fritllMY, aKPTKMIIEK Si, 1017 3 TVTO wise man would carry a A glitl which wdild hesitate ' about fcdihji off "when you ' pulled the trigger. You've got td bq able to depend 6ti la gun. 'With cigars-when you put your hand in your pocket, .you want to draw out one you're sure of. We'vt been trying to tell you that you can depend on the mellow ness and uniform flavor of the OWL. Will you do us the favor of testing the OWL? Suppose you invest that nickel today I - THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGAR M.A.CUNST BRANCH OREGON LUMBER FOR WmthlltKtun, Sept. 21.--A circu it issued by the American I tod Cross headquarter, shaking of the urgent need of supplanting the latent and temporary qiiattoi. now occupied by hospital In France, with pet miineiit modern biiHdlm;. ndd: "Ulunl fir trees are now :elng felli il on thn bnnk of the Columbia rler, In Oregon .and Washington, nil hurriedly loaded aboard a ship walling to carry the lumber through the Panama canal lo New ' York, where lo complete portable saw mill will ! taken on, n wvll a other bulldlDK material, before the hli tail ' for France. . . 4 "The American Red Cross now ha more than a doxen bane ho pltala In France, each equipped with at leant SOO bed, and each In charge of 22 phylclans,-two den lists, 65 Red Cro nurses and 160 enlisted men of the medical corps. Additional doctor and nurses have been sent to a number or the ho pltal." A claMlfled ad bring result. CHICHESTER S FILLS IMIU II N.4 ! 1114 hhiiV l-'IW, tMK l trill1 ft), Mil.. frfUi, a..i.i mi if-rririi SOlDUrOktMISlStVfRtW am Pi Hook for the grade ami llio lllith School now on mile. SCHOOL BOOECS Pen, IVuelU. TabU-ta other Nchmil 1M'1I'. Demaray's JtSL MASONIC TEMPLE. CHANTS PASS KERBY OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM SEPTEMBER 24-29 Aitrtoitltural Exhibit. Grand Llv Stock Parado, Hnrnos and 8addle Horse, Runnng aud Trotting Races, t Hogs, Cattle and Poultry, Farm Machinery Exhibit. Portland Day, ftnlum Day, Scandinavian Day, Re formation Dny and many other ape rial event. Something of Interest every minute. i low hound trip kakwh 1)11 Mllfl HoptVlllllOl1 SJOtll ' t SlOttl, from nil point In Oregon. Klnill it turn limit Oi-Mier Brtl. All train direct to fair ground. ' Aak local agent for mitleiilni i John M. Boelt, General FaMenger Agent Portland, Oregon Southern . Pacific Lines Wnv, Richard, who come , to Kerby come week lnc from Mer lin and opened a boot and ho re pair shop here was taken quite ilck on Friday evening and on Saturday evening about I o'clock paasad away. A number of years ago Mr. Richard lived at Ahland and while 'there was engaged la the aw mill bust nan. From Ahland be moved to the vicinity of Rogue River, wber ha met with a misfortune In the mill which made . him a cripple for the remainder of hi Ufa. He came to Kerby and wa J nit comfortably lo cated when death overtook him, HI aon living in Montana, was ilck and not able to attend the funeral ser vice. John Chandler, a son of Mr. Richards, whose home I at the Blue Ledge mine in Jackson county, a prenent at the burial. Mrs. Chand ler also accompanied her husiinJ. Fred Drockley, a grand son of the deceased, and hi wife were preaent for the funeral. . 'Mr, and Mr. Wlttrock were vis itor at Orant Pais on Tuesday of thl week. Mr. and Mr. Max Tuff spent Sunday In Oranta Pas and did not return until Tuesday evening. Word has reached Kerby ,-that Karl Powell who has een an In mate of the lxittertuan hospital at San Francisco for the last three month will soqo receive his dis charge from the hospital and also from the service on account of his Inability to recover from the wound he received while In camp drilling for duty. Earl wa among the first of the Kerby boya to enlist and had been in camp when be wa accident ally ahot In the ankle and assigned to the hospital. - Mr. Anna Coleman, a former member of the ivy Tatting club, re membered the members of the club by sending them a nice box of fine grapes with her good wlnho for tnc members. Mr. J. Q WU1IU made a trip to Orant Pass with Everett Hogue last Saturday. Mr. Willlts visited with the famlllc of T. A. A. Wltham aud Rev. Melville T., Wire. Mia Ida Maurer I now assisting at the Pioneer hotel. MUs Elsie Stlth returned on Frl day from a visit with her sister. Mr. Irvln' Lewis, who lives In Thane, Alaska. Elsie says ahe en joyed the summer Immensely. Judg. Inst frdm hor present apiiearance he had a good time and lived where they have plenty of good Jiving. Hor ocenn voyage and the sea breeics ce'italnly agreed with her. Mr. and Mr. BIkIow have re turned to town from the mlnea. Tom Young ha returned from his summer' work In the mountain. Bum Tvcer la having a few day off now from his work. Mrs. Everett Hogue has been quite sick for two or threa days. youcojifliXVDr BiostddittilyWilh free flowing s1ron,wHhoiii bitterness IN Eugene, Sopt. 11. The University of Oregon school of commerce, of which H. B. Miller i director, ha arranged with tbe war department for a apecial course of six weeks' Intensive training, preparing young men for service In the ordinance de partment of the United States army. The course will begin at the opening of college October 1, and will be re peated In November and January if tbe number registering warrant. Each das will be limited to 50. C. C. Jeremiah ha been detailed by the" war department to take charge of the course. The ordinance department of the army ha charge of tne buying, handling and accounting for the mu nition and military equipment. En llstment is required of all taking the course. - TO BE TAUGHT: 0. A. C. Corvallis, 8ut. 21. The Oregon Agricultural college, In recognition of the Importance of the fruit con ttnn Industry In Oregon, has InniiKurntod a apodal orle of ex. perlmonts In drying, canning, evap orating and juice and Jam maKing, Tho drying of prunes, the making of apple and loganberry Juice and canning f practically all of Ore gon' fruit will receive particular attention. " In addition to the research work the colloge la proparlng to train young men as experts In ' the branches. In the past the college ha had many domanda for such trained men and has been unable to supply them. JEROME PRAIRIE The Jerome Prairie school open ed 'Monday with an attendance of 15. The teacher this year is Miss Gladys C'ahill of Grants Pans. Quite a number attended prayer meeting Wednesday evening at tbe vocational home school. Rcglonald Rotilnson Is attending hlh school In Grants Pass, this be ing his senior year. ' J. C. Morgan and Alvln Tucker are down tne Illinois on a hunting jind camping trip. They expect to remain for several weeka. School opened Monday at the vo- ational home school, the only pupil at present Is Bornlce Tucker. NOTICE TO OOXTRACTOK8 Classified Mm ill aasa SI J I VO sJAlifc. ANOEL, cake io; order by pbona. No. 190-J. S7U O. C. GRANT LANDS Blue print plats showing lands la Josephine county, 11.60. Address A. C. Voorhle, Oraata Paaa ' tf TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Magic Motor Gas, 1 quart q'uals (0 gal lon gasollna. Guaranteed by Auto Remedy Co., Cincinnati, O., and Magic Salaa Co., Minneapolis. Beware of ImlUUona. Inquire Chaa. Mee, Ajplegate, Ora , and M. Clemens,' Druggist, Grants Pass. ' ' ' . '' ' . "ii FOR SALE Poland China (both sax.) Prica $40 Warren D. iMee, Applegate, pigs each Ore. DR. ED. BY WATER Specialist oa disease of the eye, ear, nosa and throat; glasses fitted. Office Hours to It a. m,. 2 to 6 p. m. Pfconea Residence 260-L; offlea 2KJ; Maaonie Temple, GranU Pass, Ora. TEAM HORSES for sale, In good condition, weight about 1,050 each, wagon and harness. All for $100 cash. .Clifford Costaln, $06 West I street. 63 A. A. WITHAM. M. D.. Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of- lice, 116; residence, 2 8 8-J. Honrs, $ a. m. to 4 p. m. FOR SALE -A 0x16 tarpaulin good aa sew, single names sever been nsed, saddla In good candltlon, a 4-gaL milk cow just fresh. House bold goods If -you want any. Ad dress W. R. Gregg, Box 20, R. F. V. No. 1. 64 FOR SALE Good cooking and eat ing apples 35e a box, 3 boxes for $1. Sweet cider 25c a gallon. K. Ham merbacber. phone 606-F-23. ' . 65 PEACHES FOR SALE Cull peaches He per lb. Small, lc per lb. Me dium lHc per lb. Six varieties. Bring your boxes. John H. Rob inson, near Wlldervllle. " 65 8TORE FIXTURES for sale-'-Coun ters, scales, cash register, abow cases, coffee mill, etc. On account of other business I am closing out my . grocery ''stock ..and offer Jhe fixtures at greatly reduced prices. Chas. Morrison, 50$ South Sixth street. 61tf TO RENT FOR RENT J -room bouse and fine garden spot on river bank, 4 block from Sixth street, at $4 per month. Inquire at Chas. Mor rison's grocery, 503 South Sixth street, v . . $Uf TREMONT ROOMS i Now nndr managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at 85c and 50c: special rates by week or month; also light housekeep Ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf ILL LOADED FREIGHT CARS GET PREFERENCE Sun Francisco, Sept. 21. I lie Southern Paolflo freight department has announced that eastern rnll vouda, In order to handle the forth coming grain crop aa expeditiously am pomilble, have determined to give all ear loaded to 110 per cent or better of their ruled capacity, right of war oVor othor, oar," They alo plan to. chaniie tho policy of furnUh Inir cars on demand for one which Sealed bldB will lie received by the state highway commission of the state of Oregon at 1301 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon, at 11 a. m., Sep tember 25. 1917. for grading ap proximately one mile on the Pacific highway between Grants Pass and the Jackson county line in Josephine county. . ADuroxlraately 5,000. cu yds. of excavation are Involved. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidder's bond, or certified check for an amount equal to at least five (5) per cent of the total amount of the bio. A corporate surety bond will be required for the faithful perform ance of the contract In a sum equal to one-half the total amount of the bid. Proposal blanks and full Infor mation for bidders may be obtained at the office of the state highway commission and the atate highway engineer In the state house, at Sa lem, Oregon. .. r . . . Plans and specifications and form of contract may be soen at the same place or mry be obtained upon the deposit of $5.00. ' The right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro posal deemed best tor the state of Oregon. , 8TATE HIGHWAY COM.MIS' . SION, STATE OF OREGON. S. Benson, Chairman. W. L. Thompson, Commit eloner. R. J. Adamsi 'Commissioner.: Attest: HERBERT NUNN, State Highway Engineer. Salom. Oregon, Sopt. 17, 1917. First publication, Sept. 18, 1917. Last publication, Sopt. 25, 1917. PARTLY furnished house for rent. Inauire Courier office.' 46tf PHYBICIASS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Prattle limited to disease of tbe eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-11, 2-6, or oa ap pointment. Office pbona, $2; res dene pbone 359-J. . S. LOUGH RIDGE, M. D.. Physlciaa and surgeon. City or country call attended gay or night Resldancs phone 869; office phone 182. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. DENTISTS E. C. 21ACY, a M. D Fintria dentistry. 109ft South Sixth street, GranU Pass, Oregon. ATTORSEY8 H. D. 'Norton. Attarnar-at-ta Practice in all 8tate and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg, COLVIG ft WILLIAMS Attorners. at-Law GranU Pass Banking CO. Bldg. GranU Pass, Oregon. ( ,' E. S. VAX DYKE. Attorney. PnrilM in all courts. First National Bank, Building. 1 DURHAM ft RICHARD. Attorney t-M?.. Office. .Masonic Tempi. GranU Pass Oregon. W. T. MILLER, (Attorney-at'LaW County attorney for Josephine County. Office: SchaUhorn Bldg. O. 6. .BUANCHARD.AUorney-at-Lew Grants' Pasa Banking Co, Bldg. Phone 270.. Grants Pass, Oregon V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law Practice In state and federal courts. Rooms 2, and 3, over Golden Rule Store. BLANCHARD A BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block, phone 236-J Practice in all courts; land board j attorneys. , VCTERISARY 81RGEON DR. R. J. BESTIX, Veterinarian. Office In Winetrout Implement Bldg. Pbone 113-J.. Residence Phone 305-R. PIANOS, new and second-hand for rent or sale on easy monthly pay ments; first year's rent to .apply on purchase price.: Rowell's music and Photo House. 76 WANTED WANTED 10,000 customers to ride dally in Jitney Luke's taxi at 10 cents each. Inquire at The Spa confectionery, or - phone 62-R. Country trips a special ity. Mtt WANTEDFlain sewing at 412 D street. Mrs. F". P. Davis '. 66 WANTED To buy. wire trays for drying, second-hand. SI 8 East I street. 6? niUYAGB-AXI) TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. AU kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. SUnd at freight depot. A. Shade. Prop. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clark and Holman, No. 50: Resi dence phone 124-R. . " THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch ' Bros. Transfer Co. Phone .- 397-R. , i ' :'. ASSAYERS E. R. CROUCH Assayer, chemist metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Hall Building,' GranU Pass. CAMPING RESORTS Ml'SICAu INSTRUCTION J. S. MAOMURRAY, teacher of voice culture and singing. Lessons given at home or pupil if requested. Ad dress 716LeeSt- ' 85Jtf mTsS AUMA WOLKE, , teacher ot piano and. harmony. . - Special courses given ' In ; kindergarten music. "Address 706 North Fifth St. Phone 208-U 75 TAXI SERVICE THE BABY NEEDS a new pair of shoes. Call Jitney Luke , Taxi. Phone 2A2-R. The Sua. '. tf The Old Order Pasth. What has become of tho old fashion ed man who was about to solve the problem of patpt'tnal motion T - j And whore In the old fashioned wo- wlll roaulre the shipper, to state the ,.,. who wore glove that reached tonnage they wish to hli and leave 'mily halfway to the end of her tlugersT It to the lullroad to . aupply ' the1 Can nuybody furnish Information carrying capacity therefor. , coiiccrnlng wl.eronlKmts , of the oM ' " . 1 fuHlilnned boy who wo mltleii which , V . .."",,, . ', wore fustcned to a long trlugV-CUi Letterhead thai will please ynit, at Herald ' . " ' .tk faurtar,.. .... , , . . , ... 4' ,.',.l'1,.,., GASQUET RESORT At the edge ot the redwoods, accommodations for tourists, hotel $2 per day, electrlo lighted camp, ground, garage and accessories, groceries and supplies fishing and hunting. E. R. Price, Propr. 117tt MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHES REPAIRED , Mending and darning neatly done at 411 O 8t. 36tf The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company j ' . Tlie Bloyale. From the best accounts it appear that the first Meyclc meaning by tbe term n two wheeled machine for, hu man locomotion wiw made lu rrauce Hbout the year 1815. This pioneer inn- bine was a very awkwnrtt nnnir, con- sUtlm? of a couple of heavy ; wooden VliccU of 0Mnl (Unnicter, one oennui the other and Joined together by a Ion Kltuillnnl woiHlen bnr on which the rul er's seat wii fixed, the tnotle ot pro- ulidon lielnK tbe piislilng or tne leei npnttiHt tho ground. Not for fifty yearh win) nnv real pvoKiess mnue. in ' the mnchlno with tbo W tlrl.vlns wheel with tbo little hind wheel wan Invent ed by Mlchaux f Tiii'ls, mid a few years Inter came the "safety," which, with many Improvements, is the ma chine w have today. ' A classified, ad bring result. TOa CARD Effective June 1, 1917. Dally except Sunday. Train 1 lv. Grant Pass.. 1:00 p. Train X lv. Water Creek. 3:00 p,. All' trains leave GranU Pass from tba corner of O and Eighth street, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company. Public Ser-, vie building, or pbon 131; tor am. . J" j A classified ad bring result,