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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1917)
PACK TWO DAILY BOQm RTVBS OOt'IUXB HKIlNKMlttY, MTOIIF.ll IT. ItlT. Panllahed Dally Except Saturday A. B. VOORHIBB. Pah. tad Prpr. BKNJ. C, SHELDON.. Editor astarad at the Poatoflk. Qrwata Paaa. Ors m aeooad cUat mail matter. ADVERTI8INO RATES DUolaj mm. vr lack lac Lral rperaiaalcolunia, par Una 10c sUaderS, pt Mas. l WEEK.LT COURIER T asalL par rtr 11.11 DAILT COCKIER y mail or carrier, per yer-.$i.00 By b11 or carrier. per month .(0 MEMBER BUtt Editorial Association. Orwgoa Daily Newspaper Pub. A tan. Aadlt Bareaa of Otrcnlation. WKUNKSIUT, OOTOBKH 17, 1817. 4 ORfiGOX WEATHKB Weather tomorrow. Kalr, frost In morning; warmer thereafter. UNSHAKABLE CREDIT It doe no harm for a person to step back one In a while and try to got a broad-perspective view of , this country and its doings. Just aow the question of finances is up permost In the public mind. How bout Uncle Sam's credit? ' Treasury officials at Washington predict that we will raise the sum f fl4.000.000.000 within a year. This will hardly more than scratch the surface of the nation's re sources. It would be little more than Uncle Sam's loose change. It would . take f 100,000.000.000 in bonds to put this country as deeply ' la debt as are France,. England and Germany today. Nobody questions tbi solvency of France and England. Secretary McAdoo, In addressing Iba national bankers' convention at , Atlantic City recently, pointed out that the resources of national and state banks in the United States are bow f At the out break of the Civil war, the resources of all the banks were only about $1,- MO.000,000. With these limited re sources, the nnlon government rais ed $3,000,000,000 In bond sales, or , twice the total banking resources of the country. On that basis, this country should be able to raise $74,000,000,000, a ram far In excess of any probable outlay by this nation. It Is reassur ing that we can raise all the needed funds for prosecuting this war with out straining the credit or business routine of the country In the least. SOUND INVESTMENT In thinking of the Liberty loan which the government Is asking the people of the nation to take up, let It be clearly fixed in the mind that citizens are not asked to donate their money, they are asked to make the safest and one of the most pro fitable Investments of their spare savings that could be Imagined. Back of every Investment In this country Is the United States govern ment and Its property laws. The government has the power to tax the entire country, every individual, ; .every business and every piece of property, to fulfill Its promises to pay its bonds. If It were possible to think that the government would have troulile to meet these obliga tions when due, the value and sta bility of every business enterprise In the nation, the security of every piece of property ownership. would be vitally affected. Thus the Llber ty bond Is virtually a mortgage on every railroad, every manufactury every piece of land In this, the rich est nation on earth. The United States could raise! FANCY MAISK JAIMNKSK HICKKKKL VHWi I Z I KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY FIRST aaa I nasi nanasaaaaannnnaBBBBBaaaBBassBBBBSBi $.'0.000,000. 004 and not be any where near as deeply In debt, in proportion to It ability to pay, as the other warring nations of Europe are today. Buy a Liberty bond. RKI ntOSS TO HK1.P KKKI) Al.l.IKO I'lMSONKKS The Red Cross has been compelled to recognise the fact that the cen tral (towers do not supply their pris oners taken from the allies with sufficient food for the preservation of ordinarily good health. Commis sions are being established In Oer many, Austria and the Balkans for the purpose of supplying any defi ciency in foods needed by these prisoners. CHILDREM WILL GIVE WAR HELP (Continued from pag 1.) desire and to which they are en titled. "Three dollars for each sol dier and sailor" Is the amount need ed to carry on this lm work for the next IX months. Practically every city and town and hamlet in the whole United States bus been as signed a quota which they will be expected to raise fur the war-camp community recreation fund. There will be no especial week set aside for the collection of this fund but it will be gathered together within the next two or three weeks. Telegrams already are arriving from many cities In all parts of the country, stating that they will do their part towards helping to win the war In this way. SHETLAND PONIES ARE SCHOOL ESSAY PRIZES Portland, Oct. 17. Three beauti ful, high-bred. Shetland ponies, the pick of the famous drove owned by Russell Hawkins In Tillamook coun ty, are to be given as prizes In a war essay' contest open to all school children of Oregon. The contest Is to be conducted In connection with the enrollment campaign of the United States food admlnistraf on, to stimulate interest in National En. rollment week, which will be Octo ber 28 to November 4. Inclusive. The ponies were secured for the purpose by Federal Food Adminis trator W. B. Ayer. who wired to Mr. Hawkins, now in Chicago, offering to pay shipping charges on the pon ies to the railroad station nearest the winners, If Mr. Hawkins would donate the ponies. The agreement was made, and the animals, which will he the best of the droves, will be awarded In three divisions, for children under eleven years, chil dren between eleven and fourteen years, and those over fourteen years In the high schools. Details of the contest will be announced later. PRIESTS TRYING TO PACIFY WAR SPIRITS Peking, Oct. 17. Since Chang Hsun's overthrow and the defeat of the short-lived monarchy, evil splr itB have been reported by supersti tious Chinese in t!ie vicinity of Chang Hsun's headquarters In the Forbidden Citv, Thev are altered t to be the spirit!) of Chang Hsun's soldiers who were killed In the bom bardment of his headquarters. Every night they are supposed to appear and proclaim loudly, "We were not fairly treated." In an effort to appease the spirits, priests have been employed to chant before altars in the compound for merly occupied by General Chang Hsun. and generous offerings of food are made nightly. COURT HOUSE NEWS KuniMinl by W. K. Haasoa of Graata Pass Abstract Oa. October IS, 1 t T. Tmnxfrrn R. 3. Crockett to W. K. Dean. W. O.. lot 4. Blk. 10. Original Tfwnsite of Grant Past, $1,000. Mining lx-atln Harry Sordy and C. E. Noble on Alta and 1. 1). Q. Uxle Claims In Rriggs creek district. Harry Sordy on Black Bear Ude In Brlggs Creek district. C. E. Noble on Black Chert Udge in Brlggs Creek district. TO FOR RATE INCREASE Washington, Oct. 17. Esstern railroads, asking the Interstate com merce commission for temporary fin ancial relief through an increase In certain freight rates, gave notice that formal application for. a general Increase of an extended nature would soon be asked. The list of commodi ties on which Increase rates la desir ed Is a long one of which the chief Items are cement, brick, stone, sand and copper. IS E Toklo, Sept. 20 (Correspon jdence of the Associated Press) The construction of six new destroyers , for the purpose of naval repletion at I a cost or $6,000,000 Is to be started shortly and the work will be expedit ed to complete them within the pres ent fiscal year ending April next. (The destroyers will of mid dle size and be named the Nara, Kuwa. Tsubakl. Makl. Keyaki and Enokl respectively. The building of the following bat tleships, cruisers and destroyers Is to begin soon at the navy dock yards land at shipbuilding yards at N'agas akl. Battleship Mutsu, (Nagato type) with a displacement of 32,000 tons; Cruiser Tama, with a displacement of 7,800 tons; Cruiser Kuma. with a displacement of 3,500 tons, and first class destroyers Kawakaze, Minekaze and Sawakaze, each of about 1,200 tons. The battleship Mutsu will carry the largest and most powerful main gun ever mounted op any battleship of the Japanese navy, and the cruis er Tama will be the largest warship of the kind In the Japanese navy. The first class destroyer Kawakaze. which will he one of the largest des troyers in the Japanese navy, is the substitute for the destroyer of te same name whl-h was built In France after the outbreak of the European war and was sold later to, an entente power. Besides these warships a big njn cial service ship with a displacement of 12,000 tons and five submarines, each displacing 700 tons, will be built at the Kure navy dockyard. I j Chrlstlanla, Oct. 17. Tho Ger man plans for destroying the world's commerce have failed, says the Xor- 'wegian Shipping Magazine, which adds that "there Is no gnat dsngur .of the dlsappeuranre of men-hunt ships from the tsaa by reason of torpedoing for at least tea years." The article la atconipanlvd by a hart showing the curve or Knillsh and French losses tor four months. March to June, "The allies have every reason to be of good courage when they look back on these re sults," says the writer, "and they msy await the future lT-boat war with confidence. The chart curve show favorable result for KiiKland. 4itd this may be ascribed partly to the arming of merchant ships." He believes that the story or II IS-IK will be repeated, that "the l'-bmit will lie crippled uuless or until the central powers ran find new Inven tions which will make them poser ful enough to gain the upimr hand again." Another reason for this favorable results, says the writer, I the fact that when the U-boat war started Id March, Germany sent out every U-boat she could muster, good, bad. and Indifferent, and the English de fense, which was ready, "reaped a rah harvest and crippled the dan gerous enemy for the ensuing months." Failure of the submarine war also la attributed In part to faulty construction of the latest Qsrmaa U-boat FLIGHT OF THE MOSQUITO. The Malaria Lactsi Fttt Rarsly Travels Mart Than a Mil. Ilirrv is a u'-ol 'I 'l In ni'ileru pnipliy lulls lu taking inif or tin- utos ijultii, but It It Ml a s feature In the f.i to know Iuim in in It territory must lie 'i il ! u - .i i ii ii'uiiiilile tie .i nf ml il.v Ii iinisiiliiN's were We lints. i-;mlii 'f lllllllUlill' III N 1 1 it It ii ii.! f r Scores of mile, llle pn I'lcni i tilling I he llllihew sud j iii'..i wmi.i' lu u very M-r.niiK "lie tti.i! I lie ini;'ii if iun'li'-ii inUhUii hi. ..Ill lit u ii iy viMe "iii'. The pi sc. (iiiil limit i r tlkjil of Annplit let iiinil ilii.ti :i!;'.Ul ., Il.: l;iii'. mIiIiiI fiirllle irifils. ir.n iil n lx shout a mile. Tlic Mi i In ii ii iil liy i lien- liurMltni. tllix III tin-it" CllK'iillll'.lU MBi In Bl Stilt ui"MiiiltiMi ami tv; ni t i. ii their recall ttiti sfler iK'liig lilicrau-d. The hhi'Ich il. iiut.iiii in m il-. Iril fur tlie wuri fi-wl.i the fuel HiMt II U llif lii"-l v'n"r fi : tilt r, "f lis i mi I Ik piuimlilr It.e :vc Iprl earlier "f tmilm-ln The ifv.ijf ef Hie tv.i'iiivli mii'sU that mi ilie ih-imi ( "f n mile sud a llitie bel ter Trout a proliHc ItiihIIh pine Ilie ii.iiiviiluiil I ipiiie kafe. mill lil efforts i.iv.l be ilili-nil imiIv to Ilie ncsicr p.: .. 'i'l.i' tiiivUli i.'ii:iiciilly niUlrr (lire" i'i'Vi for Hi" Ji'iiincy Hint In soliiw . . e. n :::;!.i ii l.i 1 1.- ..!. wliele It . ciutvlil, f' r Hie Vellocm were iii-mliiit'K iiuriiil i'i ii 1'niiiiiinii (mint l-cfiire I iv : l.i e. t. I. I,;, I i lv . o. It" leil III phi'Tit v, In lin y were iUile sl.iiinliint.- I'ulillc hervli e Health Hill It tin. JOrirj IS A CHEAT NAME. Known In Nearly AM Lands. It Has a Fami' Trst. Tin' li: rif .l.iliti It one of our lio!, nl ii i.'ii' of our "lili-M It l found in 'in in ly ull liiui;uiiiii'. and no lustier bo iv ilitiMiM'd. from Juan to Johannes, it is almost certain be Ideittlned. The .loliim have a iiwgitinceiit family tree. There wus an sKMle named John aud also a .Inlm the Baptist There have beeu twenty two poes and one anti-pope by flic mime of John. Three kings of Aratfou and Castile, one at lesst of Bohemia and several of Portu gal, France and England have borne the name of John, There w ns John Hobleskl, the "great est of the Poles." There was John, sur. uained Lackland, who was forced to sign lite Mngua Charts. There was John the Good. Itulinlng down tbe fa mous lb-t. we find also John the Kortu nste, John the Perfect, John the Fear less, John the Constant. Then there was Jsck of the Bean Stalk, also Little John, who was not little, but who. on the contrary, was tall unil strong, nud who was one of tbe most Impudent followers of Holiln Uood. If old King John gave England the Magna ('hurts John, liuticock hnlied to give us our Declnratlon of Iiulciem. encc. If the liiHtoiicnl mid symbolical Julius seem ihi tiiimerous we might add John Itockefeller and John Itoe. lu(llaunoliM News. Wsathsr and ths 8pidr's Wsb. One of the simplest of nntiire's lia rometers is u spider's web. When there la a nnjMOeet of wllul or t-nltt llm Hliltliir shortens the filiimeiits by which Us weu in nu.'.iiiiiieii not icnves u in mis stnte as long ns the weather Is vari able. If It eloiiKiitc its Ibreiids It is a sign of Hue, culm weather, the dura tion of which may be Judged by the length to wlili li the llireuils are let out. If the splilor tt'iuiiliis Inactive It Is u sign of rain; if il keeps at work dur ing 'ruin the liniiHiur nil) nut Inst long mill will be followed by llm; wen tiler. Olisel'Viillou bus tllUKlit (lull Hie spiilcr iniikes ehiiiigi's In lis well every twenty-four hours and thin If nu ll i luiiL'i's nee iiinilc In Ilie eveiiln-.' J'.lsl I ."fine mii 1 1 hi t Ilie night will If i li'nr mid lieiiiitlful. Enrraved culling canis H'O card sml plate, lii script, fl.f.0; ir plate is furnished. 100 rsrds for $1. ask for sag Sassr mmm JoaaphlM Orooary Oa. Basket Cask Orsesry. C. BehasMt i. rwr4m. Use Mag'ic lnkr ItMt aalkiiw tif gnaotlna do (lie work of 'if. ttuta. Me trriaiUI gunrtiitws Muglo Mold by CHAS. MEE of AiiU-iiitr, Ore., and by M. t'lcnu'im of liimiii I'smi, Hr. A Vsict'ot Auctionssr. At the regtllar Irsile auelliHts held In the Netherlands Itinicml of having an sin tlonii'r mil for bids there la s largo dlsl pmvlileil with an Unlet band. Tin face o.' tbe dlnl Is inmitil Hltli irlie lncrflilB In elm'kivUti fusliimi Tbe hand I set Ml s prli-e alNn e t tint which the goods nlfeieii iil piolialilv tirliu'. then Is slowly move,) to lower sml lower llgurci iilitil wine limler bull elites his wlllugui"s In buy. Electric punli I, nit nit ure loiiint'ietl with (he dlul, nlileii tbe trailers press when a price sutlsfiteinry to them Is shown by the tllul. As tbe trader ire.4MH his billion his nmiilH-r apieurM oft Ilie fiiie of the tllul unil I lie Nil of goods It sold to liiut tit the irlT Indl cntcil by the Imli x Iminl. There Is no noise or eimfiMlnn. mid the niieiloiia sro (IiiIhIumI Iim leiiiurkalily short aiace of tlmu. Consuliir llcport. Accurst Grinding Whssls. Griiiillng wheels Imve fine work to do, writes Kllwo.ii! Ilendrlck In the Scieiitltlc American. .IJinlis of Irregu. Inrlty ns low as mxiC, Inehes anil O.OHrJI liichea nt often given. And It should e reuieiiilieriil Hint when O.HtMC." of nit I in b Is I eliig ground the heavy slide thiil enrriea the wheel and wlieel spindles moves furwnrd only bnlf thnt distiiin e. If a piece of tissue piipcr were split twebe t lines cuiihcii thely it Wnitlil lime Hit1 I lih kIii -m iiii iter whii Ii t!iei' .'liiiic.i lime '"ii Ford 1-Ton Truck $650 C. L. HOBART CO. We Carry a I - Loose Books and Forms Demaray's MAKOXIO TFJtlPLK, OKA NTS P.VHH I, Idle sUler la Jut a iImimI wltb her RtV aa slis looks. tTilldren thrive mi BMW rXAKW liricauke tlwry art) iwrfwtly bttbssl from tits hrl materUls. t4l In a alsea ot I'M'ka, and la bulk I'AtTrlt' mT fllHCI'IT W. I'ortlaad, Oregon. r. A. lobaUkorm. Klnacy Traax. Whits Hons OraMrr. OraaU rasa toashaaW Os. Motor Gas Hie Itlglirr Urn prlii of KuaolttMi lli Kmttr " the mi lug. stsntly to work. And yet wlu-ii w ronslder the forces pii'M-ul In n when weighing 'JtNl hiiii:iI riit.'ititig at a eeil of t.'.IXI reVol.Hloiia per lulliulo we are not reminded of a natelntink rr' lathe deaplle the eiitltte pre I lon of Hie opei t Inn A rlssslfled ad bring reauiis MAGIC GAS Kesil what one nuiu who bus tlmrouu'hly tested Magic Gas his to say nhout It. Several other who are using II are getting the sun e re sults. Mr.-Thus. Mee, Ajiplegute. t;rr Dear Sir: I have used your iniigla gns for two months now constantly nml have secured splendid results. I have Increased inllesgn per gallon a little more than five miles, en tirely dispensed with foul plugs and In many ways my machine Is render ing me grenter efficiency. 1 fuel that the Investment Is a profitable one. Yours truly, A. U. Cornel). You can snvc money too by jsing Muglc Gus; $2 per quart, miumI In vnluu to 50 gallons gasoline. For rain by Chas. Mee, Applegnte, and M. Clements, the Itexall Stole 07 Fine Line of P Leaf Drug and Stationery Store i