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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1917)
H'MtlY, M TOIlK.ll T, tUH. 1MILT BOOLE JUVEB OOliUXR rica 1 FAME- OF SECTION IS ENHANCED BY THE ILL-A-HEE YARDS Dorft - cslcftr Crcctaa Mow ha love 'ami And they're good for him, Imi, 1km cum they are umilo of tli purest and heat of healthful material In our aanlurjr, daylight factory. Hold In It Imn of Package, and In hulk. PAriHC lt),MT IHMC'l'IT CX. I'ortlaad, Oregon. sau PD fLBBBS WH SKt.L 'KM Klaaey A Traax. WalM HoaM Oreeerr. Qraata PaM KoMataW 0. Joaaphlaa Orseery Oo. Basket Oaah Oroosry. C. Bohaldt v J. Parana. P. A, abaUkon. Orshards by th Waysid. Isf III road In manv Hurt, nf Hmm. fordahlre. lamaoii ar the trees eiuany pimiicu rur inn purpose, ninl along ninny of tint uiuln rosiU I y fear been iiniim In the hiilcc n in larval i'f a few yanU for eoimlder lltilr distance. tircst masses of snowy iKiin In Spring and the purple of rlcolug mill la the Into MitmniT ilo ni'i' li In mlil in the Ik II lit jr of mm of I III' iniwl licaiitl. ful I'liniilliHi In Cngland. i Home riiliTiiU!njj farmer have planted diiliHnu i ire j In every tioiUi an the farm, n'ul I In dumsoii U quit,' ii iiiiii.itiiIiIi turior l'i (bi'lr g rVuliiir! rwuivs Ti.n of l lie fruit are gathered In a h.ilr rl- Hint and tag' I for iljrftnit purpose. -Loudon iCinluid j ' Partita ! Alrica. I Una of tlic ureal nut m ill treasure of : Africa la I In- Immense olia troiral j forest t tit l I'Vlfinln almost iiiilnokuii 'from tin ciUcme mull linn end along : Ilia eastern liluliliunU in i ho iiUiitor. ' There arc gups In It. nml tli iriNa 'change In kind miiicu lint Willi change of Inllluile. Imt tlon tlic whole It ha Ithe an mo chiiiader throughout. The altitude alHiVi; Ilio sen I'llilllKCS fl'ISU jluily wlili dcricuse uf liilliinli'. .Si'ur ' llii cie tlic forest grow nt wi level, 'lu NiHul nml I In- Tninsvaiil It ultl- Hide Increase in -(.mm nml :,,int twt, and on uiiroii' I1I114 llm equator Ii rise to T.laai fi'H mill Dually t ii.ii feet, i In tlu riiiuloilnl likliliiinU 1 In- growth j I very tTuir iii.R I ' Kngraved calling carat 100 cardi and plate. In script, $1.60; If plate la furnUhed. 100 card for II. We Have Three Second-hand Fords fnr They are bar&ains 1U1 uaiC 1,00k them over C. L. HOBART CO. lly K. It. Htaal Keul lirinireaa In farm live alork or poultry lua alwaya coma lu (tie riant and irolmlly alwaya will nme In Ilia fuiirn; Dral, from (he worth while. uifliulldliiK work of 0110 lead er In caoh line, continued until er- niaiiviit ImiMoveineiit haa been aililmd; and aecond, from apread- IliH I lie leaaona learned from tbla li'iiler'a work widely over the ter ritory Involved. Hurh worth while and up-bullillnn work haa lieen c comullahed with llarrod Hock rhlrk- ena at the lll-A-llea poultry yarda at tirantu I'aaa, Ore., under lha man aKitment of U. U. Ln. Jr., and one link In tha chain of publicity nn ceaiiary to aprvad .'Uia Inaplrntlon and benefit of thla work throuKhoul Kie aiirrouudlnK tenlory wua ac (oinpllMhed at the aucceaaful poultry dmnoimt ration bld at lll-A-IIre re cently, under lhx Joint auaplrea of lha poultry plant and County Agri cultural Agent C. D. Thompson of Joaephlne county, representing the entenalon aervtce of the Oregon Ag ricultural college and the V. 8. de partment of agriculture. The occaalon waa In every way a anrceaa. About 150 were preaent. r'nllowlng lunrlienn In which the plrnlc banket brought by the vial tor were auppleinented by roaat chicken and coffee, the program of lulk commpnrcd. Mr. I'paon In troduced tha apeakera. nev. I.. Myron Hooier, the flrat aneaker. pointed out that the farm er In no longer "Juat a farmer," but 1 atockman or poultry or gralnman or orchardlnl or mini other form of apeclallat. and had become a vital unit In the nation' reaourre In the prpaent world crtne. A. Wylherg spoke on etandard Iwtlon of breed. . He advocated a community confining Itaelf to one breed and mnklng a reputation on that. The third apeaker on the program wa Ceo. I.nndburg. cashier of the I Flint National Hank of Southern Orenon. Mr. I.nndburg congrutu- lated the county upon the excellent ifi.oilnir thni exlHted between the j farmer, atockmen and poultrymen I of the country and tho bualneH men (of Granl Pum, It chief city. Tho next eaker w Prof. Jamee 'nrvdon, of the Oregon Agricultural 1 college, probably the fnort fmou 1 chicken expert In the world. Prof. iOrydcn Mid that aonthern Oregon I wa naturally a very fnvorable )oca tlon for the development of a worth I while poultry Induetry. He empha !al.ed the fact that the average pro duction of egga and chicken In the California Attractions A round trip tlckat to Southern California, good for alx month, with 'atop-over privilege, will take you to all of Cut irornlu'a delightful reiort. .. Plan Your Winter Trip Now I 8nV1.X IS41I .MOM'rIKKV HAV ItlXOItTH HANTA HAItllAIIA CAI.IHHIM V UK At 1 1 KM CATAI.IXA IS1,AM HO. I'AI.IHHtMA IIKSOItTS , coHtiiopoll tun city, full of II le, romance -and unlimited enjoyment. Such Bohemian life uch diversity of pleasure. Del Monte, Santa Crim, Monterey. Pacific drove, Pebble Henrh, t'arniel nml Old Carmel Mlwdon. On the amllinit chanhel,1 facing the ea, A reaort of world renown, rounded. In the early Spanish day. To these beaches come the people of the world. You will find exactly what yon want, l-ong Bench, Vcn- led, Santa Alonlcai Redondo, etc. A br:i.UH'ul, realful plMie, mi iron nd cd by the iiilet se. - I.o Angeles, PnHBdenn, Riverside,' Keillnnds, San Diego and mnny oth ers, ench Interesting In It way. Ask for our Illustrated literature, reservations, etc. Juki M. Scatt, General Patseo?r Aat, Portland, regoa Southern Pacific Lines United fcliate ua now carried on at a loss, due to the price of poultry product not being a high In pro porttun a feed and labor. Tula, however, does not mean that a pro fit cannot still be mada on poultry, but that to do so, higher laying hen iiiuat lie used. Prof Dryden ataled that no hen that layed less than 100 egg per year waa profitable to keep, and Intimated that the profit line might be raised considerably above this. II aald It was a pa triotic duty to keep ' high laying hen; but that it waa a criminal wast of food valuta to keep any hen that laid lea than 100 agg per year It wa Ilka robbing our soldier of that much food. On the other band, the production of egg by ..high lay ers helped supply the hospitals and armies of the allies. Prof. Diyden pointed out that ar mies cannot Dghl on a vegetarian diet. They umst have meat, egg and milk. Keep your good layer and kill tha poor layer, wa hi ad vlca. I'rof. Dryden stated that trap-nest ing was the only accurate method of telling good from poor layers, but that approximate selection could be msde In other way. , Tha most striking thing brought out during the whole demonstra tion however waa the remarkable proof given by tha tabulated records of the lll-A-Ilee plant for the last seven years, that egg laying ten dency 1 transmitted entirely from Ire to daughter and not at all In the flrat generation from dam ' to daughter. Mr. 4'pson exhibited (able which conclusively ahowed dominant egg laying tendency I not traiiamltted from dam to daughter in chicken, not In the Ill-A-Hee flock anyhow. The Immense Importance of thla fart to the poultry Industry as a whole the commercial egg Indus try particularly Is that a poultry man who cannot take the time nor go to 'the expense or trap-nesting hi flock, can depend upon getting good layers right along by always using a sire with a 'high average egg record pedigree. After the speaking program wa finished Mr. rpson took the visitor through bis uMo-date plant, show ed the methods of handling, feed ing, tiao-nestlng. nd record keep ing. Many valuable pointers were gotten by those In attendance upon these points: and Pro'. Dryden complimented Mr. I'pson highly upon the management of the plant. Altogether a most successful poultry demonstration was held. Mar there be many more like it. ( - - : 1 J' - t 1. f.7 ',.1 j '.ItUHL- U.!i--' J $950 F. O. B. FACTORY A motor truck must submit, and PASS, & acid tea of COST. That U the teat wo want you to apply ' to the one-ton Maxwell truck iU first coat and H operating coat A Maxwell truck-whfch U a REAL truck, worm-driven aII at a price that can not be met in any other motor rehicU of likeef ficiency,durability,andeconomy. A Maxwell truck will cover 100 miles in a work ' day twice the distance covered by two teams and two drivers. It will do this at an operating cost of less than that of one team of horses. Moreover, it is of a size and capacity adapted to the needs of almost every form and phase of commerce, industry, car farming. The question is not, "Can I afford to . have a Maxwell truck? " Tk FACT la. Mr. Business Man. von can not attord to be witnoui 1 V, If E E FERRYDALE Athens. Sept. 15. (By mall) Th new government, which suc ceeded that of Klnst Constanllne, has adopted radical measure toward the supreme court, or areopKos. on the charge of having used its high Judicial functions for political ends In protecting the officials of the late king, and permitting the ' persecu tion of the Venlzelo element. The chief Justice, associate chief Justice and five associate Justice have been summarily removed, and some 60 Judge of courts below the supreme court are similarly displaced. Such a sweeping overturn of the Judiciary ha never been known berore. The mlnUter of Justice ha 1 ex plained to parliament that condi tions were such as to warrant the suspension of tha constitutional pro vision grlvlng the Judiciary a fixed tenure of office. He referred to the dismissal of the supreme court and other Judge a a work of purifica tion, and laid It would he continued until all those who had taken a hand In politics were removed. He cited a number of Instances In which the hrsh treatment of the Venlze tlsts Inst December resulted ; from ruling by the courts. ' . 1 : 1 . ' Hell Qato Bridge.' Hell Clate bridge lu New York repre sent a nuiMS of I'.l.'HHi ton of ateel alone. ' Its nivh ' p:tii; on Interval of 1.017 feel, mnUiiiu It the longest steel ti.'li In tlic v. mlil mill u heav iest bridge of iiii.v 0CNcriiloit ever lt tilt ii":o-a mi oIi.i.k U'. Two massive towers' suppiitl tin" cnoVnioim wiiluht. Tlmy rise ! a hciil of J.Ml feet on each side of the river. The ends of the I'lMg.'' rest upon four ponder .ns shoes nf cast Mteel, ruch w.' .".IXVXX) liiiii Is, the lai'gi'st oastlnvs ever made, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Cochrane, Miss Norma Cochrane. Kmmett Cochrane. Miss Pearl Green and Mrs. Black from Quart creek were Sunday vis itor at E. C. Neely's and T. H. Over ton's. " 0. II. Griffin and family motored to Ashland and. back Sunday. On the return trip they stopped In Med ford to visit relatives. I.. H. Raber and Will Taylor, of ('orvallls, are spending several day prospecting at the Flanagan mine. A. 1. Hussey made several trips to the Brltton mill this week for lum ber to be uesd In the construction of a silo on his farm. Mr. and Mr. J. Q. Wert and daughters, Mary and Ida. and Mrs. M. A. Griffln motored out Jo G. H Griffin' Monday evening. Harry Neely, Percy Green and Roy McAllister returned Wednesday from a hunrtng trip In the mountains. T. Ogden and Roy -Peterson are helping Wm. Anderson build a silo on his farm. A. C. Ford as Just commenced gathering hi late peach crop. Mr. Millie Johnson and children left Wednesday, returning to their home at I.a Center after visiting relative 'here for the past two week. T. J. Gverton wa a Grants Pass visitor Wednesday. OfM-f l Track ChasW IMS; Chmmb aWffc Hl mmd windthUU ftOOi ChmuU aWrh , wi-dtkiM, mitd Slmhm Cats BENJ. M. COLLINS Distributor. ' Never Had It . , Parson This eccentricity you apeak of In your daughter Isu't. It. after all. a mutter of heredity Olrl's Mother No. sir. I'd have you know that there was never nii.v heredity in our fnmil.v. llnMiio 'J'musvripl. CHICHESTER S PILLS W7-s. .TMK aIAMONI IMUNSX A USA 1 icy i UllMl A.k rar Unnhl let . ' ll.rl..r' ' Til. I dr4 ud I.M iMullkV7 om. Mitdik sia auHi. m kitMa Unt. Safs&L JllMva Belli SOlfl BY WvliQOISTS EVERYWHERE THE UNIVERSAL CAR In busy cltien or the country rood, the Kord la a favorite over the whole motor field. There are strong res wiiih why half the Iniycrs of America ilcnuind Kord cars. They have proved their worth under the iflost trying coniliilons In all pai-fa of the world. People buy Ford earn because they . know what they have done and will do. They have become one of the everyday necessities. Touring Car ICHIU, kunuhoot $34.1, tuKlct X.VM, Town far $.105, SeUu $64.1, all f. o. b. Detroit. On dlsplny mid for sale by C. L. HOBART CO. GRANTS PASS, ORHftON ' rt IT k H aaUJHMgManasifa j SCHOOL Rooks for the grades aud the High School now on sale. . Pen, Pencils. Tablet other School SuppHe. BOOKS Demaray's Sa&ML MASONIC TKMPI.K. OK ANTS PASS Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier