Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 31, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rxam rovm
Xrs. Al. A. Brings ana Mrs. Chat, i Hoy ticout I Mil-.
F. Smith made a lrl lu Hugo today. ; The Hoy Scouts ill utaat-t Thurs-
Mtss Ceneva Myers returned this) day nlKht at T o'clock at (he re
. .snorting from Sacramento. orulting office on Sixth street, for au
Ben. Collins ha returned (rout hour'a drill under Sergeant Itauer.
'buslneM trip to Mad ford. .
Rent butteries for all make of Notice
care at the Battery Shop. 18 On or about the first or the month
C. P. Rtckstlea, of Medford. made the Sugar Howl wlir mov to the
a business irip to the city today, .rooms recently occupied by the
Publlo Market baa moved to the, Panama restaurant. Ill Sixth St. 9
Public Service building, across the
street. $7 ' IVnservatlon Clasa Kami-day
Wl.l party that took my U Coital ' Ths lessons on conservation of
sine from Sate creek leave It at. food product, which was announced
Auto Hospital, P. K. Oottschalk. and; In Ihe Courier yesterday for Friday,
save trouble. M'has been postponed until Suturday.
Tour battery tested free of charge -when Mr. Thompson will tnlk be
at the Battery Shop. 18 fore the Indies Auxiliary.
Clarence Messenger, of Dryden.i
was in the city today transacting; WomW Mw ,lM" Home
timlalf ' Peter Neubert, of Wonder, has
Public Market has moved to the
Public Service building, across the
at reef.
Mra. P. T. Quick left tab "ora-(hIll f,mr take no,Vss1on about
lag for Portland, having been not!-. December first,
tied that her brother. J. H. Peterson, j L
was daigeroaal 01. i . Murphy. Karorday. November 10
Mr. and Mra. W. A. Kimaey. who An , nfrt, danos mM Ueine8
spent several weeks with their or,.ne8tra mA midnight lunch at the
daughter, Mrs. Herman Schmidt, re- ,,1,, f. $g
turned to Albany today. ,
If your battery la oat of order geti tt w (toad to PreMoa Peak
one of ours. Battery Shop 8 The rr .vrte 1alm Holders as
Mra. C. E. Sellick. of Berkeley, iajsoclatton have commenced work on
In the lty for a week or two looking
after business matters. She la at
the IT. R. Allyn home.
Mr. and Mra. W. M. Hair, who
1nt a couple of weeks with rela-
tires sad friends In Grants Pass and i
Kogue River, returned to Eugene'
this morning. j
Now with these cool nights you j
should keep .your storage battery j
w,i cnargeo. we give you Tree in-
rormatlon. free Inspection and freef JuTlBlte wlu be ol ,n force wllh hi
wter. Recharging and repairing; J jacniantew. tJck-tack. a robust de
ton worry we can fix it. Aoto .tonnjBatto ,eo lift gate.. from their
fcaajnitalt E. Gottschalk. j hinges and commit other boyish
. ; ft M. Ksterly. of the Waldo Cor- randallsm. People wilt watch .their
oorauon owners or tne Logan mine,
kit iai eTmrag tor Aiasia. where
ho will remain for short time at-
tending to business Interests In that !
Public Market has moved to the j
Public Service building, across the
For woasen to take their husbands
naasos on the marriage day was a Ro
aaaa custom, for eisuipie. we have
Oct via of Cicero, inexulus Ma via.
wile of Cicero. in . we Kiuiply ouilt
the of.
Clarified Gas:lir.e
Oil iuiw t.1, 1017. we Installed
a guNoline rlarifier; this ma
chine truveU UO.OOO revolu
tions per minute. Its tremen
dous peril rleanM mid purl
Hen the (iwilliw hh H Mimun
In fcHir and one half months
we have token r)7 Munls of
dirt from the KAMnentx we
have cleaned. See it on dix
play In our wbidow.
We liave fivv or Mix hundred
clothe hunger at different
places in the city. We will
Miy five intM mrh tin- tliem.
:m Kivtli jst.
I'lioiie I 17
, purchased the eight room cottage at
! 333 West J atreet In this city from
C. P. Rlckstlen. of Medfdrd. Mr.
I Neubert win more to the eltv with
the construction of eight miles of
wagon road to be built from Waldo
to" their claims In the Preston peak
district. The work Is la charge of
Superintendent A. C. Hoffman and
J. T. Ollmore, who are shipping
supplies today and will push the
work as rapidly as possible.
Hallowe'est PraaJk. Tonlaht
TonlgM ls Halloween and theJ
moveable property tonight with
greater vigtlance than they did their
watermelon patches a few weeks
Auction Hale-
November 8, 1917. at Sleepy Hoi-
low Farm, one mile west of Gold
Hill Alfalfa hay. cattle and
horses., and other articles. Sand
wiches and coffee served free at
noon. E. Thompson & Sons, own
ers. G. TU Niele. auctioneer. 102
Called t 'mm aa Wltncascit
District Attorney W. T. Miller,
and John Denlson, as ex-deputy
sheriff, leave tonight for Kansas
City as wltnettses in the Ernest ft.
Dennison case, being tried there in
the federal court. The present cae
is against Ernest B. Dennison
KIrkwood and Hans, who are
charged with bribing a postal
employee. This ease is an outcome
of one tried here some years ago,
being the State vs. Oslln M. Jack
son, for embeMletnent.
ConM'ieotioUH Objectoi
A train load of "conscientious oli
Jectors" passed through here this
mornins headed south. There were
six coaches carrying about 250 men
who are to Tie takftn to San Diego
and to a New Mexico camp, where
they will be put to work at semi
peaceful pursuits. The train was
entirely closed and guarded by arm
ed officers.
Artixt at Hall's
An interested crowd has gathered
during the past few days at the win
dow of Hall's Art store watching
Prof. C. A. towe .paint In oils, the
pictures from start to finish, being
completed in a comparatively short
j time. . The professor Is a skillful and
j rapid artist, but he Is far above that
1 'class known as lightning artists, and
1 while most of his pictures pointed
here are scenes from nature, he is
equally good at animals. 'Mrs. Lowe
Is also a gifted artist and teaches he
I Red Crowt Moves
i 'line headquarters of the Grants
, Pass Red Crosi chapter has been
moved from the Conklin building to
the new court house, and until Jan
uary will occupy the Janitor's quar
ters in the 'bHsement at the north-
i cist corner of the building. Tliei-e
! are four rooms in the suite and
they will be warm and comfortable
for the meetings, the first one In the
new quarters to lie held tomorrow
nltfht. I,Hter rooms will be provided
on the second floor of the comi'I
full apples from the Kogue river
valley fruit bell are being shipped
to Ktigeue to be converted Into cider
vinegar at the cannery of the Kn
gene Fruit tiro em' association, the
llrst car load having been received at
the cannery yeaterduy, say the Ku
gcne Itcglsler.
J. O. Holt. mamiKer of the so
elation arranged for shipping these
apples to Eugene and it is expected
that several carloads will be brought
The vinegar ontiait i the Eugene
plant Is expected to be much larger
this year than ever before.. The man
agement of the cannery announced
early in the season that there would
be a market for all cull apple grown
In l.ane county to be uedfor thin
purpose, 'but It piare that there
are not enough here to supply 'he
demand and outside fruit districts
are being called upon to supply
large quantity of them.
The apples bought for making el
der are those that are unsuitable to
dhlp and are usually thrown away or
fed to stock, but this year they will
bring In thousands of dollars to the
truckee mm
Truckee, I'al.. Oct. 30.- The buse
for the Donner Monument, which Is
to be erected at Donner lAke. hus
been completed. It Is built of boul
ders set In concrete. The base has
a height of 23 feet, so that the
bronze statue crowning the top may
always project above the deep win
ter snows. Nearby may yet be seen
the stumps of trees cut by the trap
ped emigrants nearly "0 years ago.
The monument which will be dedi
cated in June with elaborate cere
monies. Is to perpetuate Ihe memory
of a band of pioneers, including
women and children, which, will) a
few exceptions perished when over
taken by a winter storm near the
lake which bears Its leader's name.
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the friends and neigh
bors who so kindly gave us their aid
and sympathy during the Illness and
death of our beloved father and
grandfather. Also to those who sent
the beautiful flowers, those "who did
the singing, to 'Rev. Hooter and to
the members of the I. O. O. V. lodge.
Mil. and MRA . ANDUKW
.Muiriaue License lssneV s
Marriuse licence was grunted yes
terday to Rudolph Frederick Thels
of California and Josephine Estell
Osborn of Murphy.'
words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues,
50c; one month, $1.50, when paid In
advance. When not paid In advance,
5c per line per Issue. 1
WANTED First class room with
board in private family. Address
Henry Rreske, care Courier. 97
FOR SALE- Oood drop head sewing
machines at exceedingly low
prices; furniture of all kinds. New
and second hand bicycles and sun
dries. Manuel & Heston. .104
South Sixth street. 101
Joy Tonight
In regard to circulation of the
report that "Call of Her Peo
ple" haa Ix-en shown In Grants
Pas before, I not true. Pic
ture Is exceptionally good.
Played to a large audience last
night. Tonight your lust
chance to km
Ethel Barrymore
'The Call of Her People'
tlc. nail 2.V
HvKlniilng Novemlier 2nd, the peo
ple of this country will lick a three
cent stamp on their letter Instead
of the two rynt stamp and in doing
so will assist In licking Germany.
On that date the postal rule on
all letters will be raised to three
cents per oum-e, except drop letters,
which are those delivered direct
from the local office. Postala and
post cants will require two cents. ,
'Article 339 of Ihe pontul law
reads as follows:
"I'pon all mutter of the first class
postage shall be charged at the rate
of three cents for each on nee or
fraction thereof; and drop letter
shall be mulled at the rate of two
rents per ounce or fraction thereof,
Inctndlng delivery at letter carrier
office. (Note A drop leltr Is one
addressed for delivery from the of
Ave at which It Is posted Ther Is
no drop rate on any matter eteept
"It I of the utmost Importance
that every patron of the postal ser
vice become famlhsr with the In
creased rates of postage provided
for letters postal and postcard.
"Failure to pay the proper amount
of postage will delay the dispatch
and delivery of mall, cause confu
sion annoyance and ln'in leme and
Impose upon the postal service un
necessary labor and expense.
All parcel addressed to our sol
dier friend must, not be over seven
pound In weight, bear' the sender
name on the upper left band cor
ner and udilremid to the American
expeditionary force, vis:
Co. X. Infantry.
Kxpedltlonay Force.
The department will know whore
Company Is and will deliver the
pneknse to John ?oilth of that com
pany. All parcel to be delivered by
Christmas should be mailed nnMater
than November Kith.
ttiMnra mnw
Oct. JHNov. 3. -National Pay Up;
Deo. 1, Saturday -ltuiiaar and j
cooked food sale by the Lutheran'
UdlfM Aid. '
The man Is painting and the pic
tures are selling rapidly .". . cunt
usd up. They are bcatlllfui. 8nt
urduy will be the last day yuu can
buy them. Coiv work. Kt Hall'
Art Stoie. l
The lied Cross met October 2 Itli
with a full uttvndauce, und all were
pleused to rereive the 1 3 r, from
heudiinrters to piirohune morn sup
plies. The money Is our share of the
drive pledges.
The Red Cross members enjoyed a
treat or fine Tokay grapes from the
I'enn K ranch.
The men hud a wood-cutting bee
Htid got a good supply ready for
heating the work room for the Keil
Cross this winter.
Anno McCormick. district home
demonstration agent, met with the
ladies lust. Wednesday and gate a
very interesting talk on food. She
also explained tho work of her office
and how It aimed to help the home.
D. V.. Ilellor bus returned to his
position as mining engineer, In Ari
zona. Mis AnsV McCormick spent Wed
nesday night at the home of Mrs.
Thos. Ahem, going to Merlin Thurs
day', Miss Gathers, of Grants Pass, Is
visiting in Hugo for soverul days,
China and Plswsrs.
from time Immemorial China bai
been called the Flowery Kingdom, a
name given by the Chinese themselven
and singularly suited to the land which
for ages wss like su on sis of Dowers
of the spirit In the world desert of bsr
barlsm. In this oasis grew the arts ol
the bronze snd stone worker, of the
illk maker and embroiderer, of the pol
ler, of the painter on silk, of the poet,
philosopher and eihlenl devotee. Hut
China was not iniined the Flower.v
Kingdom because of thesi flowers ol
the mind. Her Morn Is one of the most
liixuriurit In the world. It Is estimated
to consist of some twelve Ihousimd ape
lies, n I no thoiisiitiil of which nre known
ami oiic-hiilf of uhlrh sre Iniligc ini!t
ami not round elsew here.
.Xili h belnir the Horn or f.'liinii. It I
renilllv iimlei'slniHl Hint hiirtlellltlire
snd gardening curly heeutne n skilled
suii lioiiMied iriil'e(don -Mi-riloier's.
I'VllTltt I.AIlliY (MMII nhovuv;
OK TUN KI. .. v
Every Color and Every Style
$1 to $15
He (.tie, 111 SI.- WbmIiIiikIuu
firemen will be taught how to save
fuel, aecordlug to plan of Htufn
Fuel Administrator Imvld Wlilt
conib. He has named a comlmttee
to study and enforce fuel economy.
The tesret
"Too .bmow that ear I bought Ul
month." began the purchaser,
"Ve. What of It)" askeil the dealer
"Isn't It a go.Hl csrV
"I've see. I ,nre o io. !f m in
a lon'X way fnon Mnir whst ymfV sit'iit
reiiieneiilitl it to b ."
"Of rniir-e It tm-. Wli, linni alive.
If our ear were a kihmI hs Hist we
w.ilililn'l nenil t.i em lo.. ceiit to sell
ili.-iii." New v..rli H'.irld
A D.smjl Rao'n.
All eetvnnle i ll.l ' l i i del In l.iilnlini
a few yisrs nt si Htc ae of nlnelv
one. I.oiix liefore lil Oeiitll he ordered
III lev ii eo1m nil lis t It plnce In his
ImiIiiniiii, willed w lieu :, by way of
pictures, wtth Hie f'liieinl isnl of Ids
frieiiiK T!il iiici.xrnlltiii wimii to
han' hml I tn- i-Yeet .if tiee.'cvll.V oil I In
old mail, for In i'.e Iil meiv miiih
roresl'lil he llvwi lu.ijj l.e,,nnil the
iihiisI span.
"lieineiiili'r.'' nlil the
sternly, "the ciisimiy-i- W hIv rlalit."
'"Itnl. sir." evHituliiiei the i lerk. "In
this Hi-! v evi Ai'liInk II privilege to
wliieli I am entltliil."
"Wliiil do yon iiiemiV" ,
"The liul.v I wii-. urgtiiiii: with Is ui
ivire."- KlrinluL-liiiio Aue llerslil.
An Explanation.
"I wonder whiif the author meant
who talked about ilem-e that speak.''
i "I gtc be me nt what you don't
hear when deaf and dumb people talk."
Baltimore American.
Everything we endure patiently Is a
key to ui"i"'M'iif l.emillfnl we i"Ollld
Having been called from tho City on bualneaa for thnee weeks, all
persons wishing Informatloa or service oa
Regal, Dodge or OJdsmobile
are requested to see C. L. Hdbart at the Kurd Oarage.
J. H. Denison
We Will Receive one Carload (ten) Fords
Each Month
From tills lime, providing we have signed oilier for them. 1 yi.u
want ii I'oitl, drop In so that we can provide quick delivery.
ChrlsltanU. Nor ay, Oct. 31.
Norway's mercantile fleet Increased
during Selcutber by 12,000 tons but
vessels Inst represented 34,000 toes.
The total Norwegian fleet now com
prise 3,'Jt."i vessels aggregating
2,l3tt.AAA (ota,
ysteme ef Laws.
Measured .by . the aumlier of psafiO
over whom ihry are. operative, says
Case aad Comment, lbs great sye
tern of law rank la the following. or
der: First, the Chlnea code: stcaasl,
the code of Visum third, Ihs Koran;
fourth. I be EimiNIi law wild Its aiulll
rsrliiii Hindi Hi alliins: fifth, the laws of
Hitla: sUtli. Ihe Ortusu nsle; se
eulti, the Kreneli ctale. The last nad
was s pioueer and is the model oa
wblcb later Kiiroprsu codes bsvejs
It Is Plbi2g cr
Heaticg. We D) It
Tetherow Sheet Metal aci
?mtkg Works