Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, October 04, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Paallebed Dally Kicept 8aturdy
A. B. VOORHIE8. Pub. and Propr.
Bntered at the Pootofflc. Grant Paae,
Or., m second claM mall matter.
Display epaot, r Inch . 1
LocaJ porei-ai column, pr lln lfte
Beaderg, per Una.
ly mail or carrier, par year.... It. 00
By mall or carriar, par month 10 j
By malL par year
' Stat Editorial Association.
Oregon Dally Newspaper Pun. Ansa.
Aadlt Bsrea of Circulation.
THVRSI'.W, OtTOllfcUt . 1917.
Wathr tomorrow: Con-
tiaaed fair and vara.
The Italian aviatore is thia coun
try hare been teaching American
to lessons that ought to be taken
to heart.
One of theee lessons relatea to the
Immense possibilities of airplane de
velopment (or purpose of peace.
Our people have hardly begun to
realiM the progress made In the art
of firing during the war. It la an
Illuminating revelation to Bnd an
Kalian airplane carrying ten men
from Newport News to Washington,
and taking twelve passengers to an
altitude of 17.000 feet. It Is still
more. Impressive to lad that a Ca
pronl triplane la being assembled on
our toll with a wing spread of orer
100 feet, driven by three giant
motors and capable of carrying 2S
These are not freak machines, but
copies of types that hare already
given practical service abroad. It Is
reported that a still larger airplane
has made successful flights In Italy.
machine of 1.S00 horsepower, and
that one now being made will hire
S.I 01 horsepower.
The Italian engineers have spe
cialised on sis and power, as the
French have on speed and control.
The merits of such construction for
purposes of carrying malls, small
packages, freight and passengers in
this country should be plain to
The lessons of immediate valse.
however, is the desirability of the
United States co-operating with
Italy in the matter or aviation. The
Italians have good models, hut not
enough copies of them. They can
not make airplanes fast enough for
their own needs.
With complete supremacy in the
air. the task of smashing throngh
the Austrian defense would become
far easier. With enough airplanes
and artillery both, they might sweep
forward so irresistibly as to win the
war for the allies. Xapoleon once
remarked that the way to Berlin Is
through Leibach" a city toward
which General Cadoma Is now driv-Ins-
The t'orn Show
The Brst annual corn show for
soathera Oregon will be held in
Grants. Pass about the middle of No
vember. Valuable rash and implenfent
prlie will be offered for the best ear
of Held corn, the best ten ears, the
best silage corn, tbe best acreage
We wish to suggest that It may be
that the largest ears or the bigufst
etalks may not win th priaes. but
rather that the most uniform, well
From the Coast of Maine
New Pack Salt Mackerel
15c 30c 45c
and COLDS,
Dm CacaryftM Omfwrt
at all oauw atoata
Tviaca tw Jaan aoe
matured and true to type ears will
stand first.
By the terms of the agreement un
der which free seed corn was dis
tributed, everyone receiving such
"1 ,u " " ' "D.. tracts No. 5s and J9 of Rogue
euro ibvw. uul m nfiuiruuvu i-1
.... .
noi uiniieu 10 vuw corn ruu nviu
the free seed
to entry.
Any corn Is eligible
Ther have been almost as many,
new silos built this year tn Jose
phine county a there were In the:
county one year ago. Thia la a!
movement In the rlgh direction and,
will hln lA a.iT II VM I ma SSV. .
, " ; J, ' ..I
win aoive, ine leeaing vruuirm ui 1
the stockmen. I
Save) llewty of VetrrtaWe Seels
The seeds you save from your
own garden are just as good as thote
you may buy from the store next
spring. Ton know the quality of
your plants from which you select
ana you now you oave ire.n - .
Save Plenty. Tour neighbor !";,
not have ufBilent for hia needs. 1
See that they are well dried and put
away where the mice and rats will
not find them.
County Agricultural Agent.
Caaper, Wyo., Ot. 4. The epade,
ha been added to the oil drill In i
the search for wealth below the sur-!
face of Wyoming. It la Orln Eunc-j
tion which is netting the new rush!
for wealth and the story run some
thing like this:
Some I years sao two outlaws
held up a train in Texas and obtain
ed some 140.(100 In gold. They es
caped with their loot ou a stock
train, with officers In pursuit.
At Orin Junction. Wyoming, the
owner of the cattle unloaded his
stock and the two men with their
golden loot also were unloaded. Thejare f.isteiMil on v illi rivet
.r. In nnr.iiit The men . to nuike them water IsM.
were forced to bide their treasure.
(burying It and making a map of the,
secret hiding place which they mall -
ed to the mother of one. 1
The officers found the outlaws, j
met them In battle and one was!
ki!tt The other was sentenced to
sene ." Tears in a Texas prison. Re-j
.1 1 ... ,.i.wi th ttorvl
j ' , . . ,
noes, ana muiur. i -
; with the map and started to dig for
his treasure. It Is said the passing
'of time marked such a great chance.
In Orln Junction that the former j
outlaw was nnable to locate his;
treasure. Some one got wind of the'
affair and now the whole town Is
Hew High Birds Fly.
' An officer of the Trench flying corps I
has taken escepffcTjal opportunities to
1 rerord observatluoa 00 tbe lilcbt of
I birds and the height at which they fiy.
especially wbeu migrating. Some of
, Lis notes are published In the Pall Mall j
, (iazette (volume 11. r.m.i. pwauowt.
be say, seem to prefer an altitude of
j 2.1 'JO feet, whereas tbe wl d dnrks Ssn
j ally By at 5.X" fott. Ttey are remark-
a! ile also for the marvelous uniformity
with which tier follow their leader.
Tbe turns and twists are taken with
1Kb simultaneity that a fl.k appears
to turn atid wbeel automatically, to ex-
traordlnarfiy together do they move.
When climbing they Sy at about ailty
Ave miles an hour and sre good for
seventy oore they bare gut tbelr I
height and have spread out to let them
selves ga Ooce he met some plovers
st &S00 feet which Is the highest alti
tude that be bas teen a rpaipauy of
blrda-rtlrvj Notre atd .New
Kvrniehvd by V. B. Hanson of
Gmats Pnae Abstract Caw
October 3. I1T
U Me -
llltrit fl Woodaon to V
Ouffla. W, IV. one-half Interest
1- i. 1.11, 1 ii....rn.
V A O W a Ut w. I'IHi mm, ,
addition. $1.
B. Olson to Thomas A. Klrth. V.
, , , . . ., . .
River Orchard Co. a subdivision.
it tin 1
w TuoU Q Bfr. dl.tanca from the Juncti .n of Kltrh-
r. 1... 1 Kik i w-.t'ener and Seymour. Kill Is a trlbu-
' " '
holm Psrk addition
October S. 117.
A. Lanner. et ux. to Will UtMe
W. D.. E4 of NE1 and 8WU
of XEH. Sec. lM-8. $1.
R. F. Harris and L. D. Jewell to
IV.. i. Juurpn, i win 11 ua ui. ,m
r r , I . . V Ik hI. I.I, mmI lit
lease and option on "Mountain
Croup" Mining claim In See.
J7-5. II. I
C. G. Murphy to J. F. Slnnott
one-half Interest In lease and op-
..Mollnuln Uon Group" mln- i
r,,nli , g. ,5.37.5. f 1.
Telegraphed to Ue
Oraat Iwaa rrmlt
New York. Oct. I. Oregon Bart
letts. $2.83. Colorado Anjous II.J3,
Boston Bow, 13.45; Anjous
13. JO.
Philadelphia -Washington Anjous
13 40.
Laundry Work In Atatxs.
In Alaska and throughout the
or lex fruKii in.rtli are
irat!-tilT uiikmmn. Ttie miners do
their own bHi anl tlnjr own
A cylinder al,ut tliirtj Ivl.m long
and of the winie vter the head
f the churn l l.i tuit naml of
hesvy palvaui.itl ii-m. ii.ic 1i.1l of this
cylinder is li ft vnt. nnl the head of
the churn l f:::cnil to tbe nn rod.
Tile cylinder ! then rarrfuVy bt'snced
In the (burn, anu t!ie ilinru tearing
t and solder
T mealiea -f Rai.anicjd tlr, of
,.,,,. tr,m ,,,
bMil hy (.au;rr ,na, iranij
fjjj ,u,j ot,rr fastened to
tbe cylinder, so that the two are abnot
ten in.-ht-s a.nrt in the ml:He of the
, cy!lnier. Tbe clothes are confined be-
tween tbe two w rreus. Tbe water
anrses back sim! fvrtb tbrotisb tliem
until tney are c;een. or as kii as iw
i cb urn Is in motion A law plnwheel
t. ... j ,a iUt Uttinjrt furnlhed tbe
turning -rwer -P. ;fliar Mecbanbu.
A Classified ad w!ll give results.
Photo by American Preiw Assfiatlor
Cernmandar Yalta Stirling. Jr.
ST e- V!-.'
i f". yCXS. Words pats aw'y. but action re-
S- snaln.-Npoleon.
Vj '.V, ' '-!Tti it I VXil ..
5k. '" J ff --i m MA 1
J C t ' f ! It . .itr. vuaTs H I
I I U -T mmm umiaaieia r I
liawson, Y. T Ut. I. -A new
gold ramp may te opened la Yu
kon shortly. Arrival Irom the Un
ity f Selkirk reixirt that murk stak
ing has been done on the newly-dls-covered
placer creeks of Seymour
and Kitchener and tilhutarle. The
locality baa been christened unoffi
cially the Kitchener Creek strike.
The merits of the creek remain to
be determined, but the prospect are
Mid to be iniMt eniDuragtug.
Most of the staking has been done
on Seymour creek, which I under
stood to hae ben staked a distance
of eight mile. Kitchener creek hat
been staked to some eitent and more
staking Is under way there.
One of th stskers claim to have
Kot two rent pant In the gravel along
Seymour for two to four mile. No
one Is reported having retched bed
rock, o the depth I not known.
The net rent point on the new
vreeks to th 'Yukon river Is about
' ii miles touthwett of Selkirk, and a
I little south from the old Dalton
,r11, T,iejf "r lrbl,",,' uf ,u
' . 1. ...I f I .. I. f h. I ). a.niflk.
" - ""
erly dlre.llon. Hig Creek flow Into
the Yukon on th left limit SO mile
outh of Selkirk. Klthener creek
Join lllg Creek 3J mile nxve the
mouth of lllg creek. Seymour
branches off from Kitchener a short
Ifary of Seymour, lllg creek rarrles
'a heavy volume of water, about 'JO
!ft w'de at the mouth, and Is al-
most a smsll river, it nws wen
back of Selkirk and Is paralleled by
the Selwyn. on which gold prospect
long have been known.
Peking. Sept. 10. tBy mailt H.
A. White, the American engineer
who waa more seriously Injured
than any other foreigner at the lime
of the conflict between Chang
llsun's troops and the republican
troop from Tlenttln on July 13, I
slowly recovering from hi wounds.
Mr. White was struck In the back by
a bullet.
Mr. White Is a native of Iowa, and
lis years ago was one of the best
known football player In (he mid-
dll, WMt .here he wt taptaln of
the football team of the State Vnl
verslty of low. In football circle
he wa lwa known as 'Cresco"
White, Cresco being his native town.
U11 ef Eggs.
Effir are considered one of the best
remedies for dysentery. Beaten op
ehVbtly with or without sugar, they
tend by resson of their emoHcnt quali
ties to lessen the inflsiiimutbNi of the
stomach and Intestines and form a
transient coating on these organs
Scrub Thtm.
Carrots and ntniii should never be
peeled. Scrub them clean with brush
tbe stronrrti Csvoring lie Jnt be
neath the skin- a:ol l-'il Ibein In Jai
su!Qient wster to ovif tbem. This
saves fuel sud presenrt the nourish
Werkt Bell. Wax.
I -Ib-atii; only Vii iln-p."
-True, and I .rrune a homely girl
, ha. the OMieolafion of 1. now Lie that ber
, oIiim-w is no o-r. -li'irou tree)
pp .
Quit Et.t:A
"ilavetliey U-en marrk-l Very l-nsT
I "1 guess ' He i;c-cr ta! l ark t'
j ber. and tbe ai'lan. to I atified If
I be get borne before Idnltfbt "
Silver In th 6t.
; Sea water ooi!a':: sil'er In i-oi.slw
1 entile nuantitlc. and It Is often found
j 4eplted m tbe citer tb-athing of
Havre, Be pi. It. (Correspon
dence of the Aatorlated Pi est I
Male civilian In the llolislmi tosns
of Laugvniarck. 'stadcii. Klier
dlnghv, Woiitnen, ajid lliiulera,
which tecemly were cv:n lutml bv
the tlrrmtna. hate been foccd to
work near the Herman first line
tren'he In Helulum with I lis $eilt
that many have been killed by ex
ploding ihella, according to Informa
tion rw-elved by Hi Helglan govern
ment. The civilian population of lliee
town were ordered to go to the rail
road stations. The women, children
and old men were packed Into the
forward cars of the trains, while all
Wlll ltr: Ml r'ord cart be
doneeresl, I'oeil ten ! c , Im
kept ce. It Is tbe faumr wlilcU
Mrewittben the raaaj relet ion be
tween Fonl nwaera sail the t oiii
paaf. Tn get the hett Mlble ser
vice frtw your Kord car, bring li
'ere when It aiientloa and get
the hriir4ll of rNinl iiNr Ubm
ihroagrMiMt. We use the genuine
I'onl Muis and give joii ibe bene
fit nt the regulnr slandnril Kortl
inicew. Touring tVr $:UW, ItunalMiul
Itl.-V, Heslan ntll.l, 4 oiieM $.V)n,
Town Car IA0.V all f. o. b. Ilelrnlt.
On display and for tale by
ilttXTS PAH. OltK.dV
111 .f II 1 .nte . hwMMMHUU
Let Electricity Save You
Labor and Money
cS-' ' -.K5iSiifa
1 08-J 623 G STREET.
Feaa, PeaeMs, Tableta
other fVbaol Happllea.
men nd buys, between ) and
years, were placed In the rear car.
YYhitn tle train starnd. Hie rear
cart weie un 'impM and Hie occu
pant foru'd to undertake the ha
ard.iu work netr the first line.
In most rate lb woiiwn and
chtldien did not know Hist they
were separated from th. Ir husband
and fathers until they arrived at
their deal Inallons.
Th forcible conscript Ion of Hal
glan civilian hsa become moel wide
spread In lb" region of Court ral .
and Menln, where about 2.0(10 men
already hv been compelled t ler.
form military work.
Threugh a Veil.
Ja'-k-Wcrr you nervuiu wlno you
kissed MIm lliisklur Tom I el mid
tar to! lilt' k spot lame define- my
eve Ja'k -luu ilon'l 1111 .111 It T Tmu
Vr. I kU-cl her tliruutill a v.'ll -Kt-rbtnge.
falling card" at' the" Cornier
llooka for the gftuU and
the High School mi
Drue and
Statioctry Slcre