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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1917)
DAILY Boat's RlVlUt CDl'lUKR ', (HTOHKIt I, HUT rGK TWO Clf ROGUE RIVER COURIER Published Dally Except Saturday A. B. V00RH1E8, Pnb. tad Propr. INJ. C. SHELDON. Editor Mm4 at the Poatofflc. Grant Paaa. Or., a second etas mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES u 1 .. ' l.l 1 Looa sreraalcc4uma, pr tin 1 m4i mc Jlaa. I y sail or carrier.' pr yr....M.Ofl p or carrlar. par month iH ' ' "WIXKLT COURIER By snail, par year 11.10 MEMBER Stat Editorial laaoctatloa. Oraffom Dally Newspaper Pub. Aaaa. Aadlt khireaa of arcaiauoa. MOM i IV, IH1HIKH 1, IU17 OREGON WKATHEB Weather tomorrow: Fair. GERMANS AND GERMAN'S It baa bean hard tor a good many Amrioans to reconcile their opin- fcma of the German people as they know them aa neighbors here In marten, with the stories of wanton cruelty and outrage which cornea from the German-conquered terri torial ot Europa. We think of our German neighbor ma a Jolly, musical, family-loving dtlien. We read of him as an incar nation of destrucUra brutality. v On nust get a clear-cut under standing of the fact that there nre Germans and Germans; and this I? equally true in continental Germany Itself. The Germany which speaks officially, which la behind their na tional militarism, which outraged Belgium and has devastated north era France, la not the Bavarian or tbe Saxon Germany but it Is Prus alanlsm; a nation controlled and directed by the Insatiable ambitions and egoism of the military aristo cracy which surrounds the house of H6heniollern. The difference between Prusslan tsm, or a Prussianized Germany, and the real natural German people, as exemplified in the barbarism dis played In their conduct of this war. Is the difference between the kind, affectionate hnsband and father and tbe same man when in a drunken freniy. It Is this fact that has led the allies to determine that peace is Impossible as long as the German nation is under Its present leaders. Germans must awaken to an under standing of the guilt of those w hom they are .following. They must Tacognii tbe menace to the people of the world, present in the typical Prussian spirit. There can be no peace, in the aense of a permanent lasting peace. ....til . k n . . wtv , -I nearly 65.000.000 peacably inclined. Industrious people into a saturnalia of butchery and crime. The German of tbe farm and the merchant house, of the chemical Ubratory ud art studio, will never perish; and the allies are as anxious that that civi lization should survive and flourish as are (hose of Teutonic blood. It i the war-morshiping ambition of a small ruling caste which has under taken to spread its Influence over the entire earth, that has caused liberty -loving people to draw t,he sword in the defense ot democracy. STATE GIVES $14,000 Portland. Oct. 1. I'p to noon to day, the Oregon quota of the mil lion doHnr war library fund totalej ver 1J.r.O0. It la hlihly liVcly that the final total will be around Buy a Pint of India Relish OnlylOc Genuine Merced Sweet Potatoes 5 pounds for '25c KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY, QUALITY FIR8T , ro RHCUHATISM an. NEURALGIA t Dantwi Eucalyptus. Obrtimnt ar au oaua sToata Tusca aso jaas eoc COURT HOUSE NEWS rurnletted by W. E. Hanson ot (imnts t'aas Abstract C. September 2$. 191. Transfers A. S. Carpenter to U C. Turner. V. D N of N H of SE 4 of SW V, . Se. :S-36-5, 110. Etta K. Mclntyre to C. C. rresley. W. D.. lot 9, Blk. 79. Original Town- site of Grants Pass. )1. Mining Location John Metien and D. D. Burr on Josephine Copper Txde In Pickett Creek distrht. SIDES GOING HOME TO AVOID 1). $. ARMY Stockholm, Oct. 1. The foreign office is preparing to send ahlps to America to bring back Swedes who do not desire to serve in the Amcrl can military forces, according to thr newspaper Tldendo today. The Swedish government, it was declared, had already asked Wash ington tor exact Information aa to conscription ot aliens.- Dawson. Y. T., Oct. 1. The range of operations of the automobile in the vicinity of Dawson is being en larged every reason, and the volume of the traffic handled by motor ve hicles in this region is enlarging ranldly. With the remarkably suc cessful introduction of the tractor in the hauling of wood up Hunker from the Klondike river last winter. and the gradual advent of the motor truck In this district and the com mon use ot the automobile, the big share ot the traffic of the camp is now being handled by motor power. As a result of the increased op ulurltv and utility of the motor ve hicle the roads surrounding Dawson are being constructed more and more with a view of adapting them to that style of traffic. During the dry period cars travel from Dawson 25 to JO miles out with considerable ease. Granville, .0 miles out, nas been reached by cars during the dry saaaon for . several years. Quart creek. S." miles distant, also Is reached by-car, and it Is hoped to ave the road put in condition in flme to get the cars through on that route as far as Black Hills and Ku- reka creeks. Money voted this year for the con nection of the most famous of Daw son's scenic routes, that up Bonanza, Into a belt line, by repairing the upper Bonanza stretch, was not used for tha reason, it is explained, that the mining operations along that itretch would have Interfered. Some recommend the switching of the prop osed belt line to Quart creek, ihich would make a circuit via Bo nanza. Eldorado and Hunker. One of the most popular runs is ,ip the Klondike river. In rainy weather the corduroy there becomes verv sllpnery and dangerous. Big wood and power operations up that ver also make It a most Important route. A quarter of a million dol- irs worth of logs come down the ver each season. BUY LIBERTY BONDS Tombstone. Ariz.. Oct. 1. Mexi can miners In this old mining ramp, Chinese garduers and merchants and other aliens here have shown their loyalty to their adopted land by sub scribing liberally to the Liberty Bond and Red Croos funds. Ui -cently, when a bi Ko,i Cross bene 'I. dance "as siven. the Mexl at miners' wives volunteered to pre pare the supper of native Mexican dishes and served frljoles. chlle-con-rarne and tamules to the danceis as their part of the contribution to the cause. Every Chinese resident of the camp also subscribed. JAP RECRUIT IS GIVEN BANQUET BY FELLOWS Las duces. N. M., Oct. 1. Jap anese fanners and a number of prominent citizens of the town gave a banquet recently in honor o' Tokuiclii T. Kazuli. the first 'man o! Japanese descent to be drafted into the new army. Kaxuki was born in the Hawaiian Islands of Japanese parents and re fused to claim exemption but arrang ed bis farm affairs to go to Camp Funston, Kas., as soon as he was no tified and had passed tbe examina tion. The banquet hall was deco rated with Japanese and American flags and patriotic speeches were made by the Japanese and American citizens present. Hv.II of a Virjhip, A drincl;iau;-iit l.u.l i not nil Fleet, as Is iH iicrrlly : i-ov-d. r.ctnwn the outer armor a riil lb' ium-r "!k!ii" or bull p':u::i. is it l.i.wr of leak four Inohfs thick, to fnr::i a "le!" for the armor p!ato. FRED' LOCKLEY TELLS PEOPLE OF STATE ABOUT JOSEPHI ' lly VrA IM-kley. In the Oregon Journal. Josephine county, like llakrr aiunty, la one of Oregon's treasure chests and safe depolt vault. No county In Oregon' has a greater var iety of minerals than ''Josephine county. Gold, silver, copper, qulek lher, platinum, coal, marble, gran It and limestone are all to b found within the 1761 square mlUa of ruKKod upthrust couutry luelnded Ithln Josephine county's area. The names of such town as Osllce, Gold en, Kerby, Placer, Alfhoiiae and Three Pines, and ot turn district a lilch Gulch, Old Channel, Ut Klat. Kureka, Rough and Ready, Hold Ha sin. Gold Leaf. China Bar. Gold Ridge, Fiddler Gulch, Sailor Dig ging. Deep Gulch, Sucker Creek, Oro Kino, Come Easy, Go Easy liar, and a score of similar places dearly indicate the character of tha coun try and tell to tha old timer of tha days when the hills were full or prospector and the stream ran yel low with the muddy wash from rockers, long torn, and sluice boxes as the red-shlrted and gum-booled miners worked the pay dirt. Of the 1.120.640 acres In Jose phine county more than half are still In public ownership, 191,730 acre being within the Siskiyou national forest. The man who feels crowded If ha has neighbors within 10 mile ni-ed hill to go Into western Jne-, p.l!io county to find all the elbow room he wants. To the westward of the Gallce mining district, around llobson's Horn, or Fishhook moun tain, It is so unsettled that even a hermit or a recluse would feel lone-! some. ; Klch as is Jocephlne county In minerals. It Is also ri-h In timber, having more thnn 1 0.000, OOO.OOD : Net of stamlliu merchantable tim ber, of which the larger prt is susar pine or yellow pine. On the eastern !;io of tho Coast ranise, whlrtv' fon.ij the boundary line between Jo sephine and Curry counties, the for est growth Is particularly heavy, and In addition to the sugar pinei and yellow pine thore is considerable! spruce, larch and fir. The smooth-1 skinned laitret, with Its glossy green leaves and Its pinkish yellow hirk.i with the dark red or the mountain I mahogany or manzanlta. forms pleasing contrast to the Jade-green of the cedar and the blue-green of' the firs. i In the middle west, say in Kan sas or Iowa, a county I frequently noted for some one product - corn, , for example. But here In Josephine' county the products have a wide range, Including mineral mealth of many varieties, timber, wheal, oats,! corn, alfalfa, dairy products, sheep. aud wool, hogs, ueat'lies, pear, ap ple, grspe of aide rlelv aud su perior quality, and salmon. When a county's 'resource raniie from al ts I r to a heal and between lhat rang Include: Gold, coal, Umber, copper, sugar beet, sorghum, sal mon, ho, grte, lieixle and a score of other thing. It I not strange that It should be referred to aa a storehouse and treitsur chenl. Josephine county' northern boundary line I about iiU mile by rail from Portland. It soul hern boundary lines 1 formed by tne ril'- klyou mountain and tha alata of California. Grants Pa I Its coun ty seat and principal trading renter 'So rugged and mountainous U the county that le than two per rent of It area I In cultivation. Rich I Josephine count v l.i natural resources. It I also won derfully rlrh In enlc and recrea tional awM. The Itogue river has cut It why through deep and ru'Vi gorges, whose beauty and ruttxed grandeur, while seldom seen on ac count of Inarceaellilllty. will. In days to coma, prove a magnet to drw sportsmen and angler, tourist and summer vacationist. The Illinois river I also singularly pb-turrsq ic In the extreme southeastern pnrt ol the' tunny Is'a section that will sum day be nationally known for It beaut v. In Ihs center ot thl dis trict are located the Marble Hall of Oregon, no lea wonderful, though very much less known, thso tha MniiiiiioiIi Caves of Kentucky. With in a short radius of lh rave ar lluck mountain, Hugailoar, Giay bek. i'rggy. Utile Craggy, Uka imtunuln, Whisky peak and other letter mountain peak, whll tv Creek lak. Whisky, umesiona Tanner. Sucker. Elk. Kail. Ilrlish and Steamboat creek, with their numerous trlbutarle. are all clo t hand. ' The stream i full of fish and In tha seldom visited fsst nesK,4 of lh mountain, deer, bear, cougar and wildcat ar abundant, making lh district a veritable happy hunting ground. PRICI OF IONORANCI. Many children r nvr taught I think and te rson sut every question In a lair minded, enable manner. That I why many unreseanabl nd gnrea ening men and wemen, whs ar governed by orejuclice, impule and personsi feeling In lead ef by thoughtful and cart ful consideration. Thov da not e what ii right because they do net know how I judge wilh nut prejudice. ItiMik for the grades and I lie High HiIhhiI now em Mile, SCHOOL BOOKS IVirn. Pen. lis, TaliMa oilier Mrhool Supplies. Demaray's Drug and Stationery Slue IM.HOXH' TKMPI-K, Glt.tNTH P.tSH Second Hand Ford 1914 - Engine Overhauled - New Top Newly Painted New Tires $275 - Terms C. L. HOBART CO. (r U TTT7 Drinking Fountain. Drinking fountains are ot modern origin. Among the earliest were those erected in I.ivcriKn.l aliout Ibo. Tbe f,,.,Mlltt nitr.Llo., k'nitntaln ast. ' ..i i v , v- -i-. ... ."'- - ... - elation was formed In Umdou In ISo'.i by Lord John iiiuuell. .Mr. S. Gurncy and others. In ll-.e "brave days of old" little consideration wn had for tbe "public."" V'ne of tbe ukisI Interesting and encourngiuK l;'iii of tin- times 1 foond in the fart such Coiioideni lion 1 nowadays in ull civll-reil mint tries well ulsh on;ioK.tei:t. 'TiiiliK Hi. "public servants" t i I.s.k nft -r the comfort of the ma!er l hey mi loins i-u;i- tmituouslj i'lior.'d ,'e '.': .'.hi-oal. a . I ... .i, V ' .';.. ..V.k 1- 11 Captain Willlsm L. Rodger, i Mave Ym Tried? The Classified Ad Columns of the Courier? They Buy and Sell for You Situations obtained Rooms rented Farm deals negotiated Help secured Houses and lots sold The Cost is Trifling v. ailA-ysjsbsMivsnjrra