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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1917)
THMtMIMY, (MTOIlKIt I, I HIT. DAILY HOCir HIV EH COL'sUKB FAGS if A sfS&g V I Sift Mi fill ill ! I efiVg$- S IMIONK TRUE COURAOC. True eeurage it eal and (aim. The braveet af man in lha vary lima af dangar art found lha maat aarene, pleasant and free. ard fargat himialf and fight, but what la dana In fury and angar oan never ba plaead la lha aa aaunt af aauraga. Lard Shaftee- - l A Fair Chance Every man owes himself a fair chance.' ' He owes his business a fair chance. Because his business is the machinery through which he pays himself for his work. A fair chance means that he gives his business every known opportunity to flour ish. Business is like gardening. The gardener who picks out the shady corners for his sun-loving plants doesn't . give them a fair chance to turn into food and flowers. The business which keeps its offerings in the dark aoesn't give them a fair chance to turn into dollars. The man who expects the public to come to him without telling it what to come to him for isn't doing himself justice. , ' ' A fair chance means, among other things, turning on the sunlight, the sun light of publicity. Rogue River Courier FOR INSTANCE PUBLICITY A PROVEN ADVERTISING MEDIUM Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Coirir 4'J Ind an Oettn Carpante. Among tin iii"! i'iiiiiinii serpents III I lie wiii Icl ric I lif inn I in- Hiiul.r of (lie liiiliiin kiiii 'Tiiry aiv lli dread of llslH'rimli. iiihI it Kiitui'lluir hap hiu that vrwiln urn nlillucil i thread tlii'lr t-alili-i tlimiiKli I 'I i ll to l,r vtiu llii rii'ilii'i fim.i swarming on UiiurJ Uri'iil ii . 1 1.1 'n l of tlieiu way ofteli te pi.-'t l'i ..i:.iU on I lie surface of I tie uii" n If n-lrri They arc rli'H'illiiGl.v I'n'.i r mill will cnniinnlily Bttllck lir.llli:!! I l:!l"Ul pTOVOt.1 lluu r-aaeibl Origin af Khaki. There art uian) waluua of. lha origin of khaki, but una Dial la new lo tua eniiiee fimn Vr-lerau uf Ilia Mini tvr u lio followed Mi linl-mi hruu-li IliO breach Ml a-l lit. Mkrf aerili.i vita .4r ! I'Ulllig the alr.v llicra, lia trlla luc, . w.iuiir ml Jiiiutlr c.iiiink lr la It Waa noticed llliil III while drill Ulll- j tUmlm I.Umi lu roll. .lr dr(rrt la Ik forma of Ilia regiment, then kiwwo aa I fnia tkuu: lh Hi I "Irtny Hlilrm." Ilia flr-l Kurt I AGBICULTUBB. with l iutmntu prail Bengal fll.lllcl Of III.- Olll roili- t CUMUBBCt. .Ilk 4 I pony's service, proved eicellriil uiarkl ""'""V"0' J"?,! i"'"m,Tt " ! .i i . u ...i Mini t . Klrrlrlml. IIuhwr. l4uilrll In Ilia moonlight for lha Hepoy mull- Lrll ,,rr(f.ll... ... ucere who bald tli illy. ' roasaTsr. i.iu4i.. r.,.r- Tlia men were lold, therefore, lu darken llii-tn ty any uieana Ibry could And. Their nmiliiMl waa lo bull tba mil forma In lha "illkli-a" nr nglinrnial krtllra In wlilrb lra mad, to- fi-tlier Willi bark air1d frmn Ilia trora In Ilia lirlnhlxirlnMHl. lil b mail fairly aallafai'lury brown iiy Tlino dwi not ait-m lo haa brouRhl any liiitrtvriiirnt on Iba "Dirty Klilru'" lilra, tbiiiiKb II may haa tin- pruTad on (lu lr nii llKHla.-Wpaluiliialar fiaiwtta. Pavarly In China. A wealthy ('IiIimn ininry h-ndrr In tlaiii'hurla waa I'linvh'trd of niaklug falna dvlarntiuiia rvKanllnv rol.lxrlm of Ida caravana by .MoniiIUn bamliu. (lia mimrlfiii tronhlrd ti I lit lo aiM'ti an rxtciil Hint b nlTr-rwl In ifimrlhiilr an annual mini uf IT.") fur the ri llrf of the NMr. Thla uuuii')' waa uiada tin baala of a fund fur fnrillug tha brli Inaa at KuiiKi'hillliiK. tlaui'burla la trrrlbly pour, di-aulla tba uilimral and aurlruilural rMiia ei trailfd rmn lia anil and rmka. nil of wblili iirutlticta ar alilM-d abroad. Tbi-rc ara probably Ibuiiaanda of In dUKlrbuia uatlvr unahla by linrrmll Hug lull to rara more than a oiraicrf llvlug. W hin lo their uatnral dlilliul lira art adilril Ihn latugca of hnuillta and tba arlla uf iUrK0vernnn'iit. niu'li in prarall In tunny parta of China, all joi't poverty and atunatlun in"kt bv lha ut of iila whu In lha Im'M of tltnaa ara only half fed. -Kant and Wrat Newa. , urteckata and Blua Llohta." Charlea M. Rcliwuli, ilia aleal maater. owna the famuli painting "Itucketa and lllua I.lghla," by Turner, the noted fliiglliiti conril. fur wbkb ho l auld to have paid a quarter of a million cJ'il Inri. The pnluilnti ri-prrwnla a atorm or heavy weather nt nea, The bluh aea It lirtaklug on a kiiinV afmre. In which (be lluhla nre rellti'ti-d. Two ntpninerit are rolling In the tumultuous ureau and are almuat hhtilen from view by tba Krcl wave and ahuwera of niUt and 'ib.' vr.-nela aie warmnl by rorfcet of tiie riionl water from the end of a pier, Hiil'y li'voml at the left the harbor U fulrly dlu'eriilhU'. lu tha fnrceround a gr(iitt of Uiiii'nnen Miiear looking lu tein ly out uii 'ii the aea. "IIih l;rtH inul Hluo'tm" la cuimld eni) ono of the artliifa nmateqileoea. Brooklyn K.aule. Mankaya Ara Fightara. "Mont tierwuia will gupH llona or flKiTH nre the most duiiRcroiu aulmala lo train." aald nn anlmul trnlner. "hut they're wrong. Give a llou one good llrklnii and he'll reuieinber It. lie hltn back only when hi mini Ik dowu or hu hi buck turned, hut u uionkiy will H:ht UKulnst nuy mliU. nut) uii uevcr run tell when he'll lilt buck rn a medium amull monkey van atrlke a blow that will reach llirotiKh n ccat: rent nud two aulrt, and he leavea a nasty wound. The inoxt durliiK thlnit I ever did wa to go into a monkey cn so and tnkc a baby from It mother The ordinary bonne nit Is Ibc most stubborn animal under truliilui.', but. tho monkey I the most duiiKcruii If you work the larger klnd."-New Tork Knu. True lo Hia Premiaa. "Penreat. will yon let me ahare yir aery sorrow ufler no niv married 7" ahe whUpcred a ahe cuddled herebeek aicnlnnt hi. "Ye, darling," he replied. iiCTln plucking a dellcloua kin from her iiweei Up. It wna the aame lady wtm two yearn liter wearily erled out: "Oh, Tom, why can't you ever come Into the hoiiHe without hrlnginu a tale of trouble with you? I'm to sick of heni'lng about how linrd you have to work to keep the bills paid." lUileago Herald. i 1 Cloaaly Conhactad. "Your friend Dtthwalte eoma to know ! grral denl about uiniy nffnlrs," "Oh, yea. Mra. Iiiihwnlie lui n coumIii who I a first acreim! In the reiruliir army. Ntiturnlly Hint keeps tho Dubwaltea In closo touch with the war department." BlimliiKlmm Ai,--n era Id. Looating tha Gurgle. -; "I like thla poem of your to a brook. It fnlrly giirsle. You evidently wrote It by n rippling rill." ' "Not exactly." aald the poet, "hut I did write It with a fonntalii poc. May be that accounta for lt."-Ixwlavi!'e Courier-Journal. . Bright Idea. Motorist 1 aft or amashi Wind shield broken, mud irnnrd bent, lamps smashed! Wife But you've lost the three teeth' that you were to have gold crowned Thai mivlng wilt envor nil the damage' -Chlcnjrn New. .)' eilll Wort. t i I'eneluiie II a dreadful! rap wants ine to marry a man I have never seen. VoitllUv-Tbni'a. naUdiu.v -My .ntMr:BtykM ' , The Oregon . Agricultural College !; IIOMI EOONOBttOa, with 4 m.,t 4 !' run. larlndmf lialulnf la tkt PrartiM IIuum ; M1H1M0, allk lkr 4-.rl.u. iaalad l( I'lifmlul KKfiarvriaf ; . rilAIMAOT. THE BCHOOL Or MOaiO, kftrrt luae Una la llw rlrlpl d-pntnu tt foral a4 InttrttMrnUl Mutlr. TUB M1UTART DEFaBTMCMT, rollr4 iiU't i4ru in IUI4 17, an4 wna frmmmrn 4lia fur O. A. ('. Irna Ik Wrira ptrvari Mil mt ikt V. . Wir llrptrtaim m aaa af Ik lltlna "4lllll(uUkr4 llllyll" tt kikr lrrm All .-ilrt vill'kt fwalikra fuaplrl anlforai ky Ik II. a. Ociornl n4 lk Juaiur iii4 rair rad'la. nralltd la Ik H 0. T. ('.. lll W glt.a roiaauUllva fur ubiUIar. aril u all lraMinllo and ItiliiUtrnr al III all wk' Munmr eaaip BE0I8TRATI0K BCOIM OOTOBEB t. ItlT. lntaraituaa aa rnl. A44raa, BlMiar, Orifaa Aolealtaral CoU, Ootrtllla, Oria. taanamleal ajaaatlng. Tha following will muiuiend Itaelf aa an liiMpeuidve way of roasting a amal! pliTe uf mutti'ii or boef a illioul heat lug Die uveu: rime In n :iiiu':uii l.iri;e eiioiiKb to buld the meat ill. men mImhii a cupful of liMinu ihlpplnK. luid ur niKruarUie. Make thU hyt. pluie meat Into It and broan well un ImmIi uliica. 'Then turn k'aa Ji t down very low mid allow It to rook unlit dour. Three undivided Iniiih i liups ili ne lu thl way reiulra urn; lenM nnful uf mill water added to the dcippliiii U'fitre the clmi are put In ir liie iii'-ni ini'ln burn. Hut beef iIin- iml iuhiI Hie uiltlil ton nt viaier, a It I iiinNl in tlwlf. The i'hn take almiil lillciM iiiliiuii-ri lu i-iiok. niie and one hulf miuiiim tiipsiile uf beef a Utile lonu'cr. When Ihe meat I done put It uti the plutlcr. ur uny amne uf tha dripping ti': l'it:i mal e the ,r:iry In the ii.muI v. ny. l'nri:I.n, uuiuiiH and other veKeta b:e muy lie ronmcd In the aame way. - ft. llliil y-:t-l'lt:st:!i. Voltaire's lU'.ort. Thnt fiiimaiM pulllliian, o:i.lnr nnd mun uf fantiloii. the ;'ii:i!tli e-rl uT ('liexlcrllel'l. wai u:i cue jisio.i nt a maud rsM-iiilily In rrnm e where Vol taire wna one uf Hie sih-hI. Suddenly the I'rrtii'b writer aMfsteil bl lurd ahlp wilbtie w.tidi: "My lonl. I fciww yuu are a Judee Willi b re tin' i.mie beHtillfnl. the Kng UU or t!.P rn-in-li ladle:-" 1 "I'luui my v.o.d." re;ii:i'd t'hester field, Willi l;!.t li p.v eini' uf ill I nd. "I am m J nl;e of puluilnirs!" Home tln:e iirterwnid, n blovm pher. Vultirre. In-lnit In Uniiluli. hap pened lo be at a uolilciiifin a pi:i1,r nltb I'lieNlerttchl. A lady In the cuiuimuy priKllvtiuvly runted directed hir whole dln-oilise 'i Vo!t.;lri nud i'ii!:ri'Ked 111 iiiuvcr:itbiu. Clie-lcilirld ciiine up tfiiKil lil ii nn Hie arm mill :ild: "Sir. lake care Hint you n.e not ia tlvalcd." j "My lonl." prnmptly replied tne French wit. "1 acorn lo le taken by an English craft under French colold." Fighting tha Inteit. Due hundred inililoii dollar arc lost to Ihe I'nlted Stales every ear due to the ravnse i;f Iiifim-Ih In crops. Half then Inscela WW Imported. m-cirdiuB to the Popular Science Monthly. Though hu-eelicU'.es nre useful, they uie not cS'eetlve under nil cujidltiou. The most salisfactoi-y reulta hae beeu nlilnliKil b.r liitiislin lnjl other lu sects which feed upon the undesirable foreign pests. The threatened destruction uf Cali fornia' orange itfive was arrested by the Importation from Australia of a icr'.tih !nvb'!i of ladybird. The tiny wnrLorx were shinned lu tin boiea placed on ht. tiiue released In the at niuaphere of southern Call.ornla they set about Ihclr appointed duty with such avidity and multiplied so rapidly that the pest were virtually willed ant In a very short time. Engraved calling eardi 100 card 'and plate. In script, $1.50; It plate la furnished. 100 card a for $1. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIMH CARD -7 . Effective June 1, 1)17. Dally eieept Sunday. Train 1 I v. Grants Pmaa.. 1:00 Train 2 lv. Waters Crssk 8:0 All trains leave Grant Pasa from the corner of G and Eighth streets, oppoalts tha Southern Pacific depot. f V For ail . mioruiauua resuming ... .I freight and pasaenger service call at i the olfioe of the company, rublli- : Service hulldiag, ar pkoaa Ul to Classified Advertising I'M hAlr O. C. GRANT LANDS Blua print Plata ahowing landa In Joeepblne eouoty, 11.60. Addreaa A. E. V'oorblet, Oranta Faaa If KOK ALB Oood cooking and eat ing applea. Sweet apple elder 25c a gallon. K. Hammerbacber, phone 806-F-2J. 1 FOR BALK A ery fine Harford cow, 4 yaara old In. April. Will be freah In December. Alao two young calvea. Phone S00-R-2. 74 FOR SALE Work team and har nea, light wagon at a bargain. Crystal Spring Ranch, R. P. D. No, 1. 77 FOR 8ALK The $ (dollar) farm. Inquire on (he premise of V. W. Kldler. 77 TO BENT TRKMONT ROOMS i Now under managment of Mra. U C. Arm atrong; it clean rooms at J5c and iOc; apaclal rate by week or month; alao light bouaekeap Ing room. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf I I A NOB, new and second-band for rent or aala on easy monthly pay ments; first year's rent to apply on purchase price. Rowell'a muRlc and Photo Houae. 76 FOR RENT- -Furnished houses, if Pbone 222. FOR RENT Furnished rooma. Also barn to be used aa garage. Mrs. F. A. Coe, 804 Washington Blvd. Phone 164-J. 8tf FOR RENT Conklln propertle. Oflice in Conklln ' and Albert bulldlnga. Furnished houaa E street between Second and fnlrd. Two itore rooma on E atreet be tween Fifth ' and Sixth. R. K. Haekatt. 74 r FOR RENT Furnished five-room cottage. Inquire of O. P. Jester at Grants Pass Banking Co., or phone 188-R. tf FOR KENT !arge house, close In. SIS. O. S. Blanchard. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. Phone 376-R or call at 413 North Eighth street. 77 WANTED W ANTED 10,000 customers to ride dally In Jitney Luke's tail at 10 cents each. Inquire at The Spa confectionery, or phone .?62-R. Country trips a special ity. 36tt WANTED Box factory helpers at $3 nnd up. AIko machine man at $4 a day with 25 cent bonus, Board only 73c per day. Steady employment the ar round. Al goma Lumber Co., Algoma, Ore. WANTED 'Lady to take care of country store and do her own house work. Manager will board with her part of the time; wages 86 per week. S. E. Tall man Ruckles. Ore. 76 SALESMEN WANTED Everywhere to sell our wsrranteed nursery stock. Ton can make big money at spare time. Write tor particu lars. Donald Nursery Co., Don ald, Oregon. 90 WOOD Cl'TTERS WANTED Steady job, good pay. Inquire No. 1872 care Courier. 74 WANTED TO RENT Four or five room furnished bouse on north side. Must be, modern. Phone 210-R. 70 WOODCUTTERS WANTED 32.25 per cord. Inquire of H. H. Mc Clung, Wonder, Ore. 75 WANTED An oak. flat-topped Address No. tf desk. State price. 1891 care Courier. WANTED Three husky swampers for DorrU; wages 33.50 per day. M. C. Ament. 654 North Eighth street, phone 252-R. 76 Worth Trying. Photographer- Where U that new of fice boy? Assistant He is up in the dark room. Photographer What I lie doing up there? . J. Assistant Wlieu 1 eaw hhu a few uilliule uko he as holding bis pay envelope ill front of the eularglug ma- 'cbbie.-ExcbaiiRe. On DON'T BE BASHFUL Tell the Carrier That Yoti Want the Piper .r.J Yoo Will Get It PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice llmltei to dlseaaea of lha eye, ear, none and throat. Glaaaea fitted. Office liour 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Office phone, 62; resi dence phone 2S8-J, 8. IiOl'GHRIDGE, M. D. PbyelcUa and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Resldsaef phone, tit; office phone 182. Sixth and II. Tuff Building. DR. ED. BTWATER Speelallat en dlseaaea of the eye, ear, nose sad throat; glaasea fitted. Office Honrs 6 to 12 a. m,. 2 to 6 p. m. Phones Residence 260-L; office 260-J; Masonle Temple, Oranta Pass, Ore. A. A. WITHAM, M. D Phyaioian and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I street!. Phones: Of fice, 116; residence, 288-J. Roars, a. m. to 4 p. m. DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First -das dentistry. I0tt South Sixth street, Grants Pasa, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton. Attorner-nt-lnw. Practice' in all 8tte and Federal Courts. First Nations! Bank Bldg. COLVIO A WILLIAM8 Attoraers- st-Law GranU Pass Banking Co. Bldg. GranU Pssa, Oregon. E. S. VAN DTKE, Attorney. Practice in all courts. First National Bank Building. DURHAM ft RICHARD. Attomeye- at-Law. Office Masonle Temple, Grants Pass Oregon. W. T. MILLER. lAttorner-at-Lsw County ' attorney for Josephine County. Office: SchaUhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Law Oranta Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pasa. Oregon V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-et-Law Practice In state and federal courts. Rooms 2, and 8, over Golden Rule Store. BLANCHARD A BLANCH AiRD, At torneys, Albert block. phone 236-J Practice In all courts; lsnd board attorneys. VETERINARY 8CR43BON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office in Winetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 113-J. Residence Phone 305-R. IllUVAGK AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drsyage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Prop. ' F. G. IS HAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clark and Holman, No. SO. Resi dence phone 12 4-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 897-R. ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH Aasayer, ' chemist metallurgist Rooms 201-203 Hall Building,' Grants Pass. CAMPING RESORTS GASQUET RESORT At the edge of the redwoods, accommodations for tourists, hotel $2 per day, electric lighted camp ground,; garage and accessories, groceries and supplies fishing and hunting.- E. R. Price, Propr. ' ' ' U7tf Ml SIC.ii. INSTBICTION J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of vole Culture and 'singing. Lessors given at home of pupil If reqderted. Ad dress' 716 Lee SC ? v- "' 851tf MISS ALMA WOLKi" iV'OLK leieber ioL iarmen:; ; pedial ' en in kindetiarte ,, piano and harmen; courses given ' music. Address ' 706 NorFllts) SL Phone 208-L, M1SCELLANEOI' CLOTHES REPAIRED Mendln i ione at 41 . and darning neatly done CSt. -' 36tt TAXI SBRVIOB THE BABY NEEDS a new pair of shoes. Call Jitney Luke Taxi. Phone 262-R. The Spa. V . tf LOST LOST-T Suitcase, name of cane, C. E. Lewis, Seattle, Wash., . lost 1 be tween Hugo and Iceland. Finder return to No. 1844 care Courier or F. A. Bellows. Leland. Re ward. '. LOST, In Grants Pass, a moss agate locket, hearf shaped, - with gold chain and mountings. Finder re turn to Mrs. Eclus Ponoak and re ceive reward. wsnia me t marry a man i nave