r ! . DAILY ROOVB RIVEn 001 KIM aqi rocm A. Published Dally Except Saturday A. . VOORH1ES, Pub. and Propr. INJ. C. SHELDON, Editor stared at the Poetofflce, OranU Paaa, Ore,, aa aeoond claaa mall matter. j ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch lo . Local or perainal column, per line loe Header, per Una. cj DAILT COURIER ! By mall or carrier, per year....M.OO j By mall or carrier, per month 50 1 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year U0 MEMBER Bute Editorial Association. Orocon Dally Newspaper Pub. Aaan. Audit Bureau of Circulation. M XHAY, BKPTKMUKK 80, II7. OREGON WEATHER Weather Sunday: Fair. ARMY Y. M. C. A. Two or three hundred citizens of tbla city have donated their little mite to the work of the army Y. M. C. A. It will Interest them to know something ot the results which their contributions, with thousands of others over the country, hare accom plished. When the Y. M. C. A. drive was made last May It was expected that JOO Y. M. C. A. building would be erected In the various camps throughout the country. The total number has now reached 265 com plete buildings. 111 more In process of construction and 34 others under consideration, a total of 410. In addition to this, the work Is being carried on In tents and barrack rooms at 245 other places. The work being conducted in the northwest, ' which includes the five states of Oregon, Washington, Mon tana, Wyoming and Idaho, Is a sam ple of what Is being done through out the nation. In this section the T. M. C. A. has accomplished the following: At Clackamas; two tents, regular routine. At Fort stevens, building In, process of erection, work conduct ed in two tents and barracks. At Vancouver; two buildings In opera tion, over 200 men In evening classes. 'At Bremerton navy yard; two tents within grounds and one just outside the gate. At Camp Lewie; six large association build ings and large auditorium in process of erection, a total of 45 secretaries will be employed at this camp. At Fort Townsend; a building Is being erected In town and tents are estab lished at Forts Worden, Flagler and Casey.' At Fort Harrison, Mont.; work being conducted regularly In one of the post buildings. Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. ; a standard asso ciation building, fully equipped. Boise, Idaho; work conducted In one of the barrack buildings. In addition to the work at these regular established points, tons of writing paper, envelopes, magazines, -books and athletic equipment have been sent to men on guard details throughout the northwest Over 200 Y. M. C. A. secretaries are already at work among the American troops in France, and more will be forwarded with each new contingent. Some of the ablest business men. professors and ministers are giving their entire time to this sen-Ice. An Intimation of the extent of this work la contained in the statement that 25 tons 10,000,000 sheets of writ ing paper Is being printed for use In the northwestern camps alone dur ing the next six months. It is splendid work. Every dol lar contributed to the fund has done Cut Your INK OLEOMARGARINE AllSOIATrXY I'l'KK KKKHI STOCK KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Ql'AUTY KIR8T lu full share In carrying happlneaa and comfort to American soldiers. If the donors can 'receive as much pleasure as the recipients and they should the contributors to this fund should be happy indeed. NEW MBOU FINALLY USING SECRET BALLOT Santa Fe. N. M., Sept. 29. New Mexico voters will use the secret Australian ballot for the first time at the special election November 6. when the' prohibition amendment, one creating a ninth Judicial ' dis trict and another providing no coun ty, city, town, village or school dis trict, shall make levies In any one year which will produce in the ag gregate tore than five per cent In excess of the total of the proceeding year. The Australian ballot law was passed at the last session of the state legislature. CALIFORNIA U. WILL TEACH ADVERTISING San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 29. Having made a success with Its I journalistic ilnsses, the Inlverslty of California now intends to Instruct in the art of advertising writing. A room has been secured in the city hall here, and lectures on all phases of advertising from the short, snappy streetcar legends to the long, involved machinery advertisements will be given. Color advertising will also have an Important part In the curriculum of the course as will the use it the moving picture screen as an advertising medium. (Continued from page 1.) the life of anyone else. But If he will take no useful or efficient part In helping in this war, In running his share of the common risk and doing his part of the common duty, then treat him as having forfeited nis right to vote, his rii'ht to render . the polls any decision which In the long run can only be made good in the face of brutal and hostile men by the ability and willingness of good citizens to back right with might." "Such a man," Mr. Roosevelt In sisted, "who claims citizenship but Is not willing to perform the ne cessary duties, is not entitled to any of the rights of citizenship saying: "Service to the nation In war stands precisely on a footing with any other service. If a man will not perform It, let him lose all the benefits of war and at least let him lose the political rights which a free country can keep only if Its free citizens are willing to fight for them.' We stand against all privilege not based on the full performance of duty; nr.d there Is no more contemptible form of privilege than the privilege of existing In snug, self-righteous peaceful safety because other, brav er, more selt-eacririclng men give up safety and go to war to preserve the nation. If a 'man is too con scientious to light, then the rest of us ought to be too conscientious to let him vote In a democratic land which can permanently exist only If the average man Is willing in the last resort to fight for It and die for It." Mr. Roosevelt said that any work lngman today, whether he be on the farm or In the shop, who supports Germany, "Is not only playing the part of a traitor to the United States, but Is playing the part of Butter Bill traitor to the whole spirit of dem ocracy throughout the clvlllied world." The speaker asserted that the M clallMt party and the Industrial Workers of the World organisation In this country had been the tools of Cermnn autocracy and the enemies of liberty. A plea for universal military ob ligation whs made by Mr. Roosevelt who said the selective draft system Is wrong "because It choose out one man to make the sacrifice and do the work of two or three other men who are allowed to stay at home and make money, while the first man risks his life for their common coun try." The officers training ramps were also crltlclied by Mr. Roosevelt be cause he said "they hnve beet, so conducted that only men of some means could go thither or send their ; sons." He wild they done admirable work but thin fe&ture mi eh t to be rcme- I died so every man who Is a respect- ! I able man and who has sons of tne right type, could feel that those sons: had an equal chance to become offi cers with any man In the land. NEW TOIY iVl,'.silKIED AD RATKS. 2f nurds, two issues, 25c; six Issues, 50c; one month, 11.50, when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, 5c per line per Issue.) FOR KENT "Hull" house In Tokay Heights, also five room house on North Tenth street. Cheap. Both have good wells. II. II. Allyn. city hall. 7t) Fl.'KRIST Yes there Is a furrlst in town. Bring your old plush couts, muffs and furs to Mrs. W. R. Swonp in the balcony at Firth's store and have something attrac tive and durable made from them. Also the making up of wild ani mal furs. Work guaranteed. Here till October 10 only. 77 PEARS for canning, butter and pre serves. 731 South Eighth street, phone 231-J. tf WANTED One ton of Italian prunes. Inquire 818 East I St. 71 FOR SALE or trade, two seated sur rey In good condition. Will make good bargain.- Apply 769 South Sixth street. 71 JOS. MOSS AGENCY Fire Insur ance, plate glass liability Insur ance. 204 Sixth street. tf INSURANCE Any kind, best of companies. L. A. Launer, real estate. tf FOR RENT Conklln properties. Offices in Conklln and Albert buildings. Furnished house K street between Second and n.Ird. Two store rooms on E street be tween Fifth and Sixth. R. K. Hackett. 74 WOOD CCTTER3 W A NT E i Steady Job, good pay. Inquire No. 1872 care Courier. 74 FOR SALE Alfalfa at market price. Inquire at 506 South Sixth street. 69 WANTED Elderly lady wants one large or two small unfurnished rooms. Address 1856 care of Courier, or phone 204-R. 6 WANTED TO RENT Four or five room furnished house on north side. Must be modern. Phone 210-R. 70 IX)8T In Grants Pass, a moss agate locket, heart shaped, with gold chain and mountings. Finder re turn to Mrs. Eclus Pollock and re ceive reward. 70 FOR SALE Household furniture. Phone 314-J, or call at 239 West G street. 71 WANTED Three husky swampers for Bonis; wages $3.50 per day. ' M. C. Anient, 634 North Elghtb street, phone 252-R. r,'. A classified ad bring results. Hcrkeley, Cul., Sept. 29.--When the average city sets about Improv ing Its st reels, It has no quarter (or old landmark! thai happen to .stand In the way. Hut not this place. The battered old bench that used to set In front of one of the electrli railroad depot ou the mnln street has survived a very iet J nn I tie elded Improvement of 'lie treei. ami hits been tenderly deposited In a sheltered place nearby. The reason Is that the old bench was used for years by aged men, who used It to sun themselves while they discussed local and national proli lent. Town wiseacre dubbed them the -,I Remember When" rlub. When the bench waa threatened the "I Remember When" club got busy. Other landmarks fell like snow mounds before the sun, but the bench remained. 'S COUNCIL TO ASSIST HOME AGENT On Wednesday afternoon Mis Anno McCormlck. the recently ai pointed agent In household ecotiom lis for Josephine and Jackson conn tli-s. called a meeting In the number of (or.tii-er-e rooms of the repr.n tatlve of women's clubs In lirrnti. Puss and of tho grunge thrumhi"it the county. Representatives were pre.ieiu from tho Parent-Teacher asso. hit'ou 'I be Society of Arts and Crafts, Pomivi.i granite, Rogue River, P.v.ioit an,' Frp'tdalo granite. The object of the meeting was t.i h:tv" appointed one per.mii from every community In the county to serve on the adv!vry conn II -- the iln.les of the member of this coun cil to ;.e the lepi.rUng to Ml Mc Cormlck of any need for assistance In their community and to make the Arrangements for lecture and dem ontratlons. Miss McCormlck will spend the first 10 days of each month In Jose phine county, making her head quarters at tbo offlro of the ronnty agent, C. O. Thompson. (OMINO KVEXT8 4 Sept. 29-30, Suturday and Sunday C. E. district convention at Ash land. Oct. 4. Thursday Grants Pass Irri gation District bond election. Telegraphed to tho Grants I ass Fruit Association. New York, Sept. 29. California Bartlctts, $3; California llowells. $2.57: Washington Bartlctts. $2.58;Oregon Bartletts, $2.93; Ore gon Howclls, 12.07; Colorado An ions, $3.f.0. FALL OU WIXTKK THK lltKAL ail MKNT I'Oi: OUT OF DOOKH PKOl'LK IS THK J A N T Z K KWKATKIC. It's tho nutiiie;it tliuf alvvuVH flt'i fl'id wear forever. You'll like It very much. IIKST HKAI.KHS CAItHY JANTZKX If Mi LM lit) inatt.p how well it looks when first put on, tho fa.-t rciiiaiits that when a suit "settles" it loses its iroiiftl-falsf-foiiii ami eaves in hen1, lav iIm-iv ai'l wrinkles somewhere rlt Our rhieao tailors. ED. V. PRICE & CO. will tailor vniirsait ami oven-oat to tinier at tin- ' A I piiee you pay uv ine "store-lio.s' ki.iil; it will not lie "just, as ptotl"- if will Im- so llllieli hotter in lit. tfyle ami imlix itlualiiy that eoinpariso. . Ill ' .' ii.i iossililt. 1-''! ! :ie Jil'iee is rea- ii .tl'le. Geo. 1 Caihoun ;; ; street I rants l'.i.v. Ore. Kxelusivt- Loral Dealer T FiiriiMiwI by W. K. Ilnnson of Grants Pus Abstract Co. Keptein'uer 27. 1917. TrBnxfem C. C. Presley to Miles Mclnlyre. W. I)., 2 A. In Sec. 13-K-n, $l.nou. George Tarter to John II. Taylor, W. D., S'i of SK'-i and HW of Comply with the law and use printed Butter Wrappers AceortliUK to the ruling or the Oregon I'uliy and Food Commission nil dairy butler sold or evpiiM-il fur mi In In this stnte must be wrapped In butler paper upon nblt'h U printed the words "Oregon Dairy duller, 1(1 (or ounces full weight," Willi the name mid udilress ot the msker. To enable patrons of tbo Courier lo enxlly comply with the ruling this ofllco will supply stiindmil nl.e iintl welulit butter paper printed with iqierlal wnlerpioof Ink, nod delivered by parcels post, at the follow kg ,i lv: . I (Ml Sheets, 10 or il'i ounces .iin 200 Sheets, 16 or 2 ounces :00 Sheets, 10 or B2 ounces 1.7(1 .KM! Sheets, 10 or ounces -J. Ill Kxlra charge for sMelt designs, S-nd orders by mull accompanied by the u lee n fllxive and paper will be promptly forwarded to yon by parrel post, prepaid. We use the best butter pnper obtainable, and our work msnMiip Is of the beat. Rogue River Courier Crania Puss, Oregon - Straight Facta on Tailoring Why wear I lit- tiiluT til low's riot lit's f Why not Ik- lilt' model fol' Volll' own clothes i lloW many iiifii !' you know who look l iyjit in remly iiKtilf t-lothiru t Jt was not ipatlo l"i ('will, ami ".-to m fcW'n. ' . :..;.:.;. 5i :o. I.. I'. T imer tn Sit: .ill A. Carpen ter. W. 1, lu. 7, U.K. "F" Miller ft Co.'s New Addition. H.JU0. Ml'iln I, K in Ions Jioi.es l'r. mi !lr !ii!!r ami Itrd llird In .aimIi' I In m i ii J. T. St- vens uiid M. II Stevens ' on Celo Copi er and H,iiy Copper miner In Sunw t'iek illMtrlct. Anything to Ml' Try a c!aslflid. Job work nt tl t'o.irter. 4 n i i 1