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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1917)
DAILY ROGiri RIYKR OOtTRIKJI . grKDAT, October t, int. I BASEBALL SUBSTITUTE CORN Classified Advertising CLOSE PENNANT RACE BREAD FOR WHITE PUY8ICIAN8 vxam rora rUM I ALA pZS' 1 '"rT...-i., won1 Helping Yon With Your Live Stock The Federal Reserve Banking System, estab lished by the government, stands back of the stock raiser. Through our membership in it we can help our patrons carry live stock which theyar raising or fattening for future sales. Farmers' notes, with not over six months to run, given for raising or carrying live stock can be rediscounted by us with our Federal Reserve Bank, thereby increasing our ability to extend to our patrons such help as they may need. If you contemplate raising or fattening live stock for market come in and talk with us. We can help you. THE FIRST JtATIOJtAL BANK of Southern Orena PsfcSYXTSM. MM MINIM ' MOtitAL aiscavt tvsrtM Solitude. Solitude la matter of Hate. It bat been the subjevt of much iIIwuskIou. .Volume bar been wrltleu lu pralae er condemnation of it. Hut -rhps the reel value of solitude bus uever Iwcn to subtly and so accurately expressed aa by the girl who wm asked If she Hired being alone "Tim depends." she an swered sweetly, "on hoiu I sin alone with" Calling carda at the Courier. fUal Wsrh, A bellhop mmi through the ball of larye hotel whistling loudly. "Young man," said the manager sternly, "you aliould kuow that It In against the rule nf this hotel for an employee to wblatle i while on duty." , ' l am uot whistling, sir." replied the boy. "I'm pa v: liitC Mra. Jones dog." ! Sau Francls-o Argonaut. I A classified ad bring rMulU. Let Electricity Save You Labor and Money mm iimMit.iHiMUiiU(llliiliiulil)iitiiHiliMillullHlliMMMli'lihllMUMtilJilll!lilMIJlllilllHMIMItiUIUiil TIffl IHUMIHiUtnilII rt- CALIFORNIA-OREGON POV IK 108-J 623 G STREET. GRANTS PASS. OREGON Barg anus In Used Cars Enger 40-Five Passenger Overland 81 -Five Passenger Thoroughly overhauled and repaired. Prices right. FASHION GARAGE 301 6th St. Prione "163 San Francisco, Oct. I The at mi ll for flrat place la the rarlfle Coast baseball league continues ao clone between the club of San Fran cl and Lo Angele. that any Up on the part of the San Fran ciscan will result In the loss of the lead of the Day City players. In the series played between these two teams last week, the l.os Anitelana took the eitra same thus lessening the small gap between them by six points. E IS ON AT SALT LAKE Halt Uke City. Oct. I. Twenty thousand persona are her to attend the KSth semi-annual conference of the Church of Jesua Christ of letter Day 8atuta which opened today. Joseph F. Smith, president of the church presided. Simultaneously with the holding of the conference, the slate fair I in operation. Due to the huge crops, more persona are attenddtng (he conference and fair this year than In previous year, notwith standing: that many members of the church have Joined the colors or been drafted in the new national army. X-RAY IRK TAKES OF Paris. Oct. 6. Doctor X. M. Vail lunt. head of the radiographic ser rice at the Ijtrlbotslere hospital in Paris, who had already lost several fingers in successive operations re sulting from the use of X-rays, has Just undergone the ampiiUUlon of the left forearm from the same cause. Dr.. Valllant persists In con tinuing his wo'k at the- l.arlliyl- slere hospital. In view of the value of his work to the wounded. FLAYED BY M'ADOO San Francisco. Oct. 6. There H one man In the I'nlted Slates who Ik not expected to assist the govern ment In floating the "Second liber ty Loan of 1917." He is Dr. H. K. Stockbrldge of Atlanta, Oa., and the hands off" suggestion was made to him by Secretary of the Treasury Wm. G. McAdoo. following the an nouncement of Dr. Stockbrldge'a o- position to the loan based on his objection to pending postal legisla tion. "You are not worth fighting for" says Secretary McAdoo In a telegram to the Georgian. (Practical recipe (or the us of corn meal, by Anne MoCortuIck, dis trict home demonstration agent.) A long aa tb war lasts every Wednesday 1 to be mad a wheat- less day. IteatauranU and hotel all over the country, realising the ne cessity for wheat conservation, are now serving ou Wednesday other breads than that mad from wheat. Surely the patriotic housewife will do her bit as well, , Corn, rye, oatmeal, ilea aud bar ley all can be used as wheal substi tutes In bread. This substitution will not only release a large amount of wheat for shipment to Europe, where It I needed, but will glv us new- kinds of bread which will be found to be appetising, wholesome and In many fuses of higher food value than Is the customary white bread. rerhap th moat Important of these wheat substitutes Is cnrnmeal. For years we have been urged to eat more corn for our health' sake; now It Is even more strongly advo cated as a measui of national ecenomy. Corn Meal and White Bread. One and one-quarter cup of milk, water, or a mixture of the two; one quarter cake compressed yeast, dis solved In one-quarter cup lukewarm water. Or, one and one-quarter cupa milk, water, or a mixture of the two; one-quarter cup liquid yeast. One and one-half teaspoons salt, on tablespoon sugar, one eup cornmeal, two cup wheat flour. Pour th liquid used over the cornmeal. salt. sugar and hest mixture gradually to the boiling point, or nearly to it, and cook 20 minutes. This cooking can hest be done In a double boiler. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature and add the yeast and flour. Mold thoroughly, let rise un til It doubles In bulk; make Into a louf: place In a pan of standard slxe; allow to rise until It nearly (Ills the pan and buke 4". to SO minutes. This recipe Is worth trying. Quick Corn Meal Bread. One cup corn meal, one cup wheat flour, one-qnarter cup sonar, one-half tea spoon soda, one-half teaspoon bak ing powder, one teaspoon salt, one and onehalf cups sour milk or but termilk. Mix and sift dry Ingre dients and add gradually the sour milk. H cut welt and bake In a shallow, well-greased 'pan In a mo derate oven. Cornmeal items rsn be made from (his recipe If desired. This reclpel especially e -onnmlcal. as It calls for 'no eggs and sour milk, which Is too 'often thrown out, can lie be utilised. Next week: War bread continued. 0. 4 C. UHAMT LAND Ulu print plat snowing land la Josephine county, $1.60. Addreis A. S. Voorhlea, Or sat Pas U FOR 8AL Good cooking and eat ing apple. Bwet apple elder Ho a gallon. K. llammrbachr, phou I0I-F-II, II FOH SALE Work team aud bar ges, light wagon at a bargain. Crystal Bprlng Ranch, R. F. D. No. 1. TT FOR 8AU4 Tha (dollar) farm. Inquire on th premise of W. W, Fldler. 77 FOR SALE Flva-paengr Ford ear a good as Dew at a bargain. Ad dress Box No. SO. R. F. U. No. 1, Murphy, Ore, 71 ET-i.'.; TO RENT TIU&MONT ROOMS i No under nianagmeat of Mra U C, Arm strong; II clean room at lie and 50c; special rate by week or month; also light housekeep ing room. Would Ilk your pat ronage. f rTAbsDew'and second-hand for rent or al oa ay monthly pay ment; drat year rent to apply on purchase price. Rowsll's music sad Photo Mouse. 71 8. IOI'UIIRIDOK. M. IX. Physlelaa and surgeon. City or country ralla attended day or night. Residence phone 8(1; of flea phou 111. Sixth and II. Tuff Building. DR. CD. RYWATKR-Specialist 01 disease of th eye, ear, aoea and throat; glssse fitted. Office llo" I to II a. hi,. I to I p. at. Pboi. Resldsne I40-L; office 110 J; MaeoDlo Tamplo, Orsols Pas, Or. A. A7 WITHAM. M. D., Phyalotsn and urgeon. Office: Mall Hldgi corner Sixth and I street. Phot; Of flee. 111; residence. 1 1 1-J. Hour. a. m. to 4 p. m, DBNTIHT R. C. MACY, D. M. D First -clss dentistry. 10 Vb South Sixth street, Grsnt Pas, Oregon. FOR KICNT Furnished room. Also barn to be ud a garage. Mrs F. A. Co. 104 Washington Blvd Phone II4-J. I8tf Envelopes at the Courier. rtsc s iicstity. "When you ninrrlcd me you said you'd give me every luxury." "Well. I've given you a car. haven't I?" "till, that uiiurt a luxury. TliHt was a neci'" i'e let you Join the Bridge Whlsl club." "I'doliI Tum wi ul n necessity." 'Well. I've let yon huve your own n jiy In I'ver.vtlilnu; Inn. come to think of It. I guess thin uus also a neces sity " i. I.miiIm l'iixt-1 'lipiilib. FOR RKNT Furnished five-room cottage. Inquire of G. P. Jester at Grant Pass Banking Co., or phon Ul-R. tf KOirURNTUrge house, cloaa In IIS. O. S. nianohard. tf KOIl KKNT-Furnished honsekeep ing rooms. Phone I7I-R or call at 411 North Eighth street. 77 WANTED lady cook for hotel and restaurant at Glendale. Address Hotel Glendale. Glendale. Or. 71 ' WANTED WANTODWo.lil " eueiomer to rid dally la Jitney Luke' tail at 10 rent each. Inquire at The Spa confectionery, or phon 163-R. Country trip a special ity. Iltf WANTED llox factory helper at 13 and up. Also machine men at ,11 a day with 25 rent bonus Board only 75c per day. Disady employment the round. Al goina Lumber Co,, Algoma, Ore WANTKD Udy to take care of country store and do her own house work. Manager will hoard with her part of Win time; wages H per week. 8. K. Talliuan Buckles. Ore. 7 S A I .F.SM KN W A NTK D Everywhere to sell our warranteed nursery stork. You can make big money at spurs time. Writ for partlcu lars. Donald Nursery Co., Don aid, Oregon. 90 WOODCUTTERS WANTED-12. 2R per cord. Inquire of II. II. Me riting, Wonder, Ore. 75 J F't " S A' 'it 1 ifl Should Worry Hon About Corns I" Tuej Peel Off With " Oeto-It" Two corn are no worse than one. and one is nothing at all when you use "Uets-It," the one real corn starlnkar, corn loosener, peaMt-right-oft corn-rsmovsr. That's us- THE LAFAYETTE. A stunning inslcl thin tvlien we are II so Interested in everything French. It take Its name, from the exceeding ly clever adaptation of Hie headgear r:uri I'.v l'ie ureal t'cui'iiil. ' 1 U 0. OIJCMUNT, M. D. HraoUo limited' to diseases of th ay, oar, nus and throat. Glas fitted. Offlo hour l-lt, l-l, or oa ap polntiuont, Orflc phone, It; reel deuce phon Iftl-J. ) II. D. Norton, Attorney-et-law. Practice In all State and Federal Court. First National Bank Bid. COLVIU A WILLIAMS Attoraeya- at-Law Grants Pas Baaklac Oo. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. K. 8. VAN DYKK, Attorney. Praetlea In all court. First National Baak Building. DURHAM R1CIIARO, Attorneys- at-Law. Offlce Maaonlo Temple, Grants Pas Oregon. W. T. MILIAR. Attoraey-at-Law County attorney for Josephla County. Offlro: 8challhora Bldg. O. 8. RIjANCIIARD.Attorney-at-Lav Grant Pas Hanking Co. Bldf. Phone 170, Oram Peas, Orsgoa V. A. CI.KMKNTHAttorusy-atXaw Practice In state and federal court. Room I, and I, over. Golden Rule Store. BliANCHAKD A 11 LA Wl I A 11,1), At torney, Albert block, phone Ill-J Piactlc In all courts; land board attorney. VKTK.IUVtKY Ml'IU)MN D R ," R. j7 B EST t- U Vet e r laa rla at Offh In Wlnntroiit Implement y Bldg. Phone 113-J. Realdeno Phon Juii-K. ' DiuVAGKA.MrVlW.VMFKrr3 COMvTe Itn A LT R A NS FKR CO." AU kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly dona. Phone lll-J. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. G. IHIIAM, drayage and tranafer. rlafe. pianos slid furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clark and Ifolman. No. 60. Resi dence phone 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES; io do Bunch Bros. Trtnsfar Co. Phone 397-R. ASHAYKIUi WANTED An oak. flat-lopped desk. State price. Address No 1891 cure Courier. tf WANTED Three husky swampers for Dorrls; wages 3.r0 per dny M. C. Anient, 654 North Eighth street, pnone loi-n. th WANTED Bids for clearing SO acres land. River Rank farm. 7 E. R. CKOI'CH Asssyer, chemist metallurgist. Rooms 201-103 Mall Building, Orant Pass. . CAMPING HKHOKTH The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company ram oak Oa On Plaa Oetwi Uqnala um rt, urn Kre. cause two drops of "Gets-It" sasea your corn-pains at once, and you know that that old corn has been . "nipped In the bud." "Oats-It" make cutting and digging at corn and fussing with bandages, salves or anything else entirely un necessary. Remember "dels-It" la safe. Tou'll not have to take elf your shoe or pump under the table at the cafe to ease your squirming soul. Bee that you get "Gets-It. Don't b Insulted by Imitations. Isa Is all you need pay at any drua ' ftor far "Gets-It." or It will b . H"h atfiiBi"V'a " Lwrnc Co., Sold In Grant Pass and recom mended as th world's best corn rem edy by George C. Sabln and C, H. Demaray. Effective June 1, 1117. Daily except Sunday. Train 1 Iv. Grants Pas.. 1:00 p. m. Train 2 Iv. Water Creek 3:01 p. m. All trains leave .Grant Pass from the corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at (he oHlce of the company, Public .Service, building, or phone 131 for same. OASqCET RESORT At the edge of the redwoods, accommodations for tourists, hotel f 2 per day, electrlo lighted camp ground, garage and accessories, groceries and supplies fishing and hunting. t R. Price. Propr. U7tf jiirHICAixSTHIJCTION J. 8. MACMURRAY, teacher of voice ' culture and singing, Lessons glveu" at home of pupil If requested. Ad- dress 716 Lee St. ISltf MISS ALMA WOLKE, teacher of piano and harmony. SpedMI course given In kindergafifa music. Address 706 North Fifth St. Phons 208-1 75 JUWELLANKOIH CliOTHHS HE PA l RED"- 'Mending and darning neatly done at 411 C St. 36tf TAXI SERVICE THE BABY NEEDS a" new "pair of shoes. Call Jitney Luke Taxi. Phone 282-R. The Spa. tf liOriT A Dubious Compllmsnt, "I hardly know whcihcr to lake this as a compliment or not. .You know my old friend thti hoi iIi hIiiiihI expert?" '"I do." , i "He ofl'crs in iiauie h squash after lue. -Kuusas Ity Joufual, IjOST Suitcase, name of case, C. E. Iwis, Seattle, Wash., lost be tween Hugo and Leland. Finder return to No. 1844 care Courier or F. 'A. Rnllnws. Leland. Re ward. -. t70 IjOHT In Urants Iiihs, a moss agate locket, heart shaped, (with gold ' chain and mountings. Finder re- 1 turn to Mrs. Eclus Pollock and re- , celvs reward. . ) 70 j