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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1917)
PACK FOt'R MAILT aOQlK RIVER ooikikh TIIIKKDAY, tMTtHlKH I. IHIT. : PER52NdL H5 LOCAL i no OF LOCAL BOND SALES GRANTS PASS OK TUESDAY Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ixsn left last Bight for a irl lo Portland and Se attle. 'Sani-Flush. Sabin h It. Tl W. A 5!arp arrived this morning from SQ Francls-o to spend a few days with hi Until. Walter Garrett, of Galic. spent few dm ta th city and left thl moraine (or Portland. H. Sordy u li 4h city for a day, returning to Gall-e this morn inn. New nevkaear. high stock nd tuxedo collars. Mrs. E. Rshkopf. R. Wetland arrived her last night from Ptoch. Nv.. to visit hi brother. J. V. Wslland. Robert Jewell left litis morning for Corvallis to enter th O. A. C as s ftwshma. U. A. Bicksl. of the Ulndal ho tel, spent the day In ths city on bus- Iness. Ernest Archainbau, of Eugcn. Is ths guert of Mrs. Stephen Jewell and family for s tew days. Mr. W. E- McBrld and t so sons, Steven and Marvin, left this morn ing for San Francisco", where the boys will attend the Southern Pa ctflc training whiol for the winter. Peter Hanson left this morning for Cascade Lock, where he. will work this winter on the Schell eon tract. Wool sweaters In all colon. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. tf Raymond Messenger, of Murphy, went to West Fork this morning to work with the Fred Mensch govern ment surveying crew. Mrs. Herman Horning left this morning for a visit of several weeks with relatives at Portland. Newport. Eugene and Cottage Grove. Have You Missed Yowr Courier There are changes of carriers on foar of the Dally Courier carrier routes. If you miss your paper tele phone the office. No. 30. and your paper will be sent to you. Always phone the office when a paper Is missed or If you are not getting good service. AWon Is Lieateawut Bert E. Anderson, civil engineer for the California and Oregon Coast railway of this city, has received a commission as first lieutenant In the engineers reserve corps. Anderson went to Portland on August 2 to take his examinations and only yes terday was notified that be passed with high marks and bad been com missioned. He Is awaiting orders as to where and when to report for duty. ' : 7 I. 4 It ii Th Exes of the World" at fne: , IMJo Friday and 9 ,.'-. -. , Arvti Drwt-on Her SumUy Arch Deacon Chambers of the Oregon diocese will be In Grants Pass sad will hold in St Luke's church Sunday at 11 a. m. YUiled County S.hool . County School Superintendent Alice Bacon spent two day of thin week visiting the schools In the northern part of the county. Woinest of WoooVrwft Meeting The regular meeting of the Wom en of Woodcraft will be held Friday evening at the Woodman hall. There will he special business. x Roy Scouts Tonight Contrary to a previous announce ment, the Roy Scouts will meet to night as usual. Chamber of Com merce rooms. 7:30 sharp. Attending Grand Uei A number of Grants Pans people are leaving this afternoon for Med ford to attend the performance of Carmen by the la Scalla Grand Opera com pan)-. Will Winter in Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Griffin left to day In their car for California to spend the winter. Their Brat stop will be Richardson Springs, near Chlco. The greater part or their time will be spent In and near Oak land.. Miss Geneva Myers will sr- company them as far as Chlco. Konr-Mlnute-.Mea Sotwk e The Four-Minute-Men were repre sented at the local theatres last night by Geo. C. Sabin. and E. E. Blanchard. The same team will ap pear next Saturday evening. the subject being "Onward to Victory,'" in which the general subject of Am erica's progress In war preparation will be discusset. Pears Bring 4Jod Price The last car load of Bartlett pear shipped from this city by Eismann k Hunt were sold through Sgobel A Day, at the average price of $3 per box, which, considering the recent ly demoralized condition of the mar ket. Is an excellent return. Most of the car was from the orchard of Will Seville. Knapp Studio Remove Beginning October 1t, the Knapp Studio for voice and piano mill be located at 70! North Fourth street. Phone 205-L. Pupils desiring high school credits are urged to egin work not later than October Int. Mrs. Knapp will conduct a class of musical appreciation and elementary harmony this winter and which will be Interesting to all music lovers. 74 CENTRAL OREGON WILL WINTER. MA XV SHEEP Bend. Ore., Oct. 4. Stockmen es timate that 50,000 sheep will winter this year on the irrigated lands near Bend. Two years ago winter graz ing In the Bend country was consid ered out of the question by stock men. ' GOVERNOR'S NEW SECRETARY BEGINS WORK NOVEMBER I Portland. Oct. 4 Chester Moore. Portland newspaper man plans to take up his new duties as secretary to Governor James Wlthycombe on November 1. Mr. Moore will suc ceed George Palmer Putnam who re signed recently. 8ta Springs. In the very hottest districts In the world tbe shores of tbe Persian gulf there Is no rain whatever, nor rivers, uor osses. Yet water is got-frnm tbe bottom of tbe sea. Six miles iff tbe halkw riant tlierp ! a long i:ne of linhlftlng aprlir.' cf Ice (old fresh ..atcr. Divers .-apt lire In goatskin I nr.i anil retail it Inland nt very nnxi cr.ue prill-. Even in an siiniia uiiMiglit. wlihit lat ("rniii .t.iMiiiiry h I i--;:'mtrr. mid In s l"iniersliire that hardly over sink Mwv no ili-vrpi-s and oi'l'ii rlnej to over 1 in the nat'vei liare no worry shunt their water npply. Youth. There Is Gul's ylfl of yinitli. inea pressi'ule. Im'suiICuI. hr;ou. rlivlne. li Is for youth that the rrt of live It U on llii'ir iiiotlniix that we hsnn. It fr them that we labor. nlTcraiio endure. It U for rliou that we flout the llli of life. It Is f'.r Hu m that we are blind to death. Tuuih-wiiinlerfiit youtb-so great a girt to iwHaess, so infinitely greater a gift t pie In boys and girls six. at ja". letterheads that will pleas ydu, at III tUnrwir. Portland. Oct. 4. Publicity eoni- mittees are to b appointed in every city in Oregon lo help boost the sales of the Kccond liberty Uu bonds. The various publicity romtultUes sill be named by tbe various chair men who have been named to take charge of the campaign in the state cities. A partial lint of the chairmen In chart; of the work in the Oregon cities follows: Grants, Pass, George E. Irfindburc Astoria. Jack l)e Uncy; Baker. William ('oilman Dallas. W. G. VaM.aH; Kugeua. V. U Chadhourne; Klamath Falls, J. Siemens; Marxhdeld. C. E. Hall: Medroid, W. II. Gore; Pendleton. W. U Thompson: Salem, D. W. Eyr. and North Bend. II. G. Kern. IfW.l IS SUMMONED ' 10 1. B. CONFERENCE Salem, Oct. 4. Governor it hy combe has appointed the following delegate to the northwestern tuber eulosls conference, to be held at the Multnomah hotel. In Portland. Oc tober 15 and 16: Dt. Francis Swedustburg. Ash land; John William Huff, Baker; V. C. Coe. Bend; II. V. Adlx, Estarada; Benjamin Sraiele. Eugene: C. E. Walker. Forest Grove: N. E. Win nard. Heppner; M. K. Hall. U Grande: Robt. W. Clancy, Med'ord; Sarah Ethel Smith. Newberg: Hugh 3. Mount, Oregon City; O. D. Butler. Indeiiendence; ' A. C. Seeley. Rose burg: 11. J. Clements. Sulem: A. A. Wltham. Grants Pwhs; Mary Mac Laihlan. Portland; R. E. I.. Holt, state board of health, Portland: An drew C. Smith. Portland: Clyde Hockett. Enterprise; J. F. Beau mont. Portland: R. E. lee Steiner, Salem; Jesse E. Edgington. Hood River; O. D. Doane. The Dalles: G. C. Bellinser. Salem; E. A. - Pierce. Portland: Rev. W. G. Eliot. Port land, and Miss Hlldegard Plummer. Hillsdale. FAMOUS RESORT IS BY -London, Oct. 1. While Brltinh and French airmen continue their bombing operations against Ger many's submarine base at Zeelirngge and points of military Importance behind the lines, the French aviators are keeping up their attack on Ger man cities in reprisals for the shell ins by German airmen of the town of Bar-le-Dnc. More than 1.1.000 pounds of explosives are reported to have been dropped on numerous German settlements, among them the famous town of Baden, famed as a health resort. PROSECTTIONS FOLIXY!NU NEW Y'ORK MAYORALTY RAt K New York. Oct. 4. Twenty-two Indictments against men charged with making false canvass of voles In New York's mayoralty primary were returned today by the grand Jury. JOY THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY Iflth Kpihode of the Great I nlvrrsal He-rial, "LIBERTY" "Court Martialled" Tell-Tale Clue" lot Moon Feature Preventing Ihe I'nlverosvl Slur MOLLIE MA LONE l-KO KO.MEDY KKATtRK After the Balled-op Ball Featuring PHIL DINK AN $2.50 Free In Groceries or twsli Se a wd I.V About 2& of the members of ihe local Chamber of Co in in ore will Journey to Ashland next Tuesday morning, In arceplanc of an tnvlta tlon from Ihe Commercial iliili til that city to a "Grants Pass lun cheon." courteously extended In r clprocatlon of the "Ashland Day" ar ranged by the local Chamber last spring. Th Chamber of Commerce Is ar ranging for five or six an ton to go on the trip, each auto owner to arrange with four other members of Ihe Chamber to accompany him. O. 8 Rlaouhard. C. H. Demaray. W. T. Miller, Sam Baker and ' George C. Sabin are among those who will probably drlv to Ashland. STATE RURAL CREDIT IS fulcin. Oct. 4.- All but amroxl-watch- $1,600 of Oregon's rural credit fund Is now loaned out. or will be as soon as several approved appllcatioua now on hand are com pleted. The state's rural credit fund to taled It.'iO.OOO, as no more bonds were sold because the state could not get par for them. This sum la divided Into approximately dif ferent loans. Public Opinisn. Force or pulillc opinion! ' What king or contention can withstand youT You In tain struggle--tlx tblug that Is re jected at culuuiiiiiMiK Iwlaj unlet pans as i eru' Ioiik triumph another day. t ui !j lc. NEW TOIMY i CLASS I FI Ed" AD RATES? IS words, two lisues, 15c; six Issues, iOc; one month, 11.50. when paid In advance. When not rd la advance, 5c per line per Issue.) SALE One used Maxwell car In perfect condition, don't raiss seeing It. One used Chevrolet.. In good cuudltlon. One used Ford car at Chevrulet sKenry, Churchill St Maxwell. 73 FOR SALE At once. Guernsey cow. 4 years old. freshened in May. Guernsey. HoUteln heifer calf 5-inontlis old. Good sound top buggy. Single harness. Cnly Ranch. Box 61! A K. F. D. No. 4., Grants Pass. Ore. 71 FOI'ND Oregon auto license. No. 277."6. Owner may have same by calling at Courier Office. 74 WANTED Responsible young wom an for office. Address No. 1906 care Courier. ' 73 WANTED lidy cook for hotel and restaurant at Glendale. Address Hotel Glendale, Glendale, Ore. 7S FOR SALE Five-pasenger Ford ear as good as new at a bargain. Ad dress Box No. B0. R. F. D. No. 1. Murphy, Ore. 71 SPECIAL Friday and Saturday Fresh Creamery BUTTER Jcsephb Ccurty CK?. Crearary W Roau New Fall Shirts DOVT MIKH 4)111 KIIOWIVO OF NEW FALL Ml I HTM, IF ti' I'AIIE AT ALL AlUtlT WHAT NOIIT OF MMIIITH YOC AUK GOING TO WEAK' TUN NEASOX. THE NEW MTYI.LM ARE IIKIU-: $1.50 to $5.00 ALL MIIUT I'ltlt IM AUK Allot T THE HMF, HIT Di ll MIIHTH ARK SO DIFtFltENT AND Nl Mi l II HETTF.R, TH AT YOl'M.t. LIKE THEM. Second Hand Ford 1914 - Engine Overhauled - New Top , Newly Painted New Tirei $275.- Terms C. L. HOBART CO. COFFEE- A fine Peaberry Coffee at 25c the pound White Pickling Onions. Green Peppers. Red Chili Peppers. Sweet Potato Squash Hubbard Squash New Merced Sweet Potatoes to arrive Friday. Will be cheaper. The White House Grocery IS FOR LIBERTY BONDS Tacoma, Oi-t. 4. Secretary of the Treasury MtAdoo will fire the open ing gun of the local Lilierty hond rampaign at Camp l-ewls next Tues day when he will address the officers and men of th fist division on the parade grounds. Madison, Wit., Oct. 4. Speaking before the hankers of Madison last night Secretary McAdoo reviewed the effect of Germany's submarine campaign and how It has hampered American Industry. "On the material side of the dis aster wrblfh would have followed submission to th war son order of Germany. Is most striking," de clared -Mr. McAdoo. "The kaiser's order forbade our nblpa from carry ing our people and our commerce to England, France and Italy. Our prosperity and our welfare as a peo ple are Inseparably connected with our right of free and unmolested In tercourse with those nations." HWEDIHII CAIHNET HAH RESIGNED TRIHIH IMPENDM Stockholm, 0t, 4. Following the resignation of the cabinet. King Gustave requested toe members to retain their places (or th present. I ALL Peerless Clothing Co., HUGO David Peterson and Mr. Mills, of Portland are spending the week wlli hunin folks and enjoying the stay fishing. They expert to return to ' Portland about the 7th. Fred Sexton' lett for Portland Sal ilrday night where lie experts to re main Indefinitely. Quite a number of the young people from here are In Portland. 8ll find employment easily. Miss llertha MrCalllsler spent Sat urday and Sunday with her sister at Wolf Creek. , Mr. and Mrs. t A. Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. E. llolman and (laugh-' ter, Ruih, of Grunts Pass, were Hugo visitors Sunday. Glenn McKy Is spending the week at the Swaateka mlue preparing for the winter work. The young people enjoyed a sein er ronst on the flat In front of Miss Oakes Tuesday evening. A big bon fire and games were enjoyed until a late hour. ALBANY WOMAN GETS ' HOKKIiritG HOAR 4XNTRACT Rosebnrg. Oct. 4.- Mrs. Travis of Albany has been awarded the con trafit to pace the county road from the Roneburg city limits to the Ore gon Soldiers' home. The contract price Is $7,396.54 and (he work will be stnrted nt onre, the paving slant now being on the ground.