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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1917)
IVUIT IHMJrK HIVKIt COVKtKR M'MtA v, onoitKit T. inir. Special Attractions This Week "At the BIJOU TONIGHT TriangiW'TIME LOCKS AND DIAMONDS" William Desmond. Monday-Selig,'"THE BARKER," America's pop ular stage favorite, LEW FIELDS. Comedy 2-reel Keystone, "His Uncle Dudley" Tuesday-Bluebird, Ella Hall in "JEWEL," The swetest story ever told. Pathe-Peari White in "THE FATAL RING Wednesday-Bluebird, "HELL MORGAN'S GIRL." Dorothy Phillips, Two-reel Keystone comedy, "Stars and Bars." Thursday-Triangle, "A STRANGE TRANS GRESSOR." Louise Glaum. Friday and Saturday Great Feature, Edward L. Grafton's stirring masterpiece, "THE ARGO NAUTS." America's first great photo-play of the West. California in the days of 149. Every Number This Week a Knockout J. B. CALDWELL, Manager. National MAZDA Lamps "My eye dcw'l hurt with this Unlit." the little itlrl I surprised when the turning on of Mawlu lights Instantly relieve the MrHln on her eyes. Older folks shouldn't be surprised. They know that too little light means eyestrain, and that when National as are used and the light properly diffused and shaded. It keeps the eyes in comfort and at the same time belters the vision. Buy National Mazda lamps and other electrical household appliances here, where assortments are good, prt-es reasonable, and service goes with every purchase. " Only 27c for regular family sizes ROGUEIRIVER HARDWARE THK BIO RKI FKONT Comply with the law and use printed Butter Wrappers According to the ruling of the Oregon Hairy and Food Commission all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale In this state most be wrapped In batter paer "l'n lk:h la printed the words "Oregon Dairy Butter, 18 (or 32) ounces full weight." with the name anil address of the maker. To enable patrons of the Courier to easily comply with the ruling this office will aopply standard sl-e and weight butter paper printed with special waterproof ink. and delivered by parcels post, at the following prices: 100 Sheets, 10 or 2 ounce fl.00 200 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces 1.35 300 Sheets, 18 or 32 ounces 1.70 500 Sheets, 1 or 32 ounces 2.40 Kxtra charge for special designs. Send orders by mail accompanied by the price as aboe and pnper will be promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We use the best butter paper obtainable, and our work saanshlp la of the beat. Rogue River Courier Grants Pass, Oregon (illlHIl .nVHM'KnKXIS lletlmity rrenli)lerin t hurvh Morning service 1 1 a. in., celehra tlou of the Lord's supper and re ception ot uew mcmlieu. Kveutng service at I: So p. iu., sermon by the minister. Sunday school at IU a in. Christian Kndeavor at .S0 p in. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. V. U Ireland. will sing the anthems In both sen Ice. In the morning a trio, Mia. Ireland. T. I' Cramer and lleo. I. Cramer, will sing, and a ladles' Irlo, Mr. Clark. Mis Jeanett Cramer and Ml Kuth Hathaway. , wilt assist the choir. You lll be welcome. U Myron ttooier, minister. Newman M. K.. Church 1'rea.hlng by the pastor at II a m.. and T:0 p. m. Morning topic ,"The Program of tha Church During War Time." The choir. In charga of Mra. A. 0. Knapp. will render the anthem, "In tha Cro 1 Glory." Bolo by Mrs. J. 0. Intel. Note the change In the hour of the evening service to T:S" o'clock. Evening anthem. Onward lo Victory." Solo by Mrs. Arthur Wlble. Sunday achool at 10 a. m- Kpworlh League at 6: SO p. m., Irene Courtney leader. A cor dial welcome to alt. Melville T. Wire, pastor. SKIN GRAFTED FROM Will. He Murray and l.)hn Sahln. both well known boy of (III city. nmire In a new dlsimtch which come over the wire from I'orvullli. In a way that Is niosl creditable and characteristic of tha young men. The dispatch read: Corvalll. Ore., Oct. 5. Thirteen gritty young men today are minus )i) aqnate Inches of skin, and Harry Welger, Nosehnrg man at the Corvalll hoipltal, a a remit of an automobile and electrical accident near Oranger two week ago. has added that amount or good "kin to hi neck, back, arma and leg. Tha boa are aald to have ahown a lot of grit, the Undent undergo ing the aralplng knife without tak ing a stimulant or an opiate of an kind. The entire list of those who gave up cuticle I a follows: Harry Melgon. Unn Harrl and Kenneth Kennedy, of Albany; Harold Har rington, Karl Iteynold. Ellsworth Rlrketts, Koy Jewup. Itslph MeUolt. Joes I'nderwood. William Teulsrh and Harold White of Corvallls. and Wlllette Murray and t.ynn Snbln of Grant fas. Ilaptlst Church Sunday school at 10 a. m.. Paul Klrker superintendent, n. Y. IV 1'. at 7 p. m., Pearl Youngblood leader. There will be no preaching services today owing to the Illness of Rev. Douglas. r1rl Church of Christ Sciential Christian Science services are held ererr Sunday. In the V. O. W. hall. iat 11 ,a. m. Wednesday evening meeting at o'clock. The subject for today Is. "Cnreallty." The reading room I open dally from 5 to A ii. m. except Sunday. The pub- illc Is cordially Invited to attend the ervlce and to visit the reading room. 1 Washington, Oil. . Since con gress convened In its extraordinary war session )ast April and up to to da: It has placed at the dllusal of the administration llT.nnu.tMiO.O"" and lias authorized contract for al most $2.3imi,immummi more. Most of the money was for war purposes. In-hiding iT.onn.oim.miO for loans to the allies. Camp l.el. tM. 6 Clarence K. Mllle.-, a private from Sail lke City died yesterday lu the base hos pital under clr.ustances which the camp authorities feel call lor an In- estlgatlon. He complained of being dirty." said Captain tireen. adjutant, "id while we belleie that he died from natural causes, there Is enough nn certainty about It to call for an In vestigation." The first regimental parade at Camp l.ewis took place this after noon when the SHIst infantry, 2. 20" strong passed In review hefoie Col onel W. t. Davis. The 3D 1st I the first regiment to be fully eilpped. TIIUKK CONVHTIONS OK 0"I.A1IOM KKVOI.TK.HS Knld, Okla.. Oct. Kighl men charged with conspiracy In connec tion with the Working Class union and other alleged antl-draft organi zations were acquitted, and three ! convicted In the federal court here ! today. I SAME AS LAST YEAR Kugene. Oi l. i'..- The enrollment of students at tile I'niierslty of Ore gun lor the fourth day of reglHira tlun totalled S3 1, as compared with T 1 last year. I iesiili nt P. I.. Camp bell of the university staled he ex pected a total enrollment as great as last year when 1.000 students were on the campus, notwithstand ing the fact that about 200 upper clussmen are now In the service of their country. Nanalmo, li. C, Oct. 6. A serious die broke out late today In the Jin gle Pot mine of the British Colum bia t'onl Mining company. The mine has been sealed In an attempt to ex- tingulHh the flames by suffocation. This means that the luopc-ty will be closed for at leaBl t- hi nths. throwing Itod men out of . Iment and cutting off a payroll .it j $20,000 monthly. Neckwear of Quality New Colorings e New Shapes 50c, 75c, up to $2 NKckWKAit nir in ciioici: AND K.( I.IKIVK IS THK HO I IT IC Will. AIWWS HMI HrllK. IN A DAVM JOlllVKY on i,d.vt HMi A hn:h nil- PiaV OK KAI.I. NMHUKAU Til AX IK AltK NOW MltmiNO. COMK KK.K THK' N K.W KAIL CIIKATION'M GRANT mu. OW.OON WHEN YOUR POCKET IS YOUR BANK vow money doesn't, lat lry;. It just slips away a little at it titiie until there is iiothinir li ft, mid then you wonder where it went. It is safe when it is deposited in this 'auk, ami is here when you need it. Don't von think that would he the hettcr wav"f Josephine County Bank (rants Pass, Oregon L IY COBB IS AGAIN ' LI I ' .:! Chicago, Oct. 6. Records an nounced today show that Ty Cobb of the Detroit American league team holdB his league's batting record for the season with an average of 3411; while Kddie Itonsh Is high man ol the National league with a percent age of 343. FLAPPER MODES. pchoolKhls will rejoice In this charm ing nary serge skirt and blouse, mads with crossed bell, edged with military braid and picked out with crochet but tons set in silk braid frogs. White organdie for sailor and caff It the neat finish. JOYOU8NE33, If avsr thsra is nd of joy ousne and good ehr in our words and looks and dtmoanor it i when w fool, least lik it and when cthsr about us ar most likely to b hetpsd by it. San Kianclseo, Oct. 6. The lauor ounrll last night Inslructed Its au- tliorltlve committee to make a can vass of l.'iO subsidiary unions on the proposition of lulling a general ittrlke In sympathy with the street cur strike, according to an announce ment made by lenders of the conn- ell. SOLDI KKS lKi;l KOIt I'M KINtf CHAMlK.IIIIY CHOP K:tt Kiev o Oct. . To re llevo a serli . ."VKe of pickers In the crafcV- e'lil of Hwacu, Wash., soldliTS ot the coast artillery stationed here are being granted four-day furloughs In parties of four from carp, to pick berries. (Continued from paga 1.) asked that the money be deposited In the Deutsche bank for disposal of Hugo Sihmlili. This was fnllod by another (No. 6!2 In which A asked that the German minister at Heme would be approached by a man giving the passwords Hanrt He gis, who would communicate with the foreign office. In this message Herns! or ff cautions the (ierman press ngalust expressing of approval of the Impending change. In Prance's Inlornnl politic. AKMOl'lt TAKKH TWO ' MILLION'S OK HONKS e Chicago, Oct. 6. J. Ogden Ar mour foday announced a subscrip tion of $2,000,000 to the new Lib erty loan In behalf ot Armour & Co, 1 he "Wear" in Hardware, The "wear" is the strong point in all GOOD Hardware. Our Hardware has it to the nth degree. Fact is, we never handle Hardware that won't wear. We sell the best of tools of all kinds. Our Harness is made from the best leather. Our Implements are made of the best of wood and steel. When you want an article to "wear," come to us. If you want it to "wear out," better go to some other fellow. JEWELL HDWE. CO' k