,:'00, for SU0. Terms is desired.. Ad dress F. 0. Ilusll. Dlllard. Ore. 12 KI'LENDID OAK roll-top desk, Iwo stoves, tmull library table, for sale. O. 8. Klancha'rd. 92tf ASS.WI.ItS V.. H. CUorClI-Asaayer. . ,.chenil' i' ernllnlst. lloom 201-2011 Ha!' H illdlng. Grants' Pass. DKALKKjf In horses, mules, cattle, wagons, hocks, boggles, harness and saddle. We have a variety of all kinds at all times. If you have anything to sell or exchange, or If you want to buy, come nod see ua. We will treat you rkh'. All our livestock la put out under guarantee. Red Pront Feed and Sale Stable, Corner Sixth' and ' K streets. Timmons A lllggins, Propra. ll FOR SALE Good Spltienberg ap ples picked from trees, 50 cents per sack, selected from the ground 26 cents per sack. Order 'early t or come to orchards. Geo. A. Hamilton, east of Sugar Factory. 98 FOR, HALE Two horses. One geld ing, 960; one mare $45. Each in (.Kid condition and weigh about 1175 pounds. A. X. Parsons. 91 FOR KALE 'All kinds of flour, feed,' hay, and mill feed, Med grains st prices reasonable. We so H city your patrJnnKe. Burkhal ter A Habermim. 514 J street. 19 1918 CH ALMERS lind a 1 amy" bug for sale. or trade. Battery Shop. 99 FOR SALE Loose grain hay In barn. Jnhn B. Hair, Rogue River, Ore. 99 C. SHAEFER3 has a few more loads of squash and pumpkins to selL Lower river road, 1 4 miles from town. 1 -. ' 99 KOH SALE All farm products sell at hlsh prices. Buy a farm and be an Independent producer. We have good properties at easy terms. Rest-Fuller Realty Co. 20 FOR SALE Good drop bead sewing machines' at exceedingly low prices; furniture of all kinds. New and second hand bicycles and sun dries. Manuel & Boston. 304 South Sixth street. 101 PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, tf. D. Practice. limited to disss sea of the eye, eer, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-1 2, f-f, or en ap pointment Office phone, 12; resi dence phone I59-J. 8. LOUlJH RIDGE. M. D.. Phrslclan and surgeon. City or country call attended day or night. Residence phone 6t; office phone 111. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. DR. ED. BY WATER Specialist on d I sou set of the eye, ear, aoee and throat; glasses fitted. Office Hoar 9 to 12 a. m 2 to 5 p. m. Phone Residence 260-L; office 290-J;: Maaonle Temple, Grants Pass, Ore. A. A. WITHAM, M. D.. Physlclsn and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice, lit; residence, 281-J. Honrs,. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIBLBY Physician an surgeon. Iindburg . Building. . Surgeon L'tah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Officer hour, 9 to I! i. n. 1 to 5 p. m. Phone , 310-J. 5tf DENTISTS E. C. MACY, O. U. D. Flrst-dae dentistry. 109H South Sixth street, Grants Paaa, Oregon. ATTORN ETA H. D. Norton, Attoraey-et-htw. Practice in all 8tate and Federal Courts. First Nations! Bsnk Bldg. COLVIG A WILLIAMS Atteraer- at-Law Oranta Pas Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass. Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prattle In all courts. First National Bank Building. DURHAM .A tyCHARD, Attorneys at-Law. Office Masonic Temple. ' Grants Pass Oregon. W. T.. MILLER, Attorney-at-Lw County attorney for Joeephlae County. Office: Scballhora Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARO.Attorney-at-LaW Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. , Phone 270. Oranta Paaa, Oregon V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Lw Practke in state and federal courts. - Rooms 2, and 1, over Golden Rule Store. BLANCHARD A BLANCH AitD, At torneys, Albert block, phone ilt-I Practice in all courts; land board attorneys. ' VETERINARY SURGEON FOR SALE A leatherette ' sofa, chenp. Inquire 802 M street. 99 DRY MILL WOOD $2 per tier. Harry Smith,' Phone 312-J. 12 FOR SALE CHEAP Six head of Durham yearling steers-, one heif er, one high-grade bull 3 years old. Address I.em Speaker, Speak er, Ore. -102 Calling cards at the Courier. A classified ad brings results. LOST DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian. Office in Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. 1 Phone 11 J-J. ResMeno Phone 305-R. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds 'of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly dona. Phone 1SUJ. Stand at freight depot. . A. Shade, Prop. F. G. ISIfeAM. drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and atored. Phone Clark and Holman, No. SO. Resi dence phone 124-R. LOST One band of turkeys, liberal reward for Information. Phone 614-F-2. -102. TO KK.VI " " I TREMONT ROO.MS Now under managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 2S clean rooms at 35c and 50c; , special rates by week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage, sfltf THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phene 397-R. . . ' MVSICAsj INSTRUCTION FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also barn to be used as garage. Mrs. F. A. Coe, 804 Washington Blvd.! Phone 164SI. ' - 68tf J.- 3. MACMURRAY, teacher of Tolee culture and singing. Lessons given at home okpupil it requested. Ad ' dress 716 Lee St. 861tf L .. T Ail 8ER VICE ARE YOU GOlSiO or not going, that is the question. Call Jitney J Luke at thV Spa or phone 262-R. ! Always at your service for city or country calls. 90tf WANTED ROOM for rect.i ground floor, : hot and cold water1, - outside Entrance. Mrs. R. H. Lee. 211 West A. jt FCRNISHsED ROO.MS Large, com fortable and convlehtly ' located. 411 C street. . 6tf FOR RENT Furnished, five-room Vottuse with garage after Novem ber first. Inquire G.. . P. Jester, Grants Pass.- flanking Co.. or phone 16S-R. ( 93tf PHOTO STt'DIO THE PICTURE MILL open daily 10 "ft. m. to 5 p. m. . For Sunday sit ting call Mill 2S3-R or residence 140-J. 78tf HOTELS THE GENEROUS well-rookod tao-J-. orate priced meals at the Ameri can restaurant always please. For nrnnl nolr rnv tit nnr hntponn Clean rooms, moderate prices 99- JUNK WANTED Anything yen ' have in junk; hides a specialty. Phone 21, Union Junk Co. 110 .WANTED All; 'school warrants of ; District No. 4, Josephine county, -, up to date. Interest ceases af ' ter date. C. E. Tucker, clerk. 9 FALSE TEETH We pay as high as " "$ 1 7?3 O' pel-' set fe'r old false te.ith, no matter If broken, aisir Rild crowns, bridgework. .V.uil to Berner'e False Teeth Specialty, 22 Third street, Troy, N. Y., and rc- calve cah by return mat'. 112 WANTED Correspondence with ovtner of small sawmill. Have lo- , cation in Rogue tiver valley wlth , 12 to 15,000,000 feet available.. Yellow pine and fire timber. Ad-- ! dreBs 1200 E., 22nd street North,. , Z. A. Gillette,' Portland, Ore. 104 WANTED Position, as v chamber wofk. Call waitress or 656 North Sixth street", or' phone 21 9-R. 9 i