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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1917)
. MOMtAY, HKITKMHKII 84, lIT. . DAILY HOOVU JUVKR COIRICJ. PAGE THREE. Let Electricity Save You Lalibr and Money CHURNING;. CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY 108-J 623 G STREET, SCHOOL I't'lll, I'J'IK lit, Tlllltfl ClIuT Sllliilil Sllpplle", Demaray s starry Ire MAHOMC TEMPLR, OltANTH PASS SHASTA MINER TAKES E (lolil Hill, Oro., Sept. 24. (Spo-rliiU- Tliii llnrron gold mine, on old-time producer or noil I tier n Oro Kiin, which has boon Involved In an cHtnio for a number of years Ihih been sold to Harvey J, Sallce, a prominent mlnn operator of Shasta county. Cul. Tlio new owner litift beeu negotiating with t ho former owners, the llyron N. While vtntn, am George W. Jlurron of Ashland since tho year of the 8oottl fair for Its purchase. The property Ilea nine in I leu east of Ashland within two miles of the Aahland-Klnmath Fall highway. The vein la 16 foot wide, la aiuulter proportion, rich In gold, alaa carrlr sllvor and antimony In OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM SEPTEMBER 24-29 Auk local agent : John M. Sniatt, Oonoral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific , Lines GRANTS PASS. OREGON lliKilm for l In grailm ami (hn II lull HIiih) mm tin wile. BOOKS pavlm quantities,. The liinln work on the mine consist of a 7iiO-foot drift ul lepth of i!(Mi feet, wllli a wlnre extending M) feet deeper. A car loud of machinery anil tools liau arrived, and work linx lonuiienrrd with 25 men cleaning out tlin old works, with John Ki'inble superin tend! nt. Sixty miners will bo om ploed when the in I la operated. Murli ore la ready for shipment, hav In k been banked up 1y former man agement. The ore will bo hauled to Mistletoe station, and shipped to the btuata county smelter for reduction Believed In Safety Firat Rather t tm rt go bono dry with the atatp Nehni.sUn fanner bought enough bootc to Inst the rent of hi life and built ii special lii)U:-e for It. Hut mi IlKiltiri ki-Ixik It mid lined lilm $UA A classified ad brings results. Agricultural Exhibits. Grand Live Stork Parrule, Harness and Saddle IlornfeH, Rtvnnng and Trotting Races, Hogs, Cattle and roultry, Farm Mnchlnory Bxhlblts, Portland Day, Salem Day, Scandinavian Day, Re formation Day and many other spe cial events. Something of Interest every minute. LOW IMU'NI) TKIP FARES on mile September SOtli to 211th, from all iioIiiIh In Oregon. Kiiml return limit Octoflicr Hid. All trul mi direct to fair grounds. for pnitlciiliiis t --r - ERfRONUNCIATION Nuiiiua of places prominent lo news converted Into English by the New York Times. , Word from Eastern war area Klavonle, lluiiKxrlun and Herman: llrinuiHlierg - llrownslierg. Iluebarniit or llukhareNl llou-ksr- ret. Celt In Je Tzlteen-yeh. Coh Check. D.intslc or Hitnzlg Dunnlk. Dunuzo l)oir-rlid or doo-ruh-iu. Iiilier--Neiipnr. Eplrus Ke-per-nis. Ilor.egovlna llerttse-ito-vee tin h . I vnngorod Ee-van-go-rod. JaniHlaw Va-rna-lov. Jaimy or Yasiiy Ya-sne. Kalliu--Kur-lldz. ' " Kiev or Kleff Keev. KonlifHlieru Kern-cggs-honrg. J l'it '.k UkmU. Minsk Meenx. I'riemynl I'-Jheni-lzle, with Ji liroiioiinri'd as In the French word ,Jlur., I'ullilek -I'ool-loosk, ltmlx! I luff --Itad.i'O-vee-lov. SeraJovo - rfer-ra-Jayvo. 8l(iit.ii or Heutarl Skoo-tah-ree. Slerok -Hee-er-rork. Tarnow or TnriiolT-Tarr-nov. Tarnnpol Tarr-tm-pol, ToiimH7ovtf To-inn-zov, I'swik - t'd-so: k. Vallji'vn or Valvavn Val-ye-vo. Wurthe i"olnh, Warta) Vor-ti-h. Words from wentein war area Frenib end Hernial): Note Much ronfunlon lll be nvolded If II be reineiii'iered that "villn" does not conform to the French rule for the pronunciation of "111" followed by a vowel. It U al ways pronounced "veel" In a short, sharp manner: never "ce-yr" as In 'flllo 'or "funiltle." Allette Aye-let. A 1 1 1 v Aye-yeo. AlHne Alnn. Alx-In-Chapelle V r; ; Dutch, (In Rermnn, Aa Aiken) Aks-lnh' :';; ;'c!:. A i iter Ah-mn-an. A tit' r p fin Spanish, Amberes; In Freaeh Anvera; from "Aap't werp," me'nnln-; "at the wharf.") Avrleourt Av-ree-koorr. Jlnr-le-Hui Bar-luh-dihq. Ilaiipaunie now-powmm. ' I-oudon, Sept 3. tBy mail) Homb-prbofs in office buildings are the latest in London. : Many of the largest office build in H are constructing "dugouts" like the Amorlcan cyclone cellars to pro- . NOTICE TO CO.NTR.ICTOK8 Soaled bids will be received by the state highway commission of the state of Oregon at 1301 Yeon Illdg., Portland, Orosou, at 11 a. u., Sep tember 25, 1917. for grading ap proximately one mile on the Pacific highway between Grants Pass and the Jackson county line In Josephine county. Approximately 5,000 cu. yds. of excavation are Involved. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidder's bond, or certified check for an amount equal to at least five (5) per cent of the total amount of the bid. A corporate surety bond will be required for the faithful perform ance of the contract In a sum equal to one-half the total amount of the bid. Proposal blanks and full Infor mation for bidders may be obtained ut the office of the state highway commission and the state highway engineer in tho state hpuse, at Sa lem, Oregon. Plans and specifications and form of contract may be seen at the same place or may be obtained upon the deposit of jr.. 00. The right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro posal deomod best for the state of Oregon. : STATE HIGHWAY COMMIS SION', STATE OF OREGON. S.' Benson, Chalrmnn. I W. L. Thompson, Commls nloncr. E. J. Adams, Commissioner. Attest: HERBERT NUNN. Stnte". Highway Engineer. Salem, Oregon, Sept. 17, 1917. First publication, Sept. 18. 1917. Last publication, Sept. 25, 1917. APPEARING OF NAMES OFTEN. ... IN DISPATCHES FROM WAR ZONE lleanvais How-vay, Helfort linl-forr. Hnrry-su-Ilac Herree-cMishk. IIoIko-Ib-Huc -llwsh-luhdunq. Iloiiilloa Uoo-jon. FluuloKne lloo-lon-yah. Csinbrsl "Kon-brsys. Chalons Bhalon. Churlerol Hhsr-luhrwsh. ('hHtsuroii tfha-tow-roo. CompelKne Kom-pee-ayn. Crecy Kray-seo. Hljon -r'e-iohn, not dee-yon. Dl x in il d e Doe- m u ti d . Doual ruo-ay, irammont- Uram-mon. (iulse Uncze. Hul'Ahl. Havre Ahvrr. I.n Fere Chainpenolse I.ah-falr-shon-piih-nwahzz. l.aiiKreit T.oyn-al. l.aoii--In. jisnlny l.3h-cen-ee. I,uhn. , llne (In Fr?nrh, I.lcKe) ayn-zh. ' l.ya l.lis. no! lee. LoiiKwy 1,oii-vao. Itiiuvaln - loo-van. Maubeiicn Mow-bnhzh. Mea.ix Mow. Me--he!lii-''Mehh-!ln; In Flemlah. me.'k-llne. Muie Muhz. Mona Mons. MoTiiinlrall Mon-mee-iaye. .v'uuiur Nah-muhr. Nancy--Nnhn-Hoe. Nuiifcliuteau Nuli-ka-tow or nef-sba-tow. OlFe-Wahz. JVronno I'aw-rann. Petit Croi -Ciih-U'e-krwah. Petit Morln Puh-tee-mo-rant. Punt-a-MuuxHon Pon-ta-moo-son. Quatre Dras Katre-brah. Ithi'lms Hancc or ran. Sedan Seh-don. .S )ls5ons--Swah-Fon. i?o:iinic Summ. St. Die San-dee-aye. St. Mlhlel San-niKC-yel. St. (J ientln Snn-kon-tan. Tonre Tenx-r. Valenciennes Vnl-lon-syenn. Verdun Valr-dun. Versailles Ver-slgh-eh. "Vise Vee-Bay. ' Vos ites Vo-ieh. Ypres Ee-pray or ee-pres. Tser Ee-ser. Yvolr-Kev-vwah. ted their employees during air raids. The usual dugout Is a thl-.'k parapet of sand bags in the base ment. On the ground floor above bags of cand a.e piled up three or four feet thick. At the first alarm the ofTire forces are ordered to flee to the cellar, riven If the building collapses the dugout would afford protection. , In one big office building ar rangements are made In the base ment for the entire force of 860 employees with special emergency exits to the bomb-proofs. Other buildings are shielding the elevator shafts to prevent bombs dropping Into the basement and wrecking the structure. ' ' RAILROADS DO WELL Portland, Sept. 24. The move ment to the American Lake canton ment In five days from distances varying as high as 1,500 miles over single track railway systems and through the roughest mountain sec tion of America without interfering with tho regular passenger or freight business, is a record In which northwest railways may take pride. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective June 1, 1917. Dally except Sunday. Train 1 lv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. m. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 8:00 p. m. All trains leave Grants Pass from tne corner of G and Eighth- streets, opposlto the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger rervice call at the olllce of the company, Pub' Ser vice building, or pho' (or samo. Classified f)H MA Li. ANOKL cake 0CT order by phone. No. 110-J. I7tf U. k. C. UHANT LANDS Uluo vriot plat snowing lands la Josephine county, 1. HO. Address A. E. Voorhles, Oraata Pas tf ix)H SALBPoland "China pU (both sei.) Price 40 each Warren O. Mee, Applegate, Ore. C FtHt BALK A xl( tarpaulin good as new, single barnesit never been used, saddle In good'candltlon, , 4-Kal. milk cow Just fresh. House hold goods If you want any. Ad dress W. R. Gregg. Box :0, R. F. D. No. 1. 14 FOR SALE Good rooking and eat ing applea 35c l box, 8 fcoxe for II. Sweet cider 25c a gallon. K. Hammerbacher, phone S06-F-23. (5 PEACH ES FOR SALE Cull peiiheii per lb. Small, lc per lb. Me dium l'ic per lb. Six varieties. Hrlng your boxes. John H. Rob inson, noar Wildcrrllle. 65 STO It jVTl XTIRES for sale Coun ters, scales, cash regUter, show caseji, coffee mill, etc. On : count of other business I am closing out my grocery stock and offer the fixtures at greatly reduced prices. Chas. Morrison, .103 South Sixth str'et. 61 tr FOR SALE Davenport wagon, 135. Will alto give bargain on new Mitchell wagon. Phoue I66-J, or call at 1056 North Ninth St. 60tf FOR. SALE Unlck auto, 4 cylinder. 3 paesena-er, in good condition. ''ht cur, a bargain at $250. Just overhauled. Inquire Ford garage. 64 FOR SALE The Jersey cow known as "Easter," fresh in three weeks, gentle, and a heavy and rich milker, call at Wllford , Alton's place at Sixth street bridge. 64 FOR SALE Medium size ."Cheer ful" heater, with xinc and pipe; foot-power Bcroll saw and turn ing lathe, value, $15, with $6 . holly and maple wocd and pat terns, for $7.50; 20-foat donble end row boat, with pike pole, JS.50. Inquire at Courier or Wll ford Allen's residence. 64 A classified ad bring results. TO KENT FOR RENT 3-rooni house and fine garden spot on river bank, - 4 blocks from Sixth street, at $4 ' per month. Inquire at Chaa. Mor rison's grocery, 503 South Sixth street. 3 lit TlMONT ROOMS i Now undier managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms t 35c and 50c; special rate by week or month; also light housekeep ing rocms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf PARTLY furnished house for rent. Inquire Courier office. 46tf PIANOS, new and aecond-hand for rent or sale on easy monthly pay ments; first year's rent to apply on purchase price. Rowell's music and Photo House. , 76 FOR RENT Furnished Phone 222. houses, tf WANTED WANTED 10,000 customers to ride daily in . Jitney Luke's taxi at 10 cents each. Inquire at The Spa confectionery, or phone 162-R. Country trips a speclal- . ity. 26tf WAITED Plain sewing at . 412 D street. Mrs. F. P. Davis 66 WANTED To 'buy, wire trays for drying, second-hand. Hl& East I street. ' 66 WANTED Box factory helpers at $3 and up. Also machine men at $4 a day with 25 cent bonus. Board only 75c per day. Steady . employment the year round. Al goma Lumber Co., Algoma, Ore. WANTED Sewing at home or by the day, reasonable. Mrs. Mary E. Jones, 301 West I street. 69 WANTED Position as housekeeper by competent lady. ' Ranch home of rellnble person preferable. Ad- - dress 1S27 Courier. .64 WANTED Two-horse hack in good condition. Will be in Grants Pass ' Wednesday ond Thursday. Ad dress 639 North Socond street. Phone 145-L. , I .OS . , LOST Crank Tor Ov iar, re turn to Ben Collins garage and receive reward. 64 Advertising PHYSICIANS I O. CLEMENT. M. D. Practloe limited to disease of the eye, oar. nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 1-1 J, 1-6, or on ap pointment. Office phone, (2; resi dence phone I6-J. , S. LOl'GHRIDGE, M. D.. Physlcla and surgeon. City or country call, attended day or night Resldener phone J6; office phone 1JJ. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. DR. ED. BY WATER Specialist on disease of tho eye, ear. no and throat; glasses fitted. Office Hoar 9 to H a, m,. I to 5 p. m. Phone -Residence 260-L; office 260-J;. Masonic Temple, Grant Pass, Ore. A. A. WITHAM, M. D Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner 81xth and I streets. Phone: Of fice, 116; residence, 2 8 8-J. Hour. a. m. to 4 p. m. IE-TIST E. C. JIACY, D. M. D. Flrst-clas dentistry. 109 Vi South Sixth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. ATTOR.VEY8 II. D. Norton, Attorney-at-law. Practice In all State and Federal. Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO & WILLIAMS Attorneys-. at-Law Grants Pass Banking Co.. Bldg. Granta Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practlc In all courts. First National Bank. Building. DL'RHAM ft RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple,. Granta Pass Oregoq. W. T. MILLER, uUtorney-at-Law ' County attorney for Josephln County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg O. S. BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Law Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law ! Practice In state and federal courts. 'Rooms 2. and 3, over GcMen Rule Store. BLANCHARD & BLANC HARD, At torneys, Albert block, phone 2 3 6-J Practice in all courts; land ftoarA attorneys. VETERINARY 81 HGI0O.Y ; DU. R. J. BESTl'L, Veterinarian. Office in Winetrout Implement Bldg. . Phone 11 3-J. Residence Phone 305-R. DRAY AGE AM) TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly don-.. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight: depot. A. Shade, Prop. F.C ISHAM, drayage and transfer Safes, pianos and furniture moved . packed, shipped and stored. Phones Clark and Holman, No. 50. Resi dence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone-397-B, ASSAYEK8 E. R. CROUCH Assayer. chemist, metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Hall Building, Grants Pass. . CAMPING RESORTS . GASQUET RESORT At the edge of the redwoods, accommodatloaa for tourists, hotel $2 per day, electric; lighted camp ground, garage and. accessories, groceries and supplies fishing and hunting. E. R. Price, Propr. 117tt MdSCELLANEOrS CLOTHES REPAIRED Mending. and darning neatly done at 411 C St. 36tr MTSICAu INSTRUCTION J. S. MAQMURRAY, teacher of voice- culture and singing. Lessons giveni at home of pupil if requested. Ad dress 716 Lee St. 851tf MISS A LiMA WOLKE, teacher of piano and harmony. St eclat ' coupes given in kindergarten, music. Address 706 North Firth. 6t. Phone 208-L. 75. TAXI SERVICE THE BABY NEEDS a new pair of shoes. Call Jitney Luke Taxi. PUone 262-R. The Spa. tt CHICHESTER S PILLS ., irrv . THK'iNSI 1IHAM. A Ladim! A. vivt.r lfrtirl4Ur I ISvl 1,,t' 'bc'Pr'S Iluin.MiiritmndV laTufca. I'll ' In l"d ! '.;IU amiluAA , r JVij !.. 3i! i;li' liluo Ril l. n. Y SV Tol o no I'lHc Jlnrcfyotii V imp. riiinif !i(l fii.f.., fur VOt . year. irtown.Hr5t,Snr;t. Alws Krlnl lo SOLD SY fWlflG'STS rVERVVKrIR : Letterheads that will please you, at the Courier.