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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1917)
Tl KMDA Y, OtTOHKH Sll, IttlT. DAILY mOQVU HVKB OOCRZXS f RECEIPTS FOR MEAT SUBSTfTUTES T GIVEN (Iteotpna by Anne .M'nulf k. DlBlrlcl ilinnit I HMiitinnt rcil loti Ainnl.l Mixit In a protein food and ull aubtltutca for meat miiHi contain ' protein which In nrnl for building. Ut and renewing the. tUdie of the body The food rlrh In proliiln other than meat ere: Milk and cheese, eK and fUh; and the dried Ickiiiih' Niirh aa peas, heana and peanut. Milk In the best source of protein for. children. Hklm milk la not substitute for whole milk aa a food fur little children, tint It ran . he used aa a source of protein where th required amount of new milk ou mint ha euppllcd. A quart f iklm milk In rooking lll add aa iniii'h protein to the general diet aa quart of ;'w hula milk. Cot Una cheese la an IliekpctiMlv meat oltltute. Milk imiuim and ruMard ara excellent food fur young children and on taks Iha place of meat In lha child' dint. A man at moderate ininwnUr work, I Mimed til need shout throe and one half ounce of protein itnlly. A family rinltlnji of two adult and Hire ainall children require ahout II mime a day. Hm-ii the protein rich food ara among tlic imwt expensive, and fecaua a pro per variety of them I necewary for health, they muat ho considered vory carefully In planning an economical diet. Cream aoups, lMcaun of the tame amount of milk they contain may form the main dlh of the meal. If Sunset Route via California Tlncr ilnll) train I'ortlMB'l in Man FnnirlMii, Sunset Limited rfiiin Kan KraiM-lm-o dully at fl:t p. in. to New Orion l turn Angclc. H I'MMt. Kan Antimlo, anil HoiiMiin. i Compartment Drawlng-llooni Obser vation Car and I'ulliuan Standard Weeper to New Orleans Tbroiuli tourist deeper to Wanh limti 11, I). C The Apache Trail A side, trip hy rail und auto from Marl opa to Howie via I'lioeulx, KiMHM-vcIt I him and filub. First CluKh I lining Car Hrrvlce Auk )oitr local agent rr Apurhe Trull llonklet. John M. Scott, General Passenger Arret SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES ' A Fair Chance Every man owes himself a fair chance. He owes his business a fair chance. Because his business is the machinery through which he pays himself for his work. A fair chance means that he gives his business every known opportunity to flour ish. ; ... . Business is like gardening. -. The gardener who picks out the shady , corners for his sun-loving plants doesn't give them a fair chance to turn into food and flowers. HI Tdsin'esiWch keeps itlVrferYngs in the dark doesn t give them a fair chance ' to turn into dollars.!' 01 The man who expects the public to come to him without, telling it what to come to him for isn't doing himself justice. A fair, chance means,, among other n ol ffclnihi'U.ifthiAV'ATiH.WijUliTlliiyliriLtliW' s'lVrtf-' Hi ! 1 1 Lll&li.a I i . ago o puuiiviiy.; , h "jit A 'f f!1ll Rogue Kiver louner '.. FOR INSTANCE PUBlidTV j A PROVEN ADVERTISING MEDIUM jtpMnd with' a prpteln-Hck ' f-iod they iiiva th 'roqutred amount of proleln for meal. ' t, CiKMtii of I'ra, or Itata Noup 1 '4 cup cooked pea or heami. 3 cup iklm milk. 1 cup waier. S lat'leepoona drlpiilna or oilier fat. 3 liilileepoon flour. 3 tnlileMon H.i It . ' Crimll tMan or eaa to a pulp. Add milk and aeanonluK. Then thin the flour ,wlih a little water and tlr In.; CiHik id mliiute. A littla onion rooked with I ho bena five the oiip a K'Mid flavor. Herva with1 liread ailrka, made by hutlerlnir "llk'hlly nllce of at alt biead. Cut' In lenKthwIne atrliia and hake In oven until brown. HalnvHi ltal I can kalmon. I cup bread crumba. H eup milk'. ' Halt anl pepper to aeanou. f -t i '4 iCIassified Mvmtislm HAXfc aw. t yt umhwmij h it 'i .i '.iiaawa-aaj Old Tima Raeryltinf. A letter dated lu I7IKI from I.leuteo- Mlx all Ina-radlenta toxetbar. Ilake ut Hall, the premier marine corpa re- pan aurrounded by hot water' wolf nf "Ht'cr to the then commandant alioul 30 inlmileH. Berve with white' lt fori. arttlng forth wme of the nue to which a lit tin chopped para Icy Iihh been added. MmIIomiI Cimii 4 cupa corn. ' 1 KKH. 2 emu milk. I tcuHpoon aalt. Ileal cuk nllKlilly. add other In KrcdleiitH, pluce In KreaMil baklnx dlnh, and bake In nIow oven until firm. lUtked llean I quart bvHiiA. 'i iioiind call pork (A Jowl wood for till purpoe. I S teaMpootiH mil. 3 tuhleniioon molaiuie or brown, MiKur. ' 'i cup tomato pulp may he added, j Honk bean over nlulit. C'iMik un til aoft, add i taaapoon of aoda and drain. I'lnce In taking dlnh. 8cald the pork und cut alashca Ihroimh It. llury the pork In the lienn, leavlnit the rind expOHcd. Oliwolve the aalt. , recruiting mwlniii of that time, rrada: "I purNM thl win k to u rcmiec ou In different il of the country t ami make frolic to draw the imiple t- I (ether, whli'li I iblnb will lime a K'J jeltcct. There are mmie In Jail whom I I owilld U'i'l out l I'u i In;: (be miiu of $1'.' X) yuu think 1 wniiM I c :ife in j adiancliiK it T l 1'icwnt liny rii-ruitliit: uiilicr riipiiie j divluiuiiona fr"iii i:i.- i.tiil inrii Unit 1 I ln-r huve never Ixhmi ouuirtcil of any crime. Ik ! " Who Will Win This Battle?" Your kldnnyi am the hltiof the body. If tbny become Inactive and fail to ellm Inatn thn waU) matter, they are apt to throw the whole niichanlra of tho body out of ordir, thu toxic polwm can as cuniulato in the nynu-ui and bo u deadly mnlun.e. or uirar lor mixture of thelM "kn venom. two) In a little hot water, and pour' " tb minor ailment of ... , ..... rhiMimatiimi, iH-lnti.'a, liimbigo and back- over the lieana. tover be.,... ltha4., u kMJyn m wator, and bake elx houra In a io-!drV(.up iuu; m,)ru .!, dlwane. such erod dUh. Kcmovtt cover und ullow u dlalvbm or mono In thn bladdnr. bean to brown on top. (Thl dltdii I! Id ilm of toxic puiMiiis clean vontalna about even ounce of avnll aide protein.) , U'cIhIi lUrrblt 1 lalileHpoon butter. "" 1 rilu Knited cheee. 1 tableapoon flour. 2 clip milk. Salt and pcpiicrSl'aprika.) Meat milk, stir In flour which has iicun thinned In little milk, cook until flour thicken, then add but ter and chceae. Stir until cheene melt. Add aeaRoiiInx and eervn on toaKt. The OreKon , Arl iillurul collcue haa out several new bullet Inn which may lie secured from Mis XlcCor- mlck's office In Mcdford, or at Mr. I Thompson's office In Grants Pass. j thn bluddcr ii mi kiduc) and cure the twuiKi-v oi riinuuiaiipm wun An-u-nc A ! i ami you win the haitlo of IITol Anurlc wa HnitdlM'ovcn'd by Dr. Pierce, jtnd haa bencllted thousands of sufferer i as well as appealed and eliminaUd tho ' ravagi of the more serious kidney ds eases. Now procurable at any good drug 'tore, of send direct to I)r. V M. Pierce, i Unffato, S. Y., 10 cents for trial package. I Mrs. B.Q.Cokkb savs: "When I com. menced the treatment of Annric I was in bad shape. My back ached all the time and oh ! how my back would ache at night nntil I would have to K't up. I could never sleep all night. But since I have taken Uie Anuric Tablet my backache is all gone and I can lie down mnA .Mn 1 .J aonnd all niffht. Oh I bow much better I do feel no one knows but myself. My advice to all sufferers of kidnev trouble is to give Anuric a trial and Uiey will find relief from their trouble." V-..T if-'V' I I MAGIC GAS Head what one man who has thoroushly tested Magic Gas has to say about it. Several others who are uMng It are getting the same ,re- .nr. ChBS. Alee, Appiegate, ore: Dear Sir: I have uSc3"yiuj itc gas for two morrfloSft)ut;a1itiy jond have secured "aplendrd" result's. I have increased TITIcaiie ner Yalldn a rJft?UdTl.flaJ fivefiVt e- in mnnv ways iiv mnclilnq Is rr-ndrj lug me greater ettlclency. I feel that tho Investment Is a Yours truly, ..Bn-f ornell You can save money too by H9lit; Magic Gas; $2 per quart, equal value to I jsHrWV(ltt'IVl Fl sale by ClfaW .llfdilMft? attl M. Clements, thetBqanll Store. (i7 1 A 1 REAL SYMPHONY.10 t. si ,iu..ii '.a' .. : no wo!) ; This Is f uttrrly lu hroVn. Tl-e rfatid-; aomw,' 'severely IiiIIuimI suit 1 iiu(Ti Kalicrilino. the liixuiiiint sink koliKskl. whllr-the-hennrttHrt Hm of flietnrtnm I nttiiliHMMij; J'lwji, velvet over Jl chenille Imse. I'.rnwu in ii reliuhle faf color-, brown In iuiui.v uluulu'. 'Ull I --U4 V. ,- . i profitable on I. Clements, thetBiwn noigfiilli Th: .Califamiskir.andi. Oregon Coast Railroad Company i llM.IMTll) L M I I. IIP. llli't f Kffectlr.auneri, U17. I." I I'rioll 44il,H tlHnHoV'M j ' r - j it Hi iriiitM ni -n.rri!iiji li;ti.l ini ill til l.iil- t rain 1 lv. Grants Past.., 1:00, p, .Train 2 .1 !v. Waters i.Creek ,S:00.p. uTTT' 0. ft C. GRANT ULNJJ Blue print Plata showing land la Joaepfilo coucly, 1.10. Address A. E. Voorhles, Graau Psm U TOR SALE Oood cooking and t Ing apple. Sweat apple cider Itc a gallon. K. Hammerbacher, PHY8ICIAJH phone 60(-F-2I. 1 KOK ttAI.E One-h7rse, , panel-top delivery wagon. Call at Ward robe cleaners, 311 North Sixth street, or phone 147. 2tf KOK AL&-One "Wade" portable drag saw. working every day. A bargain If taken at once. Roy Kelley, Wolf Creek, Ore. 95 KARM8 175 acres, all level bot tom, 100 aoree Irrigated and cul tivated. Prlc 11,500. Term. 110 acre cattle ranch. CO acre ' Irrigated, 80 acres cultivated. Prfca $6,500. Easy terms. U A. Laaner, real aetata. -i.i.i T-V (trim Making a Rifle. A rllle Is a mure or less siuipl look ing tnecnanlNiii, 'lint to make' thlx rifle l.'.'i'l cpaiaiot lunniifiHtiirlng operni tlmis must ho cxociilpil Cine rmiud of tlireit hnilii alii'itiiiwil.iiitiiiii rt.V. iinerio .the tious; to imf lmiii iiiiiiuiiutli- pbtnl. UN, opposite toe Southern Facine depot, niul Tor tlic teiTllile little iiiiijiiillciise ' For all Information regarding or'mtii liliii.nJiUii.O.i;Hi... Tlio'iihtest 'wight and. passenger, rrrlca call at thrc'lm-li l .'vknimnifl.W . ,K' ol!k'e ' ne mny, PubliJ; ; Service bulldinr.' or- phone -181 -for Anything to sell? Try a classified, sanie. yOR SALE OR TRADE Fine mo 'dern home, Hawthorne ditrlci, Portland, value, 4,200, Incum brance, $1,875. WIH sacrifice equity for $1,250 or trade for property In Grants Pass or Mcd ford. Address Box 301, Grants Pass or phone 197-J. 92 FOR HALE OR LEASE M. M do Ore's garage, 606 South 8lxth St. Business continues by owner till disposed of. Splendid opportun ity for some one. 87tf Wm SALE Five good milk cowa Twenty head atock cattle. Phone 612-F-2J. Ed Ia Schmidt.' 92 FOR SALE Bargain If sold at once. No. 300 West C street, one good 7-room house, one and one- half lots, close in, worth $1,200, for $00. Terms Is desired. Ad dress F. G. Buell, Dillard, Ore. 12 FOR SALE A pair of fat gentle ponies. Two good buggies. One hack. Two light driving har nesses. Will take cattle, pigs or good work home. Will give good exchange. M. C. Ament. 654 N. Eighth street. Phone. 252-R. 92. A classified ad brings results. TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS Now under nianagment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong;. 28 clean rooms at S5c and 50c; special rates by week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would Ilka your pat ronage. 40tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also barn to be used as garage. Mrs. F. A. Coe, 804 Washington Blvd. Phone 164-J. .68tf PA RTLY TV RNISHED ' sWalT house for rent, $8 per month, close In Apply A. E. Voorhles. 75tf ROOM for rent, ground floor, hot and cold water, outside entrance Mrs. R. H. Lee. 211 West A. tf IF YOU want a warm house (or the winter see the Moss Agency. 89 RENTS Presley bungalow at $20 Six-room house. Sixth and B, fur nished, $16. Furnished bunga low, modern, south side, $15, and l''iii'iVi.l'Uti i i t i estate.11 '.''"'"' - U O. CLEMENT, 14. IWPnetles limited to diseases of the ays, ear, noaa and throaL, Olaoaes fIU44. Office hours 9-12, 1-5, or a ap pointment. Office phone, 62; resi dence phone 359-J. ' ' S. LOL'GHRIDGE. M. D.. PkysUiaa and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. ReaMaaer phone 369; offli phono 182. Sixth, and H. Tuffs BuUding. DR. ED. BTWATER Specialist es diseases of the eye, ear, nose aad throat; glasses fitted. Offico Hours 9 to 12 a. m 2 to 6 p. m. Phonos Residence 260-L; office 266-JI; Masonlo Temple, 0 rants Pass, Or. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., PhysMaa aad surgeon. Offico: Hall Bldg., comer Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice, 116; rosldeaos, 288-J. Hoars, a. m. to 4 p. m. DENTISTS E. C. AtACY. D. .M. D. First-class dentistry. " 109H Sooth Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. ; ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton, Attorney-at-law. Practice In all SUto and rodaval Courts. First National Bank Bids. COLVIO k WILLIAMS Attoraoys- at-Lsw Grants Peas Banking Os . Bldg. GranU Pass, Orogoa. E. 8. VAN DYKeT Attorney. PractteO In all couru. First National Baak Bulldlnr. . DURHAM al RICHARD. Attoraoya-at-Law. Office Masonlo Teatpla, Grants Pass Oregon. W. t. MILLER, Attorn ey-at-Law County, attorney .. for . Joaapklao County. Offico: Schallhora Bids. O. & BLANCHARD.Attomoy-at-LsTV GranU Pass Banking Co. BMg Phonc :70. Grants Pass. Oregon V. A., CLEMENTS Attoroey-at-Law "Practice In state and federal courts. Rooms' 2, aad t, over Golden Rule Store. BLANCHARD al BLANCH ARB, At torneys, Albert block, phono 11-J Practice In all courta; land cioard attorney. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTDL. Vetorinariam. Offico in Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 11J-J. Rosldonos Phone 30S-R, DRAYAGE AND TRANtiFSK COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, ahlpped and stored. Phono Clark and Holman, No. 60. Resi dence phono 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phono 897-R. - . ' MTSICAii INSTRUCTION .kTRNjSHiflP; RPOMSr-Large, . mm- , i ,, fortable. , . and . roarlently ,located. : m 4 II C, street. . . ,i n :i . n:, - S6tf J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of vote culture and singing. Lessons given at homi' of pupil If requested.' Ad- "ttrisss'tl tea St ssitf CL0THE6 , REPAIRED Mending " and' 'darning . neatly done at ,411 C 6t. 36tf FOR' RENT Furnished house-Ii,,.,, ;t PHOTO 8TUDIO , ; , ; keeping rooms, also single roorns. THB prCTrRE MILL open dally 10 ? STr, ',b,.tL mi' to S p.' m. ' For Sn.d.y E. 'Howard:" 6fcy' D"street, cdfner i ... ,, ., ,i -Seventh."! ..h ...-.m..i .,.. 97 ,,ngs Mm lMR or J1VM. IOU WANTED liOST r Tf 89 UfiVTpn. ii nn. -. i ,., $1 and. up..,;,A Jsp, machine, men atiA)6T A, rubber A'OQt. on, .,,$, M , day, witM, , cent !,:,bQnus.ji; Jwee.Uojnrd Orerd cpmpanys I ...Boaronly ,75c , per, d,a4rnif,SWanVy ' ranch' an, App)egae bridge. 0,ne 'fnployiuent the., year, round. A1-: dollar reward If left at Courier of- ii Pre- r fire' SALESMKiNii'WANTBD-Everywhcre ii - to :sel) :our!n'warrantedi '-nursery v.gtocki i iYotinoaa make big mone' iiiat eflnre thne. Wdte for partirfii-i i'Mars:IiiDonaldi Nursery Co.;'' Ob'n ald, Oregon. i 41) J UNK "WANTED Anything, vou have in Junk; Me's a .Blicrlaltyj Thone 21. Union Jnnk"Co::,''!nn All trains- leave Grants Pass froqi le corner, of ,0 and Eighth streets, W ANTED All svhoo(,. warrants of District No. 4; Josephine,, comity.' up to date. Interest ceafjPti v afJ ter date. C. E. Tucker.,Tclekh 9 V..lM TEETH WetMt'y '"hlVrli as $17.50 per set for old fatan te'ith. no matter ir brokeri; Aisl "liold crowns, brldgework.'-'' ''Mail :- tu Horner's False Teeth Specialty,1 22 Third street. Troy.'N. Y.," nh'uTio celve casli by return mti".'.1- ' 1 U WANTED Position in an oftlie. by youns lady stenographer. Cure of No. 2041 Courier. S9 'tot , '.:,' Si' Vi;;,-(; fiThlfi GoWM .'-f! gbiwiiiri7:isisj. J WstM&fccaJrftl Uis1uc.of fcold bf jlhft bTrtenTdwri; to lea Urnn the HhniO'inuuilrvd-thoiuhDdin pari ot oiar'Inc&tntUk'ku iOitjditiVs-liVibj aojiietilns liioro hatV .(Hi jlnica tliickcr tlmuj the gVld iir,tliai,Ja,,tf. Urajuut! toduj ,iFor cjBnmieiii rnntosen tire.tetif it, of course: ' have Joi a intle -'wore ub-s'taiH-e 'abtiat-lf him6ai', but If .to a Striking ah luiprvtiUve i&A niif nly alnmt. Bve gmiu wclplit of .pwiii i re Utilied to'.make l the lWk tlint are lt ordlimry use t.wlny' ' glliltjrs.Vjsrh of llw 'twenty OVe- Iiiivvk lit lliiij (Mmk oelm; ' tliiTTa'll.v"'thrW viir '' ituarter Inches mniui'v Envelopes at the Courier.