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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1917)
Tl KSDAY. wi, iit. PActa ion daily nor.iK turn cousin suv. Will V BllCE ARDUMD You'll see that we have the best line of Underwear, Woolen Shirts and Woolen Mackinaws We bought them months ago, mid the prices are right. All we ask you to do is to come in and see for vourself. 2-Piece Underwear, . . 50c to $2.50 Union Suits, . . $1 to $4 Flannel Shirts, . . $1.50 and up Oregon City Mackinaws, $6.50 to$ 12.50 M8& Grants pAss Stores will tkw tomorrow, Wed nesday, October It. from It o'clock until i o'clock i. m. on account of o( the Liberty l.on campaign. Mer chntt' Association. Hull for Franc 8ooi Hoy Harper write hla parent In thla rlty that ha left Vancouver aarly In October for MadUon, N. Y.. and that lie expect to aall for Prnnc In It. or eight week. He ta with the engneers. Soi-lnl Wnliwwlajr Afternoon The Woman Association, of Bethany Preahyterlan church wtlt enjoy a social afternoon at the home of Mm. Pora Cleveland at 6S North Fifth street, on Wednesday. ! Allies are Invited to bring their needle work. X Visitor Allowed Sugar factory official have an nounced that no vlaitora will be al lowed In the factory durlnir the flint iten day or two week of operation. Vlltlng day will be announced la ter, when the sugar company will be glad to entertain those who desire to gee the factory In operation. National I'ay-l P Week Striking posters announcing Pay C Week are beginning to appear In the More, and the logun "111 Pay My nilla So Yon Can Pay Ymira" I being displayed In many place. Small atlckera are also being attach ed to package for delivery, allow ing no one to forget that the event In a national movement. The date are October 29 to November 3. PERSONAL 25 LOCAL : 4. I. O. O. F. en Mooting I An open meeting of itniismil In terest will be held on Wednesday ! evening at 8 o'clock at the I. O. O. p. hall to meet grand lodge officer. 8. P. Walker, grand patriarch of nrecon City and 0. W. Trefren. grand master of Aiihland. A pro- .n.-a k. MfMthiiinnti n n ft I Krom lutiunfii ' - - la social hour. Robekahs and friends 'are cordially Invited to attend. By 'order of committee. i OF AUTO WRECK CAUSE The Medford Tribune, In com menting on the caue of the automo bile accident near Medford Sunday night, alien Hex Tuff and Uoyd Dyer mot their tragic death, has the, following: There are iIoun theories a to the direct ratine of the accident be yond the terrltlo speed at which the car n going. Many who were on the scene of the accident shortly af ter It happened, after making an ex amination, i-ame to the conclusion that a front tire burnt. Other held to the theory that Jnot before the cur leached the curve, Tuff, who wa driving, realltlng that because of the great peed at which hey were going there wa grave danger In making the nine, may have be come rattled and lotit control of the car, which llien plunged off the hlKh way. Anyhow, hatever the caue. the speeding racing car left the highway. which I six feet above the level of the adjoining field at thl point, hurtled through the air over a wire fence without touching It. f0 feet into a field, turned a complete som ersault, landed o.uurely on It wheela and then whirled around and came to a Mop facing Medford. It wa one of those peculiar ueel- dent where almost tin; conjecture might tie made to tit. .An odd coincidence In connection with the aivldent unit death of the young men I that ou the rear of the gray iHtinted racing car. which wan owned by Tuff, the latter Home time ago had painted u knll and ero Imiiic, never dreaming at that time that he wan labeling a car of death, and of hi on coming tragic fata. The kull and rroHbnne ore conspicuous last night on the rear of the wrecked car after the acci dent, and cutiHed much coinmeiit. What Would You Pay for the Safety of Your Home? All you can answer la Al,l YOI' CAN HPAIUC? Un'l thai jro"1" wwT kimre If that U your aiuiwer, Miopo " make )ur iliwlii ntwMl of word; uiake It to your .banker. Buy a Liberty Bond anil buy one for all you can suar. If you caa mm but lift) H Ur tin mi. If you au .wire lift) llioiininil, mi much the boOer. The looee you'ean ure, the headier It will be for tncle Mm. and Hie handler we make thing for him. the aairr be will finish the Job he ha iiudertuken. H. U White came down from Ash land this morning to be present at the Res Tuff funeral. Honor Guard harvest dance, Octo ber 26, Waldorf hail. 0 J. Smart and H. Erlckson returned this morning from Medford where they spent a few days. Mrs. C. U Hobart leaves tonight for Seattle to spend several weeks with relatives and friends. Miss Kate Herman went to Rose turg Monday night for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. C. U Hayes. Daggett & Raiusdell's cream bln has It. ... .v 89 Geo. Smith and C. M. Neill ar rived this afternoon from Crescent dty and will leave tonight for Redding. Albert Hofvender came over to day from Crescent City and will leave for Portland tonight. 11m. Lloyd Dyer arrived last night from Seattle, her visit cut short by the tragic death of her husband. She was met at Roseburg by Mrs. Fred Williams. Mrs. C. F. Blundel, sister of Lloyd Dyer, and her husband of Riddle and Fred Stearns, uncle of the young man. of Klamath Falls, ar rived here last night. Mrs. E. H. Wood, who visited her ' daughter and son, Mrs. R. K. Wood son and Ralph Wood, of Murphy, for the pant four weeks, left this , morning for her home at Long Beach. Mrs. F. L. Coates and son left this morning for Albany, after vis iting Airs. Coaten' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Carglll. Mrs. Coates for merly lived at Ashland, but hereaf ter will reside at Albany. Honor (iiuutl Tonight There will be the regular meeting of the Honor Guards this evening at 7:30 at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. PICTURE THEATRES RAISE T0 10 AND 20C Peachea IVache 1 ne wa "" "ar l"A "" Tj.. nh-n. in ,t nearhe We admlnslons and ..0 per cent advance have some fine Sal way at 50c a box. . .fosenhlne (irocerv com nan v. n Hljou Four Minute Speech Tonight Father Wall will speak at the Joy theatre on the subject of. 'Liberty Bond: Marketable; Uood as Cash, and Draw Interest." Attor ney Fred Williams will speak on the same subject at the HI Jon theatre. Special Meeting There will be a special meeting of Paran Camp, No. 29, on Wednes day, October 24, at 7 o'clock prompt on account of the grand patarch. The grand master of the subordinate on film expense ha compelled the and the Joy theatre to ail- ' vance their regular price to 10c and 20c. beginning Oetolier 24. The ad vance In prlres Is not for the -benefit of the proprietor, but to help the I nlted Slate win the war. If yon are not able to bay a Liberty bond, yon can assist by going to the Hljou or the Joy. Respectfully yours. J. B. CALDWELL. Hljou. JOSEPH WOLKE. Joy. OF PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. Cash Clothiers hTOUK t Uistli TOMOIlltoW UtoM I J TO :l. men have the sympathy of the en tire community In their grout bereavement. NOTICE TO AITOMOIHUSTS All drivers of automobiles are lodge will also be here. By order of hereby notified that I will rigidly C. P. By B. A. William, scribe. 0 enforce the state law relative to dim- . mem on automobile head lights, and Sociul Meeting al, tne muffler ,aw- A11 machine There will be a social meeting of must be equipped with dimmers. .li i,, ,i friu r.i vavmun ! Mufflers may not be opened while The mortal remain of the two young men who met their death Sunday evening In the terrible auto mobile wreck near Medford, were laid to rest today In the I. O. O. F. cemetery. The funerul of Lloy-d Dyer wan held this forenoon at the Christian church, Itev. J. II. Harmon officiat ing. The church was filled with sorrowing friends who had brought great loud of flowers a a last trib ute to their departed friend. The funeral of Kex. Tuff was held from Hall' chapel this after noon and wa In charge of the Med ford lodge of Elks, whose officers, including Rev. Win. II. Hamilton, chaplain, were present to conduct the services. There were 1.1 from Medford and about 30 local Elk be sides friends and relative. The floral offering were many and beau tiful. The families of the two young WIT mm I -J. I 13": XSr M'cJti 8 Ladles Aid, Wednesday from 2:30 to 5 o'clock in the church parlors. Come, bring your knitting, enjoy the urogram. Light refreshment will be served. Strangers cordially welcome. Dr. Out of. Town Dr. Witham wil he absent from his office tomorrow as he will be out of the city. Fire Drill at School Gilbert W. Allen, deputy state fire, marshal, In company with Fire Chief Cass turned in a Tire alarm at each of the four school buildings here last Friday, and made the following report: East school, building clear-1 ed In 5 4 seconds, order good: -Central school, 42 seconds, order fair; High school, 53 seconds, order fair; Riverside school, 42 seconds, order fair. automobiles are running on the streets of Grants Pass. C. E. McLANE. 90 ' Chief of Police. 0 faTumnuMtfifJmi 01 SI "SACRIFICE" CHEVROLET Ki1iiii) and vivid dramatic To the sugar Triumph Factory , powerful drnmii of interim- Night and tlonal diplomacy In which two day. That Is ,, miiicnis arc rushed to the very the only way hrink of war. You can be On time they I OKI) AMMATKD WF.F.KLV Say. He picks ,.,,..,. M ,iinl l p men from .,.1, f lx ,, ,, jiimuliun The Spa all the . san(H. Way from 6:30, And without. ! Admission ."c mid l.c IX'lay. sstf Joy Theatre TCFSD.W mill WF.HNF.SD.W .( L. Uisky I "resent Margaret Illington The (llstinguished American Acrtetta In COMINO EVKVT ' tH't. 2d, Friday Honor tl mi rl , dance at Waldorf hall. , Oct. 2". Saturday Pomona Giaiige. at Frultdale. . Oct. 27. Saturday Federation of Women's club meet In Grant! Pa. Oct. 29-Nov. 3. -National Pay Pp. Week. ; Nov, 9, Friday Chicken pie supper' by first division of the Methodist j Udlea Aid. Uiinlon. Oct 23. The British tiiercliNtil criiliMT Oram Is reported sunk by u submarine, and a Brltih denlrner ha been mink III collision. Job work at tl.e Courier. DON'! BE BASHFUL Tell the Carrier Th.t You Want the Paper and You Will Get It I NEW TODY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES? 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six lsues, 50c; one month, $ l.F.0. when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, 6c per line per Issue.) Use Mag'ic Motor Gas Make 1(10 gallon of gasoline do the work of -IO. vdps7$wi The higher the price of giiKnllue the ictvaler the KllVlllg. fha". Mee eronally gimranter Miiglo tin. Sold Uf CHAS. MEE of Applegate, Oi-e., nod by M. Cleineiis of (;rnnt Pa., Ore, ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER for rent, 50c for a half day. Bush Electric store. tf LOST A mackinnw shirt on river road between llohlnson's place and Grants Pass. Finder please leave at the Pastime. X!) WANTED 20 men wanted nl the Heaver Portland Cement plant at Gold Hill at once. Steady work. 94 WU.VTED -Country 315-J street. buttermilk at 90 NIGHT FIREMAN wanted Must understand steam boiler. Easy work, good pay. A good proposi tion for the right man. Job lasts until January 1. Call at Eismann Fruit dryer, across the Sixth St. bridge. If SUESS RIB LENS Giiniiuiti'eil to meet all re ipiirementN of Hie dimmer law or money refunded. ll-iiifli or iindei- HfJ Installed WilliamsCyciery&Garage MEM WANTED to work in sugar factories in Idaho. vawru tt ages, niiuuau ir ooin W3y8 10 men remaininir at wnrLr till mrl nf ZJ w VM U 1 i 1 - 1. Which will last A limit fnnr mnnlk. men paign remaining i wotk in ena ot cam i, which will last about four months. For full particulars enquire Utah-Idaho Sugar Co!