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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1917)
Win'NWMT. (KTOIIEU SI, I0IT. inuLY wem PAGE 7KIUCK Dont cslcfor Crccfcaa say WE HKIX 'MM P. A. MfeBlMra. Oraat ' KOT1PK TO NTRATOIU ( ' Healed pr.HtU .ill he reived by the Slate tKhv ."ommlsHlnn of "7 to rert.-em all warrant aran 'the .lute of Oregon.' Hoi'"" ,n W" fund buildlnK. I1... (land, until 1 1 :00 . m. T to 13.157 Inclualve. November A. 1917. for grading IhalJ """" """ uf,"r section of the innlfle hlishwsy n'3n,B. W , ,...phln. county, known the' nt"d ' fr'0' 0c" uk'oir iVa.L.i'.Hin I'rerk nn-lliiu. a t)ber.!9th, 1917. diNlam-e tf 4 mile. There Ik ap-1 iironlnmlrly Jd.dOu cubic yiirdn of. irvation Involved. K'o bld will he iiinnldi'iril iiii1cm ut oniixinird by ranh, Mddcr'a bund , tr ratified check fur an ammint Nl'iiftl lo at i-t five :.', per rent, uf the til ill amount of thi1 bid. ioriiii"te mirety Iwnd will ti' Vqnlred lor the faithful perform i time of the contract In n tm equal, to om-hiilf Ihr total iimoutit nr the Md. . ! rropoml hlnuks nd full Inforni.r- tloi'i for bidden may he olitulmd of' the otll -e if the 8'at" HlKhwny cottl-' nnwitm and the Stale HUliway cdJ( clmtT 'n tl" ntnic hoti, m SiiUmh.' (rei'iili. . I'lttim And hMM ttlriiion and HTATB lltr.llWAY fOM MISSION S HKVSON. rhnlrnun W. la. THOMPSON. C(imin1lnncr. K. .1. Cnnimltwloner. AttcMt: lnonnrcnT ntnn. Stnte HiRhway Ent-'lneer. Salem Oreron, O."tober . 117. f"1 The I'liltH State, ha 1W.0O0 Pun dliy m lioolp. Thi often for frli'tids. we iiilntake, companions forme of conitat t limy i wen in inn jJ4 " V-vf Vi I mine idnce or limy Ite ohlalned l'n U'?:."- t.5?fVi.' VVi lh.. k of tvtHi. i ;:iF1td The rich! I reserved lo reji t any ( tyS'U;i'i PP or ll proiKwnle or to nn-ent the pro-, I -vvVv.5. -i y . pfW'ti i.ntH.1 deemed beet for the aUte of' LiS. LH -V-t, HMfti Comply with the law and use printed Butter Wrappers According to the ruling of the Oregon luJry and Food Commission nil dairy butler sold or exposed for sale In thin stole must be wrapped In butter paper upon which la printed the words "Oregon IHilry UnUor, 16 (or 82) ounces full weight," with tlie name nnd address or the maker. a .... '.'' ' - - ' ' 1 . . ' To enable-patron of Uie Courier to easily enniply w ith the rnllng this office will aupnlv stmiiUrd slo and weight butter paper printed with sfcrlal waterproof ink, nnd delivered by parcel pout, at the fallowing prises: "1 10 HhoetS, Id or iW ounce $1.(M UOO Sheets, IS or 112 ounces 1.H5 JlOO Sheets, Id or S13 ounces' i.70 800 Sheets, 16 or .12 ounce '2.40 ' ' Rxtra charge for special designs. ' ' ; ..i v- " Hnd orders by mall urcompHiileri hjr the price as above and paper will be promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We use the best butter paier obtainable! ami onr work manship la of the best. t It.: Rogue River , Utile aiaier juat m dejd with her 8SOW FLAK KM aa ah look. (Itlldreei thrive on SNOW FLAX US Imvjmuw tliey re perfectly helved from the heat BUUerUU. la tl of raraafra, aad la bmlk pacific uaat Bimn n t. ; PoHlaad, JeoaetlM 8riMn Ok. Backet Ouk Oritiry, a rtmut J. PiNm. t'lTY TIlKASlllKRH NOTICE There are funds In the Hty trens- ) ' 1. 1. jmKK, City Trenaurer. MRS. RUSSELL SAGE 5v $ Mrs. Rutull Sage recently celcbrat d hr eighty-nlntn birthday In a quiet Advancing age hat greatly enfeebled htr, but her health it at good aa could be expected In one of htr agt, -i " ' ' Courier (irntiH Pa, Oregon RED CROSSTO FEED Weshluvtion, Oil. JO. The Amer ican lied t'roni im appropriated 131,211 li buy ton of food sup- pile for American prisoner In fler- nun)'. Tim loon l 10 n inrwuriiHii to llirnn. Switzerland, and from thU" fiiranld lit the prisoners needed. Al present lh number of Ann rl rn prisoner Id Orman prlsou lamim conltl only of about l0 seamen. Twenty-five lona of loud for their rellnf, enough to sustain Ihli number of men for three months have boon sent to Heme up to thin Urn, and tbli authorised order for 75 ton wllJ Insure their austensnie for an additional nine month, or III suffice for larger number for a shorter period. Soldier and Ballon raptured by the central power are not provided by their captor wlti lufltoien' fnort to kirp them In good health, nor with aurJMwnt clothing, no the ne cessities must be provided from borne, and In view of this condition, the American tied Croaa. anl rbe United flute government l trwpar- in to feed all American oiil).s and sailor who may be taken pr'a- oner by Germany during the war ALONG COAST IS PLAN A. J. lUah. (errclury of tn I'h iHfle const Uitfenne leau l !n (.mnl I'll nit toiluv In the lnl'r:rlH of Ihnt lfRiie' promotion of i tnlllltry hlhway nlonn the iiiast. As the plun was orlitlunlly con ceived. It contemplated a highway atonx the coast proper averaxing about 10 miles from tho ocenti shore. Hut us the leuaiit! has Investlxaled the propoKlllon from every anule. It hue chantred Its . plans and contem plates working for a system of mails alonx the cosst, with prolmblM the cont route, tho Puelflc. hlxliway and the PeHcutca Vnllcy-Klamath Kails route. And' ft number of cross roadii I between thrse north and south trunk lines. Mr. nnab's Idea 1 I hut by lnterr-4tlnii the communities alonx each of these three routes, then hrlnx all available Inflitcme to boar on ronst-cM for mi appropriation on the plea of military expediency, leav- Ins it to Ihnl body, or the Oepisrt ment of the Interior to select the rou.o on shlrh federal aid shall be directed. Envelope at the Courier. MISS ANTOINETTE FUNK A striking example of th value of woman In helping America in the graat fight I Mitt Antolnttt Funk, a mem. ber of tht woman' committee of the council of national defenat. ' The pho tograph thowt htr hard at work in her office In the treasury building, where tht It doing wonderful work In the Intcrtsts of the Liberty loan. She It executive vice-cl.a.rman of tht worn n'a Liberty Lean committee. 1 A TWICE-TOLD TALL thin uf Inlrrnel to Our Itotulrra Good new' bra repeat ln,' knd when It la' confirmed after a lone luine uf time, even If we heailated to oellcve it at flrtt hearlnn, we feel eei-ure In aeptlnf lla truth now. The followlnn ei)rinte of a Crania I'um man la confirmed after three yearn. A good friend aland by you wnen In need, tirant P people tell how ixian'a Kidney Pill have atood tb mA. Mr. Trefren endorsed Dotn'a over three year ago and again con firm the dory. Uould yon aK lor more convincing testimony? W. A. Trefren. 731 Highland Ave., (Iranta Taa. ari: "I luffered (or long time from my back and kidney and never found anything uuti wouio give much relief nntll I bexan mine Doana Kidney fllia. TDey atrengthened my back and eased the dull Dlna that had set ilea m u aero my kldneya." tmaiemeni given March 14. 191 S.) On Man n 20. 1911. Mr. Tretren aid: "I am atlll a strong booster lor Itoan'i Kidney PHI, for I don't know of anything their equal for lam bock and kidney trouble. They alway do me a wonderful lot of good wnenever 1 have to take them." Price eOo. at-aJl dealera. Don t lmply ask for a kidney remedy get Uoan'a Kidney Pill the same mat Mr. Trefren bta twice publicly rec ommended. Poster-Mllburn Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. T. Pstsnt. Applhatlon fur a patent must Ik made In writ lux to tile i-ouinilsHloner of patent at WoIiIiikI'Mi. .The appllcaut muat also tile in the putciil olflie n written dewrlpilou of (lie Inreutlou or diw ovcry ami f llie umiiner and proc esii of. iuhMiix It In such full, lrn. coiu lv. and onset li'itm as to cnab'.' tll.ire -killed ill the nri-s mill wlenci-n to wlii'h it npicrtulii or nlih whlr'i it Ih niiwt iii'miIv I'Oiii'ciiii il lo cnitrii t and use the o:nc. When the imturc o." Hie cnsn HilinlH of Ir:i u luy- the n pii alii nnit fnriiNli tli. t i of tl ropilnil sine. In all fiiM' wiiii'h mluiil of rep re4ntHlioii lay nii.iU'l ti c up;i'i' nut. if rciniicd liv the ,:itcnt oltlce. iinut fur nMi it ni'lel. Ons ef Her Own. Well, Mirv," niild the milliliter kind y, "you illilp'l eniin- to our little xstli crliitf last liicht. Hjtcr nil. How ' ir, 1 ni.i a HMle iithcrin of my own 'lint pn;Vi titi-l me.-" "Ob! Ami where' iviw tIntV "If v.,1 I'l.-ase, sir, it was on the liar of me nei li, ir" A classified ad br!nx renilts. CHICHESTER S PILLS DISlloND HHJtSU I" ILLS. t yaan lamsiat BW.Salia. Aln SttUhai SOLD BY DkIIjuISTS tuRlmMtRE rhe California and Oregoc dbast Railroad Company TIME CAXD Effective Juno 1. 1117. Dally except Sunday. Train 1 It. OranU Pass.. 1:00 p. m Train 2 It. Water Creek 3:00 p. m All train leave Grants Pas from the corner of 0 and Eighth street, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information (regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, ruunc Service buildlnc. or phone 131 for same. PHOTO STl'IMO THE PICTURE MILL onen dally in a." m. to 5 p. in. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 2S3-R or residence 140J. 78tf (IHIUHtMHSTS J CHIROIODIST Mrs. M. C. Bar nard, professional chiropodist has located at 4 f 4 West C street and . will skillfully treat all diseases of the feet. . ' , ,' . .93 HOTELS THE GENEROUS well-cooked modr erate priced meals at the Ameri can restaurant always please. For proof ask any of our patrons. Clean rooms, moderate prices 99 MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHES REPAIRED Mendln and darning neatly done at 411 C St. 36tf maaprti' i a o 'ii 'imaiiii't m till i ' L TAU SERVICE ARE YOU GOING or not going, that Is the question. Call Jitney Luke at the Spa or phono 262-R. Alway at your service for city or country calls. . 90tf MI SICAi. INSTRUCTION I. S. MACMURRAY. teacher of vole culture and stnslnir. Lessons given rt hntue of pupil if requested. Ad V-7L Laaallral Sat. T' unnWW l t (U4 l aUta-Wi llasm) HrMtA 4ytSe no -ki xuihcW V l"". k"J wilk'Kiu. SiU. V tM Vvl Tak mm Mkm. Rait r aar , I - X i n ilit's 71C Lee St. SSItf Classified Adyerttsjing KM A1J 0. k C. tyiANT LANDS Blue print plat (bowing land In Josephine county, $1.10. Addr A. ' K. Yoorblei, Grant Pas tf Kl( A f.K One-home, panel-top delhcry wagon. Call at Ward robe (tenner. 316 North Hlatb atreet, or phone 147. I!tf PUll 8AI.B BarKaln M old at once. No. 300 West C street, one good 7-rooni bouse, one and one barf loU, cloao In, worth fl,20. for 1800. Terma la desired. Ad dreeo 9. O. Bueil, DtlUrd, Ore. 1! POR SiAIJC 20 k. p. gu engine and Ixl compressor, hoisting engine. 101 North NUU street. (6 FOR 8AIJC Chrome, on oar load on dump ready for shipment and work continues. - J. M. Finch, Kerby, Ore. ' t KOR 8AJ.K At half prie. My Jos your gain. Three-fourths of an acre tnd bungalow. Beet soil. Desirable location. Laocated at 101 S North Ninth street. Grants Pasa. . Clear of incumbrances. Price 1500. Term. Too will bare to hurry if yon get tbl. In quire of owner. ' E. H. McMullen 738 Eighth street. Astoria, Ore con. 96 FOR SALE Beet rack cheap. II. B. Cordon. Phone I10-F-34. R. F. D. No. 2. " A BARGAIN Kle-passenger, 30 b p Chalmere-30, guaranteed to be ft Rood running order, three ex tra fires, 3175 cash. -See Clar- ence Burke; Fashion Karaite. 96 SPLENDID OAK roll-top desk, two stoves, small library table, for sale. O. S. Blanrhard. 92tf DEALHHS In horsew. mules, cattle, wagons, backs, buggies, harness and saddles. We hare a variety of all kinds at alV. times. If you have anything to sell or exrhnnce. or if you want to buy, come nnd see us. We will- treat you rixht. All onr livestock is put out under i;uu ran tee. Red Front Feed and Sale Stable. Comer Sixth and K streets. Timmons & I logins. Proprt. ,116 FOR SAIJi Good SptUenberg ap ples picked from trees. 60 tents per sacl selected from the ground 25. cents per Rack. Order early or come to orchards. Geo. A. Hamilton, east of Sugar Factory. 98 KOR SALE Two horses. One geld ing. 160; one mare $45. Each in KOO,1 rondition and weigh about 1175 pounds. A. N. Parsons. 9S FOR SALE All kinds of Hour, feed,' hay. and mill feed, seed grains at prices rousonable. We soHclty your pntronnKe. Burkhal ter ft Haberman. ft 1 4 I street. 19 1918 CHALMERS and a classy bug for sale or trade. Battery Shop. 99 FOR SALE Loose grain hay In barn. John B. Hair, Rogue River, Ore. 99 C. 8HAEFERS has a few more loads of squash and pumpkins to sell, laower river road, 1 H miles from town. 1RY SLAB WOOD Carson Fowler Lumber Co., FTione 173-J. ' 97 KOR SALKAirfarm" products" sell i at high prices. Buy a farm and j bean independent producer. We have good proiierties at easy! terms. Best-Fuller Realty Co. A classified ad brings results. Calling cards at the Courier. , ' TO RENT TRBMONT ROOMS i Now under managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at 3&c and BOc; special rate by week or month; also light housekeep ing room. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also barn to be used as garage. Mrs. F. A. Coe, 804 Washington Blvd. Phone 164-J. 68tf ROOM for rent, ground floor.- hot and cold water, outside entrayire. Mrs. R. H. Lee. 211 West A. tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and" conviently located. 411 C street. " 86tf FOR RENT Furnished house keeplng rooms, also single rooms. Close In. Reasonable. Mrs. T. E. Howard, 621 D street, corner Seventh. 97 FOR RENT Furnished five-room cottage with garage after Novem . ber first. Inquire G. P. Jester. ' Grants Pass Banking Co., or phone ,168-R. 93tf rmnaaiKS U O. C Lit H EXT. If. D. -fraeur limited to disease of th aye, oar, no and throat 0 lapses fitted. , Office hour -ll, t-6, or on ap pointment. Office phone, 12; real denee phone Ji9 J. 8. laOLGHRIOCE. D.. Pbyaletaa and (tirgaon. City of country call attended day or nlghL ReddMer phone ;Ut: office phone '111.. Blxlh and H. Tuffs Building. OR. ETD. BTWATER -Specialist on disease of the eye, ear, none aad throat; Hisses fitted. Office Hour, t to 12 a. m 2 to S p. m. Resldence 260-L; office 2IO-J: Maewnle Temple, Grant PaM.'pr. A. A. WITH AM. M. D., PbysWaa and nrgeoo. Office: Hall Bldg.. corner Sixth and I streets.' Phowse: Of fice. Ill; residence, lll-J." Hoar, f a. m. to 4 p. m. DYL J. O. SI B LEY Physician aad surgeon., ', Uindburg Building. Surgeon I'tab-Idaho ".Sugar Co. OflSoe hours. to 12 a. m. .1 to B p. m. , 5tf DHvrrSTti C. C. 3LACT. D. V. D. Firat-daao dentistry. South StxtH street. Grants Pass, Oregon. ATTORWRYN H. D. ' Norton. Attorny-at-iaw. Prkctice in all Stato and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COrl Vic'&v: I I.U A M S Attorney -. at-Law Grants . Peas Baa king -Co. - Bldg. Grants Pass. Oregon. B. 3. VAN DYKFT. Attorney. Praetle in all vouru. Klrat National Baaki Building. DURHAM 4 RICHARD. Attorneya-at-Law. r Office Masonic T sea pie. Grant Pas Oregon. AV. T. MILLER. Altorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine. County. Office: Sc hall horn Bldg. O. 3. BIJLNCHARD.Attornay-atrUw Grantt Pass Banking Co. . Bldg. Phone 270. Grant Pass, Oregon V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Uw Practice in state - and federal; courts. Rooms 2, and 3, over Golden Rule Store. BLANCHARD ft BLANC HARD, At ' tornys, Albert block, phone 23 5-J Practice In all courts; land board! '' attorneys. VETERINARY 81RGFXN . . DR, R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office in Winetrout Implement Bldg. Phone. 113-J. Residence. Phone 305-R. DIUYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All ; kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly dona. Phone 181-J. - Stand at freight depot. A. Shade. Prop. j F. G. 1SHAM. drayage and traaefer. ' Safes, pianos -and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clark and Holman, No. 60. Resi dence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do wo. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phono 397-B, J WANTED JUNK WANTED Anything yott have in junk; hides a specialty. i Phone 21, Union Junk Co. HO WANTED AU school warrants of District. No. 4, . Josephine oonaty, - up to date. Interest ceases af- 20 !, ter date. C; E. Tucker, clerk. 98 FALSE TEETH We Tay as high aa ;t 317.50 per set for old falee teath, f no matter if broken, auto geld crowns. ' brtdgework. Mall to Berner's False Teeth Specialty. 22 Third treet, Troy, N. Y and re-' elre cash ty return tnc.1'. lit WANTED Correspondence with owner of small taw-mill. Have lo cation In Rogue river valley with 12 to 15,000,000 feet available. Yellow pine and fire timber. Ad dress 1200 E. 22nd street North. Z. X Gillette, Portland, Ore. WANTED Second lrond feed outter- nnd grinder at Mclntyre's garage. ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH Assayer. chemist metallurgist. Rooms 201-263 Hair Building, Grant Pass. A classified ad will give results. ONE ADVERTISEMENT WILL HOT, HAKE YOU A FflrRTtTMB,, BUT IT WILL SERVE M A. STONE IN THE FOUNDATION OT BUSINESS SUCCESS U