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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1917)
mm 'V DAILY EDITION voi. via., s: hn, GRAVTS rJUM, MMCraiXC OOOaVr, ORBOO!, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 81, 117. WHOLE Sl'MIlKR tIM. MEDIATION IS PROBABLY SUCCESSFUL BMJNVKO THE WOHK Or ME IMATOIt ItEKJI Of DKNVMI IH reiki u em it LEAOERS SAY NO POSTPONEMENT ttntfUry of Ubor U'IIm Ukru AirM to lluth Hide In Await Result of Mrdlatkm San Kraurlsco, Oct. 31.- Veruvr 7.. Hil, of Ja-nvcr. ban arrived tad plunged dlnwily Into bin lank an federal uiedlulor, iN-spltr thti announcement of the ori'unlied tele phone worker that there would lie M ietpoaemeat of the strike. It I believed (tint It end's luedlntlou litis succeeded In averting a walk out to night. Washington. Oct. SI The depart ment of labor la working to avert tbe threatened telephone atrlkn on the Pacific couat. Secretary Wilson haa taken up the matter personally ad the department haa telegraphed official of tbn union to defer dras tie action pending (he arrival or Mediator Reed In Sun Francisco to iay, and the result of a conference to he held. It la claimed that the only thing that can prevent the linemen and operator from going out will be for the company to gram the demand. Thla of four la possible, but nt tbe present time there are many reasons to believe the strike will come. The telegrams from the International union officials In Bun Francisco set 6 o'clock torHght as the time for the strike. However. It waa explained In (he telegrams that the local unions should use their own dlscre- tlon In selecting the hour. "We are arranging for a strike of all tbe members of the linemen and operators' unions who are working WiiHhlngton. Oct. 31. The United for tbe company. If the demundsj Htates food administration haa cloa are granted our iirningementH will j cd Uie Blgln butter board for the of course be countermanded," snld j length of the war. The Elgin board Frank J, Shubert. business agent of - hsa set the prlco or butter In over the Klectrlenl Workers union nt ' half the stales of the anion ror many Portland yesterday. fnrs pusl. SERBIAN POPMTIII PER CENT AS london, Sopt. 26. (Correspon deace of the Associated Press) The situation In tierbla today la sum med up In a communication receiv ed by the British soalnlist party from th executive committee or the Ser bian socialist. It says: "The Serbian population In the portions or our country occupied by Austro-IIungsry i now 2.218.0O0. according to ofBclul census figures published In tho Official Journal at nelgrade, The population normally would have been 3,170,000. There Is, therefore, g reduction of 962,000 or 28 per cent. Tbe male popula tion haa been reduced 3ft por cent. There are now in Serbia 144 women u 100 men. ' ; . "In the dbttrictH occupied toy Bul garia the reduction In population Is 300,004. tf)r. (Hokar rUbur, the Austrian Ketchsrath deputy, declared In the Vienna parliament June 20, .1017; Toklo, Oct. 31. Miss Jullu .V 'Sorbin will be saved, but there will ; Crosby, of Vokohoma, has been In no longer be Serbs. He said these; vested with the order of the Blue words wlmn protesting agiilnm Ihel ttlblmn by the .IniiApese , emperor, greatest crime committed In this Miss Crosby Is 84 years old, and ror wnr. the deportation of 30,000' Ser-' 4(1 years has been enguged In the Man women, children ami men from work of the Women's Cnlon Mission Tie. dcpiTlments or Vranjo. Nlh nml.nry society. The honor Is conferreil I'lrot, anil there interment In AHla Minor. Among thce 30,000, there wfre 8,000 women and young girls delivered over to the Turks. Of these a great number committed sul eldo by throwing themselves out of BALTff.lOnE FIRE IS llrltMi MrMnwhlp Hunt at I (oca and Eighty Submarine MhrlU K ' pJKle Baltimore, Oct. 31. A disas trous fire a rucked two of the rlueal Baltimore k Ohio terminal plr at locut Point, destroying a British steamer at dock. Kour of the crew aw reported lout. Tea - stevedore, thought to have been ' burned . to death, hare been accounted for. Tbe Ore, whtab Isnow under control, Ik thoiinlit to be of incendiary orlalo. The financial Ium amount lo moie than 15,000,000. . Thla (Ire, which broke put abort-; iy Wore li o'clock lam night, la the moat diauHtroua which haa visit ed the Haltlmorn water front for years (fast. Pier destroyed and within an hour l'lor 8 a la flarnaa. In the niugsslne or tbe British steamer at Tier ft were DO submarine shell which exploded, endangering the live of firemen. ' The old luimltrratlon building ad' Joining Pier I was also destroyed. THOUSANDS OF Vi'OMETf CALLED Hi lAindon, Oct. 31. Thero are. now un,000 women employed on muni tions work In this country as against 140,000 In tllS. The number or men em ployed shows an In cress during the same period of 66.9 per cunt. , The war office Is culling"'"' wbout It. too women a month for service at home and abroad; many being espe dully wanted la tbe aerodromes and I 1 1 pin no repair ahops. '" ' I Arrsngumrnts are being made tor the establishment of hospltala all over the country for women. When they are passed through the selec tion boards they go to the hospitals and are then drafted'.' Into their! ramps. Pity varies fron JT, to 110 weekly with uniform. REDffl 28 A RESULT OF WAR the trains conveying them to Asia Minor. , "The dcuths among war piIhohcts and those interned are put at from 60.000 to 80,000. After tbe retroat from Serbia and the reconstruction of the Serbian army, about 20 per cent died at Corfu. Our losses on tbe Salonlkl front have 'been about CO per cent of the Serbian forces which have token ipart In the opera tions of General Serrall'a armies. , "Sixty thousand families in Ser bia require succor this winter. They have no means of living except the little that we can send to them. Their sufferings during the ap proaching winter will be very severe." AMKIIKVAN MIKMIOXAHV ItKOOUATKII IX JAPAN in rorognlllon of her labors' In t!ir education of Japanese alrls, as well ns of her works of charity. ' I p Crosby Is the oldest dntightnr of tb" late Prof. Henry WllUnm Crosby of Now York. hCENDIARY TW LUXBURG NOTES GIVEN PUBLICATION MEMiAUE r'RO.M (H ST VOV 1,1 X UUUJ TO HO.ME GOVERNMENT AMKM HlllMAIUNEH Pl TO CONTROL imi llrek llHwr-a Argentine aad Of rruttty JVa Expected ay Luidmrg Lat July Washington, Oct. 31. Two more of the notorious County von Lu burg's messages to the tier man for elgn office from Buenos' Aires were made public Jast night by Secretary loosing. They provide official con firmation of Germany' plan to con trol aouthorn Brazil, shed additional light on Teutonic Intrigue In South America generally and reveal thai I.uxburg appealed vainly for a squad ron of submarines with which to awe some lAtln-Amerlcan and to flatter others with salutes. Luxburg'a messages showing Ger many's plan to control Brazil which are now made public by Secretary fanning: No. 63. Jiriy'7. 1 1t 7. -41 r atti tude toward Brazil haa created the Impression here that our easy-going, good nature ran he counted on. This la dangerous 1n 8outh America, where the people under thin veneer are Indians. A submarine squadron with full powers to me might prob ably save the situation. I request Instructions aa to whether after a rupture of relations legation Is to start for home or to remove to Para guay or possibly Chile, The noval attache will doubtless po to Rantlage da Chile. (8lgned "l.iixbnrg." "No. H9. Aug. 4, 1817. 1 am convinced thnt we ahull 'be able to ' carry through our principal political alma In South America, the mainten ance of open market In Argentine and the reorganization of south lira Ml whether with or against Argen tine. Plesse cultivate friendship with Chile. The announcement of visit of a submarine squadron to salute tbe president would even now exerclne decisive Influence on the sit i nation in South America. Prospect ! Is excel doubtless go to Santiago de j Chile. (Signed "Lntburg." The reorganization of south Bra zil 'referred to by, I.uxburg Is as eumed here to refer to the activities f the Hamburg Colonization com pany In connection with the large German element already located in thnt section. Several months before thlsllhipntrh was written, there were reports of .plans for a German . In surrection. The break between Argentine and Germany, which Ton Luxburg Appar ently was expecting In July, has not yet come and latest advices from Buenos Aires do not Indicate an In tention on the part of the Argentine government to join Brazil and some other South American nations on the side of the allies. Von !uxburff, who waa kept In a detention camp for a time after his exposure. Is expected to anil for "home November 1, the al lies having agreed to grant his safe conduct for the voyage. Detroit, Oct. 81 In a suit against the Ford Motor company and Henry Ford hy Dodge Bros, to compel Ford I to disburse accumulated, dividends to stockholders Instead of using the money to increase the comiinn.v's huslners, wns derided In favor of Undue Bros., It Ik announced today. GEN.CADORNA' IS EXPECTED TO HOLD UIIE OAPTt KE OF 1'IHNK NO Hl'It PltlHE AH CITY HAH HEEN EVAtT'ATED - PBOPAGJUOA URGES RETREAT ItalUa Situation aad Prospect of AaMrican Aid la IMacufwed at Cab tact If Mtl&t Iondon, Oct. 31. Confidence la felt here thai General Cadorna will be able to hold his own, on the Isonzo front. He la bending every effort to retard the forceful Austro-German advance on the Isonzo front while j ho effects a retirement to the strong j line of the Tagllamento river. His cavalry Is reported today In close touch with the enemy, who haa been further hampered In thli forward movement by the strong resistance of tho Italian rear guards and the destruction of the bridge over the Isonzo. The capture by the Teutons of fdlne. a city of 83.000, and former Italian headquarters, haa caused no surprise, as tho city was evacuated some days ago. Tbe Teuton drive la considered aa much political aa mili tary. Tbe Italian lines have been bom barded for weeks past with bombs filled wtth leaflets urging soldier to foHow Russia's example and re treat, so a separate neaee could bo mad. Washington, Oct. 31. The Italian situation and the prospect of Ameri can aid waa discussed at a confer ence held today between Harlan Am bassador Count Collere and Secre tary tanslng. The Itallun situation was discuss ed at length by President. Wilson and his advisers at today's cabinet meeting, discussion touching Imme diate military aspects and the exten sion or aid by the allies. Furnishing of supplies, especially coal, badly needed for Italian munition factor ies, 1a aald to be regarded as this country's particular work. While the administration shares concern over Initial success of ' the Teutonic drive, officials are said to reject the opinion advanced In some qunrters. that even defeat for Italy can shake the determination of the entente to persevere to victory. It Is felt that setbacks In Italy will act aa a spur rather than a discour agement to tbe Italian government and to the allies. There Is no opin ion that Italy will break down In ad herence to the common cause. Further advices concerning the re treat are anxiously awaited in offi cial and diplomatic quarters. Army officers as well as officials of tho Italian embassy appear to be entirely confident that General Cadorna will be able to hold the Teutonic forces Id cheek on the new line at which he had prepared for a stand. I1M1II1I ssi Mieas is tries ULumnn uuluiliw in i E W-l Amsterdam, Oct, 31. A Dutch newspaper reports a mutiny anions Gorman soldiers at neverlor camp, ndsluin. the soldiers refusing to go to the fronV Many damaged their rifles to render them unserviceable, and others fired on their officers. The rioters were finally overcome. JAP.tXKNK COMMISSION BEACHES PACIKIC I'OltT Pacific Port. Oct. 31. The Jap anese commission arrived today en route to Washington. Baron Tan etaro Megata Is at the head of the commission. LUCKENBACK GUM GETS SI1AIE Three Hours Later America a Ktm ahlp Was Hank Hjr m l a- - Poo - An Atlantic Seaport Oct. 31. Three hours before the American atearahalp Iewla l.nckenback waa sunk by an unseen submarine on October 1, naval gunners aboard her planted a shot between the twin periscopes of an enemy submarine and sent the enemy boat to the bot tom. It la reported by an officer of tbe Lurkenback, who arrived in port today". He waa surprised that tho fact was unknown here, at. he aald, American naval offlcera In Europe knew It mm m m PASSCHDWLE RIDGE Canadian Army Headquarter. Oct. 31. The Canadians, having gained further footing on Paasch endaele ridge after bitter fighting, have now eatabllhsed their front within a few hundred yards of the ruined village of Passchendaele. The Ypree-Roulera railway crosses the Passchendaele ridge just a little to the south or Passchendaele, Halg'a general direction of the drive today would seem to Indicate that the British have struck forward out of Passchendaele, directly toward Roulers, which Is only six miles dis tant from where the British line were advanced In the most recent British drive last week. The Immediate objective of all the recent British smashes In Flanders haa been the city of Roulers. It Is one of the railroad centers on the main line of communications con necting the Hlndenbnrg line with the German submarine base of Os tond and Zeebruggee on the coast. VKXKZrfcliA St'GAR GHOWKK WTLIi LOCATE IX MEXICO Mexico City. Oct. 31. It is re ported here that CIprlano Castro for mer dictator ' of Veneiaela haa brought a sugar plantation In the state of Vera Crnt and shortly will come to Mexico to lira. - PROCEDURE FOR SALE OF TII.1BER Oil OREGON CALIFORNIA Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane haa issued Instructions to Clay Tallman, commissioner of the general land office, outlining the method of procedure to be observed In the sale of timber land of the Ore gon & California grant. Instruc tions cover only those cases or Iso lated tracts, t'.e Immediate purchase or gale of which may 'bedeslrable. Undoubtedly, however, they outline in a general manner tho procedure that will be followed In the disposal or the entire timber slaud growing on the grant lands, when these lands are finally and fully opened to en try and settlement, and the timber to purchase. . Date Not Yet Set Although a portion of the grunt has been classified, no definite date has been set by the 'department of the Interior for the formal opening of the lands to entry, or of the lim ber to purchase. Provision has been nnulo, however, tor the Bale or iso lated tracts or timber. '. Any person desiring to purchase the timber on isolated tracts of the grunt should make application to the commissioner of the general land of fice, riirnlshlng all data In reference to the trad showing that the tract Is Isolated and that logging Is being conducted in Its vicinity. The ap plication should also state the price the applicant Is willing to pay for(linv portion of the timber advertised the timber. A copy or tne appllca- j tlon should be mailed to Special ITALIAN BEAR GUARD SLOWS UP TEUTONS Italia cavalry harassing A IfeV A Vsf Tl Vatl A forwtM iwrt m ar at' w tm. bji iwauMUItfcia.'aVl COU.MNH KMIfEDtUlCffaE Rrrlia Aaaowaoea inln Ueiwt opiate ba AccutxUaeat Walk DwOmfee) ' Plana of War OOc Teuton troop tra driving Uroufk the plain of Venotla toward the Tagllamento river, while another army la endeavoring to break through the Italian defense la tke Carole Alp, attempting to outflank the Tagllamento Hn. The Italian cavalry 1 karaaafag the Teuton advanoa guard between Cdlne and TagllamenL Cadorna' rear guard are doing notable work In their Efforts to alow np the a4 vaace of the Teuton troops, and are making nnmerou stands, forcing the Teutons to halt while the Ital ian cavalry 'haraaees the advancing The BerUn announcement say the campaign 1 being developed la accordance with AnMro-German In tentions. General Cadorna haa apparentalr saved the bulk of hi force whtok occupied poiltlona aoath of TelnUn. QUO.! IS 11 . Washington, Oct. 31. American hip yard wilt complete 1,000,006 tons of shipping by March 1st. ac cording to the announcement , of Chairman Hurley .of the shipping board. Washington, Oct. 31. The na tional capital goes dry at midnight tonight Carnival scenes will be en acted during the final hour. Agent Rands, at the customs house Portland. The Instructions of the secretary of the Interior, in their essential rea tares, are as follow: "In all cases where it is found that the timber on isolated tracts of lands clarified aa "timber lands" should be sold at an early date In or der to obtain the eatlmated value, or the timber, you will proceed as fol lows with as little delay as may e consistent with securing the' notice herein provided: To Publish Notice "1. Cause a notice to he publish ed for at least 30 days in three news papers of general circulation in the state of Oregon, one of which shall be in tbe county wherein the land 1 situated, announcing: the Intention to offer at public sale on a day spe cified at. the -district land office wherein the land is situated. tht timber on the lands described there in: the cruiser's estimate of the tim ber on each forty-acre tract, and the value thereof to form a part of such notice. "2. The sale will be at public auc tion or outcry, at the district land office of the district within which the land Is situated and conducted by the register of such office. Clnu Is Provided 4. Tho register 'before . offering - (Continued on page S.) GRANT LAUDS