DAILY BOGVI MVEH OOl'IUKB , MOMAY, KMIKMUKUtfl. I wit. PAGB TWO II PnhUehed Dally Except Saturday A. B. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. SKNJ. a SHELDON, fUltor atnrl at the Poatoffio. areata Pm. Or., h second cUm niall matter. APTEBTI81MO RATES Display space, per lnoh. 1 er personal column, per Use 10a luim, per Ub....... I DAILY COURIER I Br mall or carrier, per year.... M.00, h i. 1 w ft il I 07 mtu gr corner, pr nwnvQ..- ,w WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year $1.60 MEMBER State Editorial AaeoclaUon. Oregoa Dally Newspaper Pub. Asm. Audit Bureau of Clrcalatioa. MOMWV, M:iTK..lKK l, 1017. OREGON YVEATHKB .' Weather tomorrow: Fair. cooler. PEACE WANTED The answers of the central powers to the proposal for peace made by Pope Benedict, are not surprising. It was pretty well understood all along that the pope's suggestion was Inspired In central Europe. The whole move Is a play to prepare the home people of those nation,! for a step toward peace without the ac complishments of the alms which their governments have repeatedly stated must be attained before pea e was possible. The kaiser knows that the tide of war has turned. His government re alizes that there Is now arrayed against them a combination of de termined peoples who can never' be conquered. To them It Is a question of obtaining the best possible peace terms and as quickly as can be done without Jeopardizing the mainten ance of power by the present dynas ties. . Both in man power and banking credits, the central powers are nearing' the end of their resources; and realize It. With the United States throwing Into the balance tanking resources nearly equal to the combined reserves of all other belligerent countries, Germany sees nothing but failure ahead. With her, It Is a question -whether that end shall mean utter ruin with a democratic Germany, or a peace which will save to the Hohenzol- lerns a united nation still able to be a serious competitor In Interna tional affairs. The diver campaign Is not pro ducing the expected results. As ship building by the allies is rapidly on the increase, the submarine toll Is weekly showing a decrease. Ger many wants peace; and from now on her internal policies will be marked by adroit attempts to prepare her people for the inevitable result and to keep them In a mood that will permit the holding of a firm hand by the present military bureaucracy. Austria Is probably in worse case than Germany. There is no attempt on the part of the government to disguise the fact that she wants peace. She is facing national dis ruption. An early peace Is her only salvation. Her people ' are begin ning to realize that she Is playing the part of a cat's paw for Germany. So long as the central powers cling to the ambitions of their pres ent rulers, the thing most calcu lated to bring peace is frequent sledge-hammer blows by the armies ' of the allies, such as Halg's men in flicted last Friday near Ypres. Ger man plotting and hypocrlcy may succeed In deceiving her own peo ple, but never the governments ar rayed against her In a struggle for world-wide democracy. . Fresh Vegetables n KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY FIRST If oue could look Into many of the homes of Josephine county these days, he would be Inclined to change the motto of the day to "Do Your Knit." Kor the women are knitting. The order for 1K0 sets or five pieces each to be knitted by the good women of the local Red Cross chapter, means millions upon mil lions of thrusts of the knitting needles; and the work Is under way. There is not a woman In the county who cannot spare a few minutes of oa h day to "Do Her Knit." GOLD IL MINEilS OPTIONED B! TWOHYS (Jold Hill. Ore.. Sept. 24. (Spe cial) The American Exploration company, of Grants Pass, Ore., a Twouy Bros, concern, have taken an option on the Galls Creek M.'A D. company's placer grounds on Gulls creek three miles south of Gold Hill. The ground is being exploited by a small crew of men with J. Mattl son of Grants Pass as superinten dent. Th ;:erils?s conlsti rf I0' a.'res with valuable water rights, and has been mined successfully since the year 1S51 E LI Gold Hill, Ore.. Sept. 24. (Spe cial)' The Pacific States Telephone company, who are rebuilding their toll line through the county to the Oregon-California state line have as sembled five car loads of poles, cook and bunk wagons, and large quantities of supplies at Gold Hill for constructing the line in this dis trict. Construction crews are work ing both north and south of this city closing the gap, which will be com pleted before the first of the year. The new line passes on the south side of Rogue river opposite of Gold Hill, leading up Kanes creek via of the old stage road up the valley. The new route will eliminate all curves and angles, and be safely away from the high-power line which parallels the old route over Blackwell hill and through Tolo. WAR TIME MENU IN Tl Portland, Sept. 24. The restau rants and hotels of this city will try tomorrow to put Into effect the menus requested by Herbert Hoover, food administrator. The menus will undertake to serve war bread and conserve wheat flour, beef, mutton and pork. Pa trons of the dining rooms will be faced with neat little white cards asking them to refrain from order ing white bread on Wednesdays of each week and not to order meat on Tuesdays. In their stead, palatable and nutritious substitutes will be served. Custom Fruit Evaporator We run bundle 'pKl'XKH, PKACIIKS, . h:iih and APPUX Will dry on slimes, or buy outright, puyliijr SK ' to $10 per ton for CVIXS SAVE THE WASTE EISMANN PRODUCTS CO. So. Grants Pass HKKTS, Tl'KMPS, CAHHOTS, HQl'ASU, IWIUt.UlK, CAI IJKMVKIt, ( HWKKT POTATOKS, CKU.HY. CROUP l uennii tucaiypiua uinimwn at au oaua stoats Tueie 860 Jams eoc COURT HOUSE NEWS Furnished by V. K. Hhu.hou of (mnta Pai Abstract Co. Sept. 23. 1917. Transfers Goo. C. Cos to A. J. Com, Q. CI. I)., all In section lti-:iJ-li. Sit). Geo. W. Iloxie to lMstrlct Hourd of Charities of Church of the llrethren, V. 1)., 30 A. In See. t-3!-:., 110. .Mininn LomtluMH V. C. liurch on Tin lude in Gay Duck mountains. E. it. Crouch on NIkIiI Hawk In Gray Hack mountains. C. A. Lockwood. K. T. Thorn and Karle Linn on Blue Jay In Gray Back mountains. DAILY PEAR MARKET :t Telegraphed to the Grants I aaa Ftult Association. .Vew York Sept. 22, Californlas 12.60, Oregon $1.9S, Washington $2.09. Boston California I2.G3; Oregon $1.60. car 1317 $1.63. Philadelphia California $2. SO. Chicago California $2.65, Ore gon $2, Washington $2. Pittsburg Car 55X0 averaged $1.97, car 6092 averaged $1.75. Oregon fruit all too ripe, too long in transit. SCOUTS ASKED TO AID LIBERTY BOND SALE New York, Sept. 24. Boy Scouts of American have been . asked by President Wilson to give their assis tance to the coming second liberty loan campaign. "The gratifying achievement of boy scouts with the aid of their scout masters in obtaining over $23,- 00,000 subscriptions to the first lib erty loan, will serve, I hope, to make their work even more effec tive In the new effort," the presi dent wrote. "My earnest wish is that every scout leader give every boy scout' an opportunity to take a definite part In this practical method of giving expression to his second obligation of service to our coun try." It was announced at the organiza tion's headquarters that the scouts will take no part in the canvass un til the last week, when they make a house-to-house canvass. How It Happened. "How did you happen to quit the stock market?" "Well, my miirRlu not very narrow and I sort of slipped off!"-Tlie r.nmb MAKE APPLE BUTTER AND SAVE EOOD BILL Washington, Sept. 14. -At a final drive on fruit preserving the United Slates department of agriculture urg the waking of home made fruit butters , -, Various fruit butlers recommend ed are apple butler with rider, ap ple butter without rider, apple but ter with grape Juice, apple butter with lemons, pear butter, peach but ter, plum butter, and Garfield but ter made with plums and peaches. With the exception of a good pre serving kettle very little equipment Is needed for the preparation of such butter. There Is no better way to use good a i li'i, says the department, than to make them Into butter. The peeled nml sliced apples may be cooked In the boiled, cider or they may be first made Into apple sauce which Is then cooked In elder. It usually takes about equal quantities of sweet cl der and sliced apples to make but ter of the right consistency. In other words. 2 gallons of sweet elder shuold he boiled down to I gallon. and 2 gallons of the prepared apples sh.mld be niMed to It either un cooked or as apple sauce. Tho to essentials of good apple butter are loii'4 slow cooking- from 4 to hours and frequont stirring. If sugar Is used, It should be added af ter the cooking Is about two-thirds doile. About 1 pound of sugar Is the usual proportion for each gal lon of apple butter, but more or leas n.ay be used to suit the taste. The butler may be s;ilccd with cinnamon, cloves and allspice, or with any one of the three, the spices being stirred in when tho cooking Is finished. While still bulling hot tho butter should be packed In storlll.ed glass receptacles, or In stone Jars, wllh thorough precautions ngalnst spo'! Ins wllh any other preserves. illiout Cliler Good apple butter nicy he iiiude without elder. In ; his ei.se enough water Is added to niako a thin ap ple suuee. Ilrown sugar rather than white sugar Is ordinarily used. If a. grape flavor Is desired, It may be ob-j tallied by the use of grnpe Juice In, tho proportion of one pound to each; gallon of the peeled and sliced BP-! riles. There should also be added a. cup of brown sugar and Vi tnaspoon ful salt. When the desired thick ness Is obtained, 1 teaHpoonful cin namon Is stirred in. Pear butter Is made like apple butter without the elder. AERIAL HIGHWAY- IS New York, Sept. 21. The Aero Club of America has named the transcontinental airway from New York to San Kranclsro tho "Wood row Wilson Aerial Highway." and has received the president's approval of the same. It was announced that the plans for making the map of this highway will be considered Immediately by the club's committee on aeronautic maps and landing places, and that various ' governmental, commercial scientific bodies will be Invited to carry out the project as soon us pos sible. The Aerial highway, It is propos ed, In addition to running In a straight line from coast to coast, will have connecting branches extending north and south of the main airway and reaching every Important city from Maine to Puget sound. ONE ADVERTISEMENT WTLI NOT WAKE YOU A FORTUNE, BUT IT WILL SERVE AS A STONE IN THE FOUNDATION OF BUSINESS SUCCESS :: :: LESLIE SALT .supplies -the iastincss rohich codAQtS the bosi flavor out of our cobbing VR1GLEYS gives us a wholesome, antiseptic, refreshing confection to take the place of the cave man's pcbhle. We help teeth, breath, uppctite, digestion and deliclously soothe i:.uuth and throat with this welcome sweetmeat. The Wrilty spearmen warn to sum you their Book of Guni-ptlon. Sent a postal L for It today, Wm. WritlW Jr Co VV 1732 Kcsner Ilulldlnil, Chlco. ?5 ri i, ti Tim. Rmmv f asfsf rK, USE UN pices IN APPLE ORCHARDS Hood Klver, Sept. 24. Apple crowers of this section are plnnnlnit to employ women to a largo extent in pucklng the coming crop. H. I'. rtimliuiu, of the I'nlted States Immigration bureau, said to day; "It should be borne In mind t . 1 1 ; men are scarce,' and, therefore, wi'in-1 The New State Law requires dimming lens on all automobile head-lights. We have the No-Glare, lenses in all sizes. Equip your car before having to pay a fine. C. L. HOBART CO. In Used Cars Enger 40-Five Passenger Overland 81 -Five Passenger Thoroughly overhauled and repaired. Prices right. -FASHION GARAGE 301 6th St. Phone 163 He used a pebble In his day, to keep bis mouth moist WE use 732 S en must ho employed more tlisn Sioirtofore. ' 'You should re onclle yoiirielf to this fin t and liovern yourself ncctirdliigly. I. It s tgarsied that If your hell. Is satisfactory Ibis year you secure their names and addrcs'ars and In vite them to return next year You are !n rinanent himlncM slid your labor problem Is Import-n' nil 4 may lie vital to you next ye'- " Kngraved calling cards 100 cards and piste. In script, $1.50; If piste Is furnished, 100 cards for tl. aims