Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 17, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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'MA" 1
4Py i5 I R.,j,.nh.,'l I y'
I M WL M.t.inulrkljr. Ir,
I' v II n ,-. r ul roniumrd y
urn ijl on'y w'lrn '"i"
t- '''llllMlf) MEAT y needed now!. r
fT jjy WITH No smoke or odor.
Yf II PEARL ) mM"'
fJ ' r SKJlLi'JJ COMPANY . . .. .
Cramer Bros.
Grants Pass Hardware Co.
Rogue River Hardware Co.
Therf Arc tit hi (iranta Past People
HlmllnHy Hllimtcd.
Can there Urn any atrunger proof
off" red than the evidence of Grant
I'm rmldent? After you have read
vlhe following, quietly anawer the
Mri. A. It. Or me, 814 Oak St.,
Granta Paaa, lays: "I never hniltate
to reroinmtind a medicine I know hat
merit and niay prove of benefit to
other. I can endorse Doan'a Kidney
Pllla for I know from personal exper
ience that they are all they uie claim--ed
to be. Wln li I get a tired ache
croaa my kldneya, a few doses of
Doan'a Kidney Pllle loon rollnvo It."
ITloe 60o, at all dealer. Don't
Imply auk for a kidney remedy set
Doan'a Kidney Pllla the tame that
Mis. Ormo used. Postni-Mllliurn Co.,
Tropn., Iltiffalo, N. Y.
Order la the tanity ot tht mind,
tht health of tht body, the ptact
of the city, the tacurlty el the
tate. Ai the btama to a houet,
at the bona to tht microcosm of
mm, to it order to all thing.
l.Mlr A"k t IfrMfTglM
I kl. kM.Ire' liiaaataaial Tin
I'llt. m H. 4 bM Umt4 iHii
tttft. ttMktd (lt llliaft htlla
lraUt A. a f.f 111 ! HI X.tTfr
HI AM "Ml lilt Ml l'MIM flft
ffMrkaiina lt-ti.Mtttl, Aht
Tan mm Her, nr mr
Comply with
the law and use
printed Butter Wrappers
Acroi-ding lo Uie rullnii of the Oregon Dairy and Food
Commission all dairy butler aold or exposed for sale In
Ibis state must be wrapped In butter Mier upon which
la printed the syonl "Oregon Dairy Hatter, 16 (or 82)
iiUHtu full weight," with the name and nd.lrc of the
To eniilile patrons of Hie Courier to euHlly comply with
the rulliiK thlsjifllee will supply standard alxo and weight
butter wiper printed with special waterproof Ink, mid
delivered by parrels post, at the following prircn:
100 Sheets, 10 or :I2 ounces $1.00
200 Sheet , 1 or :Vi ohiicch l.iin
:)()() HheetN, in or 2 ounce 1.7V
ilOO Hheetfl,. 10 or .'12 ounce 2.40
Kxtra clmi'Ko for Nporlnl dewiKn.
Mend order by mil 1 1 ucronipunled by tho price u above
and paper will bo promptly forwarded to you by parcel
losl, prcpnld.
We use the hctl butter piiper ijlitalnnhle, nnl our work
ninii'lilp I of the ln't. , .
Rogue River Courier
, Grant! Vnrw, Oitroo
Hie modern
Till evening gown I developed tu
icreen chiffon velvet, w ith a pau.'l front
of entire ".paneled Jet, edged with chin
chilla fur. Tho severe simplicity of
the bodice 1 somewhat relieved by tht
ahouldor atrap of Jet rope.
(A, I
) w 'v tfV.1
Revolution Is Likely if Italian
Drive Is Successful.
An Optn fttad ta Vienna Wtuld CtrJ
tainly Hatlan tht Downfall el Teu
tone Government Ha Boon Aocutad
ef Sowing Hatred Since the OutbreiM
ef Hoetilitiea.
'1'liu pruxMl of Hie alllea lo imi- i d
traie In a drive on Aumrla a Hie luoal
likely ipiarter In wbb'h an eiirly mllr
lary iIik'IhIoii may le uuide II ml an
port In recent aicolinlM of Hie fallluu
collision of the Aiinlro lliiiiKarlau em
pire. A ureal AukIiIiiii m-h4-k nien
In if be rood lo Vienna tat Ik tit haitteu
the end iniilerlully In view or I lie de
termination of the coiiiMiiut tare of
the empire lo achieve their liberation,"
by revolution If need lie.
Itccctit HTMecilllon of the Hinull liu
tlonalitlea wlllihi Hie i-oiillue of the
ant monarchy. It N liellcved. have
ellmlualetl the Hnmllillltjr of MHUrlmt
them iMilillcal freetlutn wltblii the
Aiinlrlun empire. Au aulbnrlly writ
ing to the Mhik ln-Hli-r lluardlaii aayt:
"Whether or not lu fore the war kih Ii
a uiinproinlw a thl waa ponllile Ibe
tyrannical reprwodoti of Ibe tubjeil
rait In Aimlrla llmiwury Kline (be aur
ha pul an end lo any hope of atich a
aoliitloti. The rullexa iimdiii t of Hie
Ocrintin and Mattyar ruler, who have
had Ibe whole armed fon-r of the em
pire ut their dlmMil ni;uliil their ra
cial uud iHilliltal opMiiieiiln. ran only
lie eiplutned by a uiri,me j-imlldence
In aiich a iriimipbuni lue no would
tave thriu nmi any rUk of Ih-Iiiii called
to aceoimt. The rewnhnenl evoked by
them cK-OMiMm will In-Nr IuxIIiik fruit,
it lui been well Klulel "lit by mi Ital
lau ohwrver that the AuMtro-iluiigarliiu
govenimeiil ha literally "kowii hatred"
durhik' till wur.
"Never have the ijiillon ln-cn worked
j III tint f lltlMtllltt lllllllltllflll a
... r I'll l The t:er. !
u ,h i.v.. ..-hI .1... wur
,U wily for iih iHinaaa. of .Id r.iyli.K j " l-'reut credit for lia ,-..r.-.......
.., ...i !. Mi I.. Milwaukee .loiinml.
order to get rid of all Hie lender able
to opioe tiermiiii'Miiifyiii' mipieuiucy
In borne efTuli. ellber by ulug court
martini to mwimlunle tlicm or ly cmii
lulling tliem lo flee for wifely In exile.
"The inimlier of nilllltiry ei'Utlotit
ha ul Ihvii iiiilllni;. The t'zech
rcu'luicut wlio. driven iiL-iiiiiNl their
will uud without the mum lion or imr-
Iliiuiciil lo IIkIiI niiilnst tuilr trleiid.
Hbnw.xJ u iiiutlnoin. hplrlt waie In ninny
cu. Ilternllv .li-liiiNtil. The civil ex.
c ut Ion In Uoheiiila and MorarU nl.ine
In the Mrs! year of the were over
1.110. and titow In the other Amdrhio
lirovlnn- proiK.rlloiinlly l.'h. Ibe Ito-
hemioii lendera who were not able to
fl.H the eounlry have been lmprlMiwl.
All civil llhertlin biive Imi-ii mipiircxxed
In Hi wii la anil liaimnllu. nnl me ncrvo.
Croat lenders, deputies, mayors, priest
Brrettted or executed. In many town
of and llcrxogovlna even the
schoolboy, some not more than tifleen
year of age, have been condemned to
yearn of Imprisonment, one belnn actu
ally hnnged. At nnnjiiliika ii lone nine-;
ty-elEht iersoim were condemned for ( one who mil stand her family skeleton
high treason, sixteen being sentenced to i In a comer of the parlor and make
death ami others to a totul term of sr , folks believe It Is brioa-hrac Galves
years of Imprisonment, besides euor-: ton News.
luons Hues.
Reaping Harvtat of Hatt,
The .ierm,.u-M..K.var rulers of Au
.lu,.g.,r, have 'sown lmlre.1' uud
,wt re,,,, their harvest. The coming
uiut roup their harvest. The eonilti
hi of the United Stales on the side of
tho nllles and the Russian revolution j mluo of nlluond Mlfewtt on,
hiiveliodmibtencourMinila demwratle thl. nn, ,)f thnt Minlei , Vf hiTe
is-iico .iirly even In the runks oi the Dowerlnir almonds that do not tiear ed
(lermiiue and the Miigyurs Ihemselves. ; ,, , blit make ,,,,, d8,Iay of
The recent victories of the nllles. and uunow, lu early airlni!.
notalily the Italian advance on the j
minis to Ijilbucli anil Trieste, have : Pure water, umntllug to Lord Rny
done much lo slmke piilillc coulldetiee. ! lelgb. Is greenish blue, while pure air Is
Tho whole fabric of that 'inmshiicklc ! blue, Imh-iiiiso, iiccordlng to Newton's
empire' Is criicklug to Its foundations. oictum. the iuoIih-uIcs of the air are
nml no one emi doubt that the young siittlcieutly large to rellect blue rays.
euiNi'or would do iitiytbiiig in bis miv- i
er to conjuiv the caliistrophe. The full j The Hist recoiiletl instance of cattle
of Tissn. following thnt of the forger i plugue luvndlng ICnglan.l m-curred sj
and arch Instrument of iiscrosslve pol -
Icy. Count Koreneh, nml his sinister lis
siK'iates, Hie colivis'iition of the relchs
ratli. Ibe l.roject for n ilemoeriitle suf
friiKc In tltumnry, the iimuesty itccord
iil for certain iolltlcal olYcnscs, arc mi
many sops to Cerberus. Hut there a. v
two things the eniMror ennnot lo. He
en mint throw oft' the millhiry control
nf liermnny. He ciinnof overrule the
iliiiiilniinl Mim.vnr caste hi Hungary,
liven now we hear Hint 'I'lszn Is sue
eecded by u inel-e niter ego. It seems.
IimIchI, Hint ii scheme Is afoot for Hie
reorKaiil.iition of the empire on a psru
ilo fiileral basis. After tliris1 yeni-s of
brutal repression Ibe subject nalloiinll
lies, who have been driven lo seek the
giuirantee of their hm iiiii m-iit Imniunity
from such Irealineiit In n close' union
will) their kinsmen outside the bur-
I oers oi uie nioiniicu.v, lire now loin
Hint nfter nil ir lljey will abjure , their
lies of IiIiuhI nml Iiiii'iiml-i- they may
even yet be ilecenll.v aiininniodaleil
within ttie Ilapshurg fold!"
I . Har Name Wat Rowena.
j She played plnorhle so well bp Just
,1'iuililu't help marrying her. eighty-year-nl.l
Ili'ooUlyn bridegroom explained.
Mothers of Oregon
Prepare for Trouble!
V.'bcii a k'uI Lxt.iiiiK a wniiiaii, wImiii
a O'Hiiiiii U-ciiinc a niotlier, and wtien
a wmiiaii ea tbritiiKh the cliaiirf of
middle lile, are the Hirer periiMl of
He wIim bcullli and lreii((lli are mutt
'i. .!,( I .i nillioliiiKl llm iain and di-'!-
ollcii rmiMI by tevere orani" di
"u l'iii '. Many UiniiaiMli. ulnnn Die
'in .lie t'oti-l would U-Hlify mi a do
Die lolluwing:
M.iiiiiiK, Oiikoon. "I am rxrtalnly
irlud u. rn-ommend Dr. Plert-e't Kavorlu
I'r.-M-rlptloii. I think It I a tiod-nend to
niimauUiHl. Durlna eperUi-y 1 wan,
o.i. an .ck with thai terrlhle moriilna
m-kiii-Mi. I a eo bad that I Jut mold
not el one Hi I MB. I roinineniel taking
l lie Kavnrlle Prescription ' and 1 w iw
iK-vnl lit once no morn niii'a, no head
1 . , no l'''kacbe. n.hI I Rot tlironah
,. .y.,11." Mn. W, T. I'lMKKt;, tare
j.ct ready lamp.
.-.uiihi.l.A. OkkiioW " I have tinYrd
nerytblng ilurlmt exH-etaiK-y hut the
ii t tltnti I took Dr. 1'leree' Kavorlte
I'reai-rlpllon and I never mlwed a meal
and hud comparatively no iilTi-rlna. 1
would Hiirely recommend the PniM-rlp
lion ' to till pro-, pec live iiinllnn and. al).
for ;o.ini( uirlK colnlni.' inui Miiinuii'iood.
frlHiid ' ukiiiH thin in. . In" now
a I mlvlvd her lo and bv Ik iuipMvIng
UL Onii would not know nh wa tht
tame ' Mna. II. E. (iiao!.
Ileal Mriiiui.iig la llaelf real living,
ml no cnniililiiitr tiling of tliln earth la
ever lo ho Innl by man on liny oiber
term. '
'Hie only u' tlve voli-nim In the f'nlt
ed fltale proNr. Ijm'n k. I found
In Ijikwii Volcmiie Niitloiml (iirk. In
There are frt i-b water Hprinpt u Ibe
Krein li coet of the Mediterranean at
which tUliwincn and oibcra till their
wuter liHirelx.
'""K H 11 I" mainerd.
dlctillled re-ir.ilnt -tnpltllty
To make pork .iiiHiiueH uene dlKea
tllile 1 1 1 e r n i i-1 1 1 v oi k the ui.ihi.'cm and
pinnae lulu U.IIIiik vvulei fur live uilu
lite, then fry in Ibe MniiiiI way,
Wlga- Hea.-on lluiicomli I loud of
iIoIiik' l-imnI ileeiU on Hie Nly. Wnj:
Ve. but he's terribly cut up if oilier
j people ilon t nud out hIkiii it. -ruck.
; ,
' " "'" "f ' true to
! Mtlt n",l' nt lo-v'
,,,' 'l-lo.ver. Muu Ic.nns to I false
J to ",,'rM ,,,,,-v h"" ,,e f"rc,'fs h'nj"-".
I ,)f wurH9 N r llr i,wlun
,(t w Mk.xr, ,hnt , ,,, wmao
wm dl.,.sw k Kh wm ,0
k (l.r mrk ( h), M(,1( plH,lM
lu the city of bunion at the time of
King John every vintner was required
to huhK outside his shop hu Iron vessel
with pegs marking the different quan
tities sold.
One idea of a resourceful woman la
"The Inst time I saw Jones he lotted
i ,l " ; " , '
f ' " 'll very fnst "
tnWn , " h' hT' ,
I Un " whwl
Baltimore American.
! long ago ns the year .. w hen a "black
murrain" - probably niitlirii s killed
' nine-tonths of the cuttle tbeu living
in Great Krltiihi.
The population of tho Uoitiun empire
1 In the time of Augustus bus liecn cal
' ciliated at sri.notl.llOO. The only Inde
, iH'Udunt .owers of liiiportnme were
the Parthiiius. In the enst, and the tier-
mans, on the north.
' " If one only wished to lie happy this
could be easily accomplished, but we
wish to ho happier than other people.
: and this Is nlwnys diHIcult. for we le
! lleve others to be happier than they
are. Montesquieu.
1 An excellent celery seasoning may
'. be made at home. (Set fi cents' worth
' of celery seed, run It through the finest
' knife of the grinder or brenk It lu a
mortiir: nils with nbont ten times It-.
bulk or tu I do suit uud bottle.
' In Slam thero Is under cultivation a
common soil of rice vthh'h lu t1i"l
times grows ns much as a foot lu
: iwolve hours, so Htii the plant often
Latlailis a height of ten feet In Its ef-
fuK i to kiH'p Ps ba.' above wnter.
Classified Atlveirtisine
U. k C. (-.HAT UANUtt Blue print
lUl aboalnt laud in Joaeplilne
cour.ty. II. .'-0. Addreii A. K.
Voorblri, GraB'.a Paat tf
KOR SALK Good eooklng and eaT
ing appie. Saeel apple cider 2Lt
k gallon. K. llammtrbicber.
phone fiot-K-J3. ill
1'OK fiAI.K-Two aecoad-band
F'orda, flrat data condition, one
1917 Matwell. electric light,
aelf Rtarter, fully eqolppMl. Ka h
I a bargain. Collin Anto Co.,
(II II atreet. S
FOR SAUCTao horiet; one geld
ing. 185; one mare, $55: each
weight about 1,176 Ibt. A. .V Par
ton. .6
KOK MA LK One-horse, panel-top
delivery wagon. Call at Ward
robe cleaner, 115 North Sixth
atreet. or phone 147. S2tf
PUR HALB- Reglntered Ayrthire
hull, three years old. Price $.
Phone Wlldervllle, or addreaa J.
H. Roblnaon, Grants Pats, Route
.; .. "
FOR SALE Second-hand organ In
good condition. Inquire 193.
Courier office. - tf
FOR SALE Team, narneta, wagon
and hu: k. Will eel) separately or
all together. Savage Bros, taw
mill. 4
TYPEWRITERS for sale Remlnn-
ton, tin; better one for f 15; also
flilrkenederfer cheap. Courier of
fice. ' SN
KOR 8AI.K Registered Chester
white pie. Choice litter, both
texe. forrowed July 20th. At
reasonable price. II. E. Gordon
Dixie Ranch. R. F. D. Xo. !. 8S
FOR EXCHANME Southern Call
fornla a rease two pieces, total
value .1,snu. will consider
('.rants Pass or Rogue river valley
up to $5,000. In answering give
full particulars. W. C. Rice. 830
South Park, Pomona, Cal. 88
mankgment of Mrs. L. C. Ami'
strong; 28 clean rooms at 35c
and 50c; special rates by week
or month; also light housekeep
ing rooms. Would like your pat
ronage. 40tf
FOR HENT Furnished rooms. Also
barn to be used s garage. Mrs.
F.'A. Coe, 804 Washington Blvd.
Phone 104-J. 68tf
FOR RENT Large house, close in.
t15. O. S. Blanchard. tf
for rent, $3 per month, close In.
Apply A. E. Voorhles. 75tf
ROOM for rent, ground floor, hot
and cold water, outside entrance.
Mrs. R. H. Lee, 211 West A. tf
WANTED 10,000 customers to
ride dally in Jitney Luke's taxi
at 10 cents each. Inquire at The
Spa confectionery, or phone
' K2-R. Country trips a special
ity. 16tf
WANTED Rox factory helpers ht
$3 and up. Also machine men at
$4 a day with 25 cent bonus.
Board "only 75c per day. Steady
' employment the year round. Al
goma Lumber Co., Algoma, Ore.
.to sell our warranteed nursery
stork. You can make big money
at spnre time. Write for particu
lars. Donald Nursery Co Don
ald, Oregon. 90
WANTED An oak, flat-topped
. desk. State price. Address No.
1891 care Courier. , tf
l THE PICTl'HE MILL open daily 10
I ' a. m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday sit
j tins call Mill 2S3-R or residence
140-.T. 7Stf
THE BABY NEEDS a new pair Of,
shoes. Call Jitney Luke Taxi. '
Phone :62-R. The Spa. tf;
, E. R. CROI CH Assayer, chemist
metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Hall
Building, Grants Pass. '
MTsiC.tii fxSTlUVTION"
, J " s?.M ACM I' R R A Y," teacher of voice
culture and singing. Lessons glvcp
at home oT pupil If requested. Ad-
! dress 716 Lee St. 85 1 tf
and darning neatly done at 411
C 6t. 36tf
L. O. ClJiUENT, A. D. Prmctlot)
limited to dlMatat of the eye, er, and threat. CIumu fitted.
Office hour -lI, :-S, or on ap
pointment. Office phone, 61; real
denre phone 159-J.
S. UH'GH RIDCC. M. 0.. Pbytlclu.
and eurgeon. City or country rallt
attended day or clsbt Ketldanc
phone tit; office phone 12.
Sixth and H. Tuff Building.
DR. KD. BY WATER Special)! ot
d I tea net of the eyt, ear, bom Bad
throat; glatiet fitted. Office Hours
to 1! a. m.. t to 1 p. m. Phone)
Reildeoc 20-L; office 210-J;
Matonle Temple, Grant Paat, Ore.
A. A. WITHAJI. M. O., Pbysleiaa and
nrgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner
Sixth and I street. Phone: Of
fice, 11(; retldence, J8S-J. Hours,
a. m. to 4 p. m.
E. C. MACY, O. 14. D. Flrat-clate
dentistry. 10H South Blitn.
ttreet, Grant3 -Pats, Oregon.
H. D. Norton, Attoroey-at-lw.
Practice In al! State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
at-Law Craats Pr.ta Eanklng Co.
Bldg. Grants Pass. Oregon.'
E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practle
. lu all courts. Kim Naliooai Bank.
DURHAJI k RICHARD, AttorBtjyt-nt-Lnw.
Office Masonle Ttmpltv
Grants Pa Oregon.
W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Lav
Cdunty attorney for Josephine
County. Office: BcLaJlhom Bid.
O. S. BLANCH ARD.Attorney-t-Law
Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg.
Thotie 270. Grants Paat, Orefoa
V. A. CLEMENT Attorney-at-Law
Practice In state and .. federal
courts. Rooms 2, and t, over
Golden Rule Store.
torneys, Albert block, phone 331-J
Practice In all courts; land 4oai4
DR. R. J. BESTUL, VeterlnartaB.
Office In Wlnetrout Implement
Bldg. Phone 113-J. Reaideac
Phone 305-R.
kinds of drayage and transfer
work carefully and promptly don.
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot. A. Shade, Prop.
F. G. I SHAM, drayace and transfer.
Safes, piano and furniture moved
packed, shipped and stored. Phono
Clark and Holman, No. 50. Resi
dence phone 124-R.
THE WORLD MOVES; so do wb.
Bunch) Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
rhe California and Oregom
Coast Railroad Company
Effective Juna 1.1917.
Daily except Sunday.
Train 1 Ir. Grants Pass.. 1:00 . m.
Train 1 It. Waters Creek 3:00 . St.
All trains leave Grants Past, from
the comer of G and Eighth streets,
opposite the Southern Pacific depot.
For all Information regarding
freight and passenger service call at
the office of the company.. Public
Service building, or phone 131 for
same. '
taking It Wall. V
"Doctor. I can't pay yon for this Tie
It, so It ain't no use to send me a bill.
I hope you won't take It hard."
"Quite the contrary., my friend. : If
.every man who has no -jnteutioo' of
paying would be as considerate as you
! it would save mc n lot of writing and
nlsuit $'J00 in Hist a it year." Kunsas
j City Journal
: ' Mexico Hed and White Crete. '
lu 11)10. (luring tie Madero revolu
tion lu Mexico, the Red Orn liellcf
society wus organized with fTie oaugh
ter of I Man's minister of war as presi
dent. Trouble came iilumst luiuu-diat'e-ly
through the sK.icly"s icl'usal to ad
minister aid to sick or wounded Ma
ilcristas. It ended by the society do
cluriug itself ready to help only the
supporters, of the goverupiciit. The
revolutionary " sympathizers then or
guulxcd the While Cross Relief Kcciety.
whose object , was to aid bold rehfla
and federals. ' This did not lnt li ug.
The federals were cut off from usslst
nnce. Another s.s lety was l amed tin
der the name of the While in
tml. a iioiiiolltl'1il nrguulwitior '"