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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1917)
M'KllAYi tNTOHKIl T. IUIT s a e r eswie' nat'som wihimm TAQB FIVB Hi i y eee4 ttlllll,! 1,1 l, i , , PER52NflL -55 LOCAL : Mr. and Mr. A. Drunken epnt HmI iirilay III Medford. Universal percolator Hi Cramer Mi on. 75 Uxors Koran nn iul HmI irly si nlitaixl nn bulniM. Colgate's perfume. Kahili hi It. A. W. Dahlberg went lu I'ortlanil r'llclny night for hurt nay. t nlvrl breed maker it Cra mer Hro. 11 Mr. I. K. Heller, of lliiitu, pnl Friday In III city. returning homo tfitturdey. Di.n'l forget th Rugar Howl, Mm old Mifllll. Ml Kthel l Isaacs went lu Mill Raturday la spend ih end t home. rnUrroal food rhnpper l ..Vr Urn. n r.tnt week Cr- 'Olxnn lr('allltr anil Hod Mil ler wenl to Wolf Creek Krlday night to pnd Katurday hunting. Rton Jar for kra lit and meat at Cramer Hio. 71 Mr. Ien Dutigl returned to HI on on Halurdiy. after vlalilnai Mr. and Mr. K. M. Ernest. New neckwear, high tocka and tmrdo collar. Mr. R. Rehknpf. airtight at Ctamer .! Ml Allr I'oul nt to Madford Saturday to ind day with friend. Mb Dorothy (lllllllan left Hatur- day morning for Corvallla to antar ilia Oregon Agrlnultural college a t frhiuan. Japalao In all abed and alao Jap. mar enamel at Cramer Broa. 75 MIm Helen Uylon left Krlday night for Portland and after ahort lay win i it urn lo fortralllg for the college yanr, thin being bar enpho mora year at tha O. A. C. Tho Sugar tlowl will re-open on Saturday, rull Una or fraih home made randy. 75 Bicycle relr4 at Cramer llroa. J. r I'ope lee today (or Un 1 ol 11 and Pawnr. Neb., for an ei tended vUlt at tila old homa after nn allium a of mora than six year, lie aya he will be an everlaatlng hoo.inr for the climate or aouthern Oregon. He expects to return to Oranta I'aa nett aprlng. (Ml heater at Cramer llroa, 75 Jordan Ituna Krgiil ' uoy jonun naa purchased a new lied room llroa. K. I. Ilurdlik and family, of, and will make 11 mi of It on 75.Hegl automobile from the Denlaon land, left Friday afternoon for lla kerMd, ('!., to apend the winter. Kteelhead rilea at Cramer Hro The flogsr flowl la th only ptare In town lo get freah candy. 75 Mlaa Ruby Mitchell, who aient the pant three month with Mr. and Mr. V. J. Morgan, relumed to fthaula Raturday. Patton' Hunproof paint, the kind 1 twit U guaranteed at Cramer llro. frill Jr. Jar lap, rubber, at Kinltir Racket Ktore. 75 lMr. Mollle llurk left on Krlday f tlrande after a neven-weeka vlult with her daughter, Mr. Irving M. Ilramell. Laying tonic for molting hen at Cramer Pro. 75 Wool tweatara In all color. Mr. K. Itehkopf. If the Crement City run. Klu Up Again The Chamber of Commerce today made It third effort lo dlxplny lb flag of the United fltale. (ireat tlrluln and r'ranra a croon Sixth treel at the railroad rriiealnif. o that they would not wind them HeUra around the wli from whlrb ihey era mm, .Muled. The second at tempt, by weighting the fluu. wa not a uc'cm Ixs-MUne of the Iwavy wlud. Tli l lime the flag hate fclat Rlretrhed IrnuthwUe which It I be lieved will Keep them where they In-long. The Chamber la Indebted to Ml I'arnon and the California and Oregon Power company for making the i hinge. .Iliollier Car ('linwolrte Churchill k Maxwell received Ut week aimlher car load of 118 Cliev tolot cara. U A. Inunr and 11. P. Kgger of rtranta !', and Kliner (Hlinor of Murphy, are tha luteal purchaiier of Chevrolet rara. lulled at MiHlford Mr, and Mr. C. U. Ilolmrl and Mr. Mo of Oranta fa were din ner gueata Thuriday night of Mr. and Mr. A. J. Klockar. After the oH'ra Mr. Klocker returned with them to tha I'an for few dayi' vlalt. Med ford Bun. Hint ltl Ctimm Mb'lpment A buy group of lied Cro work era were at tha work room Krlday evening packing (everal boxe of upplle which have been prepared for tha aoldler'a abroad. Tha tup Pllra will b aent through th Se attle headuartera, thenca eaat for hlpment to France, Mor IJbrery .Money ' Another amall remittance waa ent to Portland today by tha man ager of tha Chamber of Commerce, on account of tha war library fund. There' Trouble drewlng For all of you who nilm that Murphy danca on the 13th. Heinle' orchestra of Madford, I to 4. f 1.50, lunch Included. 76 Kiiklmi llanrey at H Ensign Uuy Harvey la at borne for a few daya after apendlng the paat all month In Alaakan water and penetrating tha Interior nearly to the ItiiRalan boundary. H made the Interior trip on war regltratlon bualne. Kemtlni Korrcloe! Two execution have been fore cloned agalnt th Aimed mine pro perty at Oallca during tha paat week,' one In favor of W. K. David- eon out of Mutlnomah county for nearly ft, 000 and another In favor Of A' C. Hough laaued In Jotephlne count, for over $6,000. So Immediate Active Hrrrlce lo a letter received on Friday from tha lurgeon general at Waah Ington, Dr. n. R. Klllott waa noti fied that dental reserve officer hould not anticipate a call for ac tive aervlca until another 500,000 It amounted lo 13.50 and waa the are called for the national army. onirlbutlon of C. A. Harvey, II. M. '.Member or the reserve will be kept i'fffferle, Mra. Myrlla E. Pfeffnrla.'advlaed of the proepecU for active I. K. Johnson. II. F. Ilogu and Ho- duty. mer White, all of tha Kerby dlHtrlc.t Will Ua lo Clille , Mr. and Mra. I. U Orenlnger and two children, of Miami, Arliona, ar rived here Krlday for a month' vis it with Mr, Orenlnger'a parent. Mr. and Mr. I). P. Orenlnger. They made the trip by auto, and a Mr (irenlngcr expe l to leave In the near future for Chile, he gave the Stodchaker car to hi father. Mr. (irenlniter will be accompanied to Kh'riliivliiK New llullillnir liurkhalter aV Haberman for the past week have been occupying their new two-story concrete build ing on J street. The building 1 50x100 feet and Ihey occupy both floor In their feed business. They can run their auto truck In the lm-k door, load up from the pile of hy or grain and drive out the front door, eliminating much of the labor of trucking and rehandling. South 'America, by hla family and expert to be absent about three , tv. miigU at Hospital year. Glendale New. Mure MMAWell Ovtnri Hoy l-Httirop and Nelson ('rant Pas. T. II. Cowman, Wlliler ville, and Frank H. flexton. Hugo, are the latest purchasera or Max well automobiles from BenJ. M. Col lin, the distributor. Iter. 8. A. Douglas of the Baptist chnr li, who has been HI for the prut week, was taken to the Good vv-.r.t ,.r . Samaritan hospital yesterday, auf- rerlnit trom complication. ,Mr. Douglna was III some week ago and was udhIiIb to occupy hi pulpit, be- in the first time In 30 year that lie was unable to take charge of hi Sunday service. GOLD One Small Woid That Sent n Nation Mad .;,.'...'-7Vti, . :tl ... : -r i.r "... -...iH.X t t...A-r - Hamilton Improving Hall Hamilton, who haa been alck for the past six weeks, ahows come Improvement although be I not yet entirely out or danger. The original cause of hi trouble was drinking cold water while overheated, at the time he waa working on the highway grading job. He showed Improve ment; hut had a relapse and haa spent' many weeka In bed. Her at Weed A disastrous fire occurred at Wce.l late Thursday nlsht which destroy ed a section of the town, including business blocks and residences, but the box factory was not In the path of tht flames. Mra. Grace White lost her home and much of her fur niture, the balance of It being scat tered all over town. Mrs. Barley, formerly Mra. Coualno, also lost her home. EDWARD L. GRAFTON'S Stirring Masterpiece 66 1 The Argonauts Amemrica's First Great Photo-Play of the West 99 Is As Tender As Lorna Doone . As Bracing As the Word Amenta As Inspiring As "The Star Spangled Banner" Tragic As Eugene Aram Thrilling As Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg THE MOST AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL, SENSATIONAL PHOTO-DRAMATIC SPECTACLE EVER SHOWN IN AMERICA BIJOU Theatre s& Oct 12-13 BANCROFTS OPEN J WELL Ei Butter Fat 48c per Pound You get It all with a DeLaval .Nothing left for tha rfg. You raa bur a l4 Ural on racy monthly payment. ny row should make fm $20 per months. m Of tha dairy mm I lAval rrraaa arfx lr. A Pe Latal will ate rnock cream to pay fir Itself ia a short lime. - If ym ha 3 of morr row get a Ia lAtaJ. Write Unlay for my easy moathjy paymeat piaa. Make . yoar ms imj Ida: dirldeada whfla tha prloa la Ti&a. C. A. Vinetrout the implemeiit ni'j ,1J BUYS LOCAL H During the past week A. N. Par son told the Win. Haberman 200 arre ranch on the Applegate, to H. K. Duncan, of Klamath county, to gether with all of tbia year' crop, and all stock and implement. Mr. Duncan I one of the success rut stock rancher eaat or the moun tains, but decided to locate In the Itogue river valley, realizing that with a good irrigated alfalfa ranch here he can accomplish fully as much, with dairy or range atock, as east of the mountains, and at the aame time enjoy "the best atl-year climate In America.'' With hla ram lly he will move here in the near ruture. THK IIKK.tKI.XO OF DIKES I Xt UK ASK CHIXEftE FLOOD- Peking, Oct. . Dikes o th Hong Ho river have broken In two place near Puchow, according to government reports. The water' la nowln in a northeasterly direction and probably will enter the grand canal. It la reared this will aggra vate the situation at Tie Tela where there haa been no abatement In the rise or the flood. Letterhead tht will please yon, at the Courier.. MAKKIKD (JKHMAXY I'liAXS KEIinLDINO OK (ill RAT MKRTHAJiT FUCKT Amsterdam, Oct. . A Berlin dis patch says the relchstag ha adopted a bill for restoration of t$ German merchant fleet. The bill provides for a state of subsidy. Tl'RKKSTAX KEYOLT HAS RXDKD l. BtlUlKNDKK Petrogiad, Oct. 6. The revolt in Turkestan has collapsed. The Mus sulmans at a conference at Tash kent, capital of the province,- pledg ed their1 allegiance to the provision al government. : MA HAN-ROGERS In this city, at the Methodist parsonage, Satur day afternoon, October (, Charles tC. Mahan and Lulu May Roger, Rev. Melville T. Wire officiating. The happy couple will make their home In the Frultdale district tor a ahort time. comi!o Bvnrra 1 ;(' Oct. (, Saturday Children's story hour, at tha public library, Miss Jeanette Cramer, storyteller. ' NEW TODAY t CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 2& word, two Issues, 25c; six Issue. 50c; one month, 11.50, when paid la advance. When not paid in advance. 5c per line per Issue.) Anything to sell? Try a classified Grants Pass can now ( claim the dlatlnctlon or having the best equip ped photo studio in this section or photographic line state that Its Is photographic line state that it Is better equipped than any studio be tween Seattle and San Francisco, and It la to be round In the little (red-roofed building on F street carrying the original name of "The Picture Mill." The building in which the late A. T. Iewls conducted a studio has been completely remodeled and It now shows the distinctive artistic taste of the proprietor, 'Mrs. Geo. Bancroft, who with , her husband spont many days In planning and weeks in carrying out the plan. The equipment Is of the very latest and Includes a modern flash-light appar atus for use on dark days or In home portraiture. ' While all classes of work will be handled a speciality .will be made of high class, artistic work, such as Is ordinarily done only In the larger cities. Mrs. Bancroft's experience i a retoiu-hor and operator has been large and her ability Is recog nised rh high. Sun Francisco, 0;'t. 6. A able collection of Jewels, placed by accident In a shoe that was tendered as admission fie to a lecture Klven here Wednesday night by James W. Gerard, former ambassador to Ger many, was recovered tonli'.it, after two days' march. JOY THEATRE Week's Program 'SUNDAY and MONDAY William A. llmdy In associa tion with Worfil Pictures pre scift GAIL KANE "AS MAX MADE H EH" TUESDAY iumI WEDNESDAY PAUMNB FREDERICK In i "SKEEPING FIRES" THURSDAY ONLY 17th Episode Universal Serial "LIBERTY" DAVID'S IDOL DREAM COMEDY "DEFECTIVE1 DETECTIVES" In groceries or cash FREE FOR SALE One used Maxwell ear in perfect condition, don't miss seeing it. One used Chevrolet in good condition. - One used - Ford car at Chevrolet agency, Churchill A Maxwell. - 75 FOR SALE Piano, vacuum cleaner, stove, furniture, at a sacrifice, ac count of moving. Presleys, 700 North Fourth, phone 234-R. 7( LOST Ten dollar gold note lost Friday afternoon. Finder please return to No. 1919 care Courier. U CARRIER boy wanted Must have wheel and his home connected by telephone. Apply at once. 75 PARTLY FURNISHED small for renC $8 Apply A. 80 honse per month, close ln. E. Voorhles. 75tf ACRE3 land 2 miles trom. city at 220 per acre for quick Bale. Address No. 1916, care Courier. 81 , WANTED to rent Five or six-room furnished house. Silver, linen - and china may be omitted. Must be modern, north side. Phone 112-R. 78 WANTED Married man to work on farm. Call 612-F-3. C. N. Culy. 76 FOR RENT Three comfortable) housekeeping rooms at 639 North v Second street. Phone 145-L. 76 FOR SALE 1917 Chevrolet auto at a bargain. Inquire at Ford gar-, age.; . 7 FRIDAY and; SATURDAY "A MODERN MOTHER (JOOSE" , Matinee Friday, at 4 o'clock under the auspices of Grant Pans Public Mbniry. Matinee Satur.Tuy -Sto 8r ami Mta WANTED Men for mill work, can use a few good men. Carner aV Britten.- Phone 273-Jv , 76 j JOS. MOSS AGENCY Fir insur. i ance, plate glass liability insur 1 ance. 204ft Sixth street. , tf INSURANCE Any kind, best of I companies. L. A. Leaner, real , estate. ttr