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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1917)
Tl 'KNIt.lY, 1H. IIT. rAGB TWO nuuur wMva una coram ' The Past Week in Oregon Sun Meen Jl. J'L. BAY BOeUE Mil COO PwUleoed Dally Eieept aturday k. B. TOORHIHS. Pb. and Propr. BINJ. C HEUXN, Wltor tterea at ths Postofftos, QraaU Peaa, Or., m second clw wall matter. A.DVERTI8IN0 RATE8 Display spec, per Itch ... lac Looei erperenalcoluaia, per line 10 tNtwt, per Um. l ' ' W1EKLT COURIER Br sail.' per year...... ,..11.10 DAILT COURIER By mall or carrier, pec year....t.00 Ky nail or earner, par mom a. 10 ' MEMBER V State Editorial AaaooUUoa Crafoa Dally Newapepet PMb. Aeo. Audit Bureaa or Clrottlatlon. Tl r'SllAY, OCTOBER S3. 1IT. ORKCiOX. WBATHKK . 4 Fair: moderate westerly winds. ARB TOU A MONEY SLACKER? Hate you a ion la the army or nary? If not H may be Impossible for you to fully realise that we are ac tually In a Ufa and death ttrugcle wfca tha moat ruthless fo on earth. Tha mothers and fathers who have glvea up their boya to go to the front realise tha war Is actually here and that they are part of It. Tha family who has sent a son has given tha nation what money cannot bay. 9iirh famtltea need no urging to nrt every effort to furnish the army and navy with all possible equipment and supplies. They are awake to tha urgency of tha situa tion. They are carrying a double load for they are giving their boys aad they are firing their dollars. Its to tha parson who Is still an ting back and letting the other fel low do It, that attention should be directed. Hardly a man In this country can truthfully claim he Is too poor to buy a Liberty bond and that Is the only claim that should exempt a person from owning one. Liberty bonds can be' pu relumed on any kind of terms, the govern ment takes time payments, banks advance money and practically all employers can arrange the matter so employees can take a bond and pay for It In such easy installments they will not notice It There is practically no excuse for you if yon don't own a Liberty bond. You ai the worst kind of a slacker for you have failed to do the very easiest thing possible to help In this straggle. Buying a Liberty bond Is lust a safe as arranging to buy five ten do! lar bills and it Is a whole lot better for when you have paid for a $50 Liberty bond you have something drawing four per rent Interest which Is Just as good for money as the currency and Jnst as safe. Don't hesitate, now Is the time. ron't force the government to re rt to taxation when we are offered sn opportunity to carry the loan as an investment drawing Interest Remember your boy may be the next to tr 'and you will want him fully equipped. Above everything else It Is your patriotic dutv to back your covern went to the extent of your ahlllty at this time. Washington, Oct. 23. The settle ment of the copper miners strike In Arlfona wss formally announced to President Wilson today in a tele gram tinm his labor commission In the weat. Chinese Egg Noodles and Sun Meen Sauce , KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QCAIJTT KIR8T COURT HOUSE NEWS Kurnlehwl by W. E. Haaaoa of U nmls Pane Abstract 0. October JO. IIL Trannfent Elisabeth itteadmau to U. K. Ses ton. Q CI. l.. lots 1. 1 and 3. lUk. 8, Center Addition to Merlin. $10. i;u. S. llarlon to O. A. KiUpat rl. k. et al., Q. tl. I)., The San Fran cisco lode mining claim In Sucker creek district, $10. ADD COl'RT HOl'SK drwll toun October M. HIT. Transfer Oregon A California Ky. Co., to O. M. Savage, dint. N4 of NW'V Seo. J1-S5-5. $241.0,1. State of Oregon to O. M. Savage. itet SWU of NWU and EH of I XV4. Sec- H-3&-3. $3SS.. Oeo. W. Iwls, sheriff, to O. Orlo Jefferson, deed. SK1, Sec. 4-S3-. fl.S5.31. John F. Murphy to Ben V. Jones. W. D.. XWU of XVi. w. 2-SS-7. $10. Klvlr Savsge. et si. to W. J. Sav age. W. D.. tn-. f NW. Sec. 31 and EH of MV4 and 8WV4 of XW. Sec. 16-S5-5, $10. Chaa. M. Morrison to Chas. K. Olaaler, m'sTS in Blk. !. Miller A Co.'s addition. HO". GERMAN FLEET HAS LOSSES, (Continued from paga t ) The commander, however, grinned now and then and seemed greatly surprised at seeing the American of ficers. These officer had an oppor tunity to talk some of the airmen and with the French youth, who flew like a hawk over the Zeppelin, pouring bullets from hla machine gun Into It. puncturing the gas con tainers snd forcing it to land. Had rtombed Knglanil Tbey tslked slso with the Zeppelin commander, a slight blonde lieuten ant, who spoke excellent English. He said he had flown over England and dropped all his bombs and when hie craft was attacked and damaged, he thought he was descending into Holland. The French aviator told the story of the thrilling fight, how he flew in pursuit of the Zeppelin to such an altitude that his cheeks froie. and how he succeeded finally in forcing the craft down with Ms machine gun. When he saw it was bound to land, he dived to the earth. Other French svlators landed nearby. At the point of a pistol the Germans were prevented from damaging the craft and were taken prisoners. TEN OREGON CITIES, (Continued from paga 1.) I Grant. Jefferson. C.IHIam and Klam-j ;ath. Tbe lowest In the Willamette, valley are Linn. Clackamas and J 1 Washington. The lowest in eastern Oreeon are Grant. Gilliam and Mor-, row. Of the three cities In Oregon hav-, in? (juntas in excess of $r,nn.0n0.! TVndlrton with $2.1.non. or J per cent of Its ouota. heads the roll. Salem ha subscribed $23,nn. or. 33 per cent, and Astoria $;nn.Pnft. j or 3 per cent. ! Ten Oregon cities have already' reached or surpassed their quotas. TJiey are Carlton. 120 per rent; He-' llx. 112 percent: lone. 127 percent: : .lacksrtnville. 102 per cent: l-ake-j view, 10(5 per cent: North Bend, i 122 per cent : Paisley. 114 percent:' Seaside, 10ft per cent: Wetfall. j ISO per rent; Moro. 10.1 per cent. An unique record Is claimed from j Moro where $4s$fl0 has been In-j vested In Liberties, every dollar hav-' ling been paid In Hill. ron SORt; SWOLLEN, tmu rcn Dennis Eueatyptua Ointment at au eauo aroaia Tueca too Jae aoo f flhrae a brilltsirt wb'T hlM that ao sot mo on or ati m-wii mumH to tho Iroa-thal luU lour lioM as long a aay otbor. EbdSft Stove Polish U la a claw br It's tmrttmlh insitoaml in4t Iruot trlltr itrmiu TrtltMTWOtrW lfnoiliiJit i tvwry Off" TO SMI r'olt 1I KI. Iiaana. O :.--The fuel ubort ae In Spain, bro'unt about by the; restrictions on mill exportation in posed by the I'nlted Stalx Hml nli Hied (fovcrniiien's which formerly; supplied thst country's demands, hss opened ttp a new Industry for Cuba the exHirt of w.Hid for fuel pur pose to the Spanish peninsula, decently a small sailiug vesse was purchased by Spanish Interest a i and Is being overhauled preparatory! to being placed In this new export trade, while efforts are being made to obtain other vessel for the same purpose. Engraved calling cards 100 cards, and plate. In script $1.50; If plate: la furnished. I0 cards for tl. ! SUCH A TOUGH. BBBVBBaaaaiaisaBaiaiSHaasBSBjHaaassssssiBSSw l IT ml Tl IS 4$L k vurDTOTrUNXwe ASiOOWBD CjVimi vruCeTKriT Tl E Ijindim. IK-t. ii. - KiHtcral secret sirl.e lut'iits loiluy reportixl the ilmnit I'll in a warrhoiike here of 10, MOO, DUO pound of Miunr l.iln li'd 'ii.p cms: flour." The stuck wa screened by other articles nnil hail flour sprinkled oa top. Good Anyhow. Norman Mcl.eod was om-e preaching In a district In Ayrshire where the reading of a aeruioo Is regsrded as the frestest fault of which the minister can be guilty. When the congregation dispersed an old woman, overflowing with enthusiasm, addressed ber neigh bor: "Did ye ever bear onythlug sss grsu't Waaua tbat a sermon?' All ber expressions of admiration be. lug met by a stolid fiance, abe about ed: "Speak, woinno' VVssna tbat a sermon J" "lie nsd ll." said the other To which abe replied with Indignant tinpbaals, " wadua care If be bad wbuatled Itf-Uudoo Mall. Commander ftidlsy McLaan, UNCOUTH PERSON! him? Ding In Nsw York Tribuna. air v in Klamath to a alar 1.7:10 acre. Tillamook Ucvemy-llve' tuns of blackberries shipped from here l I'oriUml In 34 days. Kasterit felt hut iiiaiiiifNriurera of fer to buy $13,000 worth of proporly dried Jackrabit skins, lite cents each. Portland - I'uherUod coal plant proponed here. (iovernor Wllhycoiulie In mi nil- erlalii manner scored lb.' 'ubiir mi- 11 ore of roitlnnd and the roust in a recent addrena and aula. .ow or all times Is no time to cavil. The tailoring mutt should lake Ills wsge (and It Is a good Mattel n ml be ahould not stand up to block the great movement that will lead the world to democracy. Copper mining In Josephine iintl Curry counties la coming to the front. Mosl.T - Htule highway will fol low rler from here in Hood Ithor and five mile alrelch will cost $.1!2.-S34. Klamath Kails -Ten fanners We Will Receive one Carload (ten) Fcrds Each Month t-Voin tills time, piiilllnu ve have signed orders for them. If yoe want a Kurd, drop in so Uiat we ran provide quirk delivery. C. L HOBART CO. Dodge Bros. Motor Gars Are Exceptionally Good Cars $930 Grants Pass J. H. Denison, Agent We Carry a I - Loose Books and Forms 7 Demaray's MAHONIO TKMPLK, OKA NTS PAHH Let Electricity Save You Labor and Money- MalltOllilffliilifc CHURNING; ME" CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY - 108-J 623 G STREET. Korest Drove - Work on Oelae ereek and Wilson river railroad, be ing btilll from Wllkesltiiro to tide water near Tillamook pioKreaalag apldly. Hood Hler t'onntrurtliin begun on II it unit or Hour mm nere Sluufleld- Work on new 'fruit warehouse Item progressing. Htaufleld - Army ranlopment may be located near Iters. i'endleloii - Total sesninnl of rnmtllla county lolsls $40,317,334. llermlston- .W. R A N. Co . to Improve local depot grot.nda. Ilermlston - Army training ramp may he established here. St. Helen becoming shipbuilding center Another yard for Columbia City. . (Iranla I'aaa -Ten new erltm Q, farm of Williams creek district. ltiunon - Oregon-Call fornle land L rrsnt In i anioiilita to about 137.000 In Unn county. $ North Bend-North Bend Mm 4k Lumber Co. making Improvement. North Bend Many boussai will be .built for working men here. Fine Line of P Leaf Drug and Stationery Store CRANTS PASS. OREGON