DAILY EDITION 7 as . ',.. 1 RAIDS ARt RUSSIA HOT ABLE HAVING EFFECT hoi rums iti'ikm want aghek. MKVT TO I'HF.l EST I I 'KTHKU lwljr I Gelling lloudy lu Git .u Iriniu Another Hllcrlng Along I In 1iUi I MUll The Geimana are tuning poanes inn of t U Manila lii-nr ilia mouth tit the Uulf nl Kliiu, Inn well Inform ed mil ItM ry authorities place lltlli1 Importance hmiu the iiiiitu, thinking Dial It In a part f Gcruiaiiy'a effort tu compline Internal troubles In Ibe tmuerftil navy. The tlotnrmlnattiiu of Kiigland lu bomb tli town uf (leitiinny lu re lirln.il fur raids upon England, In haviug a sobering effect upon tlm south Germans aa Indicated tiy I h Miienchenm' Pont which suiiKcrtts that the belligerent tome lu a mu luul agreement tu forego furlhi'r Mir raiding iion unfortified towns. The troops uf lhi entente allle. are still keeping to their trenches In Flandein, probably nil Inn ! tr ment or mill rniidlllon. Possibly, however. Field Marshal llnlg anil the French commander on hla left, have not yet sufficiently pounded the Oer in n lines with their IiIk uuns to war rant tlm turninx louse of the Infnn , try fur further gain. Day anil nUbt Ihe ItrltlMh oml French guns are showering the German positions with the usual mass of stcl anil I lie Ger mans are replying vigorously. There Is every Indication Unit ahortly along tlm Isontn front In (he Austrn-ltitllan one another big hat tl will begin. From I h head of the Adriatic northward to the IUiIiimUxh plateau Inlenne artillery duels are In progress. Considerable activity also la In progress on Dip Cnrso. The first 'annual corn shown of Moulheru Oregon, will be held at (Iranta INina. Oregon, In the rooma of the Wlnetroit Implement Com pany, on November 16th anil I7lh. 1917. Tlm premium lint In as fuH'own: The beat ear of field corn, lnt, $1! 2nd. $10; 3rd, $'. The lieal 10 eara field corn, HI, $i: 2nd, $10; anl, $.'. The bent 10 ears dry land corn. 1st. $8; -2nd, $'.; 3rd, $3. The bent 10 atulka of silage corn. 1st, Syracua plow; 2nd, Acme har row or harrow enrt; 3rd, one ill verse cultivator. IIchI school team In corn string ing content, 1st, $r; 2nd, $3; 3rd. RUSSIA IS FLAGLESS SO IE Helena, Mont.; Oct. 17. The Hus alan Ting did not appear in a recent parade he'd here In honor of de parting drnrted men. The local committee wished to honor the new republic by such representation.: along with tho rings of other nllles., lint announced, on no less authority than Hint of Elllnt Hunt of Now York, liend of the American nils-; slon which returned recently from", llusHln, that the nation Is entirely flflKlrns. ; UPON GERMANS TO HOLOTEUTOHS Germans ProoeedliiH Ui Take l'iw loii if Islands Outing Off Gnrri Mia From Hume Une IVlrugrad, OH. .17. The UiihhImd Imiiin war olllm haa voniiliitl)' loal Imiuli with the troopa alil li rr alalliinnd un the Inland of Oimcl. It aua Irarued hi're Utility thul una (iiTinaii nurhly ran Into a mine iiHUr the count of the lalund. Aflnr the etplimluli It made fur the ruuat. It'a fate la aa )t unkuuwn. Thi lumlliiK of (ivrinaii trouph on O.mil Inland could have liuvu aviTliil only hy rlxtc Invt hattle under unUv ornlilo I'lrriliimtaurnn, whlrh mlKht have reaultiHl In the opvnluK of the Uuir of Kin land to thn rnnny. Ad miral Venli-rvnkl, inliilhiiT of mar Inn. aiild loduy.'The hlow In a hind one to KiiukIii, hut the Itumtlan ifo iln apparently wr-re ln.no pnHltlun to hlndrr the Cermana. Aiuptlirdum Oil. I". lii-riuiin rlnllnt papfin Mute that the aorlal lata of that country have decided to vote aKHlnal the new war credit of tun lillllnn iiinrkn which will lie auli m III tid to the relrhataK In Doccmher unleH rhanretlnr Mlnhaella reiilxna. HOOVER APPEALS FOR SMALLER SUGAR USE WaHhington, Oct. 1".--The food adiulnlalratlnn haa today made a npei lal appeal to the American peo ple to eat leas sugar no aa to miti gate the effects nf a ahnrtuge which will not be relieved until the new crop romea In late In November. t.OTt II I.KAVKS IIOSIiTAI. UKAI.TH (illKATI.V IMI-KOVKO Chlragn (W. 1 7. Frank (lotch, Ichumplon wreetler uf thn world, who baa been confined to the hospital here for over a week for an Injury I to his back done In lifting logs on hla Iowa farm, left today decidedly I improved and well on the road to 'complete recovery, i I AMERICAN DESTROYER IS HIT BY SUBMARINE . WiiMhlniiton, Ot. 17. lliito p. in. An American destroyer on wtrol duty in the war wine haa been tor IwikxNl by a tJernuui Hiiliinaiine, with one man killed nnil five wounded. The destroyer unwaged to make IHvrt denplUt thn severe damage done to her hull, thinner's Male Osmond Ingram was killed, lielng blown overboard by the force of the ex plosion. PATRIOTIC ALLIED "bid Imperial flag abandoued," Mr. Hoot wired In reply to an In quiry on the matter, "No new flag adopted. New ting hardly to be ex pected until approaching constitu tional nsHemlily Iiiih determined on form of government. Hit tint Ion Iden tical with ours fur Aral -year after ili'clnrntlon of Independence." The fnrewcll could not easily be postponed, and RuhhIii'h flag wua absent. GRANTS FAM, JOfUDPHINB OOOTrTY, OREGON, WKllNEBDAY, OCTOHKB 17, 1017. BILLION MARK IS REACHED IN LIBERTY LOAN Kl IUM KIITIONH AtK COMIXti IX IIKTTKIt, HIT (iOAl, IH HTII.I KAIl AWAY STATE CAMPAIGN WARMING UP HiMMikm TravrllnR Ovnr Orrifim Htlr riiil to NwmI of HiipMirtlnK (ov ' eniiocnt In tVIw VithliiKton. Oct. IT. Heporta ruining In from all over the country today Indicate that the hllllon dollar point baa bi-on reached In l-lherty loan aubacrlpllona. (.'onimlltcei In aluioat every part of the country atlll wire -ncourai-Innly that they ran make their max Iniuni totala. a treuaury Ntatement an Id today. "1'oaalhly they ran, but either they are conceallnit their actual naleti whlrh la not bolleved to be the raae or there muni be a mont unexperl ed apurl In the offing." the alate nient auld. "i'ortalnly there ia little about the aalra thua far to win (treat confidence that the five billion dol lar mark will be reached." "(Irantlnx the moat reano.nable al lowance for unreported aalea." the treaaury'a atatement contlnm-a. "the nit nation la not encouraging. Kvrry jday alnce the benlnnlng nf thn drive 'October 1, the dally quota neceaaary 'to achieving the dealred total of '.- 1000,000,000 by October 27. haa grows larger until tonight It redchea, I Id all probability the enormoua fig jnrea of (400.000.000. j Portland. Oct. 17. Liberty loan subscription In Oregon today reach ed $4. S10, 840, or more than quar ter of the allotment of $10,600,000 jfor the state. Ranks today took up I for consideration the proposal to 'lend llherty-bond-aubscrlhlng bor rowers money at four per cent in- tead of five and six, the rate pre vailing. A battery of speakers "to night begun a speaking campaign covering every Important town in Oregon. M)VKK CAUFOllXIA HAS NKW MEXICAN fiOYKKNOII Mexico City, Oct. 17. General Manuel Mestas haa been named gov- lernor of the lower half of Ijower (California and has left for !a Pax to assume his post. BOTH QF CHINA'S CONTENDING FACTIONS CUD LEGAL STATUS Peking. Kept. 1. Correspondence of the Aasoclated Press) Constitu tionality Is the wall behind whlrh contending factions In China are taking refuge. Premier Tuan Chl Jul Insists that the republic which he re-established In Peking with Vice-President Feng Kuo-chang at' Its head, la the constitutional gov ernment of China The so-called parliament at Can ton consisting of 60 or 60 members of the dissolved parliament InsUU that It la the constitutional govern ment of China, and that LI Ynnn hung still Is the president. The "constitutionalists," now to live In the south China under the direction of Sun Yat-sen, have on tested every Important change' lu the central government during tin laV few months, and denounced t rs uc constltutlonal. They say 1.1 Yi'in hung' had no right to dissolve par liament, and that there certainly is nothing In the Nanking provlrlonil constitution which Justified ipii ac tion. Consequently, according t their line of reasoning, Feng ICuochans! M M RESUME WORK: III If KKKKItAI, KWI lt MKIIATK ItKTIItX OF IM)AKI) HIIIP III TliOKItS PORTLAND STRIKERS ARE FIRM ITefer That llnrers HhiMilil lb llnifli-d A Huch to t'oiuvanlon of , Principle ot (loxexl Hliop Seattle, Ot. 17. The atrlke among ehlpyard employee here la conaiderud aa temporarily aettled and atrlkera, to the number of about 12.000 are expected to return to their work Monday. : Thla result cornea from an appeal to the men'a patriotism made by the federal wage adjustment board a few day ago. The decision to re turn to work wan made at a meet ing held laat night. ' All will go to work under the con dition, which prevailed before the atrike leaving their claim fur ani adjuatment of wages and a cloaed abop In the banda of the adjuatment board. Portland. Oct. 16. Labor union representatives today told the federal adjustment board In session here In Ian effort to settle the strike In the i steel and wooden ship yards, that conscription of labor for the yards, was preferable to any action or com promise which would not give the j union men. the principles for which tney are out, in enect ciosea snop. Whlie the adjustment board was in session, the police guarded every ! plant where the employers are at tempting to operate despite the strike. A picket line of more than 100 attempted a demonstration at the Independent foundry late . this evening but were held In check by a special police reserve. There were no arrests there, but at other places about the city six men were arrested. (7KHMAN SAILOItS SENT TO EASTERN DETENTION CAMPS San Francisco Oct. 17. One hun Idred and sixty officers and men jfrom the Interned German merchant l men, who have been kept at Angel 1 Island, were sent east today for de tention in the Philadelphia and 'North Carolina camps. Is neither the legal president nor the legal acting president of China, TtiBr u nm. dnnhi i . h..t Feng Kuo-chang's own con'fi.lli'H in as to his legal status. While !i" nf permitted all foreign legations tu be presented to him as president ami1 sluna official documents as nros rtent. ! he Is represented to prov'yuiniil au thorities as being only acting presi dent. It Is believed that Fens Kip chang Is undoubtedly anxloui t In elected president by a parliament legally constituted, or constituted ar legally as It la possible to do so un der the present unsettled conditions In China. II j had held out n;.tiust the plan of his cabinet to hnvo n na tional cou hell formed with iivii m ih bers from each province t- act -is a parliament. Fenr Kuo-chan heads a de f.i -io government which actually exists In Peking, and has the support of 10 provinces and the recognition .of nil Important foreign powers. There fore, the efforts of the opposition In the south to oppose the Peking gov ernment and deny its legal existence thus far seem futile. A DDL A I INS HrrLnL CHICAGO FACES L E If IlllnoUt WI Mine Ktrllu-a (lontlaue Ten laaya longer, Clty'a Hupply Will Ito llepletml Chicago, Oct. 17. I'nleaa the atrlke In the Illlnula coal flelda l nettled wltbln ten daya bualneaa In Chicago will be paralyzed, according to the atatement of Fred W. Tpham, prenldcnt of the Urgent coal com pany here.' "There la lega than 10 daya' aupply In the city and no coal coming in," aald Mr. Upbain today. More than 40 coal mlnea in 1111 nola, employing between 12,000 and 15,000 miners were abut down , to day and the commercial mining in dustry of the at ate tonight facet practical paralysis, operators here stated, aa a result of the spreading strike of mlnera who demand imme diate wage Increasea. Miners said today thsy were given to understand that the new wage agreement, reached at Washington, D. C, would be effective without de lay. . Operators, on the other hand, pointed to a clause making the in creases contingent upon advance by the fuel administration In Illinois coal prices, declaring present prices are prohibitive of wage Increases. TRIED TAX DODGING Washington, Oct. 17. Internal revenue agents have reported that evasion of the special tax of 12 ',4 per cent upon, munition manufac turers, have totaled' "approximately $17,500,000. The government has obtained over $10,000,0000 of 'this sum by vigorous measures against the offender. Af 'RICA WILL GO TO ALLIED CDNEERENCE Washington, Oct. 17r While an official announcement Is withheld. It is practically certain that the Cnlted States wilt be represented at a coming, conference of the allied nations now at war against Germany wbch will probably be held In Paris at an early date.-' Secretary of State Lansing has stated that it has been definitely de cided that such a conference will be held and the United States Is considering whether it should par ticipate therein. I'HK'K OF FISH IN HONOLl'IA' IS HIGH ' Honolulu. T. H., Oct. 7. (By j mall) Though the waters of the Paclf,c rrondlm the Hawaiian islands teem with fish of all des- : crlptlon ana variety, sun mose wno are fond of them must pay exorbi tant prices, far in excess of those on the mainland. iAn instance of this is seen in tne price prevailing for mullet, a choice delicacy which has recently gone pound-.''' ' ' " to 30 cents a COA SHQRTAG NORWAY ADOPTS STRINGENT LIFE-SAVING Fi Chrlstlania. Oct. 17. New and stringent regulations come into force shortly In regard to lire-savlng appliances to be used on Norwegian ships traversing the war xones. Each lifeboat must be half cover ed over with waterproof cloth as a shelter., and must be provided with oil-skins for the crew, with signal lights, a hand pump, and ample sup plies of bread, meat and water. WHOliB XIMHKK tlM. FRIDAY IS DAY BTl'DEXTS AT HlHOOlii WILL BI PFLY Til 18 CITY B QUOTA IJC IMI-OHTAXT WOltK country respo:-:d::g rfjw First Time la Thia tVuntry' HlMturr Holdler (in4a Are tu tie Mad Helpful lUther Than llrtrtaj Friday of this' week is the day set by the Chamber of Commerce and the school authorities for the col lecting, through the clty'a school children, ot the Grant Pass quota to the War-Camp Communlty-Kec-reatlon fund. The children will" be handed a circular on Thursday stat ing the purposes of the fund. They will ask - that the parent co-operate by helping each of the children to do hla or her little bit In thla great cause, which bit Is 60 cents each. '': These sums will be brought to the schools Friday, and collected by ibe teachers. Each school principal will turd over the collections of their school to Hoy K. Hackett, treasurer, at the First National bank,' who will forward tbe same to Washington without delay. . f The telegram to Secretary of War Baker, to be signed by each of Jht school children contributing his ( or her bit. haa been prepared and will be sent Friday night or early Sat urday morning as soon oa th ittiea can be correctly listed. One of the duties of each teacher In . this work will be to keep a correct list of he children in her room who Join In this movement, which will ' doubt less be practically every child In the schools. . '.'"':. Washington, Oct. 17. "Tbe Ara- erjean spirit must be made in Amer ica." This is the substance of the admonition of Secretary of '.War Baker who haa called upon the peo ple ot the United States to do all in their power to make tbe life of the student soldiers and sailors in ftils country a pleasant and profitable one. ' ' ". " Officials at the national headquar ters here of the war camp commun ity recreation tund, ot which John N. Willys, of Toledo, has been ap pointed chairman by Secretaries Baker and Daniels Jointly, state tlat this is the first time in the world's history that sustained and organised effort has been made to . throw around a nation's army all the wholesome, stimulating environment j Dy which the men In training would Ibe surrounded If they were at home. Always in the past camp and com munity have been left to shift for themselves with resultant damages to both aides. ' Trained organizers, under the di rection of the war department and navy department commissions on training camp activities are lining up the forces around every training camp to give the men the helpful, normal entertainment which they (Continued on pas I.) Each ship must carry an. extra boat ot at least 105 cable feet, and large enough to take the whole crew. This boat must contain air cham bers and have a cork belt around it. Either this boat or one ot the regu lar lifeboats must be supplied with a motor, together with fuel for two dnys and a tow rope. Passenger boats must have ten cubic feet ot lifeboat room tor each person on board. CHILDREN WILL GIVE WAR HELP