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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1917)
1 MoNKW. tMTOIIKH , IHIT DAILY JtOGl'l fUVEH CUIRXJCB PAOB He's telllna her that nothing he received from home brought more Joy. lonser-tastlntf pleasure, greater relief from thirst and fattaue. than WD THE FLAVOR LASTS She slipped a stick In every letter and mailed him a box now and then. Naturally he loves her. she loves him. and they both love WRIGLEY'S. CHEW IT AFTER EUERY MEAL Three of a kind foep them In mind A Fair Chance . Every man owes himself a fair chance. He owes his business a fair chance. Because his business is the. machinery through which he pays himself for his work. A fair chance means that he gives his business every known opportunity to flour ish. Business is like gardening. ' The gardener who picks out the shady corners for his sun-loving plants ' doesn't give them a fair chance to turn into food and flowers. The business which keeps its offerings in the dark doesn't give them a fair chance to turn into dollars. The man who expects the 1 public , to come to him without telling it what to come to him for isn't doing himself Justice. 1 A fair chance means, among other .things, turning on the sunlight, the sun light of publicity. Rogue River Courier FOR INSTANCE PUBLICITY A PROVEN ADVERTISING MEDIUM DRAFTING AN ARMY Conscription Had Its Origin In France In 1798. THEN SPREAD OVER EUROPE. u i I : Ther in esa. difference LESLIE Th Tcrribl Power II Piaoad lit Nap, loon' Hind Forcid th Other Nf llono to Adopt tht lilim-It Intr. dilation Into Thl Country, Conscription originated In Franc lu 170H. At that 1 1 me (lie country bid Juat piaatd tbruuKb tlj lung . od bloody war of tho French revolution, wMi b lb uiouaniia of Europe bad banded together to i tuhIi. From, uu dr Napoleon, bad rum forth vlt'torl oil, but bar army waa exbuuated, aud It Kit vlUt'UL that aouie new syalewj of recruiting would be nweaaary, aa volunteer eullaln'icut no longer eulhYrd. ! It wa ttiiMi lliut General Jourdkn , brought forth aud pnaacd tba law es tablishing riiiiwiiiitloii, Hliue tbeu It una been the baU of all Fri-mb mili tary legialatlon and, to a certain ex- tent, of tliat of all other couulrle. S ALT iswondcrftilljpure consequently of $reh.i sirenfiih. their rjtlotr of Volunteer by vollm: IXJIIIlllli In tli aonth, boa ever, cuuarrlptlon waa awi-cplng from the flrnt. and to ward Uia rnd of tli war It became oinnlvoroua. Every mnn between the ugca t acventii-n and fifty flee waa le Klly lUlil to scnl", the only urate belnif iiliyxlt'ul In' upm-liy. Ilia lolal number of men i a lied uu April, IWifl, amounted to more t li.ii 2,7.V.ifO, nearly liulf nf IUIk number being rained by conarrlptlou. If to (!i!. w nM tlie 1.1(KXM Wen from I'm eoulherti atatc tli total armed for.o of I lie country at that lime amounted In allium! 4,cu.'H), drawa from a io;' itlutlon of only Jtt.miO.rMl.-l'lilladidphiii (akIkit. ti i... ihr..i. ii,. .,rii.u ... UT anna uy me government 01 imp von rlptlou ll.ut Napoleon wa enabled j K,B,n' " 1'rll, lNiJI. ami to carry ou tliu gl;;uii(lc wura wblcb cuarai'tcrUed hi relgu and by menu of It, after losing In tli anowa of Una la tli largest army tliat up till turn tliua bad ever Ufa put lulo lb Held, to reappear a few montU later wltb another army almoat aa large. Out of net-csaUy tlie other Datluua wer forced to follow France Mani ple, and roua'tiitlou became general Under Ibe French rug I me every cltl mu between tba uvea of twenty aud twenty-Ova wu llnhle to aervlce for Hva year. I'ruwla, however, atlll fur ther developed the power of couscrlp ttou by reducing tho period of aervlc In tbe rank and paaalng her aoldlera aa aoon aa they wer aulllcleiitly tru lo rd lulo reaerv force, tbua by de gree training her wi.olo population, Thl latter ajatcui, which waa con Idcred aa one of the moat farrenclilng and ImiKirtiuit event of tbe la at cen tury, owed II origin to tbe comlltlolia lmiaed on I'ruaala by Nanileon at tli treaty of Tllalt, wbereby l'ruaala wua reatrk'ted lo a atniiillug army of 43MM) nieu. Hhe kept to the letter vt tbe law bj maintaining her army at tbe re crlbed Ulimher. but tier trained citizen reaerve force wna limited ouly by the j, ...ilii!len of tlie t Dim t t-y. '.'.a itiltlury lilnory of the tutted Udii. a U aa leuiarkablv a thj rlaa aud ml ill i.'.uwili if (he nutlou ltnelf. In )7'-i0, tiM flxed by nil net of congrcaa, thi end (He ( f, our I'rmy amo.tut cd to Uj.i, and lu ISM au Kiigllb xinl.ut.l with unly 3,5aj uieu waa able lo and buru WoMhiiigton. C'i'ii''il,ili'in fi .1 muili lit appear anco lice nt tho liie of tho wiir be tween tile Ktnlcx. At the be'.lnnlns of the wnr in lStil our wlmlc leuhir font waa but H.OiXj uicn. At Urat tbe north ern army naa hu reimeil by volunteer eulUtuieut, but the uuexiiHted pro loncuttun of l!:o wnr proved tbU meth od loo alow to replenlfli tho waxte of tho armlva, and lu 1So3 the govcru meiit ieno. te.1 t j u l;uft. no nr. . .. em, . .. car.,- " , An lrnll eftve Grant8 PaM (rom with fot. lblo re.,lKUmce and Wtoi,h WMt of 0 ,nd Egnth atre,ta. aerlona riot In the city of. New lork. ;0 pp0i,t, th. Southern Pacific depot wbl h hinted for acvernl duj a. All op- i IMialtloii, however, waa put down and : '"h !:!! Tor .11 InformaUo. warding and auhatltute pur. hnsea were o free-; " Pwr wrTlc u at ly given In tho north that tho draft had ; tne omce or me company, ruum little effect except aa atlniultia to: Service building, or phone 131 for tho, anile In bringing to full itrc.igth same. v A Nct:try Pftlimirary. Queen Miirherila of-liuly iinitJ rlalt Ml the Mouleiuorl m hiaila In Come und durlug her brief iny reiiieted a little girl who wua engulfed in putting In or der a box of ciit-oul letter to '-ll aome wonla for tier. The child did not heed tlie reiiipt, but went on calmly drop plug ench letter into the riulit couiiart uieiit. An ohler cruiiii atuii'ling near, borrllleil at the chrtil'a InillfTereiu-e, ex elnlmnl : "Hut. Iloaii, you must puy utteutlou! Thla la the queen V "I klii-w th:il." the child aiiawcred re-apti-t fully. "Hut l!:e ijihtii h:i. tlJit iH-for" I lie-in lo ki.cil I tin: t liiiKh my work of (nittliu (In l; hii' i t In unler " A claalfled ad will give rlt The California and Oreg;:: Coast Railroad Company. Tl.HB CARD Effective Jun 1, 1917. Dally except Sunday. Train Train 1 If. Grant Pas.. 1 It, Water Creek Newspapers S 8c I Oc Buiioles- Courier Comply with the law and use printed Butter Wrappers According to tbe ruling ol tlie Oregon Ditlry and Pqod CommUalon all dairy butter eold or expoaed for aale In tills Ntiite niuat lie wrappe4l In butter pier upon which la printed the word "Oregon Dairy natter, 10 (or 82) ounce full weight," with tlie name and addreaa of (he maker. To enable pntrona of the Courier to eaally comply with Hie ruling this office will supply standard size and weight butter toiler printed with special waterproof 'ink, and dcUvcred by parcels post, nt the following prices: ' 100 Sheet, 10 or 82 ounce ft.Ott . , , 200 Sheets, 10 or 82 ounces 1.85 300 Sheets, 10 or 82 ounces 1.70 500 Sheets, 10 or 82 ounces 2.40 Hxtra charge for special designs. . .. end orders by mivil accompanied by the price aa above and paper will be promptly forwarded to you by parrel oat, prepaid. We trie the best butter paper obtainable, and our work-' manfthlp is of tlie bent. . Rogue River Courier (.'runts Pans, Oregon Classified Advertising 0. C. OH ANT LANDS Blue print plats showing laoda In Joaepbln county, 11.10. Address A. E. Voorblea, Orania Pas tf TOR SAUK Davenport wagon, 15. Will alao give bargain on new Mitchell wagon. Phono 1C6-J, or call at 1051 North Ninth St. 60lf iXlt SAiB 25 White Leghorn hena. Hatched In 1116. A bar gain If taken at once. Geo. P. Cramer, 70 KOK SAIJJ Good cooking and eat ing apple. Sweet apple elder 25c a gallon. K. Hammerbacher, phone 60J-F-23. 1 FOR SALE Two Ford, flnt claaa condition, with shock absorber and speedometer. Each bargain. Collins Auto Co., phono 117. 72 TOR 8 ALU A very, flno Harford cow, 4 year old In April. Will be fresh In December. Alao two young calve. Phone 500-R-2. 74 Wi BALE or trade, two seated ur rey In good condition. Will make good bargain. Apply 76 South Sixth street. 71 FUR SALE Houaehold . furniture. I'hone 314-J, or call at 259 West G atreet. 71 A classified ad brings results. TO RENT TRK.MOXT ROOMS i Now under managment of Mrs. L. C. 'Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at 35c and 50c; special rates by week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf PIANOS, new and second-hand for rent or sale on easy monthly pay ments; first year's rent to apply on purchaae price. Rowell's mualc and Photo House. ( 76 KOR RENT Furnished Phone 222. houses. tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also burn to be used as garage. Mrs. F. A. Coe, 604 Washington Blvd. .Phone 164-J. 68tf FO Ft RENT Conklln properties. Offices In Conklln and Albert buildings. Furnished bouse E street between Second and Third Two store rooms on E street be tween Fifth and Sixth. R. K. Hackett. . ' . 74 WANTED WANTED 10,000 customer to ride dally in Jitney Luke's taxi at 10 cents each. Inquire at Tbe Spv confectionery, or phone ?52-R. Country trips a special tty. 2tf WANTED Box factory helpers at 13 and up. Also machine men at 14 a. day with 25 cent bonus. Board only 75c per day. Steady employment the year round. Al goma Lumber Co., Algoma, Ore WANTED 'Lady to take1 care of country store and do her own house work. Manager will board with her part of the time; wages . $6 per week. S. E. Tall man. Ruckles, Ore. 76 PIIYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT. M. D. Practice limited to disease of tho yo, oar, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hour t-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Office phone, 62; rei-" dence phono J5-J. 8. lyOL'GIIRIDGE. M. D. Phvalelaa and aurgeon. City or country call attended day or night Recldane phono Hi; of fir phono 181. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. DR. ED. BYWATER Specialist on. diseases of tho eyo, oar, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office Honrs to 1 1 a. m,. 1 to 6 p. m.' Phonos Residence 260-L; office 260-J; Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore, A. A. W1THAM, M. D., Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner 81xtb and I streets. Phonos: Of fice, 116; residence, 288-J. Hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-claa dentistry. ' 1 09 South Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton. Attorner-at-law. Practice In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. OOLVIO t WILLIAMS Attorney- at -Law Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all court. First National Bank Building. DURHAM tc. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, Grants Pass Oregon. W. T. MILLER, AttornTy-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. S. B LANCHA RD. Attorney-at-Law Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pans, .Oregon V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law Practice in state and federal courts. Rooms 2, and t. over Gclden Rule Store. BLANCHARD A BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block, phono 236-J Practice In all courts; land board attorneys. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office In Winetrout Implement Bldg. , Phone 113-J. Residence Phone 305-R. I DIUYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. 6tand at freight depot . A. Shade, Prop. F. G. 1SHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clark and Holman, No. 50. Resi dence phone 124-R. SALESMEN WANTED Everywhere to sell our warranteed nursery stork. You can make big money at spare time. Write tor particu lars. Donald Nursery Co., Don ald. Oregon. ' 90 THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phono 897-R. ' ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH Assayer, chemist metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Hall Building, Grants Pass. CAMPING RESORTS WANTED A woman for general housework. Phone 323-L. 67tf WOOD CUTTERS WANTED Steady Job,, good pay. Inquire No. 1872 care Courier. 74 Tnted TORENT Four' or five room furnished house on north side. Must be modern.- Phone 210-R. 70 GASQUET RESORT At the edge of the redwoods, accommodations for tourists, hotel $2 per day, electric lighted camp ground, garage and accessories, groceries and suppliea fishing and hunting. E. R. Price, Propr. 117tf WANTED- One ton of Italian! prunes. Inquire 818 ; East I St. 71 FT RRIST Yea there Is a furrist in town. iBrlng your old plush coats, muffs and fuvs to Mrs. W. R. Swonp In the balcony at Firth's store and have something attrac tive and durable made from them. Also the making up of wild ani mal furs. Work guaranteed. Here till October 10 only. 77 LOST LOST Suitcase, name of case, C. E. Lewis Seattle, Wash., lost be tween Hugo and Leland. Finder return to No. 1844 care Courier or F. . A. Bellois. Leland. Re ward. . . , 70 locket, heart sha1'";', v,."U . pcM chain and mount; V;'. V.nder re turn to Mrs. Kchts Pollock and re ceive reward. 70 Ml'SICAi. INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMURRAY," teacher of voice culture and singing. Lessons given ' at home of pupil it requested. Ad dress 716 Lee St. 851tf MISS ALMA WOLKE, .teacher , of piano and harmony. Special courses given in kindergarten music. Address 706 North Fifth St. ' Phone 208-L. 75 MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHES REPAIRED Mending and darning neatly done at 411 C St. S6tf TAXI SERVICE TIIK BABY NEEDS a new pair of shoes. Call Jitney Luke Taxi. Phone 862-R. The Spa. . tf Anything to sell? Try a classified. o DON'T BE BASHFUL Tell the Carrier That Yoo Want the Paper and Yoo Will Get It.