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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1917)
TAGS TWO UASLt HuGVB R1YKH COI'IUICM YYaNKM;lV. iHTtHlKIl ill. IIT. Nil ROGUE WB tOlffl Published Deily Except Ssturday A. 1. VOORBIES. Pub. sad Propr. BCS'J. C SHELDON, Mltor , Mr4 at the PostoOce. Orutt Pm. Or., m second class mail matter. . ADVERT 181 VO RATES DUply space, per loh...'...i ...lac LceaJ orperaiaai column, par Une 1c Isadora, per Uae.....J t , WKXKLT COURIER or year..-....;..-.;. , ; daily oprtura ty mail or crrtr. por ysr....M.OO ,'Py moil or cantor, por mswtt (0 ' r f f MBSt . Mate Editorial AaoeeUtlo. Orfo Bsdly Newspaper Pan. Assn. Asdtt Bura of Cbctalttton WEnNTSUAY, ootobkk SI, lIT- ' OKiXiON W&ATHKK moderate Oregon Fmir; ' easterly winds. Washington Rain west por- tion; fair east portion; fre.h easterly -winds. GERMANY'S IXlVX While our recent Liberty loun campaign '.was at its height it was announced. that Germany had Just successfully floated her seventh loan. - We are not among those who be lieve it good Americanism to decry and belittle things German, simply because they are German, to a point that Is self deceptive. But a care ful looking Into this (lerruan loan, carries no profound conviction . of Germany's rqaruiaj .strength or, the loyalty of her people. Broken Slices Hawaiian Pineapple TRV TWO WNS Our New Brazils AUK KAXfY NO. Is ' . . j . KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY WAUTT TOUT ' ' I ' ! M I foetive" November 15, all persons who have any war materials In their possession. Includlntc mining op erators, road foremen, contractors. or manufacturers, shall apply to the county clerk for license. The hand lint; of this matter is under the bu reau of mines but it ia believed that the revords will .be. readily accessi ble to the officials of the war de partment The blanks for the licenses and other Information navo not yet been received by . the. .county clerk but they are expected to arrive In a few days. !Th 'record will Increase the work at' the county clerk's office con siderably but no new employes will probably be , required. . 'The regula tions make It compulsory for every person who handles or purchases the explosives' in sny form to secure a permit from the county clerk. It Is believed this record will prevent the storing of war materials or tlielr ac cumulation for war purpose, by oth ers than the officials of the army. blm where the price offered Is by deemed Inadequate. ' ' Sold to Hlbes4 llklder '. The timber shall be sold to the highest bidder, subject to the ap proval of the secretary of the Inter ior, and the entire purchase price bid paid to the receiver In cash, cur rency or certified checks, when drawn in the manner authorized, who will issue his receipt therefor, and a cash certificate issued to the purchaser. "7. Persons who purchase timber at such sal shall be required to pay In addition to the purchase price a commission of one-fifth of one per centum thereof to be tleced to the credit of said fund." The Southern months of delay, 'I'acMle has. after begun construction THE SENSATION OF PAIN. It Is Fslt In the Head and Net Where It teems e Be. Where tlo you feel the lu? asks the doctor. In my hotter. In my ear. iu my foot, the sufferer replies, and If the phy sician told him he iliil not feel It there, hut In his heed, the overage man would the ilis-tor's sanity Yet the doc tor would ! right. In nil aililri"1 at the 1'iilveraity ! ! California Profiler i. II. Parker of , Harvard told the students that we have 1 tiren obliged to give up the Idea Hist soii-nittoii lire vpread throughout our I hodiei. for person who have Inst a ' limit often feel sensation I hat seem to Holterdatii, Netherlands, Sept. 24. (Correspondence of the Associat ed Preset--Th (lei man empire, to some extent, has become dependent upon women's labor, declares a Gor man vorresitoudent Of the ,Nieue Rotterdam Courant. In the 1 hos pitals, at railroad stations. In shop and In iimce. even In the most re sponsible positions, the work Is prin cipally done by women. ' In ' even first class restaurant girls and wont en have replaced the waiters. The traveller who enter hotel encoun ters a porter In long skirts, who carries out his behests as quickly as before. Street trafflo Is largely In the hands of the women. Women conductors, drivers and Inspectors are dressed In the uniform of their male colleagues but with skirt or bloomers. Psssenirera meet with better trestment than era the case with the male staff. On the railroads re women serving In booking offices, as guards on the trains, or porters. Let ters and telegrams are delivered by women and girls. Most oT the fw automobile are driven by women.; But the main work of women Is In the factories. The skilled work has now more and more passed Into their hands, as well as the carrying of heavy louds. At the turning beiich at Ihe furnaces, everywhere they "me met with.' Their waxes ut T or X marks s day are equal to men's earning for like labor They nrk In blue smork frock and bloom ers with a sort of sailor's cap or cloth on their heads, with black hands and rolled-up sleeves; and In the meal hour they ore more and" more to ho seen' In the street, even with hare legs, for stockings are a superfluity In factories, at the furn aces and such like occupations. ' , The results of women's 'work In the mining industry are termed veryl satisfactory. The sorting of sweep-; Inus. old Iron anil brum, the iin-1 loading of freight cars. Is performed : by woman's hands nod arms, and a newcomer Is nmszed at Ihe way In I which elie clambers about and lifts and shonMers loads. In agriculture -Our Guarantee- Your grocer will refund ihe full price you paid for MdBQ&u if it does not please your matter how much you have! used out of the can Economical Coffee You canbuy - Ask your grocer driving the steel work I'I.e mo Inn. plowing and; threshing. Dress has paturally been broimnt Into accord with the new work. On the railroads, and partly on the street cars, skrrts have been replaf- the subway! 'hintf in that arm not even If the hand ed by. bloomers nnd nailers and be- ! come from the niK-inu incHiber. ' ' .... . i .. . i i'...r...... i'.... of the Asbland subway, designed to r -Krf. t .ul.l In the peripheral Hi, llillinnit hill .Pile- nnrtx nfTixliHt loll In the central i operations are under way. nervous system. Mini within that wlln ! women have always suppiieo uxn- .1 .... nA it or II Kmwn as tne rerenrai enne. inrv iuor. imii n i u'" i The recent loan brought 12.430,tbe weather continues me the sub-, f V jOOo.000 marks or about three billion j ''. rtay be, . completed for t winter, vet have the setisititm r initii in t'ie land aialZ-wWllar , While the face!trawl- The new road hasten par-i ,,,, , ,f Mnu, r ,,,, ,,ilr. . ' Ulally graded, but as earth above the, t,.i,,r part flf n,H hrniit to whh h run Talue of the.lpan ia large, there are.- k Js n(pde(, for..rn fm helow.' tlH. M,-orv nerve from the arm lie re- icree very imimriani coiiiueraiiiov.tiie completion of ne subway IB nrsi nioven, one win never iiuiu uti iiiij- that the Teutonic announcenieot J does not mention: the high rate of Interest, the sale at a discount, and the fact that the only currency now circulating in' Germany Is paper, made usable at par by government flat, but which stands at a greatly depreciated value In foreign coun tries. Our loan .was at 4 per cent. All of Germany's loans have been at five per cent. Our bonds sold at par. Germany's several loans have been sold at dis counts running as low as 9 per cent. All of the gold and most , of the silver money of Germany has passed , beyond her borders or has gone Into hiding. Her paper money is not supported by gold bullion deposited in the treasury as Is the cane in this country. Tie German paper note Is below par now and will go lower. noi'ftvssrv As soon AS Is completed and the grade finished. I b l'1"1 It will be macadamized bf the state j . " and next year hard surfaced. J H" "i't "-.m,. Tk etoto VlcrWo v en m m i k!oii has!"".'' wi" '""r l'r,,v finished the six miles of Ifi-foot ma- cadamlzln? on the Siskiyou highway i on the California side of the divide, and the erew has begun operations on this side to finish the inacadamiz-i Ing before winter, if possible. Next j year this will be hard-surfaced wlthi Warranlte or other Wthiillthlc sur-j face. , i lly Miiluti' i:lvei r If .v n-iili is.;;.l gnulin-- "! -nl. lor Hi" :utin! Iliil ciiiiimt I- 1 1 J . - 1 1 1 1 by the funnel is n t likely to U ir niortii with tin latter. Kidding MAJ. C. S. RIDLEY ribboned and feathered hat or rap or hendcl'ith. Hut there is a sailor collar for the uniform Jii'kot, and a flower In the button hole; the Jacket Is ojien at the neck, the rap Is worn In slantlnx fashion, a watch chain Is fastened on the breast, a hit of lace adorns the sleeves. Let Electricity Save You Labor and Money iiSlT'tEMiw CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY 108-J 623 G STREET.' GRANTS ORECON P1WE FOB SIE OF MLQUIU (Continued from page 1.) shall advise all intending purchasers that the patent for the timber pur-" chase will contain a clause fixing the period within which said timber The new German loan, then, as a must De Cllt and amoved by the pur purchasing 'power outside of Ger many of only about half Its face) value. The government can force the soldiers and the suppliers of ma terials for the war making, to accept it at par, but the Increased price of anything that Germany will buy. chaser, his heirs or assigns, at ten years; and that no timber shall be removed until the Issuance of a patent therefor. He shall also be fore the sale Inquire whether any person present deslree the timber on any legal subdivision advertised to be separately offered before its Inclu sion in anv offer of a larger unit. either now or hereafter, from with-!an,i ir 5h r,,t,ut u ihn out her borders, makes the payments through this money, really amount to only about 50 per cent of Its face. E Evidence that the government Is taking every precaution to control the use of explosives and all war materials was seen here this morn ing In the . regulations received by County Clerk K. U Coburn, desig nating that office as the proper agency for keeping a record of all tranfactlons In such articles. Gnder the provisions of the new regulations, which are to become ef- land thus designed may he so offer ed.. ' ' "5. No timber shall he sold for less than the appraised price; the secretary of the Interior having full authority to reject any and all bids i 7. 1 ' re., i Maj. C. S. Ridley, who hsi been ap pointed by the pretioent .a sfljineer officer In charge of publlc'bulldings and grounds in Washington, and military aid to the president. Major Ridley is the youngest officer Verr'eheseh to serve In this capacity, being only thirty-four years old and but 12 years out of West Point. He will be responsible for the expenditure of millions of dol lars in public buildings and park Improvements NOTICE The Williamson & Mason tract of 100 acres in the city limits of Grants Pass For Rent See owners at Grants Pass Hotel November . or 6 from 7 to 9 a. m. or 4 to 7 p. m. The First Quarantine. Krom all accounts the custom ot quarantine originated In Venice some where about the beginning of th twelfth i ciiliirv. All men hunts Slid others coming from the eastern coun tries were obliged tn remain In the house of St. I.azaril for a htIih1 ol forty day before they Krrc ndinllteil Into the city Taking the iilcu from Venice, oilier Kiiropcan cllles. especial ly Hrt intviis. iiislilutiHl iiiHriiiiilnr, during sciihiiiis of phigueiind w ell dow n Into modern times most iiiiiIoiim ndopi el the s.vhIciii. iii'i'hlng ll when II deemed necessary. A Real Luxury. "Walter." said the diner. "It says here on the menu 'green blue tltih.' " "Yes. sir. Tlmt minus fresh right from the water, sir." "Nonsense!" said llir ilincr. "Voii know well eiiougb they do not take hlm llNh ai this xensiin." The waiter cuiiie iii and lonkcd at the dls(illted Item.- ' "Oh. that, sir." lit- iiiil with an air ol enlightenment, "Hint urn hothouse hltie flsh. sir." Riton Transcript. t (.' i ... - :, -.' Soms f.Vo Arii. Br-'fei. "Ah." sltfhcil .,c ,l rik -::-. -we'ie in v r sure of any thing In tlu world." "Yin we nn." lenlli'l her huliill.l. "Whenever yi n are ipiiet fur half a minute I sin sure that )ou'll sjiy'nune. thing soon or luixi, himI I've never miss, erl P yet."- HoMou Trnnwrlpt, Nor For Anything Else. 'Tlmt liief-'eiiner Ih) ioiiM never make a political suii ess." "Why noli" j . , itM ause lie never culil be imliieiil to run for o(lli'e."-llaltlinori' Am rifii Tht Lssding River. ton may not have heard mm-h of tin As. but It Is the wi rlil's lenditig river Von know In what Mud i f llt.- Nev Vprk Tribune Flios 1 hat Kill bpiiltrs. Klles are the mil unit prey of wplders. yet, strange to say. there lire In Hrusll some files w hlcli prey on spiders, The, daring little Insects do Hot differ much from ordinary Hies. They err liynie uoptcra, ami IVpsIs ormilii is a typical Inset t of this kind. They lisiiully rimic upon the spiders when the latter are unprepared mill ig tliein to ilcalb. A spider after being stinitf once has generally iiilll. lent streugtli lo hide In a hi ft of grunt, hut his shelter proves only of temporary service, fur the pill less lly soon ret urns and completes Its work by stinging Hie helpless victim twice Iu the lower part of the thorsi -Kichsnge. A classified ad brings results. MAGIC GAS Head what one man who has thoroughly tested Magic Gas bus to, say about It. Several, others who are using It are getting the sauje re sults." .' '' ' ') Mr. Chan. Mee, Applegate, Ore: Dear Sir: I have used your magic gas 'for two months now constantly and have secured splendid results. I have Increased mileate per gallon a little more than five miles, en tirely dispensed with foul plugs nml In many ways my machine is render ing me greater efficiency. I feel that the Investment' Is a profitable r,ne Yours truly, A. B. Cornell. You can save money too by usln'j Magic Gas; $2 per quart. mjiiiiI Ii value to 50 gallons gasoline, for sale by Chas. Mee, 'Applegaio, and M. Clements, the Resell Store. 07 Nearly All Items in Drugs and Stationery Have Advanced in Price H e have been trying; to give our customers lulvniilugo of former prices as fa us iMMslble. ."''' tn'l run help ns iiuilntain chenper price by pnylng up old c- loiinls and by Mtylng new wcoilnts promptly. VtM'llS MMl HKHVK'K Demaray's Drag and Stationery Store MASONIC TEMPLE, QUANTS PASS Recharging , Overhauling Battery Shop .Mattery tested free of charge Kent' Batteries for all makes of ears. C. A. LINCH 400 Houth Kixth Street