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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1917)
riai rocs DAILY IMsQUC RIYEn'cOl'lUKH MOXMAY, HKPTKMHKIl 91, IttlT. OF It The City's Popular Waist Department Offers New Popular Price Waists Tomorrow The popular price blouses we have been selling have caught the popular fancy-arid we dare say many women are better off today -who have bought these waists freely-for the saving is really sub stantial. IT LS XOT AI-OXK THK 1'ltlCK THAT II S MAIK THK WAISTS SO lltPtUAK ITM THKIK TUOKOl (ill KKSIU Villi. ITV AX1 Pl.KASING 8TYI.KM PUS THKIK VKUY WW IMIU'K. New Wirthmor $1 .00 Waists How Good a Waist will One Dollar buy? The Wirthmor is the Answer -here and everywhere WHY ARK WIKTIIMOIIK WAISTS SO l-ol'l I.AK? IH-XAlSK OK THEIll KKFIXEI) PHKTTY 8TYI.KS; THK t'AUK AXI XICKTY WITH WHICH THKY AUK MAIK; AXI HKCAIKK THKY AUK PKUKKIt' KITTXIG. Sold Here Only W of dew (Mif& SENT 10 RED CROSS The Chamber or Commerce In In receipt "f not from mom bar or the laat roup of recruits who breakfasted In ihU oily, rending: "Kn Koute lo rnii Uli, Sept. tl, 1917 Chamber or Commerce, Grants Pass, Oregon. We, the boy of Liberty army of district It, Los Angeles, extend our thanks to the people of Grant Pass, OrtKon, (or tlmlr kindness lo ua on our way to Camp Lewis." I FER52N1L 5 LOCAL : i Mrs. H. B. Calhoun, of Merlin, was in tbe city today. Rev. S. A. Douglas went to Cor vallls today to attend the dedication of the Baptist church. Williams Talc Powder. Sabin has it 64 , Mr. and tfrs. W. H. Bates, Mountain View, Cat., arrived Sunday night to Tlsit the P. L. Warren fam ily. Sirs. Bates Is a sister of Mr. Warren. A fine selection of ladies' coats lust arrived. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. tf Mrs. H. Miner returned Saturday night from an extended visit with friends and relatives at Redding, Cal. C. A. Grove, a former resident of Grants Pass, arrived here Sunday night from Los Angeles and is vis iting with his brother-in-law, J. D. Drake. ' ' Mrs. B. G. Hall and two children, of Richmond, Cal., and Mrs. II. P. Cahlll, of Hugo, were in the city this morning. R. V. Root, of Merlin, left here this morning for Yreka to Join the Siskiyou county group of drafted men, and will go north with the regular troop train. G. F. Htnton arrived this morn ing from Grand Junction, Col.)., where he has spent the past live months, and will return to Holland, where he has mining interests. Two cut-off men at $4 a day with '25c bonus per day by staving until January 1st. "Algoma 'Lumber Co., Al??oma, Oregon. " 67 Among the Grants Pass people in attendance at the fair on Friday were Mrs. E. Davis, E. E. Allen, Alice E. Allen and 'A. W. Robertson. 'Mail Tribune. Mrs. David Devall and Mrs. X. J. Barnhart came over from Crescent City Sunday and left south this morning, the former going to Ragle Point and the latter leaving for Kansas City. Mrs. C. R. Williams, of Grants Pass, is visiting at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. A. B. Williams and family. Mrs. Williams is on her way home to Grants Pass after a summer trip in Utah and California. Mall Tribune. New wool sweater coats Just One for cool days. Mrs. E. Reh kopf. ' 61tf More Recruits Tomorrow The third contingent of recruits to be served breakfast by the local Red Cross, Is expected tomorrow morning. The same arrangements as to service which prevailed in the drat two Instances, will obtain. Salvation .Army Meetings Commandant and Mrs. Oldenburg, of Walla Walla, Wash., will conduct special meeting at the Salvation Army hall, 513 E street, beginning Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, and continuing for the remainder of the week. Everybody welcome. Dr. Bywater Out of City Dr. Bywater, eye, ear, nose and throat surgeon, will be out of the city until October 1st. 69 Iteturning to College Miss Dora Birchard and Miss Helen Hair left this morning for Eugene to take up their college ou tlet at the L'niverslty. These young ladies are members of college fra ternities and their duties at their college houses require attention sev eral days before the opening of the university. Pierce Gets Goat Premiums F. A. Pierce, of Days Creek, took a number of bis long-haired goats t'i the California state fair at Sacra mento, and made a clean sweep of nil the prizes offered by the fair in the department of goat exhibits. Al together Mr. Pierce took 14 prizes on goats. Mr. .Pierce also sold a r.':;nber of his high-bred goats, one to a South Amerifiin breeder. Mr. Pierce was formerly a goat breeder In the .Merlin section. Caves Are Written t'p Sunday's Oregon Journal contain ed a two-column article on the fa mous Josephine caves from the pen of Clement W. Ausman, who visited the caves In company with the au tomobile excursion a few weeks since. Kastern HUr HneriaJ A special meeting of the Eastern Star will foe held tomorrow night, at which time the grand worthy ma tron, Mrs. Una C. Mendenhall, will make her official visit. A large at tendance Is desired. Busy Hohart Visits Coast C L. Hobart, proprietor of the C L. Hobart company of Grants Pass Ore., vUlted here this week. Mr Hobart Is a very busy man In Grants Pass and was glad to get a few days rest in our city. The C. U Hobart company has the Ford agency at Grants Pass Crescent City Courier. Women Meet Wednesday Miss Anne- McCormlck, district home demonstration agent, arrived In Grants Pass today and will be in this county until Thursday of this week. Miss McCormlck Is to hold a meeting In the Chamber of Com merce rooms Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and wishes to meet rep resentatives from all women's or ganizations of the county at that time. Crescent City Polka Visit Here Since our last issue .VIiss Gertrude Griffin, Miss Ethel L. Howe, Ca;t. John Luckman and Geo. W. Howe motored over to Grants Pass visltlnj? several of the points of Interest In the Rogue river valley. A very pleasant time was had by the party. While In Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Denlson, of that city, entertain ed them with rides in Mr. Denison'B 1918 Oldsmobile eight. -Crescent City Courier. . . Hand Hook to Delivery Wauon. Through the courtesy of the Grants Pass Delivery company, E. V. Smith, manager, the librarian has arranged for the picking up and de livery to the library or books which citizens are willing to donate for the war libraries at cantonment camps. The wagons of this company will take to the library any books hand ed to them while making their de livery rounds. Here You Are! Get your old mattresses re mndo good us new, so as yon run sleep Kointy. Furniture upholstered and chair repair ing. Auto cushions remade, tops repaired and lights put in. Estimates cheerfully given, R. MILLER 401 North Sixth street, oppo site Court House. Phone 332-R. INDIANA CITY BUYS MUNICIPAL COAL MINE Kvansvllle, lnd Kept. 24 Coal denier here say coal will be more scare this winter If local consumer depend upon them. Hut Kvansvllle consumer don'l fire a linns' Mayor Houses has prom ised to furnish coal from his now municipal mine at a little almvo cost. Ilotlntu for the mine, the first city owned In the country, are about completed. The mine Is located Just above Chandler. Ind., 12 miles north west of the city. Loral iionlivj havo their out put fed up In Iron bound contractu with concerns In other cities. They rlalm local consumers have always boycotted them, and used cheap non i union cnnl from other cities. There I ford. they do not Intend to break ! outside contracts to keep KvansvMe from freezing. Mayor House wants to make sure the citizens get coal at a fair price So he started his municipal mine, which will cost at least $1110. Ono. The mayor Is going to build It with his own money then sell It to the city to he operated by the water works department. The mine will lie sold to the city at cost plus six per rent Interest on the ordinal Investment. Just now the city couldn't take over the mine, but its charter and the In dlna laws do not permit city to operate Its own coal mine. But flosses declares he will fight for new law to permit municipal operation of the mine. In the mean time he Is going ahead to get the new mine running. Ijw or no law the people must have coal. Is his stand. The mine will produce 1,000 tons of coal a day. It will have the most modern equipment. Coal will be shipped to the city on a traction tine and a railroad. Municipal coal yards will be established on each or these lines In Evansvllle. The coal will be sold at wholesale and retail at a slightly above cost. The city will arrange to haul It to the house of the buyer. An Arabian Titbit Cheese today Is not common among tbe Bedouin Arabs, butter being pre ferred. There Is a substance closely corresponding to cheese mentioned In Samuel. This consists i f coagulnted buttermilk, which Is dried until It be comes quite bard. It Is then ground, and tbe Arabs eat it mixed with butter. Tie Is twice a cnniUerir who can restrain himself In the hour of victory. Crus. envelopes at tbe Courier. NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, 50c; one month, $1.50, when paid In advance. When not raid In advance, 5c per line per Issue.) HIGH-GRADE Holstoln cow, regis tered, with 2-months-old bull calf for sale. Address Win. Kayser, Merlin, Ore. (!9 lST Between North Ninth street and post office, broach. Finder, leave at Courier oflicc, reward. i'i FURNISH KI) 5-rooin cottage for rent. Inquire G. P. Jestf, at Grants Pass Hanking Co., or phone 168-11. fiUf Joy Tonight rutins Pictures Presents George Behan In HI greatest French char acterization in "THK HOXI IIKTWKKN" JJ and 1.1c Good Caps ! Ollt CAP MllH'k KIIOWM AM. TMK XKW AMI MIGHT f.M'H UK. HUJXKM TO MKKT KVHIV UK OriltKMF.XT. CAP KOIt NT It Kid' WK.IH, KOH TMK VU HMt NNMtMV MI.H WKATIIFM. KT 65c to $2.50 AI.W.WN II AVF A 4.Mk WHKItK YOl CAX LAY U It II VNIW OX IT IX A MOMKXT. GRANTS rVVM. OREGON C1RISCO Han nilvsnceil Hirer, times In ihre weeks. We run si III supply )u at the old price. Small size 45c, Medium 90c, Large $1.70 THE BASKET GROCERY 417 G St. WEEK'S FORECAST PREDICTS STRAHQRN RAILROAD Pacific States: Pair over southern and occasional rains over northern districts; rising temperature In val ley or California after Sunday COMING ETBXTf 4 Sept. 29-30, Saturday and Sunday C. E. district convention at Ash land. Oct. 4. ThursdayGrants Pass Irrl Ration District bond election. Calling cards at the Courier. Klamath Kails, Sept. 24.--Grad-In u on the new Htrahorn railroad, running north from this city. Is prac tically completed to the Corpenlnrt property near Olene, a distance or 12 miles rrom this city. Kails have been laid for the first two miles, A 2,000-yard siding has been com pleted on the outskirts of the city. Delay in the shipment or material has handicapped construction work. A few Grant Pass pennant at 29e each, 8 for SO. Put one on your ear. nf I I 1 1 NIVERSAL CAR cars have service Iihh WHKRKYKK Kord pioneered. Kuril kept (Mice. It Is Hie factor lreiiKliens the iwrmmnl relation be tween Ford owners and tlfo Com pany. To jtcj the hest possible hci vice from your Vortl vur, IiI'Ihk l "ere when It needs attention ami got the benefit of Kord supervision tliroiiKhout. Wo use the kciiiiImc I 'ord parts and Rive yon I lie bene fit of the i-cKiiliir standard Ford prices. Touring Car $:lo, llutmbout $!Mfi, Sedan fom, Coupelct ' $5011, Town Car nn nil f. . ,, ,.m,M. On display and for sale by C. L. HOBARTICO. OUA XTH PANS, OIIKOO.V